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French, forming one of the most beautiful villa scenes in the city, as seen in the accompanying view.

RESERVOIR SQUARE-This is a splendid Common in the north part of the City. In the centre of it is the Company's Reservoir, hence its name. This Square contains about 6 12 acres and is situated between Gore, Harrison, Oak, and Buzzell


The Reservoir in its centre is 150 feet above Canal street, and is capable of containing 11,000,000 gallons, being 484 feet in length, from north to south, 234 feet in breadth from east to west, and 18 feet in depth. Water is forced from the Merrimack by pumps in the centre shops of the "Mechanics Shops." The Reservoir is enclosed by a picket fence, outside of which and on the rim of the Reservoir is a fine terrace furnishing a splendid promenade. The Square is set with trees, and when finished according to the liberal plan of its projectors, will be one of the most splendid Squares in this or any other city.

PARK SQUARE.-This Square is situated between Pine, Chestnut, Park, and Cedar streets. It contains 3 1-2 acres. This Square is very level, and when finished will be a beautiful common. Many of the original trees have been spared from the axe, and add much to its beauty.



Road from Chester.-Road over Perham's bridge to Londonderry.-From Falls to Centre.-To Archibald Stark's.-River road.-Road across Alewife Falls-From Merrill's Ferry to Manchester Centre.-From Hall's Ferry east.-From Centre over Oak Hill.-New river road laid out by order of Court.-From Haseltine mills to Manchester Centre,- From Manchester Centre to Londonderry.-To line north of Massabesic.-To Martin's Ferry.-Past the Grandison Morse place.-To river near Peter Mitchel's.Road through Piscataquog.-Mast Road.-From McGregor's Bridge to Deer Neck.-Pawtucket Road.-To Andover Bridge,-To Chester south of the Massabesic.-Town divided into Highway Districts.-Streets.-Elm street. Hanover, &c.-Wards.-Blocks.-Merchant's Exchange, Smyth's, Stark, Central, Plumer's, Union, Merrimack, Granite, Ayer's, Museum.-Bridges.-Cohas, Amoskeag, Granite, Amoskeag Falls, Piscataquog. Ferries, Hadley's, Goffe's, Martin's, and Merrill's.-Amoskeag Canal.-Report of Directors of the Middlesex Canal.---Lock on Piscataquog.---Rail ways.

The first roads in this town were mere bridle-paths. Of these one from the Falls, past what is now known as Manchester Centre, to the Cohas, and so on to Londonderry, and a second, diverging from the first, south east of Tremont Square, and passing through the Valley Cemetery, to the old red house near the Gas Works, thence to the Cohas at Goffe's Mills, and so on to Litchfield, were for a long time the principal roads in Harrytown. From these, paths diverged in various directions, for the accommodation of individuals. These roads were all built at individual and not public expense. It is possible, that the people of Chester and Londonderry, bore most of the expense of the construction of some of these, but still, no evidence has been found to show that this expense was a public charge.

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