Merger of Independent School Systems. Equalization fund. Distribution. Counties not sharing. propriation for the support of the public schools, the General Assembly shall provide an equalization fund, which shall be disbursed by the State Board of Education for the purpose of more nearly equalizing the educational opportunities of the children of the several counties of the State. The State Board of Education, in its distribution of said equalization fund to County Boards of Education for the purpose of equalizing educational opportunities as between the several counties, shall take into consideration the possible returns from taxable values for school purposes, the extent to which local tax aid has been utilized, the educational needs, and the local inequalities existing in the several counties. No county or independent system shall share in the equalization fund for any year unless it levies at least five mills for a local tax for its public schools for that year. Sec. 2. It is further enacted that all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. Approved March 13, 1926. MERGER OF INDEPENDENT SCHOOL SYSTEMS. No. 11, FIRST SESSION An Act to permit municipal or local independent school systems to repeal their independent systems and to merge into the county school system, and for other purposes. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, that whenever the citizens of municipality or independent school districts authorized by law to establish and maintain a system of schools by local taxation, in whole or in part, and which is operating a system of public schools independent of the county-schools system, Merger of Independent School Systems. wish to annul their special school law and become a part Petition of voters. Notice. Election. Returns. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, that when the results of said election are declared and published in favor of repealing such independent or local school system, making the territory included in said system mereby to become a part of the county-school system, said independent or local school system shall continue to function under its local laws, organizations, and regulations until the county board of education shall arrange for the operation by them of such school or schools within said local system as a part of their public-school system. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, that where any local or independent system is repealed by and in the manner provided in this act, the territory formerly included in School operations. Merger. School Fiscal Year. Tax rate. Counties excluded. such independent system shall become and constitute a school district of the county in which it is located, and shall enjoy the same privileges and shall be governed by the same laws as other school districts in said county, including the authority to levy local taxes for school purposes; provided that the rate for such taxation shall not exceed the rate allowed by law to other similar school districts. Provided, that nothing herein contained shall apply to counties having a population of 200,000 or more, according to the last or any other United States census. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, that all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved March 19, 1926. SCHOOL FISCAL YEAR. No. 42, SECOND SESSION. An Act to amend Section 67 of the Georgia School Code which provides that the school year shall be coincident with the calendar year, be amended so that said Section when so amended shall provide that the school year shall begin July 1st and end June 30th of each year, beginning July 1, 1927, and for other purposes. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of School Code Georgia and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, amended. That Section 67 of the School Code of Georgia be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the words "January 1st, 1895" in the first line thereof, and substituting therefor the words "July 1st, 1927;" and by striking out in the second and third lines thereof the words "coincident with the calendar year, to wit: from January 1st to December 31st" and substitute therefor School Fiscal Year. the words "from July 1st to the next June 30th, inclusive, of each year"; and by striking out in the eighth line thereof the word "school," and substituting therefor the word "calendar," so that the amended part of said section when so amended shall read as follows: "Beginning with July 1st, 1927, and continuing thereafter, the school year shall be from July 1st to the next June 30th inclusive of each year thereafter; and the State School July 1. Superintendent shall, on or before the 1st Tuesday in December of each year beginning in 1894, or as soon thereafter as practicable, make an estimate of the entire common school fund for the State for the next succeeding calendar year." To be read. Year from Sec. 2. Be it further enacted that all laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved April 17, 1926. Bill of Sale of Crops. TITLE V. MISCELLANEOUS CIVIL LAWS ACTS Bills of Sale of Crops. Domestication of Foreign Corporations. Non-Par Stock of Corporations. Pension Fees to Ordinaries. Pension Payments, Discount of Rentals for. Pension Payments, Amending Discount Act. Veterans' Service Bureau. BILLS OF SALE OF CROPS. No. 21, SECOND SESSION. An Act to amend an Act entitled "An Act to authorize the securing of advances made for the purpose of planting, making, or gathering a crop or crops, by the giving of a bill of sale of such crop or crops under Section 3306 of the Civil Code, which shall cover and include all crops planted and grown within twelve months from such bill of sale, and for other purposes," approved August 22nd, 1925, so as to strike the requirement therein that the land upon which the crop or crops is or will be planted shall be described in said bill of sale, providing only that the crop or crops shall be described in such bills of sale with the same particularity as the laws of Georgia require for crop mortgages, and to provide that the bills of sale as authorized in said Act shall be superior to judgments of older date |