Moultrie Street Improvements. Railroads. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted, that where the right of way or any railway company crosses any public thoroughfare within the corporate limits of the City of Moultrie, such company is to be deemed for all the purposes of this Act as the owner of the property on both sides of such thoroughfare to the extent of the entire width of the right of way, irrespective of the use to which the same may be put or the portion thereof actually occupied by its track or tracks; and where the right of way, or other occupied or unoccupied land of any railway company lies longitudinally along and abuts upon any street or thoroughfare in said city, such company and its said abutting property shall be subject to all the provisions of this Act in the same manner and to the same extent as other persons, firms, and corporations owning property in the City of Moultrie. That whenever the abutting landowners of any street, alley, avenue, or lane of said city petition the City of Moultrie as herein set out, or the mayor and council or said city pass the resolution or ordinance provided for in section 3 of this Act, for the pavement of any said street, avenue, alley, or lane or other public place, where the State, or any of its polito City, Coun- tical subdivisions, is the owner of any property on said street, the frontage so owned is to be counted as if owned by an individual, and shall be likewise treated for the purposes of assessment; and where the State is the owner of the property, the Governor is authorized to sign any petition provided for in this Act, for and in behalf of the State; and where the county is the owner, the chairman of the Board of Roads and Revenues of Colquitt County is authorized to sign in behalf of the county; and where the City of Moltrie is the owner, the mayor of Moultrie is authorized to sign in behalf of the city. Assessment ty, or State. action. Sec. 15. Be it further enacted by the authority aforeLimitation of said, that no suit shall be sustained to set aside any such assessment or to enjoin the said City of Moultrie or its mayor and council from making any such assessment or levying or collecting any such assessments, or issuing Moultrie Street Improvements. such bonds or providing for their payment as herein authorized, or contesting the validity thereof on any ground or for any reason other than for the failure of the City of Moultrie, by its mayor and council, to adopt and publish the preliminary resolution or ordinance provided for in Section 3 of this Act in cases requiring such resolution or ordinance and its publication, and to give the notice of the hearing of the appraisers as herein provided for, unless such suit shall be commenced within sixty days after the passage of the ordinance making such final assessment; provided, that in the event any special assessment shall be found to be invalid or insufficient for any reason whatsoever, the said mayor and council may, at any time in the manner provided New assessfor the levying an original assessment, proceed to cause a new assessment to be made and levied, which shall have like force and effect as an original assessment. ment. Contracts. Sec. 16. Be it further enacted, that the mayor and city council of said city shall have the power and authori- Agency. ty to create between itself and any person, firm, corporation, or governmental agency, division, or department thereof, the relation of principal and agent for the making of any and all contracts for the doing of said improvements, so that the city may authorize any person, firm, corporation, or governmental agency, division, or department thereof to make for it and in its behalf any and all contracts and agreements for the making of said improvements. Said city shall have the right to accept and receive any gift, donation, or contribution Donations. from any source whatever for the purpose of making any of said improvements, and the mayor and council of said city are hereby authorized to use and appropriate any such gift, donation, or contribution, in their discretion either in reduction of any assessments which it Reduction. may see fit to make against said city as its proportion of the assessments for making any of said improvements, or in reduction of any of the assessments which may be made against the owners and their abutting property. Nashville Street Improvements. This act cumulative. Sec. 17. Be it further enacted, that the provisions of this Act shall be deemed and held to be cumulative of and supplemental to the existing law with reference to such improvements in said City of Moultrie, particularly as authorized in said Act of 1913, it not being the intention of this Act to repeal any present or existing laws on said subject relating to said City of Moultrie; but said city, under any future proceeding under and by virtue of said Act of 1913, may, in the discretion of the mayor and council, adopt and avail itself of any of thə provisions, rights, privileges, powers, and remedies authorized in this Act, whenever the provision of said two Acts are not inconsistent with and antagonistic to each other. Sec. 18. Be it further enacted, that all laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved April 6, 1926. NASHVILLE STREET IMPROVEMENTS. No. 25, SECOND SESSION. An Act to amend an Act of the General Assembly of Georgia, reincorporating the City of Nashville, in the County of Berrien, approved August 15, 1910, so as to authorize and empower the City of Nashville, by its Mayor and Council, to establish and change the grade of any streets, avenues, alleys, lanes, sidewalks and other places in the City of Nashville, and to improve the same by paving, macadamizing, and draining the same; to provide for the procedure for such grading, improving and paving, and for making and collection of assessments for the same, and for establishing a loan therefor to provide for the payment of such grading, improvement, and paving entirely or partially by the abutting Nashville Street Improvements. and adjacent property owners on the basis of ten per cent. yearly for ten years; to provide for the issuance of bonds as the City of Nashville by its Mayor and Council, to be known as "Street Improvement Bonds," and for the payment of the same; to provide for the renewal of any such paving and other paving previously laid, and for other purposes. amended. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by the authority Act of 1910 of the same, that from and after the passage of this Act the Charter of the City of Nashville, Berrien County, Georgia, which was approved August 15, 1910, be and the same is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 2. Be it further enacted by the General Assembly of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of Powers. the same, that said City of Nashville, by its Mayor and Council, is hereby authorized and empowered to establish and change the grade of any streets, avenues, alleys, lanes, sidewalks, and other places in the City of Nashville, and to improve the same by paving, macadamizing, and draining the same whenever in its judgment the public convenience and welfare may require such improvements, subject only to the limitations described in this Act. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that whenever the said City of Nashville, by its Mayor and Council, shall deem it necessary to grade, pave, macadamize, drain, or otherwise improve any street, avenue, alley, lane, sidewalk, or any part thereof within the limits of the City of Nashville, said City of Nashville, by its Mayor and Council, shall by resolution declare such work or improvement necessary to be done, and such resolutions or ordinance shall be published once a week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper having a general circulation in the City of Nashville, and if the owners of more than one half of the linear front feet of the land fronting on such improvement and liable to assessment Assessments. Nashville Street Improvements. Ordinance. Separate protests. Petition. Expenses included in cost. to pay for such improvement, on such street, avenue, alley, lane, sidewalk, or highway, shall not, within fifteen days after the last publication of such resolution or ordinance, file with the Clerk of said City of Nashville their protest in writing against such improvement, then said City of Nashville by its Mayor and Council shall have the power to cause such improvements to be made and to contract therefor and to levy assessments as herein provided for. Any number of streets, avenues, alleys, lanes, sidewalks, or other public places or parts thereof to be so improved may be included in one resolution or ordinance, but any protest or objection shall be made as to each street or highway separately, except, when treated as one project, as hereinafter provided. Provided, however, that if the owners of the entire linear frontage of land abutting any proposed improvement of any street or part of street, alley, lane, or avenue, sidewalk, or other public place described in such petition, shall petition the City of Nashville, or its Mayor and Council, for such improvement desired, the width of the same and materials preferred by petitioners for such improvement, and express a willingness to pay the entire cost of such improvement, it shall thereupon be the duty of said City of Nashville, by its Mayor and Council, to promptly cause said improve ment to be made in accordance with the prayer of said petition, and in such cases the resolution or ordinance hereinbefore mentioned shall not be required. Provided, however, that where two or more streets running in the same general direction from one continuous way, they may be treated as one street, and the improvement thereof as in this Act provided shall constitute one project and shall be dealt with accordingly as to resolutions, ordinances, or petition of property owners or protest by property owners, or other proceedings. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that whenever it shall be determined, under the provisions of the foregoing sections, that any street, avenue, lane, or alley within the corporate limits of the City |