
his Britannic majesty, there shall be no impediment thrown in the way of the supplies of provisions which may be requested for Monte Video.

V. A period of ten days from this time is given for the re-embarkation of his Britannic majesty's troops to pass to the north side of the River La Plata, with the arms that may actually be in their power, stores, and equipage, at the most convenient points which may be selected, and during this time provisions may be sold to them.

VI. That at the time of the delivery of the place and fortress of Monte Video, which shall take place at the end of the two months fixed in the second article, the delivery will be made in the terms it was found, and with the artillery it had when it was taken.

A second dispatch from rear. admiral Murray, dated July 8, chiefly recapitulates the contents of general Whitelocke's dispatches, and the maritime circumstances connected therewith. The admiral concludes by saying,

Early in the morning of the 7th, the Staunch telegraphed to say, I was wanted on shore immediately; a flag of truce was still flying at our head-quarters. On my going on shore, the general shewed me the proposals made by the Spanish general Liniers, (a copy of which I enclose) and observed, that he was of opinion, as well as were the other generals, that it could answer no good purpose to persist, and that one great object was attained, that of getting all the prisoners back that had been taken in South America this war; that the destroying of the town could not benefit us; and that he saw no prospect whatever of establishing ourselves in this country, as there was not a friend to the English in it; the inveteracy of every class of inhabitants being beyond belief; that the number of our prisoners the enemy had were in the power of an enraged mob; and that persisting on our part would make their situation truly distressing; the number of our kil led and wounded, although not exactly ascertained, was said to be Rear-Adm. Com. very great. Under these circum

VII. Three officers of rank shall be delivered for and until the fulfilment of the above articles by both parties, being well understood that his Britannic majesty's officers, who have been on their parole, cannot serve against South America until their arrival in Europe.

Done at the fort of Buenos Ayres, the 7th day of July, 1807; signing two of one tenor.


Lieut.-Gen. Com.



[Here follows an extract of a dispatch from rear-admiral Murray, dated June 30, 1807, giving a de. tail of ordinary naval transactions, of no moment whatever.}

stances, and being persuaded that
the people of this country did not
wish to be under the British govern.
ment, I signed the preliminaries,
trusting that what I have done will
meet their lordships' approbation."

conclude with his general order,
The dispatches of the admiral
containing his thanks to, and ap-
probation of, his brave comrades.

#X x 4


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Dispatches received by Viscount Casilereagh, one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, from Admiral Gambier, and Lieutenant-General the Right Honourable Lord Cathcart, K.T. the Commanders of his Majesty's Naval and Military Forces in the Baltic Sea.

Prince of Wales, Copenhagen My LORD, Road, Sept. 7. 1807.

My letter of the 5th instant, will inform your lordship of the progress of the operations of his majesty's forces against Copenhagen to that period. I have now the honour and satisfaction to add, that previous to the hour intended for opening our batteries on that night, an officer with a flag of truce came out from the town, with proposals for an armistice to settle terms of capitulation. This was accordingly done, after a correspondence * between the Danish general and lord Cathcart and myself, of which I transmit a copy; and your lordship will be informed of the stipulations agreed upon by the inclosed copy of the articles. +

Our army has accordingly been put in possession of the citadel and the arsenal, and the most vigorous exertions are commenced for equip ping and sending to England the Danish navy.

I have the honour to be, &c.

To Viscount Lord Castle-
reagh, &c. &c. &c.

Citadel of Copenhagen,
My LORD, Sept. 8, 1807.
It has fallen to my lot to have the
great satisfaction of forwarding to

* Civen in Lord Cathcart's dispatch.

your lordship the ratified capitulation of the town and citadel of Copenhagen, including the surrender of the Danish fleet and arsenal in this port, which are placed at his majesty's disposal.

The object of securing this fleet having been attained, every other provision of a tendency to wound the feelings, or irritate the nation, has been avoided; and although the bombardment and cannonade have made considerable havoc and destruction in the town, not one shot was fired into it till after it was summoned, with the offer of the most advantageous terms, nor a single shot after the first indication of a disposition to capitulate; on the contrary, the firing, which lasted three nights from his majesty's batteries, was considerably abated on the second, and was only renewed on the third to its full vigour, on supposing from the quantity of shells thrown from the place, that there was a `determination to hold out.

