
proportion than the inmates of a prison do to the mass of a community."

These truths which we have been discussing are as solemn as they are profound and Scriptural. Whatever God has clearly revealed, that his ministers are plainly to teach. But much depends upon the spirit in which these truths are taught. They are to be spoken plainly and tenderly. The preaching which fails to recognize the doctrine of eternal punishment, fails to give due honor to the holiness of God; it fails to emphasize aright the sinfulness of sin, and the greatness of Christ's atoning work. If man be not eternally lost, then the Cross of Calvary is either a gigantic blunder or an unpardonable crime. If punishment be not eternal, then the Word of God imposes upon the credulity of men. Many a Christian man knows that, in looking back over his Christian life, the fear of future punishment was the first means which turned him from sin to God. This is certainly not the highest motive, but it is often the most influential, in the beginning of the Christian life. To that motive our Lord most certainly appeals; to that motive thousands of believers must attribute their salvation. Among that great number is this present writer. The New Testament uncovers hell. Men had known but little of this fearful abyss, but for the teachings of the loving Lord himself. As the cross most fully displayed the love of God, so the teaching of him who died upon the cross most fully reveals the wrath of God against all unrighteousness. Never was preaching so characterized by what men have called the "hell-fire" element, as was the preaching of the Son of God. He uttered the most fearful woes that ever came from human lips; but these most terrible woes were baptized in tears of infinite love. A cold, hard, mechanical statement of these terrible truths may awaken opposition, and make these truths themselves repellent; but when they come from a preacher whose heart glows with the love of God and with love for the souls of dying men, they become irresistible in their tenderness, and awful in their authority. No human sentimentalism can take these terrible truths from the

Word of the living God. When the reasoning of atheistic and pantheistic and all other forms of human philosophy have passed away, the Great White Throne, the Eternal Judge, and the two divisions of the human race, the one going joyously to bliss, and the other hopelessly to death, must abide.

R.S Max Arthur.

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That there is a Soul, Destined to Survive the Body, is Witnessed, I. by Reason and Nature. The Principle of Reason and Will is Independent of Matter, both in its Existence and in its Activity.-Being Simple, it is Indissoluble.-This Conclusion of Reason is Confirmed by the Consciousness of Moral Responsibility.-II. The Common Sense of Mankind Affirms that a Personal Identity is to Survive the Body.This Belief Pervaded the Consciousness of the Old World, Especially of Greece and Rome, and did not Cease with the Advance in Culture; Exemplified in (a) Aristotle and (b) Cicero.-III. The Existence of the Soul and of a Future State, being part of the Religion of Nature, are Confirmed and Guarded by the Catholic Church.The State of the Soul after Death is Eternally Fixed at Death, and is one either of Happiness or of Misery.—There is no Third State.—Happiness is for those who die in Union with God, Pain is for those who die Culpably Separated from God.— God has not Revealed how he will Deal with those who have not Heard the Gospel.But to Say that Pagans, Jews, Heretics, and the like receive no Influx of Grace, is contrary to the Catholic Faith.—To All Men Grace is given Sufficient for Salvation.

By His Eminence, The Most Rev. HENRY EDWARD MANNING, D.D., Cardinal,
Archbishop of Westminster, England.

THE question, What will be the future state, assumes that we shall survive after death; for to non-existence there can be no state. Nevertheless, as they who inquire into the future state are often if not chiefly men who doubt our survival after death, it is safest to begin with this point. My purpose then will be first to show by the light of reason and the facts of nature that such a survival of our personal identity is at least in the highest degree probable; and that the onus of proving that we shall not survive the change of death rests exclusively upon those that deny it; and, secondly, that the common sense or consciousness of mankind, apart from revelation, has always affirmed, I may say attested, the survival of our personal identity after death; and lastly, that revelation has confirmed their

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