
Diocletian, persecution of, 33

Doomsday Book, Thierry's account of, 141
Dover, capture of, by the Conqueror, 135
Dover Castle, defence of, by Southey, 328
Dramatic scenes, on the introduction of, 5;
from English History suggested, 93;
various examples of, 22, 72, 79, 94, 104,
150, 168, 182, 203, 229, 294, 321, 330,
363, 376, 398, 410, 416, 421, 448, 457,
466, 475, 487, 513, 545, 556, 562, 589,

Druids, of Britain, account of the, 26;
Julius Cæsar's description of the, 27,
28; religious system of the, 28; their
chief deities, ib.; their peculiar doctrines,



EAST ANGLIA one of the kingdoms of the
Saxon Heptarchy, 49

Edgar and Elfrida, account of, 83
Edith, banishment of, 101
Edmund, the Saxon king, 88

Edmund de la Pole, Duke of Suffolk, execu-
tion of, 571

Edric, Duke of Mercia, 87

Edward, son of Ethelred, called to the
Saxon throne, 89

Edward the Confessor, 94

Edward I., annals of, 349 et seq.; joins the
Crusaders in the Holy Land, ib.; his con-
quest of Wales, 350, 352; his attempt to
conquer Scotland, ib. ; ode on his treat-
ment of the Welsh, 354; his death, 352;
chronology of events from the reign of, 671
Edward II. defeated at Bannockburn, 368-
371; his fall and cruel death, 372; drama
of, by Marlowe, 376
Edward III., his possessions in France, 380;
the order of descent from which he laid
claim to the throne of France, 384, 385;
gains the battle of Cressy, 385; his siege
of Calais, 388; the Countess of Salis-
bury, 397; anecdote of, ib.; the story
dramatised, 398 et seq.

Edward VI., annals of his reign, 623 et seq. ;

his illness and death, 627; sonnet on, by
Wordsworth, 626

Edwin, King of Northumbria, converted to
Christianity, 58

"Edwin the Fair," Taylor's drama of, 78
et seq.

Eleanor, daughter of the Count of Provence,

Eldred, Abp., 139; his malediction on the
Conquest, 140; his death, ib.
Elfrida, beauty of, 85; married to Earl
Athelwold, ib.; married to King Edgar,
86; murders her step-son, ib.
Elizabeth, Princess (afterwards Queen), her
sister Mary's persecution of, 634; reign of,
639; her learning and talents, 640; her
judicious choice of ministers, 642; her

death, 646; her resistance to the Spanish
Armada, 657; chronology of the principal
events from the accession of Edward I. to
her reign, 671

Ely Abbey, Canute's visit to, 90
England, Saxon rulers of, 88; the discontents
in, as related by Froissart, 433
English dominion, decay and subversion of in
France, 479 et seq.

ENGLISH HISTORY, Half Hours of ;-the
Roman period, 1-41; Anglo Saxon
period, 42-134; Saxons and Normans-
from William I. to Henry III., 135-348;
annals of Edward I., 349; a series of
dramatic scenes from, suggested, 93; (see

English possessions in France, 380
Essex, one of the kingdoms of the Saxon
Heptarchy, 48, 49

Essex, Earl of, account of his fall, 659;
dramatised by Landor, 664

"Essex and Bacon," Landor's drama of, 644
Ethelbert, the king of Kent, converted to
Christianity, 55 et seq.

Etheldred, forced to fly to Normandy, 87
Ethelwald, declared a rebel, and killed in
battle, 74

Evesham, battle of, 336, 339; ballad written
on, 340

"Evil May Day," historical account of, 579
Exeter, Duke of, his conspiracy against
Henry IV., 443; his defeat and execution,
446, 447


"FAIR ROSAMOND," life and death of, 243;
poem on, 243 et seq.
Falkirk, battle of, 362
Feudal System, Guizot's account of the,
208-212 et seq.; its introduction into
England, 309

"Field of the Cloth of Gold," 574
Fishing, among the Anglo-Saxons, 121
France, English possessions in, 380; the
order of descent from which Edward III.
laid claim to the throne, 384, 385; the
decay and subversion of the English
dominion in, 479 et seq.

Francis I., his meeting with Henry VIII. on
the "Field of the Cloth of Gold," 574

[blocks in formation]

Gaul, Cæsar's preparations in, for the inva-
sion of Britain, 4; condition of during the
fourth century, 46; invasion of by bar-
barians, 47; destruction of Roman society
in, 47

Gauls, manners and customs of the, 6
Godwin, Earl, 93; the wealth and power of
England in his hands, 94; marries his
daughter to King Edward, ib.; drama of,
94 et seq.; banishment of, 99; historical
events connected with, 100 et seq.; his
death and character, 104

Greek fire, its invention and use, 272, 273.
Gregory "the Great," biographical notices
of, 56

Grey, Lady Jane, proclaimed as Queen of
England, 627; death of, 632
Guilford, Lord, execution of, 635

Guizot's remarks on the overthrow of the
Roman power by barbarian tribes, 45
Guthrun, the Dane, converted to Christian-
ity, 64

Guy of Lusignan, the dethroned King of
Jerusalem, 271


HANDICRAFTS among the Anglo-Saxons, 176
Hankes, martyrdom of, 637
Harold, the Saxon king, historical notices of,
104; his vow, ib.; drama of, 104 et seq.;
his coronation, 111; defeated at the battle
of Hastings, 112, 113; is slain, and buried
at Waltham Abbey, 113; speech of, before
the battle of Hastings, 119

Hasting, the Danish general, 64; his ravages
in England, 65

Hastings, battle of, 111; Harold defeated at
the, 112, 113; castle of, 162; speeches of
Harold and William I. before the battle of,
119, 120

Hastings, Lord, death of, 520

Hengist, the Saxon chief, enters Britain, and
defeats the Picts and Scots, 43; subdues
the province of Kent, and lays the founda-
tion of the first Saxon kingdom, ib.; his
victorious career, 45

Henry I., surnamed Beau Clerc, 177; his
accession, ib.; his wife Maud, 178; state
of the country under, 187; popularly called
the Lion of Justice, 188; legend respecting,
189; his children, ib.; union of his daughter
Matilda with Geoffrey Plantagenet, 191.
Henry II., accession of, 215; his contests
with Thomas à Becket, 221 et seq.; drama
of the " King and the Archbishop," 229
et seq.; his family troubles, 237, 253; pen-
ance of, 238, 239; his conquest of Ireland,
239; death of his "Fair Rosamond," 243;
his death, 253; character of, 256
Henry III., annals of, 324 et seq. ; nominated
to the throne by the Earl of Pembroke,

Henry IV., the Duke of Exeter's conspiracy
against, 443; death of, from Holirshed, 457;
dramatised by Shakspere, 457-465
Henry V. and the Lord Chief Justice, 465;
anecdote of, 466; dramatised by Shak-
spere, 468; gains the battle of Agincourt,
468, 472; dramatised by Shakspere, 475;
his illustrious character and death, 481
Henry VI., his early succession, 481; crowned
at Paris, 482

Henry VII., character of, by Lord Bacon,

Henry VIII., events of his reign, 568 et seq.;
his children, 574; his visit to France and
the "Field of the Cloth of Gold," 574; his
meeting with the French king, 575; last
days of, as related by Hume, 610; condi-
tion of the people during his reign, 616; the
causes of his resistance to the Pope, as re-
lated by Sir Walter Scott, 620, 621
Heptarchy of the Saxons, 48; its different di-
visions and their founders, 48, 49; proposed
to substitute the word Octarchy, 50; geo-
graphical divisions of the, ib.

Hooper, Bishop of Gloucester, martyrdom of,

[blocks in formation]



KATHARINE, Queen, trial of, 559
Kent, one of the kingdoms of the Saxon
Heptarchy, 48


LATIMER, Bishop, martyrdom of, 637
Laws, on their administration during the
Norman period, 247

Llewellyn, prince of Wales, death of, 350
London, the Conqueror's march upon, 137
"Lytell Geste," ballad of the, 288


MEATE, their manners and customs, 30, 31
Magna Charta, historical account of, 263;
its essential clauses, 263 et seq.; always
considered a fundamental law, 265; its
principal provisions, ib.; signed at Runne-
mede, 312

"Maid of Orleans" (see JOAN OF ARC)
Manufactures among the Anglo-Saxons, 127
Margaret, Countess-Dowager of Salisbury,
executed, 573

Mary, Queen of England, reign of, 629; her
persecution of the Princess Elizabeth, 634
Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland, her event-
ful career, 647; her marriage with the
Dauphin, 648; fate of her husband, Lord
Darnley, 650; her marriage with Both-
well, Duke of Orkney, ib.; her flight with
Bothwell, ib. ; her abdication, and flight to
England, ib.; her imprisonment and exe-
cution, 651 et seq.
Matilda, daughter of Henry I., married to
Geoffrey Plantagenet, 191; her invasion
of England, 199

