
shift my cruising ground, and hauled by the wind to the eastward, with the view of cruising off Pernambuco, and on the 4th February, captured the English brig Resolution, of 10 guns, from Rio Janeiro, bound to Moranham, with coffee, jerked beef, flour, fustic, and butter, and about $23,000 in specie. As she sailed dull, and I could not spare hands to man her, I took out the money, and set her on fire. I then ran down the coast of Moranham, and cruised there a short time; from thence ran off Surinam. After cruising off that coast from the 15th to the 22d of February, without meeting a vessel, I stood for Demarara, with an intention, should I not be fortunate on that station, to run through the West Indies, on my way to the United States. But on the 24th, inthe morning, I discovered a brig to leeward, to which I gave chase-ran into quarter less four, and not having a pilot was obliged to haul off-the fort at the entrance of Demarara river at this time bearing S. W. distant two and a half leagues. Previous to giving up the chase, I discovered a vessel at anchor without the bar, with English colours flying, apparently a brig of war. In beating around Carobana bank, in order to get at her, at half past 3, P. M., I discovered another sail on my weather quarter, edging down for us. At 20 minutes past 4, she hoisted English colours, at which time we discovered her to be a large man of war brig-beat to quarters, and cleared ship for action, and kept close to the wind, in order, if possible, to get the weather gauge. At 10 minutes past 5, finding I could weather the enemy, I hoisted Amecan colours, and tacked. At 25 minutes past 5, in passing each other exchanged broadsides within half pistol shot. Observing the enemy in the act of wearing, I bore up, received his starboard broadside, ran him close on board on the starboard quarter, and kept up such a heavy and well-directed fire, that in less than 15 minutes he surrendered (being literally cut to pieces), and hoisted an ensign, union down, from his fore-rigging, as a signal of distress. Shortly after her mainmast went by the board. Despatched lieutenant Shubrick on board, who soon returned with her first lieutenant, who reported her to be his Britannic majesty's late brig Peacock, commanded by captain William Peake, who fell in the latter part of the action-that a number of her crew were killed and wounded, and that she was sinking fast, having then six feet water in her hold. Despatched the boats immediately for the wounded, and brought both vessels to anchor. Such shot holes as could be got at, were then plugged; her guns thrown overboard, and every possible exertion used to

keep her afloat, until the prisoners could be removed, by pumping and bailing, but without effect, as she unfortunately sunk in five and a half fathoms water, carrying down 13 of her crew, and three of my brave fellows, viz. John Hart, Joseph Williams, and Hannibal Boyd.-Lieutenant Conner, midshipman Cooper, and the remainder of my men, employed in removing the prisoners, with difficulty saved themselves, by jumping into a boat that was lying on her booms, as she went down.

Four men, of the 13 mentioned, were so fortunate as to gain the fore-top, and were afterwards taken off by the boats. Previous to her going down, four of her men took to her stern boat, that had been much damaged during the action, who, I sincerely hope, reached the shore in safety; but from the heavy sea running at that time, the shattered state of the boat, and the difficulty of landing on the coast, I am fearful they were lost. I have not been able to ascertain from her officers the exact number killed. Captain Peake and four men were found dead on board. The master, one midshipman, carpenter, and captain's clerk, and 29 seamen were wounded; most of them very severely, three of whom died of their wounds after being removed, and nine drowned. Our loss was trifling in comparison, John Place, killed, Samuel Coulsan, and John Dalrymple, slightly wounded; George Coffin and Lewis Todd, severely burnt by the explosion of a cartridge. Todd survived only a few days. Our rigging and sails were much cut. One shot through the foremast: and the bowsprit slightly injured. Our hull received little or no damage. At the time I brought the Peacock to action, the L'Espiegle (the brig mentioned as being at anchor) mounting 16 two-and-thirty-pound carronades and two long nines, lay about six miles in shore of me, and could plainly see the whole of the action. Apprehensive that she would beat out to the assistance of her consort, such exertions were made by my officers and crew in repairing damages, &c. that by 9 o'clock my boats were stowed away, a new set of sails bent, and the ship completely ready for action. At 2, A. M., got under way, and stood by the wind to the northward and westward, under easy sail.

On mustering next morning, found we had two hundred and seventy-seven souls on board (including the crew of the American brig Hunter, of Portland, taken a few days before by the Peacock). As we had been on two-thirds allowance of provisions for some time, and had but 3400 gallons of water on board, I reduced the allowance to three pints a man,

and determined to make the best of my way to the United States.

The Peacock was deservedly styled one of the finest vessels of her class in the British navy. I should judge her to be about the tonnage of the Hornet. Her beam was greater by five inches; but her extreme length not so great by four feet. She mounted sixteen 24-pound carronades, two long nines, one twelve-pound carronade on her top-gallant forecastle as a shifting gun, and one four or six-pounder, and two swivels mounted aft. I find by her quarter bills, that her crew consisted of 134 men, four of whom were absent in a prize.

