Iran: Journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies, Volumer 25-26The Institute, 1987 Vols. for 1963- include the Director's report, 1961/62- |
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Side 9
... undated OB ration list UET 5 , 503 ( iv , 4 ) mentions Susians ( MÙŠ.EREN ) . Elamite ( or hypothetically Elam ... undated ) . It is doubtful whether both individuals who bore kud / tur - names had any relations with Elam or ...
... undated OB ration list UET 5 , 503 ( iv , 4 ) mentions Susians ( MÙŠ.EREN ) . Elamite ( or hypothetically Elam ... undated ) . It is doubtful whether both individuals who bore kud / tur - names had any relations with Elam or ...
Side 16
... undated ; cf. Nashef , Akkadica 38 , 1984 , pp . 3 , 19f . ) and In ?! ( copy BU ) -za - ag / k - ga - mil ( Freed- man , Diss . , p . 200 : 232 , 9 , OB , undated , provenience unkn . ) . For Tilmunites at OB Lagaba ( 1729 B.C. ) see ...
... undated ; cf. Nashef , Akkadica 38 , 1984 , pp . 3 , 19f . ) and In ?! ( copy BU ) -za - ag / k - ga - mil ( Freed- man , Diss . , p . 200 : 232 , 9 , OB , undated , provenience unkn . ) . For Tilmunites at OB Lagaba ( 1729 B.C. ) see ...
Side 23
... undated letter AbB 6 , 19 , cf. Sub . , p . 102f .; prob . from northern Babylonia as the greeting contains Šamaš and Marduk ) . ( 46-47 ) were anonymous slaves who were purchased in Ešnunna ( PBS 7 , 143 , an undated letter from Adab ) ...
... undated letter AbB 6 , 19 , cf. Sub . , p . 102f .; prob . from northern Babylonia as the greeting contains Šamaš and Marduk ) . ( 46-47 ) were anonymous slaves who were purchased in Ešnunna ( PBS 7 , 143 , an undated letter from Adab ) ...
Glyptic Evidence for a Connection Between Iran SyroPalestine | 27 |
Saljuq Monuments in Iran V The Imamzada Nur Gurgan by Robert | 55 |
Dinars from Western Mazandaran of Some Vassals of the Saljuq | 77 |
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Afghan Afghanistan Aḥmad Akkadian al-Daula al-Ghazālī al-Mulk al-Mustazhir Amiet Amul Andkhoi appears arch archaeological Assyrian authority Autophradates Babylonia Bakun British building Bushire Bust Byblos Cadusian caliph campaign Cappadocia Centre Palace citadel coins cylinder seals Datames decoration document dome Early Bronze east Egypt eighth century B.C. Elam Elamite evidence Excavations Farmanfarmā glyptic governor Gurgan Hasanlu Hennell to Sheil Herat Hurrian Husain Ibid Imām inscription Iran Iranian Isfahan Islamic Ismā īlīs Ispahbud ivories Kassite Khān king Larsa later lūṭīs Maimana mentioned military Mīrzā mosque motif Muḥammad Museum Mustazhiri Naqada Nepos ninth century B.C. nomadic perhaps period Persian Pharnabazus Pisidians political probably Qajar Qavām recorded reign ruler Rūyān Sabzavārī Safavid Saljuq sarbāz Shah Shaikh shari'a Shiraz Agent side Sippar stamp seal Subarian sultan Susa Syrian Tehran Tepe theophorous element Turkistan undated Urartian Urartu Uruk Uzbek vazir wall yān