Maud, wife of Henry I., 178; her invasion
of England, 199

Maximianus Herculius, 34

Mercia, one of the kingdoms of the Saxon
Heptarchy, 49; the "Wars of," a tragedy,
50 et seq.
Medals found in Britain, 2
Miracles, pretended, 606
Monasteries, suppression of the, as related by

Hume, 605; their number, and great
wealth, 607, 608; dissolution of, 572, 573
Money, power of granting, according to
Magna Charta, 265

More, Sir Thomas, death of, 600

[blocks in formation]

Norman kings, castles of the, 144


Norman period, on the administration of the
laws during the, 247

Normandy, English power in, 382, 385; re-
covered from the English by the French,

[blocks in formation]

PANDOLF, the Papal legate, 307; King John
does homage to him, 308

Papal power, contentions of King John with
the, 302, 304; its fulminations, 306
Parliamentary representation, historical no-
tices of, by Hallam, 333

Paulinus defeats Boadicea, the British queen,

Peasants, insurrection of the, temp. Edward
III., 407

Pembroke, Earl of, nominates Prince Henry
to the throne, 336

People, oppressions of the, 187
Percies, revolt of the, 447, 454
"Perkin Warbeck," tragedy of, by the Rev.
J. White, 545

Philip Augustus of France, 274

Philip II. of Spain, his invasion of England,

Picts defeated by Hengist, 43

Piers Gaveston, death of, 366

Plautius, the Roman prætor, his attack on
Britain, 15; his conquests, 16

Poictiers, William of, his description of the
Saxons, 146

Poitiers, battle of, 391

Popery, sonnet on the revival of, 628
Princes in the Tower, murder of the, 522
Protestant martyrs, 635


RAYMOND, prince of Antioch, 271
Reformation in Scotland, beginning of the,
as related by Sir Walter Scott, 618
Rhodes, seizure of, by Richard I., 270
"Revolt of the Percies," from Holinshed,
447, 454; dramatised by Shakspere,
448, 454



Richard I., the Crusader, Hume's account of,
266; his fleet, 269; his dangerous adven-
tures, ib. et seq.; captures a large
Saracen ship, 272; his arrival at Acre, and
its capture, 273; departs for Jerusalem,
275; defeats Saladin, 276; his heroic
bravery, ib.; his captivity in Austria,
279; sumis advanced for his ransom, 281;
his liberation, 282; his death and cha-
racter, ib.
Richard II., the deposition of, 421; drama-
tised by Shakspere 421
captivity of, as related by Froissart, 436;
et seq.;
his deposition, 439


Richmond, Earl of, his victory at Bosworth
Field, 525, 526

Ridley, Bishop of London, martyrdom of, 637
Robert, the Captive, 179; takes possession
of Normandy, 180

Robert, Earl of Gloucester, 193

Robert Fitz-Walter, chosen by the Barons
of England as their general, 311
Robin Hood and Sherwood Forest, 284
Rochester Castle, its antiquity and strength,

Roderic, King of Connaught, 242

Rogers, Prebendary of St. Paul's, martyrdom
of, 636

Roman civilization, destruction of, 45
Roman period, 1-41; Cæsar's invasion of

Britain, 1; Cymbeline, 5; invasion of
Claudius, 15; Bonduca, 18; the Druids,
26; Severus, 30; Diocletian, 33; the last
Romans, 36

Roman road, near Silchester, 38
Romans, their first acquaintance with Bri-
tain, 2; their conquest of Britain, 3; the
written monuments of their rule, ib.; their
first landing in Britain, 3, 4; their depar-
ture from Britain, 5; last of the, in Bri-
tain, 36

[ocr errors]

Roses, White and Red," their sanguinary
contests, 509

Rouen, captured by the French, 483


Runnemede, the place where Magna Charta
was signed, 312


SACE, a nation of Asiatic Scythia, 43

St. Alban, Abbey of, 137

St. Albans, battle of, 509

Saladin, the Saracen commander, 276; op-

poses the Crusaders, 276; his defeat, ib.
Saunders, martyrdom of, 637

Saxons, their arrival in Britain, 42, 43; their
supposed origin, 42; defeat the Picts and
Scots, 43; their irruptions into Britain, ib.;
Saxon kingdom founded by Hengist, 43;
Heptarchy of the, 48; the Normans rapidly
absorbed among the, 145; the Conqueror's
conciliatory policy towards the, 145;
description of the, 146.

