Bill of Sale of Crops. than such bills of sale and to mortgages and bills of sale not given to secure the payment of debts created to aid in making and gathering the particular crops covered by such bills of sale, and for other purposes." amended. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, that the Act approved August 22nd, Act of 1925 1925, as referred to in the caption of this Act, being "An Act to authorize the securing of advances made for the purpose of planting, making, and gathering a crop or crops by the giving of a bill of sale of such crop or crops under Section 3306 of the Civil Code, which shall cover and include all crops planted and grown within twelve months from such bill of sale, and for other purposes, be and the same is hereby amended as follows: (a) By striking the words, "together with the land upon which the same is or will be grown," after the words "crop or crops" in the sixteenth line and before the words "shall be described" in the seventeenth line of Section One of said Act as printed in the official edition of the laws of Georgia of 1925, and by inserting after the words, "in said bill of sale" and before the words "and the amount" in the eighteenth line of said Section One as so printed as aforesaid, the words "with the same particularity as the laws of Georgia require for crop mortgages," and (b) By adding at the end of the first section of said Act the words, "but shall be superior to a judgment of older date than such bill of sale and to a mortgage or bill of sale not given to secure the payment of a debt created to aid in making and gathering the particular crop or crops covered by such bill of sale," so that said Section when so amended as aforesaid shall read as fol- To be read. lows: "Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, that from and after the passage of this Act, where advances either of money or supplies or both are made for the purpose of planting, cultivating, making, or harvesting a crop or crops, the borrower or Domestication of Foreign Corporations. Bill of sale. Description of crops. person to whom such money or supplies shall be furnished may secure the same by a bill of sale to secure debt under Section 3306 of the Civil Code of 1910, covering the crop or crops to be grown by him within twelve months from the date of such bill of sale, although such crop or crops may not be planted or growing at the time of the execution of such bill of sale: Provided, that the crop or crops shall be described in said bill of sale with the same particularity as the laws of Georgia require for a crop mortgage, and the amount of said advances in money or supTitle passes. plies shall be definitely stated and fixed therein. Such bill of sale shall pass title to the crop or crops covered thereby, and shall not be held or construed to be a mortgage: Provided, that the bill of sale herein authorized shall not be construed to be superior to the lien of a landlord for rent and supplies or to a laborer's lien, but shall be superior to a judgment of older date than such bill of sale, and to a mortgage or bill of sale not given to secure the payment of a debt created to aid in making and gathering the particular crop or crops covered by such bill of sale." Lien superior. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved April 8, 1926. DOMESTICATION OF FOREIGN CORPORATIONS. No. 20, SECOND SESSION. An Act to amend an Act approved August 17, 1920, providing for the domestication of foreign corporations, so as to define the powers and privileges of such domesticated corporations and their stockholders, and to provide a method of surrendering or cancelling said domestication. Domestication of Foreign Corporations. Act of 1920 Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, that an Act approved August 17, amended. 1920, entitled an Act to authorize foreign corporations doing business in the State of Georgia to become domesticated, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out in Section one of said Act, beginning in line seven. thereof, the following words: "And upon becoming domesticated such corporations shall have the same powers as similar corporations created under the laws of the State of Georgia have," and substituting in lieu of said stricken words the following words: "And upon becoming domesticated such corporations and the stockholders thereof shall have the same powers, privileges, and immunities as similar corporations created under the laws of the State of Georgia and the stockholders thereof have," so that said Act when amended shall read as follows: "Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, That all foreign corporations now doing busi- To be read. ness in the State of Georgia, or which may hereafter do business in the State of Georgia, and whose business is not against the public policy of this State, shall have the power to become domesticated in the manner hereinbefore pointed out; and upon becoming domesticated such corporations and the stockholders thereof shall have the same powers, privileges, and immunities as similar corporations created under the laws of the State of Georgia and the stockholders thereof have, subject to the same obligations, duties, liabilities, and disabilities as if originally created under the laws of Georgia, and shall no longer have that power of removing causes to the United States Courts which inheres in foreign corporations." Powers, eto. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all foreign corporations thus domesticated Dissolution. shall be dissolved in the same manner and under same proceedings as are now provided for dissolution of domestic corporations. Approved April 8, 1926. Non-Par Stock of Corporations. Act of 1925 amended. To be read. NON-PAR STOCK OF CORPORATIONS. No. 4, SECOND SESSION. An Act to amend an Act entitled "An Act to alter, amend, and revise the several laws authorizing and regulating the issuing of non-par stock by corporations of this State, and for other purposes," approved August 22nd, 1925, by striking from the first section of said Act lines 21, 22, and part of 23, reading as follows: "Provided further, that no preferred stock may be issued or offered for sale by any corporation availing itself of the provisions of this Act." Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, that Section 1 of an Act entitled "An Act to alter, amend, and revise the several laws authorizing and regulating the issuing of non-par stock by corporations of this State, and for other purposes," approved August 22nd, 1925, be and the same is hereby amended by striking from Section 1 of said Act lines 21, 22, and part of 23, reading as follows: "Provided further, that no preferred stock may be issued or offered for sale by any corporation availing itself of the provisions of this Act," so that said Section as amended shall read as follows: "Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, That every corporation having capital stock heretofore or hereafter incorporated under the laws of this State, whether by the Secretary of State, by Act of the General Assembly, or by the Superior Court (including corporations with powers derived from two or more of such sources), except an insurance, banking, or trust company, may, upon its organization or thereafter in the manner hereinafter provided, create shares of stock with or without par value, and may create two or more classes of stock with such preferences, voting powers, restrictions and qualifications thereof as Pension Fees to Ordinaries. shall be designated in its petition, declaration, or other application for incorporation, or be subsequently determined upon in the manner hereinafter provided: Provided, that before any corporation shall avail itself of the provisions of this Act it shall procure appropriate corporate authority therefor, in the manner provided by law, and the Secretary of State and the Superior Courts are hereby authorized to grant such powers to the several classes of corporations of which they now have jurisdiction to grant or amend charters: Provided further, Stock. that there shall be but one class of common stock, each share of which shall stand upon an equality with every other share; Provided further, that before any such corporation can begin business as a corporation there must be at least $1,000.00 paid in for such non-par value common stock either in cash or in tangible assets at their fairly appraised valuation. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted that all laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved March 30, 1926. PENSION FEES TO ORDINARIES. No. 41, SECOND SESSION. An Act to fix a fee of two dollars per capita, per annum, to be paid to the Ordinaries of the State of Georgia to compensate them for all services rendered by them in connection with the Confederate pensioners and pension work in their respective Counties; to make provision. for the payment of same; and for other puropses. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage |