

Shannon, Halifax, June 6, 1813. I have the honour to inform you, that being close in with Boston Light House, in his majesty's ship under my command, on the 1st instant, I had the pleasure of seeing that the United States frigate Chesapeake, which we had long been watching, was coming out of the harbour to engage the Shannon. I took a position between capes Ann and Cod, and then hove to for him to join us. The enemy came down in a very handsome manner, having three ensigns flying. When closing with us he sent down his royal yards. I kept the Shannon's up, expecting the breeze would die away. At half past 5, P. M., the enemy hauled up within hail of us on the starboard side, and the battle began, both ships steering full under the top-sails; after exchanging between two and three broadsides, the enemy's ship fell on board of us, her mizen channels locking in with our fore rigging. I went forward to ascertain her position, and observing that the enemy were flinching from their guns, I gave orders to prepare for boarding. Our gallant band appointed to that service, immediately rushed in under their respective officers upon the enemy's decks, driving every thing before them with irresistible fury. The enemy made a desperate but disorderly resistance. The firing continued at all the gangways and between the tops, but in two minutes' time the enemy were driven sword in hand from every post. The American flag was hauled down, and the proud old British Union floated triumphant over it. In another minute they ceased firing from below, and called for quarter. The whole of this service was achieved in 15 minutes from the commencement of the action.

I have to lament the loss of many of my gallant ship-mates, but they fell exulting in their conquest.

My brave first lieutenant Mr. Watt, was slain in the moment of victory, in the act of hoisting the British colours. His death is a severe loss to the service. Mr. Aldham, the purser, who had spiritedly volunteered the charge of a party of small arm men, was killed at his post on the gangway. My faithful old clerk, Mr. Dunn, was shot by his side. Mr. Aldham has left a widow to lament his loss. I request the commander in chief will recommend her to the protection of my lords commissioners of the admiralty. My veteran boatswain, Mr. Stephens, has lost an arm. He fought under Lord Rodney on the 12th of April. I trust his age and services will be duly rewarded.

I am happy to say that Mr. Samwell, a midshipman of

much merit, is the only other officer wounded beside myself, and he not dangerously. Of my gallant seamen and marines we had twenty-three slain and fifty-six wounded.

pressions I can make use of can do justice to the merits of my valiant officers and crew; the calm courage they displayed during the cannonade, and the tremendous precision of their fire could only be equalled by the ardour with which they rushed to the assault. I recommend them all warmly to the protection of the commander in chief. Having received a severe sabre wound at the first onset, whilst charging a part of the enemy who had rallied on their forecastle, I was only capable of giving command till assured our conquest was complete, and then directing second lieutenant Wallis to take charge of the Shannon, and secure the prisoners. I left the third lieutenant Mr. Falkiner (who headed the main-deck boarders), in charge of the prize. I beg to recommend these officers most strongly to the commander in chief's patronage, for the gallantry they displayed during the action, and the skill and judgment they evinced in the anxious duties which afterwards devolved upon them.

To Mr. Etouch, the acting master, I am much indebted, for the steadiness with which he carried the ship into action. The lieutenants Johns and Law, of the marines, bravely boarded at the head of their respective divisions. It is impossible to particularize every brilliant deed performed by my officers and men; but I must mention, when the ships' yard-arms were locked together, that Mr. Cosnahan, who commanded in our main-top, finding himself screened from the enemy by the foot of the top-sail, laid out at the mainyard arm to fire upon them, and shot three men in that situation. Mr. Smith, who commanded in our fore-top, stormed the enemy's fore-top from the fore-yard-arm, and destroyed all the Americans remaining in it. I particularly beg leave to recommend Mr. Etouch, the acting master, and Messrs. Smith, Leake, Clavering, Raymond, and Littlejohn, midshipmen. This latter officer is the son of captain Littlejohn, who was slain in the Berwick. The loss of the enemy was about 70 killed and 100 wounded. Among the former were the four lieutenants, a lieutenant of marines, the master, and many other officers-captain Lawrence is since dead of his wounds.

The enemy came into action with a complement of four hundred and forty men, the Shannon having picked up some re-captured seamen, had three hundred and thirty. The Chesapeake is a fine frigate, and mounts forty-nine guns,

eighteens on her main-deck, two-and-thirties on her quarterdeck and fore-castle. Both ships came out of action in the most beautiful order, their rigging appearing as perfect as if they had only been exchanging a salute.

I have the honour to be, &c.



To Captain, the Hon. T. Bladen Capel, &c. Halifax.


Copy of a Letter from Captain Blakely, forwarded by Captain Hull to the Navy Department.


United States Brig Enterprize, Portsmouth, N. H. 20th Aug. 1813. I have the honour to report to you the capture of the British privateer schooner the Fly. She was captured yesterday afternoon off cape Porpoise, after a chase of eight hours. Very respectfully, &c.



Isaac Hull, Esq. commanding United States Naval

Forces on the Eastern Station, Portsmouth,

New Hampshire.


