
Department of Superintendency-John Hancock, Cincinnati, O., President. 1. The Extent, Methods and Value of Supervision in a System of Schools, by H. F. Harrington, Superintendent of Schools, New Bedford, Mass.

Discussion to be opened by J. L. Pickard, Superintendent of Shools, Chicago, Ill. 2. The Early Withdrawal of Pupils from School-Its Causes and Remedies, by W. T. Harris, Superintendent of Schools, St. Louis.

Discussion to be opened by A. P. Stone, Principal of High School, Portland Me. 3. Basis of Percentages of School Attendance-Report of Committee.

Department of Higher Instruction-D. A. Wallace, Monmouth College, Ill., President. 1. College Degrees—Report of Committee, Pres. D. A. Wallace, Chairman. 2. Greek and Latin Pronunciation-Report of Committee, Prof. H. M. Tyler, of Knox College, Ill., Chairman.

3. The Method of Teaching Physics by Laboratory Practice and Objectively, by Prof. Ed. C. Pickering of Boston.

4. Modern Languages-Their Place in the College, College Preparatory, and Scientific Preparatory Courses, by Pres. J. B. Angell, of Michigan University.

5. How to Teach English in the High School, by Prof. F. A. March of Lafayette College, Pa.

6. General Education as a Basis of Professional training, by Prof. John S. Hart of Princeton College, N. J.

Railroad arrangements will be announced as soon as completed. The local committee reports that nine good hotels agree to entertain guests at reduced rates-varying from $1.50 to $3.50 a day.


The Law of March, 1872, provides that "all graduates of any graded school of the State who shall have passed an examination at such graded school satisfactory to the Faculty of the University for admission into the sub-Freshman class and College classes of the University, shall be at once and at all times entitled to free tuition in all the Colleges of the University."

Under this Law the following regulations have been adopted by the Faculty: 1. The examination shall be in writing.

2. In preparing a paper let the candidate (1) Write on but one side; (2) Leave one or more lines blank after each answer; (3) Number answers to correspond with questions; (4) Write with ink.

3. The number of questions submitted shall be, in Arithmetic, 20; English Grammar, 10: Civil and Descriptive Geography, 20; Physical Geography, 20; United States History, 10; History of England, 10; Sentential Analysis, 10; Elementary Algebra, 10; Plane Geometry, 10.

4. Orthography and Penmanship shall be determined and marked from the papers.

5. The Principal shall examine the papers and mark them on a scale of one hundred. Candidates must obtain at least 75 per cent. in each study, and an average of 85 per cent.

6. It shall be the duty of the Principal to forward to the President of the University the Questions, the Examination Papers of the candidate, and a Certificate of the following form:

-Graded School,

County, Wis. 187-.

This is to certify that a graduate of this School has prepared the accompanying papers under my supervision, and that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the examination has been fairly conducted.

For the information of such graduates as may wish to enter the University, we give the following statement as to expenses:

Gentlemen are charged as follows; Room rent in North and South Halls, per term, $2.00; heating public rooms in University Hall—1st and 3d terms, $1.00; 2d term, $2.00.

Ladies are charged for the following items: Heating and lighting public rooms in Ladies' Hall-1st and 3d terms, $1.50; 2d term, $4.00; heating and lighting their

own rooms, when boarding in Ladies' Hall-1st and 3d terms, $4.00; 2d term, $8.00; rent of furnished rooms, per term, $4.00; board, per week, including the washing of bedding, towels and napkins, $3.00; washing, per dozen, 60 cents. The usual extra charges are made for Music, Drawing and Painting. Board and lodgings in private families can be had at reasonable rates, and those wishing to board themselves can obtain rooms near the University.

CALENDAR-1872.--Summer Term closes June 19. Commencement June 19. Fall term begins September 4, and closes September 18.

1873.-Winter Term begins January 8; and closes April 2. Summer Term begins April 9, and closes June 25. Commencement June 25. For further information, address

J. H. TWOMBLY, President.


Professor ALLEN has sent us the following:

PLOVER, Portage county, April 29 to May 3.-A very heavy rain, Monday forenoon, prevented many from reaching the Institute on the first day. A session was held, however, enrolling 20 members.

The evening address by Rev. W. Norton, of Evanston. Subject "Our Common Education; its Benefits and Privileges," was a carefully prepared paper, full of inspiration. Unfortunately, the heavy rain prevented many from hearing it. Thursday and Friday the teachers from Stevens Point came in, and contributed much to the interest of the exeercises. The lecture by Rev. Bennett, on "The Educational System of Ireland," was full of instruction to all. Full enrollment 52.

APPLETON, Outagamie county, April 29 to May 3.-This institute was conducted by Prof. R. Graham, of the Oshkosh Normal School. I have not yet received the report of proceedings, but have no doubt a pleasant and profitable session was had. Enrollment 41.

MILTON JUNCTION, Rock County, May 6 to 10.-Found a fair attendance here on Tuesday morning. I missed the lecture by Hon. Saml. Fallows, which I regretted. It was very highly spoken of.

