STATUTES OF GEORGIA PASSED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY AT THE Extraordinary Sessions of 1926 First, February 24, 1926, to March 18, 1926 Second, March 19, 1926, to April 15, 1926 PART I.—PUBLIC LAWS TITLE I. APPROPRIATIONS ACTS Expenses of Extraordinary Sessions. Salary of Assistant Commissioner of Commerce and Labor. Twelfth District School Administration Building. Expenses of Extraordinary Session Appropria tion enactment. Senate. President. EXPENSES OF EXTRAORDINARY SESSION No. 28, SECOND SESSION An Act to make appropriations for the expenses of the Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the sums of money herein set out, or so much thereof as may be needed, be and the same are hereby appropriated for the expenses of the Extraordinary Session of 1926, to be paid in the same manner as similar expenses are paid for the regular session of the General Assembly, towit: Section 1. Senate. Subsection 1. Officers and members, Items: (a) For the compensation of the President 10.00 Members. Mileage. Secretary. (b) For the compensation of the members In addition to the above sum the Pre- Subsection 2. Employees. Items: (a) For the compensation of the Secretary 7.00 60.00 Messenger. (b) For the compensation of the Messenger 7.00 Doorkeeper. (c) For the compensation of the Door- Mileage. In addition the Doorkeeper and Mes- 7.00 Expenses of Extraordinary Session Section 2. House of Representatives. Subsection 1. Officers and Members. Items: (a) For the compensation of the Speaker (b) For the compensation of members of 10.00 House. Speaker. Members. per 7.00 In addition to the above sum the Subsection 2. Employees. Items: (b) For the compensation of the Messenger of the House of Representatives, per diem. (c) For the compensation of the Door- In addition the Messenger and Door- Mileage. Clerk. 70.00 Messenger. 7.00 Doorkeeper. 7.00 Mileage. (d) For the incidental expenses of the House of Representatives.. Incidental ex 125.00 penses. (e) For the incidental expenses of the Senate.. 100.00 (f) For indexing the Journals of the House of Representatives.. 125.00 Indexing Journals. (g) For indexing Journals of the Senate.. 125.00 |