Extract of a Letter from Captain John H. Dent, commanding Naval Officer at Charleston, South Carolina, dated Sir, August 21, 1813. I have the honour to inform you that the privateer schoo-. ner Decatur, of this port, arrived here yesterday, with his Britannic majesty's schooner Dominico, her prize. She was captured on the 5th instant, after a most gallant and desperate action of one hour, and carried by boarding, having all her officers killed or wounded, except one midshipman. The Dominico mounts 15 guns, one a 32-pounder on a pivot, and had a complement of 83 men at the commencement of the action, sixty of whom were killed or wounded. She was one of the best equipped and manned vessels of her class I have ever seen. The Decatur mounts seven guns, and had a complement of 103 men at the commencement of the action, 19 of whom were killed and wounded.

I have the honour to be, with great respect, your most obedient servant, JOHN H. DENT. Hon. Wm. Jones, Secretary of the Navy.





Admiralty Office, August 24.

Extract of a Letter from Captain Maples, of his Majesty's Sloop Pelican, to Vice-Admiral Thornborough, and transmitted by the latter Officer to John Wm. Croker, Esq.

His Majesty's Sloop Pelican, St. David's Head,

East five Leagues, Aug. 14. I have the honour to inform you, that in obedience to your orders to me of the 12th instant, to cruize in St. George's Channel, for the protection of the trade, and to obtain information of the American sloop of war, I had the good fortune to board a brig, the master of which informed me he had seen a vessel, apparently a man of war, steering to the N. E.; at four this morning I saw a vessel on fire, and a brig standing from her which I soon made out to be a cruiser; made all sail in chase, and at half past five came alongside of her (she having shortened sail, and made herself clear for an obstinate resistance), when, after giving her three cheers, our action commenced, which was kept up with spirit on both sides 43 minutes, when we laid her alongside, and were in the act of boarding when she struck her colours. She proves to be the United States sloop of war Argus, of 360 tons, 18 twenty-four-pound carronades, and 2 long twelve-pounders ; had on board when she sailed from America (two months since), a complement of 149 men, but in the action 127, commanded by lieutenant commandant W. H. Allen, who, I regret to say, was wounded early in the action, and has since suffered amputation in his left thigh.

No eulogium I could use would do sufficient justice to the merits of my gallant officers and crew (which consisted of 116); the cool courage they displayed, and the precision of their fire, could only be equalled by their zeal to distinguish themselves; but I must beg leave to call your attention to the conduct of my first lieutenant Thomas Welsh; of Mr. Granville, acting master; Mr. William Ingram, the purser, who volunteered his services on deck; and Mr. Richard Scott, the boatswain.

Our loss, I am happy to say, is small; one master's mate, Mr. William Young, slain in the moment of victory, while animating, by his courage and example, all around him; one able seaman, John Kitery; besides five seamen wounded who are doing well; that of the enemy I have not yet been able to ascertain, but it is considerable: her officers say, about forty killed and wounded. I have the honour to be, &c. J. F. MAPLES, Commander.



Copy of a Letter from Captain Hull to the Secretary of the



Portland, Sept. 7, 1813.

I had the honour last evening to forward you by express, through the hands of commodore Bainbridge, a letter I received from Samuel Storer, Esq. navy agent at this place, detailing an account of the capture of the British brig Boxer by the United States brig Enterprize.

I have now to inform you that I left Portsmouth this morning, and have this moment arrived, and, as the mail is closing, I have only time to enclose you the report of lieutenant M'Call of the Enterprize, and to assure you that a statement of the situation of the two vessels as to the damage they have received, &c. shall be forwarded as soon as surveys can be made. The Boxer has received much damage in her hull, masts, and sails, indeed it was with difficulty she could be kept afloat to get her in. The Enterprize is only injured in her masts and sails.

I have the honour to be, &c.


The Hon. Wm. Jones, Secretary of the Navy.

United States' Brig Enterprize, Sir, Portland, 7th Sept. 1813. In consequence of the unfortunate death of lieutenant commandant William Burrows, late commander of this vessel, it devolves on me to acquaint you with the result of our cruize. After sailing from Portsmouth on the 1st instant, we steered to the eastward; and on the morning of the 3d, off Wood Island, discovered a schooner, which we chased into this harbour, where we anchored. On the morning of the 4th, weighed anchor and swept out, and continued our course to the eastward. Having received information of several privateers being off Manhagan, we stood for that place; and on the following morning, in the bay near Penguin Point, discovered a brig getting under way, which appeared to be a yessel of war, and to which we immediately gave chase. She fired several guns and stood for us, having four ensigns hoisted. After reconnoitring and discovering her force and the nation to which she belonged, we hauled upon wind to stand out of the bay, and at three o'clock shortened sail, tacked and run down with an intention to bring her to close action. At twenty minutes after three, P. M. when within half pistol shot, the firing commenced from both, and after

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