

In the extraordinary session of the most excellent California deputation held in Monterey on the 3d of November, 1834, the following regulations were made respecting the missions which had been secularized agreeable to the supreme order of the 17th August, 1833, and the provisional regulations of Governor Figueron of the 9th August, 1834:

ARTICLE 1. In accordance with the 2d article of the law of the 17th August, 1833, the amount of $1,500 per annum is assigned to the priests who exercise the functions of parish priest in the curacies of the first class, and $1,000 to those of the second class.

ART. 2. As curacies of the first class shall be reputed San Diego, San Dieguito, San Luis Rey, Las Flores, and ranches annexed; San Gabriel and Los Angeles; Santa Barbara the mission and presidio annexed; San Carlos, united to Monterey; Santa Clara, joined to San Jose de Guadalupe, and San Jose, San Francisco Solano, San Rafael, and the colony. And the following shall be reputed of the second class: San Juan Capistrano, San Fernando, San Buenaventura, San Frues and la Purissima, San Luis Obispo, San Miguel, San Antonio and La Solidad, San Juan Bautista, Santa Cruz, San Francisco de Asis, and the presidio.

ART. 3. Agreeable to the 8th and 9th articles of said law, the reverend father commissary prefect, Father Francisco Garcia Diego, shall establish his residence in the capital, and the governor (gefe politico) shall request the reverend diocesan to confer upon said prelate the faculties appertaining to a foraneous vicar. He shall enjoy the salary of $3,000 assigned to him by said law.

ART. 4. The foraneous vicar and the curates shall be judged, in all other respects, by said law of the 17th August, 1833.

ART. 5. Until the government can furnish permanent parish priests, the respective prelates of the missionaries (religions) shall do so provisionally, with the approbation of the governor.

ART. 6. with respect to article 6th of said law, the $500 per annum shall be paid for public worship and for servants in each parish.

ART. 7. From the common stock of the property of the extinguished mission, the salaries of the foraneous vicar, the curates, and for religious worship, shall be paid either in cash (should there be any) or in produce or other articles at current prices. The governor will give the necessary orders to have this carried into effect.

ART. 8. The 17th article of the provisional regulations of secularization, which imposed upon Indians the duty of giving personal service to the priests, is annulled.

ART. 9. With respect to the 7th article of said law, the governor will order localities to be appointed for the habitation of curates, for the courthouse, schools, public establishments, and workshops.

ART. 10. The other matters to which the observations of the reverend padre, Fr. Narciso Daran, extend, as they are of easy resolution, will be settled by the governor, who is authorized to do so by the provisional regulations.

ART. 11. This law, together with the opinion of the committee appointed to examine the above rations of Padre Daran on the provisional regulations, shall be communicated to the prelates for them to make it known to their subordinates.

ART. 2, (addition to.) The curacies which embrace two or more inhabited places will recognise the first one mentioned as the principal, and there the parish priest will reside, and in San Diego and Santa Barbara the missions will be the places of residence.


Mexican decree of the 7th November, 1835.

The President ad interim of the Mexican republic to the inhabitants thereof. Know ye that the general Congress has decreed the following: "Until the curates mentioned in the 2d article of the law of August, 1833, shall take possession, the government will suspend the execution of the other articles of said law, and maintain things in the state they were in before said law was enacted.”


Governor Alvarado's regulations respecting missions, January 17, 1839.

The fact of there not having been published in due season a set of regu lations, to which the management of the administrators of the missions ought to have been subject from the moment that the so-called secularization was attempted, having caused evils of great transcendency to this Upper California, as these officers, authorized to dispose without limit of the property under their charge, do not know how to act in regard to their dependence upon the political government and that of the most excellent department junta, not being at present in session to consult with respecting the necessary

steps to be taken under such circumstances, since the regulations of said secularization neither could nor can take effect on account of the positive evils attending the fulfilment thereof, as experience itself has demonstrated, has induced this government, in consideration of the pitiful state in which said establishments at present are, to dictate these provisional regulations, which shall be observed by said administrators, who will subject themselves to the following articles:

ARTICLE 1. All persons who have acted as administrators of missions will, as soon as possible, present to the government the accounts corresponding to their administration for due inspection, excepting those persons who may have already done so.

ART. 2. The present administrators who, at the delivery of their predecessors, may have received said documents as belonging to the archives, will return them to the parties interested, who, in virtue of the foregoing article, will themselves forward them to government, they being solely responsible.

ART. 3. Said officers will likewise remit those belonging to their adminis. tration up to the end of December of last year, however long they may have been in office.

ART. 4. Said officers will remit, as soon as possible, an exact account of the debts owing by and to the missions which at different times have been contracted.

ART. 5. Under no title or pretext whatever shall they contract debts, whatever may be the object of their inversion, nor make sales of any kind either to foreign merchants or to private persons of the country, without the previous knowledge of government, for whatever may be done to the contrary shall be null and without effect.

