
are taken thereout, and shall be present at the reduction of the metal from the ore; and, in short, shall concern themselves in all that is done in the name of the bank, agreeable to the instructions given them, until the time when the supplies shall have been repaid.


The Interventors shall not oppose any arrangements that are made by the Mine-owner or administrator, in regard to the economy and management of the labour, or any works which may have been determined on in the mine; provided, however, that in cases where considerable expence must be incurred, the Royal Tribunal shall first of all be consulted.


The interventors shall not interfere in the appointment of persons employed in a subaltern situation in the mines, but they may observe the conduct of such persons, in order to represent to the Mine-owner any thing which they may think requires amendment; and if the same be not amended, they shall inform the Royal Tribunal thereof, in order that this latter body may make provisions for its amendment, and may do all in its power to keep the Interventor and the Mine-owner upon good terms, acting in concert together, and uniting their services towards the advancement of the operations.


The Interventors shall be paid weekly the salaries that are allowed them, on account of supplies; and when these shall have been repaid, their ser vices shall be rewarded in proportion to the benefit which the bankers receive from them, and to the time and labour which they devoted to the cause, and their good conduct: but if, on the contrary, any fraud, concealment, or other improper practice shall appear on their part, whether to the prejudice of the bank, or to the Mine-owner, they shall be severely punished in proportion to their offences, by the proper judge, according to the provisions of Chapter III. of these Ordinances.


In case of any competition arising between any individual and the said bank, as to the supplying of a mine, I declare that the individual contractor shall have the preference, provided, that the proposed terms of supplying the mine, are the same in both cases; and in order that the said bank may not throw any impediments in the way of a free supply of the mines, I declare also, that this kind of business shall continue to subsist as before, the bank having no other object but to remedy the scarcity of supplies, and to promote as much as possible, the flourishing condition of the mines.




In order that the mines may be worked with stability and good effect, and that the full attainment of riches they contain may be accomplished, it is desirable that their operations should be directed by persons well acquainted with the principles and rules of the natural and practical sciences, and arts connected therewith, and who understand the best means of applying such knowledge, in consequence of their own experience; for which purpose, and in order that Mine-owners may not be misled in the appointment of persons whom they shall take into their employment, accounting perhaps some persons to be well informed who may only possess a superficial knowledge, or choosing others who may be no otherwise qualified than by having resided a certain time in the mining Districts, without possessing either judgment or science, and without any claim but the recommendation of their friends; and observ. ing how much difficulty there is in correcting such errors, be they voluntary or involuntary, all which leads the Mine-owner into placing a blind and dangerous confidence upon important points, in persons unworthy of such confidence, and has occasioned them very serious losses; in order to guard against these evils, and that the surveyors may be worthy of public confidence in all things connected with their art, 1 ordain and command that in every mining district there shall be one or more intelligent persons, who are well instructed and particularly acquainted with geography, subterraneous architectures, and hydraulics, and also, with mechanics, and the arts of carpenters, smiths, and masons, as far as such arts are necessary in the operations of mines, which persons are to be called Mining Professors; and also other persons well skilled in the science of minerals, commonly called mineralogy, and in the modes of extracting metals from ore, and reducing them to a state fit for use, commonly called metallurgy, which persons are to be called Surveyors of reduction; (Peritos Beneficialos); and these latter, as well as the former, are to be examined, approved, and appointed by the Royal Tribunal General of Miners, and without such qualification they shall not be entitled to any credit, in causes which may arise, or otherwise, but shall be considered as intruders, and shall be excluded and fined whenever they shall interfere in any thing which relates to the surveyorship of mines, although they may

*Literally, practical Surveyors, (Peritos Facultativos), but I have used the expression Mining Professor, as most consistent with the duties assigned to them,

offer themselves as bachelors of arts, land surveyors, architects, or masters of works, or as having been administrators of mines, or as having been in any way employed in the same.


The said Mining Professors shall have in their possession the necessary and proper instruments for measuring mines, whether subterraneously or on the surface, which instruments must always be true and correct, and made according to rule, so that there may be no failure, or irregularity in the performance of such operations; for which purpose they shall be inspected and examined at the time when the said persons are appointed, and afterwards on the occasional visits (of the Deputies.)


The Surveyors of reduction shall have a suitable public laboratory, provided with furnaces and machines for grinding and washing the metals, as also with the proper ingredients, utensils and correct balances and weights, and every thing that may be necessary for making assays, on a small scale, and also for reducing by smelting, one, two, or three quintals of ore.


