[ocr errors]


. 189, 304

New York, Treasurer communicates a copy of the laws of
amendments of the Constitution ratified by
proposition to cede Sandy Hook lighthouse to the U. States by
to provide for safe-keeping of the prisoners of the
United States by

thanks for the use of the Hall voted to the city of
lands on Montok Point ceded to the United States by

189, 203


[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]



Newspapers, Members of Congress to be supplied with 34, 187, 191, 194, 333, 440,611

proposition to reduce postage on

525, 529

(Resol. H. R.)

(Bills H. R. No. 169)
relative to the transmission of

620, 621, 674, 705

[blocks in formation]

William Barry Grove



138, 299

240, 311

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Constitution of the United States, adopted by

amendments to the Constitution of the U. States, ratified by

recommended by
proposition to cede Western lands to the United Sates by
(Bills Senate No. 7, and Resolutions Senate.)
to adopt the laws of the U. States to State of
(Bills Senate No. 10, and H. R. No. 36, 68.)

to establish Courts of the United States in
(Bills H. R. No. 68.)

to alter places of holding Courts U. S. in
(Bills Senate No. 44.)

use of jails granted to the United States by
one acre of land on Ocracock Island, for a light-house, ceded
to the United States by

authority to lay a tonnage or toll duty on vessels coming over
the Bar and Swash, and Croatan Shoals, requested by
letter from Circuit Judges of the District of
arrangement in regard to certain surveys in
Northern boundary of Territory ceded to the United States by 629, 631
(Bills H. R. No. 202.)

Northwestern Territory, proceedings of the Governor of Kaskaskia, Kahokia,

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

resurvey of lands in the, requested at public expense 628,649


Petitions from New York, inhabitants of, 17, 70, 92, 94, 97, 110, 143, 154, 157, 158,
175, 186, 248, 341, 347, 366, 376, 385, 440, 446, 448, 450, 451,
453, 503, 505, 517, 518, 523, 574, 584, 627, 661, 662, 665, 671,
673. (Bills H. R. No. 173.)
New Jersey, inhabitants of, 23, 33, 35, 87, 94, 104, 106, 110, 153, 206,
343, 353, 502, 503, 518, 573, 578, 580, 637, 695
New Hampshire, inhabitants of, 182, 183, 190, 196, 208, 213, 214, 215,
216, 349, 466, 481, 626, 656, 660, 671, 673

North Carolina, inhabitants of, 94, 215, 222, 272, 352, 362, 364, 458,

[blocks in formation]

511, 528, 583, 604, 626
574, 628, 657
182, 184, 216, 250, 353, 354

[ocr errors]

26, 137

[ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


Oath, required by 6th article of the Constitution, (Bills H. R. No. 1)
Chief Justice of the State of New York to administer the
administered to Mr. Speaker, the Members, and the Clerk
Senate prepared to take the

7, 15, 29


44, 46, 48, 49, 79


administered to Mr. Speaker and the Members 435, 438, 444 to 452, 455, 463,

502, 615, 616, 624

President notifies his readiness to take the
Officers and Soldiers of the Virginia line, lands reserved for the (Bills H. R.

No. 85)



205, 206, 222

certificates to be issued to invalid (Bills H. R. No. 59).
proposition to pay debts due by U. S. to foreign (Bills H. R. No. 116) 354, 357
proposition to provide for widows and representatives of, (Bills H. R.

No. 139)

Ohio Company, proposition to cede lands and give titles for lands sold to

(H. R. No. 174)

Orders, to be enrolled, examined, signed, and presented,

Order, questions of, decided,

364 396

526, 530,

550, 553


[blocks in formation]

Ordnance stores, inquiry into the quantity furnished during the late war
Owners of ships or vessels, inquiry into the extent of their responsibility
freighters, (Bills H. R. 107)

[blocks in formation]

170, 173, 181

171, 199, 248

Ocain, Jeremiah

Ocain, Darby
Orme, Joshua
Osgood, Isaac
Ohe, Andrew

173, 269, 385

195, 196

342, 380

343, 626


[blocks in formation]

Ohio, inhabitants of, (Bills H. R: No. 238) 574, 697, 703, 709, 712, 714

[blocks in formation]

Thomas Scott and George Clymer,

second session, first Congress :

Frederick Augustus Muhlenburg, Peter Muhlenburg, Tho-




mas Scott,

[blocks in formation]






third session, first Congress :

George Clymer, Thomas Fitzsimmons, Frederick Augustus

Muhlenburg, Peter Muhlenburg, and Henry Wyncoop,
Daniel Heister and Thomas Scott,

Thomas Hartley,




first session, second Congress:

[blocks in formation]

amendments to the Constitution of the United States ratified by 175, 306

proposition to alter places of holding District Courts United

States in, Bills Senate No. 13)


provision for landing goods in the Delaware when the river is
obstructed by ice, (Bills H. R. No. 109)

343, 344

first article of amendments to Constitution United States ratified




Governor's communication relative to persons fled from justice
into Virginia, (Bills H. R. No. 146).