The cool and determined conduct of my officers and crew during the action, and their almost unexampled exertions afterwards, entitle them to my warmest acknowledgments, and I beg leave most earnestly to recommend them to the notice of government.

By the indisposition of lieutenant Stewart, I was deprived of the services of an excellent officer. Had he been able to stand the deck, I am confident his exertions would not have been surpassed by any one on board. I should be doing injustice to the merits of lieutenant Shubrick, and acting-lieutenants Conner and Newton, were I not to recommend them particularly to your notice. Lieutenant Shubrick was in the actions with the Guerriere and Java. Captain Hull and commodore Bainbridge can bear testimony to his coolness and good conduct on both occasions.

I have the honour to be, sir, your obedient servant, (Signed) JAMES LAWRENCE. Hon. Wm. Jones, Secretary of the Navy.

P. S. At the commencement of the action, my sailing master and seven men were absent in a prize: and lieutenant Stewart and six men on the sick list. As there is every prospect of the wind being to the eastward, in the morning I shall make the best of my way to New York.


Copy of a Letter from Lieutenant Budd to the Secretary of the Navy, dated


Halifax, June 15, 1813. The unfortunate death of captain James Lawrence and lieutenant Augustus C. Ludlow, has rendered it my duty to inform you of the capture of the late United States frigate Chesapeake.

On Tuesday, June 1st, at eight, A. M., we unmoored ship, and at meridian got under way from President roads, with a light wind from the southward and westward, and proceeded on a cruize. A ship was then in sight in the offing which had the appearance of a ship of war, and which, from information received from pilot boats and craft, we believed to be the British frigate Shannon. We made sail in chase, and cleared ship for action. At half past four, P. M., she hove to, with her head to the southward and eastward. At five, P. M., took in the royals and top-gallant sails, and at half past five hauled the courses up.

About 15 minutes before 6, P. M., the action commenced within pistol shot. The first broadside did great execution on both sides, damaged our rigging, killed among others Mr. White the sailing master, and wounded captain Lawrence. In about twelve minutes after the commencement of the action, we fell on board of the enemy; and immediately after, one of our arm chests on the quarter-deck was blown up by a hand grenade thrown from the enemy's ship. In a few minutes one of the captain's aids came on the gun-deck to inform me that the boarders were called. I immediately called the boarders away, and proceeded to the spar deck, where I found that the enemy had succeeded in boarding us, and had gained possession of our quarter deck.

I immediately gave orders to haul on board the fore-tack, for the purpose of shooting the ship clear of the other, and then made an attempt to regain the quarter-deck, but was wounded and thrown down on the gun deck. I again made an effort to collect the boarders, but in the mean time the enemy had gained complete possession of the ship. On my being carried down to the cockpit, I there found captain Lawrence and lieutenant Ludlow both mortally wounded; the former had been carried below previously to the ship's being boarded; the latter was wounded in attempting to re

pel the boarders. Among those who fell in the early part of the action was Mr. Edward J. Ballard, the fourth lieutenant, and lieutenant James Broom of marines.

I herein enclose to you a return of the killed and wounded, by which you will perceive, that every officer upon whom the charge of the ship would devolve was either killed or wounded previously to her capture. The enemy report the loss of Mr. Watt, their first lieutenant; the purser; the captain's clerk, and 23 seamen killed; and captain Broke, a midshipman, and 56 seamen wounded.

The Shannon had, in addition to her full complement, an officer and 16 men belonging to the Belle Poule, and a part of the crew belonging to the Tenedos.

I have the honour to be, with very great respect, &c.

GEORGE BUDD. The Hon. William Jones, Secretary of the Navy, Washington. [Here follow the lists of the killed and wounded; killed 48, wounded 98, of whom 13 are since dead.]

Admiralty Office, July 10.

Copy of a Letter from the Honourable Captain Capel, of His Majesty's Ship La Hogue, to John Wilson Croker, Esq. dated


Halifax, June 11, 1813.

It is with the greatest pleasure I transmit you a letter I have just received from captain Broke, of his majesty's ship Shannon, detailing a most brilliant achievement in the capture of the United States frigate Chesapeake, in 15 minutes. Captain Broke relates so fully the particulars of this gallant affair, that I feel it unnecessary to add much to his narrative but I cannot forbear expressing the pleasure I feel in bearing testimony to the indefatigable exertions and persevering zeal of captain Broke during the time he has been under my orders; placing a firm reliance on the valour of his officers and crew, and a just confidence in his system of discipline, he sought every opportunity of meeting the enemy on fair terms; and I have to rejoice with his country and his friends, at the glorious result of this contest; he gallantly headed his boarders in the assault, and carried all before him. His wounds are severe, but I trust his country will not be long deprived of his services. I have the honour to be, &c.

Captain and Senior Officer, Halifax.

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