The Mining Professors are to examine at the proper time, and to give certificates of examination to all persons desirous of being employed as miners, or mining-captains, to direct the under-ground operations, and to persons employed in the lining of mines, and in the brick-work, and to the carpenters and smiths; and I prohibit all persons from exercising such offices, or from employing themselves in the quality of masters in any place, where such business shall be going on, without having the above certificates of examination, under the penalty of three months imprisonment for the first offence, and of being banished from such place for the second, which punishments are to be imposed by the respective Territorial Deputies.


The Surveyors of reduction of each mining district, shall examine, and give a certificate of approbation to all persons offering themselves as amalgamators, smelters, and refiners, without which certificate, no one shall be capable of being employed in any of these capacities, at any work, or reducing Establishment, under the penalties contained in the preceding Section; and I ordain that, all these examinations, and all others, treated of in the present Chapter, shall take place, without any fees being received thereupon, and altogether gratis.


If any person shall pass from one Mining District to another, after having

been examined and approved of by the proper authorities in that which he has left, there shall be no necessity for a further examination, but he shall produce his certificate, signed by the proper professor, and attested by the clerk, or in default thereof, by the Deputies of the District and two witnesses.


The said Mining Professors, and Surveyors of reduction, shall, at the time of their appointments, take a solemn oath before the Royal Tribunal, in due form, but gratis, that they will at all times, and in all cases, discharge their offices well and faithfully, to the best of their knowledge, without fraud, deceit, or any bad intention whatsoever; after which, they shall not be required upon every occasion which may arise judicially or extra-judicially to repeat the same; since, when the oath has been once administered, as above, they are ever afterwards to remain bound by it.


The most perfect credit is to be given to the said mining Professors and Surveyors of reduction, in all matters connected with their office, but they may be objected to in case they have been appointed by the Judges; and when one has been appointed by one party in a suit, the other party may appoint another, and the Judge elect a third in case of their disagreeing, although they need not belong to the same District; but these objections and appointments of new Professors, shall not take place where there is reason to suspect that they originate in fraud or malice, or a wish to delay the determination of the case.


The Mining Professors and Surveyors of reduction, shall be present at all the visits (of the Deputies) to the Mines and Establishments, and shall observe and comply with every thing that is laid down in these Ordinances, and shall give their assistance in all cases properly belonging to their business, in which it may be required by the Judges and Deputies; taking on account thereof, such fees as shall be settled by a proper table of fees, which fees shall be proposed by the Territorial Deputations to the Royal Tribunal General; and when that body shall have gained information upon the subject, and consulted with the Viceroy thereupon, the said Viceroy shall, by means of such information, resolve and determine what fees are to be received, and without this previous authority the taking of fees shall not be carried into effect.


In the interval that must elapse before the College for the education and

instruction of young persons intended for the business of metallurgy, mineralogy, and other sciences necessary in the operations of mining, (the estab lishment of which college will be treated of in the next Chapter), shall supply a number of persons properly qualified, according to the provisions of the preceding Section, to fulfil the object of these Ordinances, I command that all persons at present employed in the operations of measuring mines, projecting shafts, and pits, and other important works, connected with the operations of the mines, whether appointed from having the name of land surveyors and measurers of mines, or from having been highly esteemed in the Mining Districts for their practical knowledge, shall present themselves before the Royal Tribunal General, in order to be examined, and to obtain the certificate of examination, without any fees being required, (as is provid ed by Section v. of this Chapter), and to exhibit the instruments which they use, in order that they may be examined and approved of; and in default thereof, they shall not be entitled to any credit either in causes which may arise, or otherwise; and if in any works directed by them any mischief should happen, the Mine-owner or Administrator who has employed them, shall not be excused from the responsibilities and penalties imposed by these Ordinances, and by the laws in general, upon all persons acting without the authority of surveyors, in cases where surveyors are required.


All persons to be appointed Mining Professors, or Surveyors of reduction must be either Spaniards, Mestizos derived from them, or noble Indians of known birth, parentage and education, and of good life and manners; under which circumstances these employments are always to be accounted honourable and meritorious, and persons who have served in them with fidelity, shall enjoy all the privileges of miners, and shall be eligible to higher occupations either in the mines or otherwise, having their seat in the public sittings next to the Judge and Deputies of the District, in the order of the seniority of their appointments, and without any distinction being made between the Mining Professors and Surveyors of reduction, who are to be treated with like and equal honours and distinctions.




To the end that there may never be wanting a supply of persons of good

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