Perry Street Improvements. Award of contract. Board of appraisers. Report. Objections. notice shall be published in two consecutive issues of a weekly newspaper of general circulation in the City of Perry. At the time and place specified in such notice the Mayor and Aldermen shall examine all bids received, and without unnecessary delay award the contract to the lowest and best bidder, who will perform the work and furnish the materials which may be selected and perform all the conditions imposed by the said Mayor and Aldermen as prescribed in such resolution and notice for proposals, which contract shall in no case exceed the estimate of cost submitted by the City Engineer with the plans and specifications, and the said Mayor and Aldermen shall have the right to reject any and all bids and readvertise for other bids when any such bids are not in its judgment satisfactory. Sec. 8. As soon as the said contract is let and the cost of such improvement, which shall also include all other expenses incurred by the City incident to said improvements in addition to the contract price for the work and materials, is ascertained, the said Mayor and Aldermen shall by resolution appoint a Board of Appraisers, consisting of the City Engineer of said City, Clerk of City Council, and the Mayor of said City, to appraise and apportion the costs and expenses of the same to the several tracts of land abutting on said improvement as hereinbefore provided. Within ten days from the date of the resolution appointing said Board, the said Board shall file a written report of the appraisal and apportionment of such expense and cost to the several lots and tracts of land abutting on said street, alley, lane, or avenue or other public places so improved, with the Clerk of Council of said City in the manner and on the basis herein provided. When said report shall have been returned and filed, the said Mayor and Aldermen shall appoint a time for the holding of a session of Council, or shall designate a regular meeting of the Mayor and Aldermen of said City for the hearing of any complaints or objections that may be made concerning the said Perry Street Improvements. appraisement, apportionment, and assessment as to any such lots or tracts of land abutting on said improvement, and notice of such session for the said hearing shall be published by said Clerk of Council in one issue of any weekly newspaper of general circulation in the City of Perry at least five days before said hearing, and said notice shall provide for an inspection of such return by any property owner or other party interested in such return. The said Mayor and Aldermen at said session shall have power to review and correct said appraise- Review. ment, apportionment, and assessment, and to hear objections to the same, and to confirm the same either as made by said board or as corrected by said Mayor and Aldermen. Assessments in conformity to said appraisement and apportionment as confirmed by the Mayor assessments. and Aldermen of the City of Perry shall be payable in ten equal installments, and shall bear interest at the rate of not exceeding seven per cent. per annum until paid, payable in each year at such time as the several installments of the assessments are made payable each year. The said Mayor and Aldermen shall by ordinance levy assessments in accordance with said appraisement and apportionment as so confirmed against the several tracts of land liable therefor; provided, however, that Interest. the rate of interest to be taxed shall not exceed one per cent. (1%) over and above the rate of interest stipulated in the bonds herein provided for. Payment of Installment Sec. 9. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the first installment of said assessments, together with interest to that date upon the whole, shall payments. be due and payable on the first day of September next succeeding the passage of said ordinance, and one installment with the yearly interest upon the amounts remaining unpaid shall be payable on the first day of September in each succeeding year until all shall be paid; provided, that if such assessing ordinance shall be passed after the first day of August in each year, the first installment of such assessment and interest shall Perry Street Improvements. Payments in full. Lien of assessment. Bond issue. Payment of bonds. be due and payable on September first of the following year. Such ordinance shall also provide that the owners of the property so assessed shall have the privilege of paying the amounts of their respective assessments within thirty days from the date of the passage of said ordinance. The owners of the property so assessed shall be allowed to make payment of their respective assessments without interest within said period of thirty days to the Treasurer of the City of Perry, and relieve their property from the lien of said assessment, which money so paid to the said Treasurer shall be disbursed pro rata between the contractor and the City in proportion to the respective interests. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that such special assessment and each installment thereof and the interest thereon are hereby declared to be a lien against the lots and tracts of land so assessed from the date of the ordinance levying the same, coequal with the lien of other taxes and prior to and superior to all other liens against such lots or tracts, and such lien shall continue until such assessment and interest thereon shall be fully paid, but unmatured installments shall not be deemed to be within the terms of any general covenant or warranty. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the said Mayor and Aldermen, after the expiration of thirty days from the passage of said ordinance confirming and levying said assessment, shall by resolution provide for the issuance of bonds in the aggregate amount of such assessment remaining unpaid, bearing date fifteen days after the passage of the ordinance levying the said assessments, and of such denominations as the said Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Perry shall determine, which bond or bonds shall in no event become a liability of the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Perry issuing same. One tenth in amount of any such series of bonds, with the interest upon the whole series to date, shall Perry Street Improvements. be payable on the fifteenth day of September next succeeding the maturity of the first installment of the assessments and interest, and one tenth thereof with the yearly interest upon the whole amount remaining unpaid shall be payable on the fifteenth day of September in each succeeding year until all shall be paid. Such bonds Interest rate. shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent. per annum from their date until maturity, payable annually, and shall be designated as "Street Improvement Bonds," and shall on the face thereof recite the street or streets, part of street or streets, or other public places for the improvement of which they have been issued, and that they are payable solely from assessments which have been levied upon the lots and tracts of land benefited by said improvement under authority of this Act. Signature and Said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk of Council, and shall have the impression of the corporate seal of such City thereon, and shall have interest coupons attached; and all bonds issued by authority of this Act shall be payable at such place, either within or without the State of Georgia, as shall be designated by said Mayor and Aldermen. Said bonds shall be sold at not less than par, and the proceeds thereof applied to the payment of the contract price and other Sale price. expenses by the said Mayor and Aldermen, or such bonds in the amount that may be necessary for that purpose may be delivered to the contractor at par value in payment of the amount due on his contract, and the portion Disposal. thereof which shall be necessary to pay other expenses incident to and incurred in providing for said improvements shall be sold or otherwise disposed of as the said Mayor and Aldermen shall direct. Said bonds shall be registered by the Clerk of Council in a book to be pro- Registry. vided for that purpose, and certificates of registration by said Clerk of Council shall be endorsed upon each of said bonds. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the assessments provided for and levied Perry Street Improvements. Payments. Account of collections. Notice. Execution. Levy and sale. Title. under the provisions of this Act shall be payable by the person owning the said lots or tracts of land as the several installments become due, together with the interest thereon, to the Treasurer of the City of Perry, who shall give proper receipts for such payments. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to keep an accurate account of all such collections by him made, and such collections shall be kept in a special fund to be used and applied for the payment of such bonds and the interest thereon and expenses incurred thereto, and for no other purpose. It shall be the duty of said Treasurer of Clerk of Council, not less than thirty days and not more than forty days before the maturity of any installment of such assessment, to publish, in one issue of a weekly newspaper published in the City of Perry and having a general circulation in said City, a notice advising the owner of the property affected by such assessment of the date when such installment and interest will be due, and designating the street or streets, or other public places for the improvement of which such assessments have been levied, and that, unless the same shall be promptly paid, proceedings will be taken to collect said installment and interest. And it shall be the duty of said Treasurer promptly after the date of the maturity of any such installment or assessment and interest and on or before the fifteenth day of September of each year, in case of a default of payment of such installment or assessment with interest, to issue an execution against the lot or tract of land assessed for such improvement or against the party or person owning the same, for the amount of such assessment with interest, and said exесиtion shall be promptly delivered to the Marshal or Chief of Police of the City of Perry, or his deputy, who shall levy the same upon the adjoining real estate liable for such assessment and previously assessed for such improvement, and, after advertisement and other proceedings as in case of sales for City taxes, the same shall be sold at public outcry to the highest bidder; and such sale shall vest an absolute title in the purchaser, subject |