On Tuesday evening Rev. R. G. Swinton gave an excellent address on "The Orgin, Development and Probable Destiny of the English Language.”

The advent of the teachers from East Milton, and Clinton Junction, gave new zest to the work. Local arrangements were quietly but efficiently managed by Mrs. Anderson, and Miss Saxe. Mr. Briggs of Clinton Junction rendered good service. The sociable that was to be in the College Hall, at East Milton, was postponed on account of the weather." The postponement did not save some of us from getting sprinkled.

Thursday evening Pres. Whitford spoke well of "Specific Duties and Obligations of Teachers," and an hour was spent in chatting and music, in place of the social. The instruction in penmanship by Mr. Bond was valuable, and the remarks of Rev. W. Walker, missionary from Africa, on the Languages of Central Africa," very interesting. Enrollment-62.

Adjourned Friday noon.

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WEYAUWEGA, Waupaca County, May 13 to 18.-Found but a small attendance here, as many of the schools had begun, and were in their second or third week. Naturally there is a great objection to breaking off at such a time for any purpose. Worked for two days with but 14 members,-but they all worked well. Thursday and Friday the Waupaca teachers came in, swelling the number to 31. This has been the smallest Institute of the season, but not an unprofitable one. Superintendent Mumbrue is working hard, and they will have a large session this fall.

Two Institutes will conclude the Spring and Summer campaign. These are appointed in the summer, that teachers may be able to reach the places assigned, at a time when roads are good. June 11, Neilsville, in Clark county, and June 18, Rice Lake Mills, in Barron county, are the times and places appointed. Expect notes of Institutes and trout from the latter place.

Applications are beginning to come in for Normal Institutes, in the fall. As but six or seven at the outside can be held, all applications should be in by June 10.

Educational Intelligence.

JUNEAU COUNTY.-Systematic work is being done here.


WRIGHT has adopted the plan, as he writes us, of "appointing assistants in each town to report the condition of the schools." He adds: "I shall watch the success of it with interest, and report to the department. I wish to call your attention to the questions upon methods of instruction."

His questions upon this matter, as addressed to the assistants, are as follows:

1, Is Reading taught to beginners by the A B C method or by the word method, and how thoroughly?

2. Is Reading taught to more advanced pupils by reading long lessons poorly, or is it taught by giving short lessons and requiring the pupils to understand the meaning of the words, the inflections and pauses, and to read well what they do read?

3. Are any pupils reading in books too far advanced for them?

4. Is Spelling taught orally or by writing, and how thoroughly?

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5. Is Penmanship taught by imitating copies set for the pupil, or is it taught by the use of the "elements' or "principles" of which the the letters are composed?

6. In Mental Arithmetic, do the pupils give the answer, or do they analyze, and how thoroughly?

7. In Written Arithmetic, are the pupils taught (1) to do problems readily, (2) to give the rules and definitions, (3) to explain the reasons for the rules, and understand the principles of Arithmetic?

8. Are there any classes in Grammar? If so, are they taught (1) to parse words, (2) to correct false grammar, giving the reasons for the correction, (3) to analyze sentences?

9. In Geography, are the pupils taught (1) to answer all map questions readily and accurately, (2) to draw maps on slates or on paper, (3) to explain the shape and motions of the earth, with the effect these have upon the seasons and upon day and night in the different zones?

10. Is the geography of Juneau County taught in the school?

11. Is the United States History used as a reading book, or is it really studied, and how thorougly?

12. Is the Constitution taught, and by what method?

13. Are there classes in any other branches, such as Orthography, Book-keeping, Algebra, German, Drawing, etc.?

14. Are there any general exercises, orally, for the study of Practical Grammar, the Science of Common Things, or the Elements of Physiology, Botany, Zoology, or Vocal Music? If so, how do they succeed?

Of the Institute lately held at Mauston, Supt. WRIGHT says:

"It was largely attended, and those who attended came to work. I have been in a good many Institutes in the last two or three years, but in none of them did I see such a spirit of real work as in this one. And the interest kept on increasing

to the close.

"The best part of the Institute was Prof. Allen's familiar lectures. His talks are so simple and yet so profound, so true to the philosophy of the child's mind, so moderate and judicious in their advice, so plain to the dullest understanding, as to help all, and be liked by all.

He does not teach particular methods as so many Normal teachers do, but he teaches the science of all methods. He does not content himself with giving rules and precepts; he teaches the principles upon which the rules all depend. He stirs up more thought and more profitable thought, than any Institute conductor whom it has been my fortune to meet."

MONROE COUNTY.—A six weeks' Normal Institute will be held at Sparta, commencing July 8th. Superintendent HOLDEN is vigorously stirring up his teachers and school officers, by judicious circulars, to the work of improvement. We quote his queries, addressed to district officers, in regard to

School Houses and Grounds.-Before the commencement of the next term of school, I would suggest that you make a thorough inspection of the school house and grounds; and would call your attention to the following points:

1. Is the house in good repair, are the windows whole, are the doors off the hinges, are the seats and desks comfortable and convenient as regards height, width and inclination? Is the house ventilated?

