
Wadley Street Improvements.

Control of streets.

independent of or in connection with the authorities of Jefferson County having control of the fiscal affairs, the roads and highways thereof, and with the State Highway Department, as is now provided by the Acts of the General Assembly of Georgia, approved August 14, 1909, upon such terms as may be fixed by said State Highway Department, not inconsistent with this Act, and make all contracts necessary in connection therewith.

Sec. 12. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the Mayor and Council of the City of Wadley shall have full and complete control of the streets, alleys, sidewalks, and squares of said city, and shall have power and authority. to open, lay out, widen, straighten, or otherwise change all streets, sidewalks, alleys, and squares in said City of Wadley. Whenever the said Mayor and

Appraisement City Council of the City of Wadley shall exercise the

of property taken or amount of



power herein delegated, and shall fail to agree with the owner or owners of the property taken or damaged, as to the amount of damage, the said Mayor and City Council of Wadley shall choose one appraiser and the owners of the land to be taken or damaged shall choose another appraiser and the two thus chosen, if they fail to agree, shall select a third appraiser, and the three appraisers thus chosen, after being sworn to do justice between the parties, shall fix the damage to the owner of the property caused by the opening or changing of such street, alley, or square; and if the property owner after five days' notice shali fail to name an appraiser, the Clerk shall appoint one for him; and in every case where the two appraisers chosen shall, for the space of five days fail to agree upon the third appraiser, the said Clerk shall appoint such appraiser; Provided, the said appraisers, shall be citizens of said city. The award of the appraisers shall be in writing, and shall be filed within five days in the Clerk's office of the Superior Court of Jefferson County, and shall thereupon operate as a judgment and execution may issue thereon. Either party may, within ten days

Wadley Street Improvements.

from the filing of the award, enter an appeal to the Su-
perior Court of Jefferson County. All costs, including Appeal.
the fees of the appraisers, shall be paid by the City; and
at any stage of the proceedings to condemn, before or
after the final award, the Mayor and Council of the
City of Wadley, may, by paying to the property-owner
all expenses actually incurred by him, withdraw the
proceedings and decline to take the property, or to make
the change in such street, alley, sidewalk, or square.

County liable ment.

Sec. 13. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that when any property of Jefferson County abuts to assessupon any sidewalk in said City, the City of Wadley shall have power and authority to pave, curb, remove or repair the same and assess the whole cost of the same against the county, according to frontage, and when such property abuts upon any street, alley, or way that is graded, paved, or otherwise improved by the said City of Wadley, said city shall have power and authority to assess against said Jefferson County its proportionate part of the cost of such grading, paving, or improving, according to frontage; and the method of collection, in case of refusal to pay, shall be by suit against the County Commissioners of Jefferson County in some court of competent jurisdiction.

of action.

Sec. 14. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that no suit shall be sustained to set aside any such assessment or to enjoin the said Mayor and Council Limitation from making any such assessment or levying or collecting any such assessment, or from issuing bonds as hereinafter provided, or providing for their payment as herein authorized, or to contest the validity thereof on any ground or for any reason, unless such suit shall be commenced within sixty days after the passage of the ordinance making such assessment final; provided that in the event any special assessment shall be found to be invalid or insufficient, either in whole or in part, for any reason whatsoever, the said Mayor and Council

Warsaw Ad Valorem Tax.

may at any time, in the manner provided for the levying of the original assessment, proceed to cause a new assessment to be made and levied, which shall have like force and effect as an original assessment.

Sec. 15. Be it further enacted that all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be and the same are hereby repealed.

Approved April 2, 1926.



An Act to amend the Act of the General Assembly of Georgia, approved July 21, 1921, to be found in Georgia Laws 1921, pages 1122 to 1145, and entitled "An Act to amend, revise and consolidate the several Acts relating to and incorporating the Town of Warsaw in Chatham County, to change the name of said town to the Town of Thunderbolt, to confer additional powers upon the officers of said town, to define and extend its corporate limits, provide for the election of officers and for the qualification of electors, and for other purposes," so as to authorize an additional ad valorem tax for the purpose of paying interest and principal retirements on bonds issued for paving and improving the streets, roads and highways of said town or any part thereof, and for other purposes.

Act of 1921


Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, that from and after the passage of this Act, Section 19 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Georgia, approved July 21, 1921, and to be found in Georgia Laws, pages 1122 to 1145, and having the caption stated in the caption hereof, be, and the same is hereby amended

Warsaw Ad Valorem Tax.

Sec. 19A

by adding to said Section 19, a sub-paragraph to be known as 19 A, as follows: "19-A. Provided However, added. that the said Mayor and Aldermen may levy such additional ad valorem tax, in excess of five (5) mills, as may be necessary to pay the interest and principal re- Additional tax tirements of any duly authorized bonds, issued for the retire bonds. purpose of paving and improving the streets, roads and highways of the said town, or any part thereof."

Sec. 2. Be it further enacted by authority aforesaid, that all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act, be, and the same are hereby repealed.

Approved April 17, 1926.

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