Lowndes County Bond Issue for College. to issue bonds to pave the road to Tybee." If a majority of the electors qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly, voting thereon, shall vote for the ratification of said proposed amendment, when the results shall be consolidated as now required by law in elections for members of the General Assembly, the said amendment. shall become a part of Article Seven (7), Section Seven (7), Paragraph One (1), of the Constitution of this State; and if ratified, the Governor shall, when he ascertains such ratification from the Secretary of State, to whom the Returns. returns shall be referred in the manner provided as in elections for members of the General Assembly, to count and ascertain the results, make his proclamation of the result by publication in one of the daily papers of this state, announcing such result, and declaring the amendment ratified. The said, when, shall be self-executing and cumulative of the authority of said County to vote and cumu upon and issue bonds as provided in Article Seven (7), Section Seven (7), Paragraph One (1), of the Constitution. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved March 19, 1926. Self-executive lative. LOWNDES COUNTY BOND ISSUE FOR COLLEGE. No. 16, SECOND SESSION. An Act to propose to the qualified voters of this State an Amendment to Article Seven (7), Section Seven (7), Paragraph One (1), of the Constitution of Georgia, authorizing the County of Lowndes, or the City of Valdosta, or both, to increase the bonded indebtedness Lowndes County Bond Issue for College. Art. 7, Sec. 7, par. 1. §6563. Bonded debt of county or of said County of Lowndes, or City of Valdosta, or both, for the purpose of aiding in the establishing, maintaining, or endowing an educational institution of college rank, located or to be located within said County, whether same be owned or controlled by the State, County, or City, or not owned or controlled by the State, County, or City, and as memorial to Woodrow Wilson; provided said educational institution be non-sectarian and non-denominational. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, that Article Seven (7), Section Seven (7), Paragraph One (1), of the Constitution of Georgia be and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto the following words: "And city, for col- except that the County of Lowndes or the City of Val lege. Proviso. dosta or both may incur a bonded indebtedness in addition to the debts hereinbefore in this paragraph allowed to be incurred, in an amount in the aggregate not exceeding one million ($1,000,000.00) for the purpose of aiding in establishing, maintaining, or endowing an educational institution of college rank, located or to be located within said county, whether same be owned or controlled by the State or County or City or not owned or controlled by the State or County or City, and as a memorial to Woodrow Wilson, provided said educational institution be non-sectarian and non-denominational, and provided that such indebtedness shall not be incurred except with the assent of a majority of the qualified voters of said county or said city, as the case may be, and the assent of two thirds (2-3) of the qualified voters of said county or of said city, as the same may be, actually voting at an election, or elections, for the purpose to be held as may now or may hereafter be prescribed by law for the purpose of incurring new debts by any county or municipality within this State. In the event this amendment be ratified and becomes a part of the Constitution, and in the event the bonds provided for are authorized, validated, and sold as provided by law by said County of Lowndes County Bond Issue for College. Lowndes or the City of Valdosta or both, the County Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of said County, or the Mayor and Council of said City of Valdosta, as the case may be, may pay over the proceeds of the sale Payment of of said bonds to the Board of Trustees of such educational institution. Ballots. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that when said amendment be agreed to by two thirds (2-3) vote of the members elected to each House, it shall be entered upon the Journal of each House with the ayes and nays thereon, and published in one or more publication. newspapers in each congressional district of this State for two months previous to the time for holding the next general election, and shall at the next general election Election. be submitted to the people for ratification. All persons voting at said election in favor of adopting the said proposed amendment to the Constitution shall have written or printed on their ballots the words, "For ratification of amendment to Article Seven, Section Seven, Paragraph One of the Constitution, authorizing the County of Lowndes or the City of Valdosta, or both, to increase the bonded indebtedness of said County of Lowndes, or the City of Valdosta, or both, for the purpose of aiding in establishing, maintaining, or endowing an educational institution of college rank," and all persons opposed to the adoption of said amendment shall have written or printed on their ballots the words, "Against ratification of amendment to Article Seven, Section Seven, Paragraph One of the Constitution, authorizing the County of Lowndes or the City of Valdosta or both to increase the indebtedness of said County of Lowndes or the City of Valdosta, or both, for the purpose in aiding in establishing, maintaining, or endowing an educational institution of college rank," and if a majority of the electors qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly, voting thereon, shall vote for ratification thereof, when the result shall be consoliated as now required by law in elections for members of the General Assembly, then McIntosh County Bonded Debt. Art. 7, Sec. 7, Bonded debt. Purposes. Proviso. said amendment shall become a part of Article Seven, Section Seven, Paragraph One, of the Constitution of the State, and the Governor shall make proclamation therefor as provided by law. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, that all laws or parts of laws in conflict herewith are repealed. Approved April 2, 1926. MCINTOSH COUNTY BONDED DEBT. No. 38, SECOND SESSION. An Act to propose to the qualified voters of this State an amendment to Article Seven (7), Section Seven (7), Paragraph One (1), of the Constitution of Georgia, authorizing the County of McIntosh to increase the bonded indebtedness of said County of McIntosh, for educational purposes and also for the purpose of paying off any indebtedness that now exist or may hereafter exist against the Board of Education of McIntosh County. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, that Article Seven (7), Section Seven (7), Paragraph One (1), of the Constitution of Georgia be and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto the following words: "Except that the County of McIntosh may incur a bonded indebtedness in addition to the debts hereinbefore in this paragraph allowed to be incurred, in an amount in the aggregate not to exceed fourteen (14%) per centum of the taxable value of said county as shown by the tax-digest, for educational purposes and also for the purpose of paying off any indebtedness that now exist or may hereafter exist against the Board of Education of McIntosh County; provided that McIntosh County Bonded Debt. such bonded indebtedness shall not be incurred except with the assent of a majority of the qualified voters of said county, and the assent of two thirds of the qualified voters of said county, actually voting at an election, or elections, for that purpose to be held as may now or may hereafter be prescribed by law for the purpose of incurring new debts by any county or municipality within this State. In the event this amendment be ratified and becomes a part of the Constitution, and in the event the bonds provided for are authorized, validated, and sold as provided by law by the said County of McIntosh, the County Commissioners of McIntosh County shall pay proceeds. over the proceeds of the sale of said bonds to the Board of Education of McIntosh County for the purpose herein named. Payment of Publication. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that when said amendment be agreed to by two thirds vote of the members elected to each House, it shall be entered upon the Journal of each House with the ayes and nays thereon, and published in one or more newspaper in each Congressional District of this State for two months previous to the time for holding the next General election, and shall at the next general election be Election. submitted to the people for ratification. All persons voting at said election in favor of adopting the said proposed amendment to the Constitution shall have written or printed on their ballots the words, "For ratification of amendment to Article Seven, Section Seven, Paragraph One, of the Constitution, authorizing the County of McIntosh to increase its bonded indebtedness for educational purposes," and all persons voting at said election opposed to the adoption of said amendment shall have written or printed on their ballots the words, "Against ratification of amendment to Article Seven, Section Seven, Paragraph One, of the Constitution, authorizing the County of McIntosh to increase its bonded indebtedness for educational purposes," and if a majority of the electors qualified to vote for members of the General Ballots. |