On the evening of the 5th of Sep. tember, a letter was sent by the Danish general, to propose an ar mistice of twenty-four hours, for preparing an agreement on which articles of capitulation might be founded. The armistice was de. clined, as tending to unnecessary delay, and the works were con tinued, but the firing was countermanded, and lieutenant-colonel Murray was sent to explain, that no proposal of capitulation could be listened to, unless accompanied by the surrender of the fleet.

This basis having been admitted by a subsequent letter on the 6th, major general sir A. Wellesley, † 1bid.


and lieutenant.

whom I had sent for, for this pur-
pose, from his command in the
country, where he had distinguished
himself in a manner so honourable
to himself and so advantageous to
the public, was appointed, with sir
Home Popham,
colonel Murray, to prepare and
sign articles of capitulation; and
those officers having insisted on
proceeding immediately to business,
the capitulation was drawn up in
the night between the 6th and 7th.

The ratification was exchanged in the course of the morning; and at four in the afternoon of the same day, lieutenant general Burrard proceeded to take possession.

The British grenadiers present, with detachments from all the other corps of cavalry and infantry, under the command of colonel Cameron, of the 79th regiment, with two brigades of artillery, marched into the citadel, while major-general Spencer, having embarked his brigade at the Kalk Brandiere, landed in the dock-yard, and took possession of each of the line-of-battle ships, and of all the arsenal; the Danish guards withdrawing when those of his majesty were ready to replace them, and proper officers attending to deliver stores, as far as inventories could be made up.

The town being in a state of the greatest ferment and disorder, I most willingly acceded to the request that our troops should not be quartered in it, and that neither officers nor soldiers should enter it for some days; and having the command of possession from the citadel, whenever it might be necessary to use it, I had no objection to leaving the other gates in the hands of the troops of his Danish majesty, together with the police of the place.

We have consented to the reestablishment of the post but all arrivals and departures are to be at and from the citadel.

This work is in good condition, very strong, and well stored with ordnance and ammunition.

The amount of the garrison of the town is not easily ascertained. The regular troops were not numerous; but the number of batteries which fired at the same time, together with the floating defences, prove that there must have been a very great number of militia and burghers, with other irregular forces, and their ordnance was well served.

Considering the advanced position in which his majesty's troops have been placed for the last fortnight, our loss (highly as I prize the value of every officer or soldier who has fallen or been wounded) has been comparatively small.

The zeal, spirit, and perseverance of every rank in the army have been truly characteristic of the British nation; and the king's German legion are entitled to a full share in this commendation.

All the generals, and indeed each officer, has rendered himself conspicuous in proportion to his command and the opportunities which have occurred, and opportunities have occurred to all.

The staff have done themselves the greatest credit, and been of all the service that could be desired in their several departments.

Colonel D'Arcey, the chief en. gineer, and every engineer under him, have given the most unequivocal proofs of science and indefatigable industry; the works under their direction have gone on with fresh parties without ceasing.


General Bloomfield, and the offi eers and corps of royal artillery, have done great honour to themselves, and to that branch of his majesty's service; of which their fire upon the gun-boats and the rapidity and success of the mortar practice, afford sufficient proofs; nor is the distribution of battering ordnance, and of so much ammunition at so many points in this extensive line, in so short a period, a small proof of the method and resources of that corps.

Lieutenant-colonel Smith, with the 82d regiment under his command, held the post at the Windmill on the left, which for the greater part of the time was the most exposed to the gun-boats and sorties of the enemy; and the unremitting attentions of that officer claim particular notice.

By the naval blockade the force opposed to us has been limited to the resources of this and of the ad. jacent islands, separated only by narrow ferries; and almost every wish of assistance has been anticipated, and every requisition of boats, guns, and stores, has been most amply and effectually provided for with the greatest dispatch and the most perfect cordiality; and every possible attention has been paid, and every accommodation given, by every officer in that service, from admiral Gambier downwards.

A battalion of seamen and marines, with three divisions of car. penters, were landed on the 5th, under captain Watson, of his majesty's ship Inflexible; and bad the effort been made, which would have been resorted to in a few days, if the place had not capitulated, their services in the passage of the ditch would have been distinguished.