ART. 6. The amounts owed by the establishments to merchants and private persons cannot be paid without an express order from government, to which must likewise be sent an account of all such property of each mission as it has been customary to make such payments with.

ART. 7. Without previous permission from said government, no kind of slaughtering of cattle shall take place, except what is necessary for the maintenance of the Indians, and the ordinary consumption of the house; and even with respect to this, the persons in charge will take care that, as far as possible, no female animals be killed.

ART. 8. The traffic of mules and horses for woolen manufactures, which has hitherto been carried on in the establishments, is hereby absolutely prohibited; and in lieu thereof, the persons in charge will see that the looms are got into operation, so that the wants of Indians may thus be supplied.

ART. 9. At the end of each month, they will send to government a statement of the ingress and egress of all kinds of produce that may have been warehoused or distributed, it being understood that the Indians at all times. are to be provided for in the customary manner with such productions; to which

end the administrators are empowered to furnish them with those which are manufactured in the establishment.

ART. 10. The administrators will in this year proceed to construct a building, on account of the establishment, to serve them for habitation, and they may choose the locality which they may deem most convenient, in order that they may vacate the premises which they now occupy.

ART. 11. They shall not permit any individual of those called de razon (white people) to settle themselves in the establishments while the Indians remain in community.

ART. 12. They will at an early period present a census of all the inhabitants, distinguishing their classes and ages, in order to form general statistics; and they will likewise mention those who are emancipated and established on the lands of said establishments.

ART. 13. The establishments of San Carlos, San Juan Bautista, and Sonoma are not comprehended in the orders of this regulation. The govern ment will regulate them in a different manner; but the administrators, who at different times may have had the management of their property, will be subject to the orders contained in articles 1 and 2.

ART. 14. They will likewise remit an account of all persons employed under them, designating their monthly pay, according to the orders which may have been given, including that of the reverend padres, with the object of regulating them according to the means of each establishment; and these salaries shall not be paid now nor hereafter with self-moving property.

ART. 15. The administrators will, under the strictest responsibility, fulfil these orders, with the understanding that, in the term of one month, they shall send the information required of them.

ART. 16. Government will continue making regulations respecting everything tending to establish the police to be observed in the establishments, and the manner to be observed in making out the accounts.

ART. 17. For the examination of these accounts, and everything thereto relating, the government will appoint a person with the character of inspector, with a competent salary, to be paid out of the funds of said establishments; and this person will establish his office where the government shall appoint, and have regulations given therefor in due time.

Instructions to be observed by Mr. W. E. Hartwell in the inspection of the establishments of the missions of Upper California.

ARTICLE 1. It being a matter of the greatest importance that the missions be regulated as intended when I published my provisional regulations of the 17th of January last, you will methodize to order which you consider

best adapted to obtain the monthly information required, and have the annual accounts of the missions kept; and you will instruct the administrators how they shall organize them.

ART. 2. You will, with prudence an foresight, take an exact account of the self-moving property, and all other property in hand, calculating as near as possible the number of cattle, if it cannot be exactly got at.

ART. 3. In order to examine and count said cattle, you will take along with you a person of probity and information, who will attend to this business; and you will offer him the compensation which you may deem just for his services while the inspection may last.

ART. 4. On presenting yourself at each of the establishments you will inform the administrator of the object of your arrival, referring to him or manifesting to him the respective orders, so that there may be no legal pretext for not punctually observing them.

ART. 5. If any of the administrators of the missions should make known to you any palpable wants which in your opinion ought to be immediately remedied, you will take the proper steps to do so, although it may be necessa ry to dispose of some of the produce on hand in the stores.

ART. 6. Should any of the reverend padres, or other persons employed, make any complaints, to you relating to the management of the administrators, you will with due prudence make the decision which you think most just, and use your utmost endeavors to keep up harmony among all classes.

ART. 7. You will exhort the administrators to use all possible economy in the use of provisions, weekly and annual slaughtering of cattle, and crops of of eatables, in order by all these means to further the progress of establish ments.

ART. 8. You are authorized to regulate the weekly and annual slaughtering which it has been customary to make in the missions, taking into consideration the number of calves marked, (annually,) so that the stock of cattle may not diminish.

ART. 9. You will likewise recommend the administrators to be affable in their treatment of Indians, and that the punishment they inflict be moderate and proportioned to their state of uncivilization; and that they (the admin istrators) see that they frequent divine service, agreeably to the education which they have received.

ART. 10. If any of the administrators should disobey the orders of this government and not fulfil them duly, in spite of the good treatment you give them, you will inform the government by a courier, that it may determine what is to be done; and in case that circumstances should require it, you are authorized to suspend such officer for the time that you may consider necessary, and put the mayordomos in charge in the mean time, in order that the labors of your commission be paralyzed; and you will likewise inform the government, in order that it may determine what may be convenient.

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