
We are pleased to learn that the Superintendent's Educational Column is finding much favor with the teachers in the county.

BRODHEAD. This beautiful, thriving town, enjoys excellent school advantages. Prof. Albert Salisbury, a graduate of Milton College, and an experienced teacher, is at the head of its educational interests. The following is the list of teachers: Albert Salisbury, Principal; Mrs. C. S. Harrington, Assistant in High School; Leah E. Myers, Higher Grammar Department; Mary L. Aspinwall, Lower Grammar Department; Katie Bartlett, Higher Intermediate; Jane Richards, Lower Intermediate; Nellie A. Salisbury, Higher Primary; Azelia Hunter, Lower Primary; Mrs. Bashie Lucas, South Side Primary.

DELAVAN.-Miss Mary G. Sherman is now Principal, in place of Mr. Grigsby, resigned; salary, $1,200. Miss Anna Darrow is engaged in one of the Intermediate rooms, recently from Rock county.

Fox LAKE. The Wisconsin Female College at Fox Lake we found in a very flourishing condition, under the management of Rev. Jno. P. Haire, assisted by an able corps of teachers. This institution aims to present all the commendable features of the Mt. Holyoke Seminary, of which Mrs. Haire is a graduate. Superior facilities for a high Christian culture are afforded in this institution of learning to the daughters of the state.

MADISON.-The schools of this city continue in charge of B. M. REYNOLDS, as Superintendent and Principal of the High School, in which position he has remained, we think, for six years. This speaks well. Besides the Assistant in the High School, Miss Jane E. Stone, the principal teachers in the other schools are: First Ward, Mrs. L. W. Colby; Second Ward, Miss Jennie E. Hayner; Third Ward, Miss H. J. Standish; Fourth Ward, Miss Belle E. Pettigrew; New School House (near the University), Miss L. E. Foote; N. E. District, Miss Flora C. G. Cramer. Sixteen other teachers are employed, in lower grades, making a total of twenty-four, and as good a corps, we think, as can be found in the state. Having completed three new and beautiful ward school buildings, the board hope to commence the erection of a suitable structure for the High School in the course of the year. The board in their last report, very properly remarked:

"The greater proportion of pupils will always be in the lower grades, and for these ample accommodations must be first furnished; but we must not ignore the fact that a system of free schools, to be complete, must add to this elementary training those higher studies which quite a large number of children must pursue at private, if no opportunity is offered in our public schools. The inauguration of a complete model high school, with an advanced course of study, will set a mark before every pupil, and thus stimulate all to greater endeavor. It may be said that we have few pupils fitted to enter such a school, but it may also be said, that without accommodations for them, will never know how many there may be. Here, as elsewhere, supply re-acts upon demand. The location of the University in this place, instead of relieving us from this necessity, only renders it more imperative, as just as soon as proper instruction can be and is furnished elsewhere, all prepartory work there will be dispensed with."

RACINE. We had the pleasure of visiting the Racine High School a short time since, and found it in excellent working condition. The following are the teachers: Principal, H. O. SNOW; 1st assistant, Miss BONNIE SNOW; 2d assistant, Miss ELLEN WHITE; Principal of Grammar Department, Miss MCKINSTRY; Principal of Intermediate Department, Miss GRACIE HAMILTON; Primary Department, Miss HATTIE HAMILTON and Miss FRANCIS ALBEE.


MR. B. G. NORTHROP, Secretary of the Board of Education of Connecticut, has been offered the position of Superintendent of Public Instruction in Japan.

JOSHUA L. CHAMBERLAIN, President of Bowdoin College, has been elected by the Legislature of Maine Major-General of the Volunteer Militia of that State.

MISS ANNA C. BRACKETT, principal of the St. Louis Normal School, is said to receive the highest salary paid to any lady teacher in the United States, viz., $2,500.

THE RIGHT HON. HERVEY DE MONTMORENCY, Viscount Mountmcrres, and Dean of Achonry, died in Ireland on the 25th of January, at the advanced age of seventy-six years.

↑ MR. RUSKIN'S ELECTION as Rector of St. Andrew's University has been pronounced invalid on account of his holding a professorship, and the position therefore devolves upon Lord Lytton.

THE STATISTICS of the public schools of the German Empire show: 7,000 public schools, with 600,000, on an average 1,000 inhabitants for 150 scholars. Of colleges, there are 330 in Germany, pro-colleges, 214, high schools, 483. The total number of scholars in these institutions, is 1,777,389.

IN RHODE ISLAND there are 64,930 children under fifteen years of age, of whom 25,447 were last year registered in the summer schools, and 28,394 in the winter schools. It is estimated that 4,000 children did not attend school at all. The average wages per month of teachers in summer schools was $32.52, and in winter schools $38.24. The total receipts for school purposes for the year ending April 30, 1871, were $514,040.51, and the expenditures $461,160.41.

THE EIGHT JAPENESE STUDENTS who have come to this country to study our arts and customs, reached New York Friday afternoon, and took up their quarters at the St. Nicholas Hotel, where three commodious rooms on the fourth floor had been set apart for their accommodation. Their names are entered in the hotel register in a clear, though rather crooked, hand, being written by T. A. Bojo, the only English-speaking member of the party. T. A. Bojo, K. M. Shingolong, H. V. Mudenokoji, N. M. Matsugaski, H. G. Doi, N. Y. Hirata, K. G. Kwrumi, T. S. Ievas. They dress and act generally as American citizens, and express themselves highly pleased with the metropolis.

Literary Miscellany.

SYSTEMIZING MENTAL LABOR.-As a marvelous instance of what one man may achieve by doing systematically and thorougly what ever he undertakes, we cannot do better than consider the life of Alexander von Humboldt. There was no part of the world he had not visited, and he had been nowhere without acquiring the most exact knowledge of the whole country, its geology, its animal life, its botany, all its physical characteristics, as well as the language, habits, customs, laws, religion, and history of its people. He led this life till he was ninety years of age, and even then no fact, in any part of the world, that had any bearing on scientific truth escaped his notice. His mind was a museum, where all the knowledge that had been brought into the world, was placed in order, carefully guarded, and always ready for use. We are not wrong in attributing the boundless learning and prodigious memory of this great man to his habit of systematising his mental labor, and to his power of self-concentration; and to his belief in the wisdom of God.-Scientific American.

HOW A DUNCE BECAME A STATESMAN.-The following story is told of the late Dr. Salem Towne and Wm. L. Marcy:

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"In his youth he (Dr. Towne) was a teacher of youth. One day, seventy odd years ago, a boy was brought to him, of whom the account given was that he was an incorrigible dunce, that none of his maste:s had been able to make anything of him; and he was brought to Mr. Towne as a last experiment, before apprenticing him to a mechanical trade. The next morning Mr. Towne proceeded to examine him, preparatory to entering upon his instruction. At the first mistake he made the boy dodged on one side with every sign of terror. 'Why do you do that?" asked the master. "Because I was afraid you were going to strike me." Why should you think so?" "Because I have always been struck whenever I made a mistake." You need never fear being struck by me," said Mr. Towne, "That is not my way of treating boys who do as well as they can." The lad very soon improved rapidly under this new treatment, so that Mr. Towne advised his father to give him a liberal education. The father could hardly believe the report at first; but was convinced, and complied with the good master's suggestion. The result was that William L. Marcy became an eminent lawyer, one of the supreme judges of this state before they were articles of merchandise, Governor, United States Senator, and Secretary of War and of State.


THE ACCURATE BOY.-There was a young man once in the office of a Western railroad superintendent. He was occupying a position that four hundred boys in that city would have wished to get. It was honorable, and "it paid well," besides besides being in a line of promotion. How did he get it? Not by having a rich father, for he was the son of a laboror. The secret was his beautiful accuracy. He began as an errand boy, and did his work accurately. His leisure time he used in perfecting his writing and arithmetic. After a while he learned telegraphy. At each step his employer commended his accuracy, and relied on what he did, because he was just right. And it is thus with every occupation. The accurate boy is the favored one. Those who employ men do not wish to be on the look-out, as though they were rogues or fools. If a carpenter must stand at his journeyman's elbow to be sure that his work is right, or if a cashier must run over his bookkeeper's columns, he might as well do the work himself as employ another to do it in that way; and it is very certain that the employer will get rid of such an inaccurate workman as soon as he can..-President TUTTLE.

LEARN ALL YOU CAN.-Never omit an opportunily to learn all you can. Sir Walter Scott said that even in a stage coach he always found somebody who could tell him something he did not know. Conversation is frequently more useful than books for purposes of knowledge. It is, therefore, a mistake to be morose and silent among persons whom you think ignorant, for a little sociability on your part will draw them out, and they will be able to teach you something, no matter how ordinary their employment. Indeed, some of the most sagacious remarks are made by persons of this description, respecting their particular pursuit. Hugh Miller, the Scotch geologist, owes not a little of his fame to observations made when he was a journeyman stone mason, and working in a quarry. Socrates well said that there was but one good, which is knowledge, and one evil, which is ignorance. Every grain of sand goes to make a heap. A gold-digger takes the smallest nuggets, and is not fool enough to throw them away, because he expects to find a huge lump some time. So in acquiring knowledge, we never should despise an opportunity, however unpromising. If there is a moment's leisure, spend it over a good or instructive talking with the first one you meet.

MADAME DE SEVIGNE once wrote, "Men have the privilege of ugliness." Is it not true that women have the privilege of attractiveness? Is it too trivial a thing for you to learn to harmonize the colors of your dress, to match your trimmings, ribbons and gloves, to study effects in the arrangement of your furniture and the dishes of your breakfast table? If your eye does not discriminate nor your taste seek expression in the things that lie about you, are you ready for the higher culture of beauty, genius, music and art, towards which you look with longing eyes? The cultivation of taste does not consist in the abundance of means but in the use we make of the means. It is something going on within us. Does it seem to be a waste of time to arrange a vase of flowers with artistic skill, to choose a becoming color for your dress and make your housekeeping a fine art! Yet what are the ends of our life? Let us not mistake and call an hour well spent which is really wasted, and that wasted in which we have planted the seeds for a future harvest. Is not the life more than meat? Can man live by bread alone?—The Advance.

REST.-The Golden Age, in an article on the Ethics of Loafing, says well: The one thing that our ablest men are unable to do is to loaf. The very air of this age is charged with the oxygen of restless enterprise, and it acts upon men's souls as a new and a more furious alcohol. The high places of the land contain men guilty of gross intemperance in work, regularly drunk with eagerness to toil, sots on the fiery liquor of a tyrannous and unremitting industry. It may be a question whether the best assurance of long life is not a feeble constitution. The men of iron frames, of muscles wrought of the heart of oak, of giant energy and endurance, are the very men who presume upon the extent of their physical capital, and soonest become bankrupt in vitality. The ethics of loafing need to be expounded; and the sin of inordinate industry to be denounced. No man has a better right to kill himself by over-work than he has to do it by over-drinking. If suicide be a crime, he who dies by putting too great a task upon his strength is as truly a criminal as he who dies by putting a bullet through his head. If a certain amount of rest and recreation is necessary to a man's health and life, the omission to take it is as great an offence against God's law in nature, as would be the omission io take food; and death by wilfull starvation is no more an act of self destruction than is death by wilfull fatigue.

HOME TALK TO GIRLS-Your every day toilet is part of your character. A girl that looks like a "fury" or "sloven" in the morning is not to be trusted, however finely she may look in the evening. No matter how humble your room may be, there are eight things it should contain, namely: A mirror, wash stand, soap, towel, comb, hair, nail and tooth brushes. Those are just as essential as your breakfast, before which you should make good use of them. Parents who fail to provide their children with such appliances not only make a great mistake but commit a sin of omission. Look tidy in the morning, and after the dinner work is over, improve your toilette. Make it a rule of your daily life to "dress up" for the afternoon. Your dress may or need not be anything better than calico; but with a ribbon or flower or some bit of ornament, you can have an air of self respect and satisfaction that invariably comes with being well dressed. A girl with fine sensibilities cannot help feeling embarrassed and awkward in a ragged and dirty dress, with her hair unkempt, should a neighbor come in. Moreover, your self-respect should demand the decent appareling of your body. You should make it a point to look as well as you can, even if you know nobody will see you but yourself.Exchange.

SPEAKING of the power of the printing press, Rev Dr. Chapin said: "I love to hear the rumble of the power press better than the rattle and the roar of artillery. It is silently attacking and vanquishing the Malakoffs of vice, and the Redans of evil; and its parallels and approaches cannot be resisted! I like the click of the type in the composing stick of the compositor better than the click of the musket in the hands of the soldier. It bears a leaden messenger of deadlier power, of sublimer force, and of surer aim, which will hit its mark, though a thousand years ahead!

New Publications.


WEBB'S FIRST LESSONS IN LANGUAGE AND DRAWING; by Prof. J. RUSSELL WEBB author of the "Word" Method, etc. Price 25 cents.

The "word" method of teaching children the rudiments of reading is so natural and so simple that it is strange anybody ever attempted a different plan, and the day is doubtless close at hand when our teachers will cease to torment their pupils with the meaningless study of forms that convey no idea to them. The illustrations are mostly skeleton pictures, intended to be copied by the children. They are artistic, and yet so simple that small children will delight to copy them, and will thus to a great extent educate their tastes while they amuse themselves, and relieve the teacher. Twenty pages of the book are entirely devoted to Drawing. This New Book is the product of the Professor's ripest experience, and is, we think, one of the best and most practical Reading-Books for young children ever issued. Published by A. H. Andrews & Co., 119 and 121 West Washington street, Chicago, Ill.


Wisconsin Journal of Education.

THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, conducted by E. L. YOUMANS. Vol., I, No. 1: May, 1873. APPLETON & CO., New York. $5 per annum; single number 50c. This publication will supply a want met by no other periodical in the United States. It is not intended for scientific so much as intelligent general readers. The name of the editor is a sufficient warrant that work will be valuable. The table of contents for the first number, which is as follows, will give a good idea of the wide scope of publication: I. The Study of Sociology-Our Need of It. By Herbert Spencer; II. The Recent Eclipse of the Sun. R. A. Proctor; III. Science and Immortality. By Rev. T. W. Fowle; IV. The Source of Labor; V. Quetelet on the Science of Man. By E. B. Taylor; VI. Disinfection and Disinfectants. By William Eassie; VII. The Natural History of Man-The Unity of the Human Species. By A. De Quarterfages; VIII. The Causes of Dyspepsia. By Arthur Leared; IX. Women and Political Power. By Luke Owen Pike; X. The Early Superstitions of Medicine. B. W. Cheadle; XI. Prehistoric Times. By T. M. Coon; XII. Editor's Table; Literary Notices; Miscellany; Notes.

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A VERY VALUABLE NUMBER of Hearth and Home for April 20, is before us. Besides several fine engravings, and the usual good assortment of excellent reading for all departments of the household, a Supplement in this number gives an account of a four years' libel suit brought against the publishers for exposing humbugs, in which the important rulings of Judge Brady of the N. Y. Supreme Court, and the testimony of leading physicians take advanced ground in regard to the responsibility of manufacturers and dealers in patent medicines. This will be specially interesting, not only to lawyers, physicians and druggists, but to all who buy and use medicines, and to those who have been swindled by humbugs. A prominent feature, however, of this number of the Hearth and Home, is the new story by Dr. Eggleston, author of the "Hoosier Schoolmaster.' The new story is entitled “The End of the World,” illustrating life and scenes in the west thirty years ago. It is said that this will be one of the most attractive and useful American stories yet brought out. Published by ORANGE JUDD & Co., Broadway, N. Y. THE ECLECTIC presents its usual varied and attractive intellectual feast. It is embellished with a fine steel portrait of Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State, and the more important papers are: Robert Burns;" "Science and Immortality;" "Nafoosa, a Story of Grand Cairo; A Voyage to the Sun;" "An English Estimate of General Lee; ""The Vintage in Portugal; A French Anarchist; "" A Span ish Orator; " " The Law and the Lyre; " " Marie;"" Modern Manners;" "The Shore and the Glacier;" and "The Constitutional Prospects of Germany.' Another installment of "The Strange adventures of a Phaeton" is given, and the Editorial departments are copicus and entertaining. Address E. R. Pelton, New York.

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THE NEW ENGLANDER for April contains; I. The Antagonism of Religion and Culture, President J. M. Sturtevant. II. John Woolman, Rev. O. E. Daggett, D. D., New London, Conn. III. Remarks on the style of Chinese Prose. IV. Immanuel Hart. V. Rothe on Revelation and Inspiration. VI. The Spiritual Element in Preaching. VII. The Doctrinal Basis of the National Congregational Council at Oberlin. VIII. Beloit College. IX. A Question in Congregationalism, Wm. L. Kingsley, New Haven, Conn.

THE JOURNAL OF SPECULATIVE PHILOSOPHY, for April, 1872, has an attractive table of contents for the lovers of higher Philosophy: I. Roesnkranz on Hegel's Logic. II. Fichli's facts of consciousness. III. Hegel's Philosophy of Art--Chivalry. IV. Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice. V A System of Empirical Certitude. VI. E. V. Hartman "On the Dialectic Method.' VII. Trendelenburg on Hegel's System. Address, Wm. T. Harris, Box 2,398, St. Lous, Mo.

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SCRIBNER for May is a very captivating number. Among its many interesting articles are: "Traveling by Telegraph," " 'Back-log Studies," James Richardson, Charles Dudley Warner," Mr. Lowell's Prose," W. C. Wilkinson; "Our Enchanted Outlook," O. R. Burchard; with the attractive "Topics of the Time," "Nature and Science," "Home and Society," "Culture and Progress." Scriqner & Co., N. Y.

THE LAKESIDE MONTHLY, for May, has been received, and presents a collection of many interesting articles. The following is a list of some of them: "Some California Savages;" "The License System of Taxation;" "Sir Charles Dilke, at home;" "Pebbles and Mosses;" "The Science of Lying." Address, University Publishing Company, 62 South Canal Street, Chicago, Ill.

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