2. Is there enough black-board, and is it in good condition and conveniently arranged? It ought to extend entirely around the room, and be made of liquid slate, which can be obtained for $5.00 per gallon.

3. Is there a broom, dust-pan, pail, dipper, wash-basin, towels, and hooks for hats, caps and shawls, conveniently arranged-chairs for teacher and visitors, register, paper, inks, and a neat table with drawers and locks, and is there a good clock to save time to the school by keeping time?

4. Are there maps and a globe for teaching geography? A dictionary, charts for primary reading, crayons, rulers and pointers for use on the black-board, geometrical forms and solids-in short all the necessary apparatus for use in illustrating instruction?

5. Are the windows curtained to protect the eyes of the children from injury by the intense gl re of the bright light, and are the seats arranged with due reference to the same thing?

6. Is the house clean and wholesome, is it cheerful and pleasant, or does it need papering and painting to make it so?

7. What is the condition of the privies? Are they in good repair, wholesome, sufficiently spacious and properly situated? Are they filthy and covered with obscene caricatures and writing? There should be two, one for boys and one for the girls, located in the rear and at opposite corners of the yard separated by a high tight board fence, and properly enclosed There should be locks upon them. They should be frequently inspected and kept scrupulously neat and clean. The neglect to provide large, convenient, and suitable privies and urinals is an alarming evil. It breeds vice like a pestilence. The purity of your sons and the chastity of your daughters may be vitally corrupted by inattention on your part to the proper arrangement of these out-buildings.

8. Is the site of your school house high and dry, or are there pools of stagnant water sending forth their poisonous miasma near it? Is it well shaded or does the sun broil the children in summer, and, the winds chill them in winter?

9. Is the site enclosed? If not it should be and shade trees put out, and beds for flowers made, to make the place where children spend the larger part of their waking hours conduce to their pleasure and happiness.

MILWAUKEE.-A large number of teachers and friends of education assembled at the Humboldt school at ten o'clock yesterday morning for the purpose of listening to addresses from Gen. Fallows, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and Professor Twombly, President of the State University at Madison, on the subject, "The Relation of the Public Schools to the State University." Mr. Spinney, principal of the Plankinton school, presided, and announced music by pupils of the Humboldt school as the first business in order, The young girls evinced considerable proficiency both in vocal and instrumental music. The following is a very brief synopsis of the remarks made by the distinguished speakers:

Superintendent Fallows was introduced as the first speaker of the meeting. He expressed himself gratified at finding so many teachers present, and considered it

an expression of the interest taken by them in their noble calling. He stated, in very pointed and clear language, the aims of the State University and the relation which the common schools have held to that institution. He then explained the object intended to be realized by the legislation of last winter in relation to educational matters, and the imperative necessity of raising the standard of our common schools by unifying, first, their aim; second, their practical workings; and third, their highest and noblest results. He showed very clearly how this is to be consummated. The condition of our schools in comparison with the public schools in other states, by his showing, gives Wisconsin a very flattering position in the educational world. He appealed in very decided terms to the teachers present to go on in the good work in which they were engaged, and to prosecute their labors with the true aim which should actuate all good teachers. He appealed to their pride, to their ambition, and to their own individual interests to advance their own standard, by study and improvement, through their own individual efforts. His speech was listened to with great attention and evident interest.

The President next introduced Professor Twombly, President of the State University. He expressed his inability to add much to the field which had been so thoroughly traversed by the first speaker. He said that repetition might, perhaps, be available in this case as in ordinary teacher's experience. He then entered into a history of the origin and growth of the State University. He stated that the last legislature had devoted ten thousand dollars, annually, to the University. He said that the organizations of the several colleges are as thoroughly fitted for their special duties as they well can be. He spoke of the provision made in the University for the education of ladies, as being complete, and equal to the facilities provided for gentlemen. He alluded to the growing superiority of the law school, cabinets, laboratories, libraries, and general educational facilities.

He said that the College instructors in the University are, as a whole, as thoroughly competent for their work as any University faculty anywhere in the United States. He then read the law governing the admission of students to the University. He described the qualifications now required for the admission of students to the University, and of the advancing standard and trusted that the time was not far distant when the preparatory department of the University would be dispensed with. He then spoke of the broad and liberal position taken by the State University in the admission of pupils from graded and high schools on presentation of the requisite certificates of graduation from their respective schools.

He said this was a position in advance of any other institution elsewhere. He traced the consequences likely to ensue from this cause, arriving at very gratifying results. He expressed his regrets that so few of our young people persist in getting a thorough higher course of instruction.

He then appealed to the teachers present to aim at making the schools of Milwaukee what they should be, the legitimate feeders of the University, and considered that ten years hence, at least one thousand pupils would be found there, aiming to reach the higher educational standard. He alluded to the advantages of written examination, even down to the lower grades, and of the superior results obtained by them.

He characterized the University as the climax of the people's aim and hope in educational matters. The institution belongs to the people, and relies largely on the co-operation of the teachers in the public schools of the state. He closed by trusting that the teachers of Milwaukee would do their part and take that precedence which their numbers and superior advantages should entitle them to.

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