I send this dispatch by lieutenant Cathcart, who has become for some time my first aid-de-camp, who has seen every thing that has occurred here and at Stralsund, and will be able to give any further details that may be required.

I have the honour to be, &c. (Signed) CATHCART. List of Killed, Wounded, and Missing.

Killed 4 officers, 1 serjeant, 1 drummer, 36 rank and file, and 8 horses.

Wounded-6 officers, 1 serjeant, 138 rank and file, and 25 horses. Missing-1 serjeant, 4 drummers, and 19 rank and file.

Names of Officers killed. Lieutenant Lyons, of the royal artillery; ensign Robert Dixon, of the 82d foot; lieutenant Rudoff, of the 1st regiment of light dragoons, King's German legion; ensign JenDings, of the 23d foot, or Royal Welch Fusileers.

Names of Officers wounded. foot; lieutenant Suter, of ditto; Captain Hastings, of the 82d Captain During, 1st battalion King's ral sir David Baird, in the shoulder German legion: lieutenant-geneand hand, slightly; ensign Bilson. Articles of Capitulation for the Town

and Citadel of Copenhagen, agreed upon between Major-General the Right Honourable Sir Arthur Wellesley, K. B. Sir Home Popham, Knt. of Malta, and Captain of the Flect, and Lieutenant-Colonel George Murray, Deputy Quarter-Master-General of the British Forces; being thereto duly authorized by James Gambier, Esq. Admiral of the Blue, and Commander-in-Chief of his Britannic Majesty's Ships and Vessels in the

Baltic Sea, and by Lieutenant-General the Right Honourable Lord Cathcart, Knight of the Thistle, Commander-in-Chief of his Britannic Majesty's Forces in Zealand and in the North of the Continent of Europe; on the one part: and by Major-General Walterstorff, Knight of the Order of Dannebrog, Chamberlain to the King, and Colonel of the North Zealand Regiment of Infantry, Rear-Admiral Lütken, and I. H. Kerchoff, Aid. de-Camp to his Danish Majesty; being duly authorized by his Excellency Major-General Peyman, Knight of the Order of Dannebrog, and Commander-in-Chief of his Danish Majesty's Forces in the Island of Zealand; on the other part.

Art. I. When the capitulation shall have been signed and ratified, the troops of his Britannic majesty are to be put in possession of the citadel.

Art. II. A guard of his Britannic majesty's troops shall likewise be placed in the dock-yards.

Art. III. The ships and vessels of war of every description, with all the naval stores belonging to his Danish majesty, shall be delivered into the charge of such persons as shall be appointed by the comman. ders-in-chief of his Britannic majesty's forces; and they are to be put in immediate possession of the dock-yards, and all the buildings and storehouses belonging thereto.

Art. IV. The store-ships and transports in the service of his Britannic majesty are to be allowed, if necessary, to come into the harbour for the purpose of embarking such stores and troops as they have brought into this island,

Art. V. As soon as the ships shall have been removed from the dock-yard, or within six weeks from the date of this capitulation, or sooner if possible, the troops of his Britannic majesty shall deliver up the citadel to the troops of his Danish majesty, in the state in which it shall be found when they occupy it. His Britannic majesty's troops shall likewise, within the before mentioned time, or sooner if possible, be embarked from the island of Zealand.

Art. VI. From the date of this capitulation, hostilities shall cease throughout the island of Zealand.

Art. VII. No person whatsoever shall be molested ; and all property, public or private, with the exception of the ships and vessels of war, and the naval stores before mentioned, belonging to his Danish majesty, shall be respected; and all civil and military officers, in the service of his Danish majesty shall continue in the full exercise of their authority throughout the island of Zealand; and every thing shall be done which can tend to produce union and harmony between the two nations.

Art. VIII. All prisoners taken on both sides shall be unconditionally restored, and those officers who are prisoners on parole, shall be released from its effect.

Art. IX. Any English property that may have been sequestered in consequence of the existing hostilities, shall be restored to the owners.

This capitulation shall be ratified by the respective chief, and the ratifications shall be exchanged before twelve o'clock at noon this day.


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