Acceptance of 82nd Division Memorial. PART III.-RESOLUTIONS. RESOLUTIONS. ACTS. Acceptance of Eighty-Second Division Memorial. Binding of Acts of Extraordinary Session. General Assembly Officers Authorized to Remain. Payment of Past-Due Pensions. Printing Fund Deficiency. Relief of Charlie Sharp as Surety. Relief of Tucker et al. as Sureties. Statesboro Normal School; Authority to Borrow. ACCEPTANCE OF EIGHTY-SECOND DIVISION MEMORIAL. No. 1, SECOND SESSION. Resolved by the House, the Senate concurring, that the Governor is authorized: First, to accept in the name of Georgia a stone to be Governor auproffered by the Eighty-Second Division Association thorized. for a memorial to the members of the Division who participated in the taking of Cornay, France, during the World War; Second, to give this stone to the commune of Cornay, France, in the name of Georgia for memorial purposes; and Binding of Acts; Officers Authorized to Remain. Third, to take such steps as he may deem necessary, without affecting the State Treasury, to have the stone transported to Cornay, France, for erecting in the public square as a memorial. Approved April 8, 1926. Binding of Copies separately bound. BINDING OF ACTS OF EXTRAORDINARY No. 7, SECOND SESSION. Resolved by the House, the Senate concurring, that a copy of the Acts of the Extraordinary Sessions of the General Assembly, convened in the year 1926, be bound with the House Journals and the Senate Journals of the aforesaid Extraordinary Sessions of 1926, and that only three thousand, five hundred copies of the Acts be separately bound. Approved April 17, 1926. ignated to re main at Cap itol, for unfinished business. GENERAL ASSEMBLY OFFICERS AUTHORIZED No. 2, SECOND SESSION. Resolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate Officers des- concurring, that the Speaker of the House of Representatives and his Secretary and the President of the Senate and his Secretary, the Clerk of the House of Representatives, and the Secretary of the Senate be and are hereby authorized to remain at the Capitol five days after the adjournment of the General Assembly, for the purpose of affixing their official signatures to all bills and resolutions passed previous to said adjournment; and that they be allowed their per diem for said time. Payment of Past-Due Pensions. committees. Resolved, that the Chairman, respectively, of the Enrollment and Auditing Committees of the House and Chairmen and Senate, together with the members of the Senate enrollment Committees and seven members of the House of the Enrollment Committee to be designated by the Chairman thereof, and two members of the House Auditing Committee, and two members of the Senate Auditing Committee to be designated by the Chairman thereof, and the Chairman of the House Engrossing Committee and five members of the House Committee to be designated by the Chairman thereof, and the Chairman and two members of the Senate Engrossing Committee to be designated by the Chairman thereof, be and they are hereby authorized to remain at the Capitol five days after the adjournment of the General Assembly, for the purpose of bringing up the unfinished business of the session, and that they be allowed their per diem for said time. Resolved, that the Postmistress of the House be and she is hereby authorized to remain at the Capitol five Employees. days after the adjournment of the General Assembly, for the purpose of distributing and forwarding member's mail, and that she be allowed her per diem for said time. Resolved further, that three porters of the House and two porters of the Senate be and they are hereby authorized to remain at the Capitol five days after the adjournment of the General Assembly, and they be allowed their per diem for said time. Approved April 10, 1926. PAYMENT OF PAST-DUE PENSIONS. No. 8, SECOND SESSION. Whereas, the House adjourned yesterday before reaching House Bill No. 34, a bill to provide for the payment Preamble. |