[blocks in formation]

Seymour, Jane, married to Henry VIII.,
Seymour, Lord, charged by his brother with
high treason, and executed, 625
Sherwood Forest, Robin Hood's adventures,

Ships of war, all galleys during the Norman
period, 272

Shrewsbury, battle of, 454

Silchester, site of, 37; description of, 38, 39;
antiquities of, 40, 41

Silures, the, 17

Simon de Montfort, Earl of Leicester, 329;
dramatic scene of, 330; ballad written on,
340; slain at the battle of Evesham, ib.;
ballad on, ib. et seq.

Simnell, Lambert, the impostor, historical
notices of, 527

Somerset, Duke of, the Lord Protector of
England, 623; charged with high treason,
and executed, 626

Spanish Armada, invasion of the, 656; de-
feated and destroyed by the English
squadron, 658

Standard, battle of the, 196

Stephen of Blois, his accession to the throne
of England, 191

"Stephen and Maud," Keats' drama of, 202
et seg.

Stonehenge, account of, 26; the purposes to
which it was appropriated, 27; Julius
Surrey, Henry Howard, Earl of, executed,
Cæsar's description of, ib.

Sussex, one of the kingdoms of the Saxon
Heptarchy, 48

Sweyn, King of Denmark, invades England,
87; his death, ib. ; succeeded by his son
Canute, ib.

Swithelm, Bishop of Sherburn, sent to India,


TALBOT, JOHN, and his son, death of, 486;
dramatised by Shakspere, 487
Taylor, the Rev. —,
Taylor's drama of "Edwin the Fair," 78
martyrdom of, 637
Tewkesbury, battle of, 512

Thomas à Becket, rise of, 217; biographical
notices of, 218 et seq.; his character and
great abilities, 220; history of his fall, 221
et seq.; account of his death, 226; drama
of the "King and the Archbishop,” 229
et seq.

Tin found in Britain, 2; an article of com-

mercial importance, ib.
Towton, battle of, 513; dramatised by
Shakspere, ib. et seq.

Trades among the Anglo-Saxons, 127
Tudors, Government of the, 666

Tyrrel, Sir James, the murderer of the
Princes in the Tower, 522; dramatised, ib.
et seq.

Tyrrel, Walter, and William Rufus, drama-
tised, 168


UVERLAMACESTIR, ancient church of, 35


VERSTEGAN, the antiquarian writer, 62
Vespasian in Britain, 16

Vineyards among the Anglo-Saxons, 125
Vortigern, the British Sovereign, 42; invites
the Saxons to Britain, 43; is deposed, ib.
Vortimer, son of Vortigern, 43


WAKEFIELD, battle of, 510
Wales, Edward the First's military opera-
tions against, 350; conquest of, and
anexation to England, 350, 352; ode on
Edward's treatment of, 354

Wallace, Sir William, of Scotland, his resist-
ance to Edward I., 351; history of, by
Sir Walter Scott, 357

"Wallace and Bruce," dramatised, 363
Warbeck, Perkin, the impostor, Lord
Bacon's account of, 531, 541; condemned
and executed, 545; tragedy of, ib.

"Wars of Mercia," a tragedy, 50 et seq.
Warwick, John Dudley, Earl of, his opposi-
tion to the Lord Protector, 625; his power
and authority, 626

Wessex, one of the kingdoms of the Saxon
Heptarchy, 48

"White and Red Roses," historical notices
of the, 509

Wilford, Ralph, the impostor, 544

William I., the Norman, his invasion of Bri-
tain, 111; wins the battle of Hastings,
112, 113; his speech before the battle,
120; Thierry's account of his march to
London, 135; coronation of, 137; his con-
ciliatory policy towards the Saxons, 145;
his death, 147; his death and burial dra-
matised, 150 et seq.; his character, 156;
his wife and children, 157; epitaphs and
panegyrics on, 158

William, Prince, shipwreck of, 180; the ship-
wreck dramatised, 182

William Rufus, the son and successor of the
Conqueror, 157; account of his accession,
158; death of, 164; inscription on, 168
character of, 173

Wine among the Anglo-Saxons, 124
Wolsey, fall of, dramatised by Shakspere,
562; death of, 572


YORK AND LANCASTER, quarrel between the
houses of, 509

York, Edward, Duke of, 571

York, Richard, Duke of, his address to the
Houses of Parliament, 509; is slain, 510
York, Richard, Duke of, defeated at the bat-
tle of Bosworth Field, 526, 527

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