
Schools, Normal, and Teachers Sem-
inaries 90, Demanded by the in-
terests of popular education in
each state 91; age of pupils to be
received, and various classes 96.
Course of instruction in teachers,
seminaries, senior class 97. Va-
rieties of intellectual develop-
ment 101. Difference between
education and mere instruction
103. The art of teaching 104.
History of education important to
be known 105. Rules of health

108 Dignity of the teacher's of
fice 109. Religious obligations of
teachers 109. Influence on civili-

zation 111. General considera-
tions in favor of model-schools
112. Objections answered 115.
Chinese education 119. Prussian
schools 121. School-counsellor
Dinter 122. Improvement of
school-teachers 123. A school
journal 124.

Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, Algic Re-
searches by, noticed 252.
Schrallings, the language of the 191.
Selections from German Literature,
Review of, 198.

Sermons by Dr. Griffin, noticed 250.
Sermons by Augustus W Hare, 251.
Shephard, Rev. Prof. George, on dis-
criminative preaching 129.
Sin-What is Sin? 26. The point
in debate stated 27. Have infants
any proper knowledge of the di-
vine law? 29. Are infants declar-
ed to be transgressors? 31. Numer-
ous passages of Scripture explain-
ed 32. Another class of texts ex-
amined 37. Still another class
examined 40. The position of
Turretin and Edwards 41. The

main facts not called in question
42. On what ground are infants
saved? 43. Christ the Saviour of
infants 45. The dispute is about
diction, not things 48. The native
state of man not properly denomi-
nated sinful 49. The term sinful
explained 51. Our native propen-
sities not themselves sin 52.
bation 53. The mystery of God's
providence in respect to sin 55.
No recognition in the Scriptures
of two sorts of sin 57. The doc-


trine of the damnation of infants
considered 59. Rejected 60. The
sin of Adam 64. The difference
between the Old School and the
New School stated 67. Its impor-
tance not sufficient to justify divi-
sion or alienation 68
Smith, Mrs. Sarah L., Memoir of, 258.
Southey, Robert, Poetical Works 491.
Sprague, Rev W. B., D. D. his Me-

moir and Sermons of Dr. Griffin, 250.
Spring, Gardiner, D. D. His Lec-

tures to Young Men, noticed 493.
Spiritual Improvement, noticed 259.
Stowe, Rev. Calvin E., D. D. on Nor-

mal schools and teachers' sems. 90.

Strong Drink, Wine and, 408.
Stuart, Prof. M. What is Sin? 26.


Talmud, the, and the Rabbies. Intro-
ductory remarks by the editor 261.
Order of tradition 262. The Mish-
na 263. The oral law 264. Jew-
ish schools in Palestine 268. Hil-
lel and Shamai, the patience of
Hillel 269 The restorer of the
law 271. Rabbinism fully devel-
oped 275 The Mishna the ral-
lying point of Judaism 277, the
text book of the schools 278. Rab-
binical sbhools in Babylonia 281.
The three principal schools 285.
Contents of the Babylonian Tal-
mud 287.

Teachers' Seminaries, Normal Schools
and, 90.

Tappan, Rev. Henry P. Review of
Edwards on the Will by, 257.
Testimony, evidence of, 14. Hume's
argument considered-the thing
testified must be possible 15. There
must be a competent number of
witnesses, and they must have the
means and the capacity 16-must
be unexceptionable in moral char-
acter, and disinterested 17. Tes-
timony must be direct and concur-
rent 18-confirmed by other evi-
dence 19-and followed by consis-,
tent action 20. These principles
illustrated 21, and applied to the
recorded testimony in support of
the facts of the Christian system 23.
Theologian, Duties of a, 347. A ra-

tional regard to the opinions of
past ages 348, their authority in
respect to essential doctrine and
refined speculations 349. The au-
thority of a few leading minds
350. An eclectic course recom-
mended 351. The possibility of
improving our standard theolog-
ical systems 353. The relations
of theology to other branches of
knowledge 355. The philosophy
of mind 357. Improvements which
depend on the lapse of time 358.
Danger of moving too fast. The
duty of fraternal interest 359. In-
tolerance of theological dogmatists
360. Its effects 361. A pusillan-
imous orthodoxy 363. The caus-
es and results of differences in re-
ligious opinion 365. Theology
associated with what is delicate
and refined in taste 370. Charac-
teristics of Augustine and Calvin
371, of Edwards 372. The vener-
ation due to him 374. The theol-
ogy of some men divorced from
morals 375. Piety 376. A tribute
to the New England fathers 379.
Three Last Things, the, noticed 505.


Union Bible Dictionary, the, 489.
Upham, Prof. Thomas C. His Ele-
ments of Mental Philosophy, and
Treatise on the Will, noticed 496.
His work on Imperfect and disor-
dered mental action 497.


Van Valkenburgh, Rev. D. on the Du-
ration of Christ's Kingdom 439.


[blocks in formation]


וין and תירוש Hebrew words


plained 421. Note by the editor 423.
it expedient to abstain totally from
all drinks that may intoxicate 424.
Note by the editor 424. Remarks
on the principles of expediency 425.
Object of Temperance Societies
427. The old pledge and the rea-
sons for it 428. The tee-total
pledge 429. Its reasons stated.
Note by the editor 430. Replies to
arguments 432.

Writing the origin of, in Greece and

Egypt 71. Early use of letters in
Greece 72. Use of letters on Gre-
cian coins 77. Use of letters in
Greek inscriptions 82. Use of let-
ters in Egypt 86. An ancient roll
of papyrus 86.
Inscriptions on
monuments 87. The testimony of
Manetho 89.


Yale College, Annalso f, noticed 494.


312. 13th. line, for " uncontrovertible," read incontrovertible.
for "mat shalls," read marshals.
352. 39th. line, for "reasoning," read reasonings.
353. 18th. line, for "Lemborch," read Limborch.
355. 31st. line, for Phenician." read Phoenician.
356. 34th. line, for "struggling." read strugglings.
362. 33rd. line, for "such a mind," read such mind.

364. 15th. line, for "despite." read in spite.
365. 2nd. line, for "rudeness," read rudenesses,
5th. line, for "interest." read interests.

367. 23rd. line, for "cerebrial," read cerebral.

369. 27th. line, for "habitude of a mere appendage of," read. Lebetude of a mere
appendage to.

371. 10th. line, for hardness," read hardnesses.

374. 39th. line, for "bachelor," read bachelors.

378. 2nd. line, for "not with pious feeling is unwrought," read, with pious feeling
is inwrought.

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