
fortify Augsburg and Lindau; in the first of these places to form and maintain artillery establishments, and in the second, to keep a quantity of muskets aud ammunition sufficient for a reserve, as well as a baking establishment at Augsburg, sufficient to supply the armies without stop in the event of war.

Art. XXXVIII. The contingent of each is determined as follows: France





Nassau, Hohenzollern,

and others

our important duties, as chief of the
German empire, conformably to
the capitulation of election.

The consequences, however,
which ensued from some articles of
the treaty of Presburg, immediately
after its publication, and which
still exist, and those events generally
known, which have since taken
place in the Germanic empire, have
convinced us, that it will be impos
200,000 sible, under these circumstances, to
30,000 continue the obligations contracted
12,000 by the capitulation of election, and
3,000 even, if, in reflecting on the politi-
$,000 cal relations, it were possible to
4,000 imagine a change of affairs, the con-
vention of the 12th of July, signed
at Paris, and ratified by the con-
tracting parties, relative to an en-
tire separation of several considera-
ble states of the empire, and their
peculiar confederation, has entirely
destroyed every such hope.

4,000 Art. XXXIX. The contracting parties will admit of the accession of other German princes and states, in all cases where their union with the confederation may be found consistent with the general interest. Art. XL. The ratification of the present treaty shall be exchanged between the contracting parties, on the 25th of July, at Munich.

Resignation of the Office of Emperor of Germany, by Francis, Emperor of Austria. Dated at Vienna, August 6, 1806.

We, Francis Second, &c. Since the peace of Presburg. all our attention and all our care have been employed to fulfil, with scrupulous fidelity, all the engagements contracted by that treaty, to preserve to our subjects the happiness of peace, to consolidate every where the amicable relations happily reestablished, waiting to discover whe ther the changes caused by the peace, would permit us to perform

Being thus convinced of the impossibility of being any longer enabled to fulfil the duties of our imperial functions, we owe it to our principles and to our duty, to renounce a crown which was only valuable in our eyes, whilst we were able to enjoy the confidence of the electors, princes, and other states of the Germanic empire, and to perform the duties which were imposed upon us. We declare, there. fore, by these presents, that we, considering as dissolved the ties which have hitherto attached us to the states of the Germanic empire, that we, considering as extinguished by the confederation of the states of the Rhine, the charge in chief of the empire; and that we, considering ourselves thus acquitted of all our duties towards the Germanic empire, do resign the imperial crown, and the imperial government.


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We absolve, at the same time, the electors, princes, and states, and all that belong to the empire, particularly the members of the supreme tribunal, and other magistrates of the empire, from those duties by which they were united to ns as the legal chief of the empire, according to the constitution.

We also absolve all our German provinces and states of the empire from their reciprocal duties towards the Germanic empire, and we desire, in incorporating them with our Aus. trian states, as emperor of Austria, and in preserving them in those amicable relations subsisting with the neighbouring powers and states, that they should attain that height of prosperity and happiness, which is the end of all our desires, and the object of our dearest wishes.

Done at our residence, under the imperial seal.


Address of the Emperor of Austria on resigning the Office of Emperor of Germany.

We, Francis Second, &c. In abdicating the imperial govern. ment of the empire, we, considering it as the last effort of our care, and as an absolute duty, do express thus publicly a desire, equally reasonable and just, that the persons who have hitherto been employed in the administration of justice, and in diplo. matic and other affairs, for the good of the whole empire, and for the service of the chief of the empire, should be suitably provided for.

The care which all the states of the empire took of those persons who lost their places by the affair of the indemnity in 1803, induses us to hope, that the same sentiments

of justice will be extended to those individuals who have hitherto been employed in the general service, who have been chosen in all parts of the Germanic empire, and many of whom have quitted other profitable places, looking forward to an ho nourable subsistence for life, and which should not be wanting to them on account of their fidelity, and the integrity and capacity with which they have executed their functions.

We have, therefore, taken the resolution of preserving to those of our imperial servants, who have hitherto drawn their salaries from our chamber, the same appointments, reserving to ourselves to place them in employments in the service of our hereditary states, and we hope, with so much the more confidence, that the electors, princes, and states, will provide for the imperial chamber of justice of the empire, and the chancellerie of the chamber of justice, by charging themselves voluntarily with this expence, as it will be trifling in amount,and will diminish every year.

As to the chancellerie of the Aulic council of the empire, the funds destined for its support will be employed to provide for the wants of those individuals who have hitherto drawn from thence their salaries, this will serve them until other measures may be taken. Done in our capital and residence of Vienna, under our imperial seal, the 6th of August, 1806.


[blocks in formation]

My lords and gentlemen, 'His majesty has commanded us to acquaint you, that the state of the public business enables his majesty to close this session of parliament.

We are, at the same time, directed to express to you the great satisfaction which his majesty has derived from your unremitting zeal and diligence, and from that attention to the most important interests of his 'empire, which has been so conspicuously manifested in all your proceedings.

ment to him, in the provision which you have made, for enabling the younger branches of his royal family to meet the necessary expences of their stations.