Governor's communication relative to purchase of lands bound-
ing on Lake Erie, (Bills H. R. No. 157, 162).
478, 479,498
Governor's communication relative to raising troops in the State 497
Pensioners, invalid, petitions and report concerning the, (Bills H. R. No. 29,
96, 113, 122, 123, 150, 253
prohibition of transfer of pensions by, (Bills H. R. No. 117)
Pensions, proceedings on report of Committee on Petitions for, (Bills H. R.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Permanent Seat of Government, proposition to fix the, (Bills Senate No. 12,
and Resolutions H. R.)

Piers, proposition to provide and regulate public, (Bills H. R. No. 12, 241,



and Senate No. 34)
44, 57, 451, 489, 615
Pilots, proposition to provide and regulate, (Bills H. R. 12, Senate No. 34) 44, 57, 451,

Postmaster General, letter from the, (Bills Senate, No. 3, and H. R. No. 42, 74,


489, 615

176, 201

62, 81, 92, 106, 203, 235
reports on petitions
directed to report the different mail routes in the United




communication from the, respecting a tax imposed by
New Jersey on the proprietors of lines of stages
Post Office, temporary establishment of the, (Resolution H. R, and Bills Se-
nate, No. 3, and H. R. No. 92, 113, 137) 106, 111, 141, 283, 333, 350, 394, 396
Post Offices and Post Roads, proposition to establish, (Bills H. R. No. 113,


137, 154) 141, 333, 350, 394, 396, 443, 465, 483, 486
inquiry into routes, expenses, and location of the
alterations necessary in the act regu-
lating the

[ocr errors]

620, 621, 674, 705

Post Office Department, proposition to establish a, (Bills H. R. No. 42, 74,


[ocr errors]

144, 162, 203, 235
President and Vice President of the United States, Senate prepared to count

the votes for the

result of the election for

notification of election to be made by the Se-

nate to




[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

compensation to the, (Bills H. R. No. 15, 227) 41, 43,

President of the United States-
speech delivered to Congress first session first Congress

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

salary of the, (Bills H. R. 15, 287)

mode of receiving bills and messages from the
authorized to raise troops for the protection of Georgia
amendments to the Constitution United States to be transmitted to
the several States by the, (Resolution H. R.)
desires to be informed when a quorum meets
inquiry into the commencement of the term of office of the, (see
Joint Committees)

requested to direct lists of the Army of the United States to be
transmitted to the Executives of the States of Virginia, North
Carolina, and South Carolina, (see Resolution H. R.)
proposition to fill the vacancy in case of death or resignation of the,
(Bills H. R. No. 104, 105, 106)

40, 41, 43




207, 296



regulation of the time when electors are to be chosen for, and the
mode in which the vacancy is to be supplied in the office of,
(Bills H. R. No. 104, 105, 106)

requested to cause to be laid before the House copies of the official
communications between the Governor of Pennsylvania and
the Secretary of War, respecting the raising troops within the

334, 339

497, 499

VOL. 1-101

President of the United States-


requested to cause to be laid before the House such papers as may
be necessary to the investigation of the causes of the failure of
the expedition under Major General St. Clair
proposition relative to the election of the, (Bills Senate, No. 25)
mode of examining votes for the

votes for the

notifies his readiness to take the oath of office

President of the United States, communicates-first session, first Congress :
message and documents respecting the aggressions of the Indians
message recommending a uniform system of militia
statement of the troops in the service of the United States



699, 700




76, 105


letter of the Governor of Rhode Island


intelligence of the death of the Dauphin of France


second session, first Congress :

message informing Congress that he has no measures to propose at

[ocr errors][merged small]

letter of the Governor of the N. W. Territory, hostilities of the Wa-
bash Indians and whites

the adoption and ratification of the Constitution of the United
States by North Carolina

a statement of the state of the Southwestern frontier and the Indian

a plan for the arrangement of the militia of the United States
the ratification of certain additions and amendments to the Consti-
tution of the United States

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

an act of the Legislature of the State of Rhode Island and Provi-
dence Plantations, for calling a Convention to consider the Con-
stitution proposed for the United States.


an act of the Legislature of North Carolina ceding certain Western
lands to the United States


the adoption of certain amendments to the Constitution of the Unit-
ed States by New Hampshire





representation from the Supreme Executive Council of Penn-
sylvania respecting Indian hostilities


the ratification of amendments to the Constitution of the United
States by South Carolina


three acts of the Legislature of New York respecting prisoners of
the United States, lighthouses, and amendments to the Consti-
tution of the United States


the accession of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations to the
Constitution of the United States


the ratification of the amendments to the Constitution of the Unit-
ed States by North Carolina .


the ratification of the Constitution of the United States by Rhode
Island and Providence Plantations


the ratification of the amendments to the Constitution of the Unit-
ed States by do.


third session, first Congress :

the ratification of the amendments to the Constitution of the Unit-
ed States by New Jersey


certain official communications from the district of Kentucky rela-
tive to the erection of that district into a State


reports of the Secretary of the N. W. Territory respecting grants
of land within that Territory

official communications respecting the expedition against the In-



report of the Secretary of State on the subject of citizens of the
United States in captivity in Algiers


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