
Direction. Correct these errors:

1. The pupil will receive a reward from his teacher who is diligent. 2. Her hair hung in ringlets, which was dark and glossy. 3. A dog was found in the street that wore a brass collar. 4. A purse was picked up by a boy that was made of leather. 5. Claudius was canonized among the gods, who scarcely deserved the name of man. 6. He should not keep a horse that cannot ride.

Caution. When this and that, these and those, the one and the other refer to things previously mentioned, this and these refer to the last mentioned, and that and those to the first mentioned; the one refers to the first mentioned, and the other to the last mentioned. When there is danger of obscurity, repeat the nouns.

Examples. High and tall are synonyms: this may be used in speaking of what grows a tree; that, in speaking of what does not grow a mountain. Homer was a genius; Virgil, an artist: in the one we most admire the man; in the other, the work.

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Direction. Study the Caution, and correct these errors:

1. Talent speaks learnedly at the bar; tact, triumphantly: this is complimented by the bench; that gets the fees. 2. Charles XII. and Peter the Great were sovereigns: the one was loved by his people; the other was hated. 3. The selfish and the benevolent are found in every community; these are shunned, while those are sought after.

Direction. Write correct sentences illustrating every point in these five Cautions.




Miscellaneous Errors

Direction. Give the Cautions which these sentences violate, and correct the errors:

1. He who does all which he can does enough. 2. John's father died before he was born. 3. Whales are the largest animals which swim. 4. Boys who study hard, and that study wisely make progress. 5. There are miners that live below ground, and who seldom see the light. 6. He did that what was right. 7. General Lee, that served under Washington, had been a British officer. 8. A man should sit down and count the cost who is about to build a house. 9. They need no spectacles that are blind. 10. They buy no books who are not able to read. 11. Cotton, that is a plant, is woven into cloth. 12. Do you know that gentleman that is speaking? 13. There is no book which, when we look through it sharply, we cannot find mistakes in it. 14. The reporter which said that was deceived. 15. The diamond, that is pure carbon, is a brilliant gem. 16. The brakemen and the cattle which were on the train were killed. 17. Reputation and character do not mean the same thing: the one denotes what we are; the other, what we are thought to be. 18. Kosciusko having come to this country, he aided us in our Revolutionary struggle. 19. What pleased me much, and which was spoken of by others, was the general appearance of the class. 20. There are many boys whose fathers and mothers died when they were infants. 21. Witness said that his wife's father came to his house, and he ordered him out, but he refused to go. 22. Shall you be able to sell them boots? 23. I don't know but what I may. 24. Beer and

wine are favorite drinks abroad: the one is made from grapes; the other, from barley. 25. There is one marked difference between shiners and trout; these have scales, and those have not. 26. They know little of men, who reason thus. 27. Help thyself, and Heaven will help you?



Introductory Hints. You learned in Lesson 12 that, in the sentences Ripe apples are healthful, Unripe apples are hurtful, the adjectives ripe and unripe limit, or narrow, the application of apples by describing, or by expressing certain qualities of the fruit. You learned also that the, this, an, no, some, and many limit, or narrow, the application of any noun which they modify, as apple or apples, by pointing out the particular fruit, by numbering it, or by denoting the quantity of it.

Adjectives which limit by expressing quality are called Descriptive Adjectives; and those which limit by pointing out, numbering, or denoting quantity are called Definitive Adjectives.

Adjectives modifying a noun do not limit, or narrow, its application (1) when they denote qualities that always belong to the thing named; as, yellow gold, the good God, the blue sky; or (2) when they are attribute complements, denoting qualities asserted by the verb; as, The fields were green; The ground was dry and hard.


An Adjective is a word used to modify a noun or a pronoun.*

A Descriptive Adjective is one that modifies by expressing quality.

A Definitive Adjective is one that modifies by pointing out, numbering, or denoting quantity.†

The definitive adjectives an or a and the are commonly called Articles. An or a is called the Indefinite Article, and the is called the Definite Article.

A noun may take the place of an adjective.

Examples. London journals, the New York press, silver spoons, diamond pin, state papers, gold bracelet.

Direction. Point out the descriptive and the definitive adjectives below, and name such as do not limit:

Able statesmen, much rain, ten mice, brass kettle, small grains, Mansard roof, some feeling, all men, hundredth anniversary, the Pitt diamond, the patient Hannibal, little thread, crushing argument, moving spectacle, the martyr

* Pronouns, like nouns, are often modified by an "appositive" adjective, that is, an adjective joined loosely without restricting: thus - Faint and weary, he struggled on, or, He, faint and weary, struggled on. Adjectives that complete the predicate belong as freely to pronouns as to nouns.

†The definitive adjectives one, two, three, etc.; first, second, third, etc., are called Numeral adjectives. One, two, three, etc. are called Cardinal numerals; and first, second, third, etc. are called Ordinal numerals.

president, tin pans, few people, less trouble, this toy, any book, brave Washington, Washington market, three cats, slender cord, that libel, happy children, the broad Atlantic, The huge clouds were dark and threatening, Eyes are brigh What name was given? Which book is wanted?


Point out the descriptive and the defini adjectives in Lessons 80 and 81, and tell whether they den color, motion, shape, position, size, moral qualities, or whether they modify in some other way.



Caution. An and a are different forms of one. An is used before vowel sounds. For the sake of euphony, an drops n and becomes a before consonant sounds.*

Examples. An inkstand, a bag, a historian, a humble petition, an hour (h is silent), a unit (unit begins with the consonant sound of y), such a one (one begins with the consonant sound of w).

Direction. Study the Caution, and correct these errors:

A heir, a inheritance, an hook, an ewer, an usurper, a account, an uniform, an hundred, a umpire, an hard apple, an hero.

Caution. An or a is used to limit a noun to

* Some writers still use an before words beginning with unaccented h, as, an historian.

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