My lords and gentlemen,

His majesty being always anxious for the restoration of peace, on just and honourable terms, is engaged in discussions with a view to the accomplishment of this most desirable end. Their success must depend on a corresponding disposition on the part of the enemy; and in every event his majesty looks with the fullest confidence to the continuance of that union and public spirit among all ranks of his people, which can alone give energy to war, or security to peace.

The measures which have been adopted for the permanent improvement of the various branches of our military system, your attention to combine these arrangements with the great object of public economy, and the regulations which you have. established for the speedy and effectual audit of the public accounts, call for his majesty's particular acknowledgments.

Gentlemen of the house



We have it in command from his majesty to thank you for the provision which you have made for the various exigencies of the public service, particularly by raising within the year so very large a proportion of the necessary supplies; a measure in itself highly advantageous, and which must create, both at home and abroad, the most favourable impression of our national resources, and of the spirit which animates the British people. You may be assured that the utmost attention shall be paid to the frugal administration of those supplies which you have so liberally granted,

His majesty is particularly sensible of the fresh proof he has received of your affectionate attach

Then a commission for proroguing the parliament was read: After which the lord chancellor said :

My lords and gentlemen,

By virtue of his majesty's commission under the great seal, to us and other lords directed, and now read, we do, in his majesty's name, and in obedience to his commands, prorogue this parliament to Thursday, the 28th day of August next, to be then here holden; and this parlament is accordingly prorogued to Thursday, the 28th day of August next.

Speech of the Lord Chancellor deli

vered, in his Majesty's Name, to both Houses of Parliament, Dec. 19, 1806.

My lords and gentlemen, His majesty has commanded us to assure you, that in the difficult and arduous circumstances under which you are now assembled, it is a great

satisfaction to him, to recur to the firmness and wisdom of his parliament, after so recent an opportu. nity of collecting the sense of his people.

His majesty has ordered the papers which have been exchanged in the course of the late negotiations with France, to be laid before you. His majesty has employed every effort for the restoration of general tranquillity, on terms consistent with the interest and honour of his people, and with that inviolable good faith towards his allies, by which the conduct of this country has always been distinguished.

The ambition and injustice of the enemy disappointed these endeavours, and in the same moment kindled a fresh war in Europe, the progress of which has been attended with the most calamitous events.

After witnessing the subversion of the ancient constitution of Germany, and the subjugation of a large proportion of its most considerable states, Prussia found herself still more nearly threatened by that danger which she had vainly hoped to avert by so many sacrifices. She was, therefore, at length compelled to adopt the resolution of openly resisting this unremitted system of aggrandizement and conquest. But neither this determination, nor the succeeding measures, were previously concerted with his majesty, nor had any disposition been shewn to offer any adequate satisfaction for those aggressions, which had placed the two countries in a state of mutual hos. tility.

Yet, in this situation, his majesty did not hesitate to adopt, without delay, such measures as were best

calculated to unite their councils and interests against the common enemy. The rapid course of the calamities which ensued, opposed insurmountable difficulties to the execution of this purpose.

In the midst of these disastrous events, and under the most trying circumstances, the good faith of his majesty's allies has remained unshaken. The conduct of the king of Sweden has been distinguished by the most honourable firmness. Between his majesty and the emperor of Russia the happiest union subsists; it has been cemented by reciprocal proofs of good faith and confidence and his majesty doubts not that you will participate in his anxiety to cultivate and confirm an alliance which affords the only remaining hope of safety for the continent of Europe.

Gentlemen of the house of


His majesty looks with confidence to your assistance in those excrtions which the honour and independence of our country demand. The necessity of adding to the public burthens will be painful to your feelings, and is deeply distressing to his majesty. In considering the estimates for the various branches of the public service, you will best consult his majesty's wishes, by combining all practicable economy with those efforts which it is necessary to make against the formidable and increasing power of the enemy.

My lords and gentlemen, The long series of misfortune which has afflicted the continent of Europe, could not fail to affect, in some degree, many important interests of the country. But under every successive difficulty, his ma


jesty has had the satisfaction of wit nessing an encreasing energy and firmness on the part of his people, whose uniform and determined re. sistance has been no less advantageous than honourable to themselves, and has exhibited the most striking example to the surrounding nations. The unconquerable valour and discipline of his majesty's fleets and armies continue to be displayed with undiminished lustre. The great sources of our prosperity and strength are unimpaired; nor has the British nation been, at any

time, more united in sentimenta nd action, or more determined to maintain inviolate the independence of the empire, and the dignity of the national character.

With these advantages, and with an humble reliance on the protec tion of the Divine Providence, his majesty is prepared to meet the exi gencies of this great crisis; assured of receiving the fullest support from the wisdom of your deliberations, and from the tried affection, loyalty, and public spirit of his brave people.


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