
Lamar Tax-Collector and Receiver.

for any bonded indebtedness that may now be in the course of validation;" and by striking from said Section 14 of said Amendment approved August 15th, 1922, beginning on the twelfth line of said Section 14 of said Amendment, and immediately after the word "county" the said words: "But the grand jury of said County shall not have the right under the provisions of this Act and Amendment to recommend a tax levy for any future bond issue or any bond issue that may be in process of validation."

Sec. 2. Be it further enacted by authority aforesaid, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act and Amendments be and the same are hereby repealed.

Approved March 15, 1926.



An Act to amend an Act entitled "An Act to consolidate the offices of tax-receiver and tax-collector of Lamar County, Georgia, into the office of Tax-Commissioner, as is provided in Paragraph 1, Section 3, Article 11 of the Constitution of the State of Georgia; to provide for the election of said Tax-Commissioner, to provide for the compensation of said Tax-Commissioner; to provide for the bond of said Tax-Commissioner; to provide for the oath of said Tax Commissioner; and for other purposes," approved July 24, 1925, so as to provide that the said Tax-Commissioner of Lamar County, Georgia, shall receive as part of the compensation of his office the commissions now paid under the law by the State through the office of the Comptroller or otherwise to tax-receivers, and for other purposes.

Lamar Tax-Collector and Receiver.


To be read.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the Act of 1925 same, That Section 4 of the above Act approved July 24, 1925, be and is hereby amended by adding the following to said Section 4, to wit: "Except that said TaxCommissioner shall receive, as compensation in addition to the compensation now allowed by law to tax-collectors, the commissions now paid or may hereafter be paid by the State through the Comptroller or otherwise to tax receivers," so that when so amended said Section 4 shall read as follows: "Said Tax-Commissioner shall receive as compensation for his services the fees and commissions now allowed the tax-collector of said county, as set out in Section 1234 of the Civil Code of Georgia of 1910, together with all such other fees as may now be allowed under the law to the tax-collector of Lamar County and none other. Except that said tax-commissioner shall receive as compensation, in addition to the compensation now allowed by law to tax-collectors, the commissions now paid or may hereafter be paid by the State through the office of the Comptroller or otherwise to tax-receivers."

Approved April 12, 1926.

of tax-commissioner.





Acworth Paving and Sewerage.

Adel Street Improvements.

Baconton Street Improvements, and School System.

Bainbridge Street Improvements.

Baxley Street Improvements.

Commerce Registration of Voters.

Gainesville Industrial and Publicity Board.

Hartwell Street Improvements.

Homerville Registration of Voters.

Jackson Street Improvements.

Louisville Street Improvements.

Marietta Business License Tax.

Marietta Public Schools; Local Tax.

McRae Street Improvements.

Milledgeville Street Improvements.

Millen Street Improvements.

Moultrie Street Improvements.
Nashville Street Improvements.

Perry Street Improvements.

Quitman Street Improvements.

Savannah Street Closing Authorized.

Swainsboro Charter Amendments.

Union City Street Improvements.

Vidalia School Tax.

Wadley Street Improvements.

Warsaw Ad Valorem Tax.

Acworth Paving and Sewerage.



An Act to amend an Act approved August 17, 1903, establishing a new charter for the town of Acworth, in Cobb County, so as to provide for the issuing of bonds for paving the streets of said City of Acworth and for the establishing, maintaining, and building a system of sewerage, one or both; to extend the power to levy and collect a tax of 1-4 of one per cent. provided for in the Act approved August 17, 1903, so as to make same available for the purpose of paying the expenses of said paving and sewerage, and for other purposes.

amended. Section

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by authori- Act of 1903 ty of the same, that from and after the passage of this Act that the Act approved August 17, 1903, establishing added. a new charter for the town of Acworth, be and the same is hereby amended as follows: by adding after section 22 of said Act the following section, to wit: Sec. 22-A. Be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the Mayor and Aldermen of the said City of Acworth are by this Act authorized and empowered to submit to the voters of said City, under the provisions of the Code of Georgia of 1910, section 440 to 444 inclusive, the question of issuing bonds in a sum not to exceed $25,000.00, and to Paving and be sold for the purpose of paving the streets of said City, and establishing, building, and maintaining a system election. of sewerage, one or both of said purposes, for the said City of Acworth; and at said election the ballots shall be written or printed, "For paving and Bonds" or "For Sewerage and bonds" or "Against Paving and bonds" or "Against Sewerage and bonds" as the case may be. Should the election or elections herein provide for result in favor of paving or sewerage, or both, then the mayor and aldermen of said City of Acworth shall be



Acworth Paving and Sewerage.

Section added.

Tax levy.


and they are hereby authorized and empowered to issue bonds for said purpose, not to exceed in the aggregate $25,000.00, each of said bonds to be in such sums as said Mayor and Aldermen may designate.

Sec. 2. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that said Act of August 17, 1903, be further amended by adding the following section, to wit: Section 22-B. The tax of one fourth of one per cent. authorized by section 20 of said Act approved August 17, 1903, is extended so as to authorize same to be used for the further purpose of paying the interest on the bonds authorized by this Act on their maturity, subject to the other restrictions set fourth in Section 20 of said Act approved August 17, 1903.

Sec. 3. Be it further enacted by the authority aforeSection add said that said Act of August 17, 1903, be further amended by adding the following section, to wit: Sec. 22-C. If the election provided for in this Act for paving and sewerage, or both, should be against the issuing of bonds for either or both systems, the Mayor and board of alderman of said city may, at their own instance, and shall, on the application of any ten freeholders of said city, at any time hereafter, order another election under the provisions of this Act; provided that such elections shall not be held oftener than once in every twelve months, and provided, that if said mayor and board of alderman should call an election for a vote only as to paving or sewerage and the same should be for issuing bonds for that purpose, they still may call another election at such time as they may deem proper to vote as to issuing bonds for the other purpose.

Additional elections may be called.

Sec. 4. Be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with the above and foregoing be and the same are hereby repealed.

Approved April 17, 1926.

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