
nel Bærstler, shall be permitted to return to the United States

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Return of American Prisoners taken near Fort George,
June 24, 1813.

Light dragoons-1 cornet, 1 serjeant, 19 rank and file. Light artillery-1 captain, 1 lieutenant, 2 serjeants, 31 rank and file. 6th regiment of infantry-1 captain, 1 lieutenant, 3 serjeants, 54 rank and file. 14th ditto-1 lieutenant-colonel, 3 captains, 11 lieutenants, 1 surgeon, 15 serjeants, 301 rank and file. 20th ditto-1 major. 23d ditto-1 captain, 4 serjeants, 2 drummers, 57 rank and file.

Total-1 lieutenant-colonel, 1 major, 6 captains, 13 lieutenants, 1 cornet, 1 surgeon, 25 serjeants, 2 drummers, 462 rank and file.

30 militia released on parole, not included in this return.

Return of Ordnance, &c. taken. One 12 pounder, one 6 pounder, 2 cars, stand of colours of the 14th United States' regiment.


EDW. BAYNES, Adj.-Gen. The loss of the enemy is supposed to be about 190 in killed and wounded.


Extract of a Letter from Brigadier-General Boyd to the Secretary of War, dated

Fort George, July 20.

I have the honour to report, that on 17th instant, the enemy attacked our pickets, in a body of about 200 British, besides Indians. Detachments were sent out to support them, but with instructions to act defensively. After a contest of one hour, occasionally severe, the enemy was dispersed. Our loss was trifling-only three or four being killed, and a few wounded; the loss of the enemy has not been ascertained,

but being exposed to some well-directed fires of our light artillery, under the command of lieutenant Smith, it is probable their loss must have been comparatively great. Colonel Scott, who had the direction of our troops which were engaged, speaks highly of the ardour and steadiness of both officers and men. Being fought in detachments, many young officers had an opportunity of evincing their activity and bravery. To use the language of colonel Scott, "this affair, though small, served to test the merits of the officers and men engaged. More ardour has seldom been displayed. Captain Vandeursen fought his detachment with good effect; and captain Madison, with his picket guard, was fully engaged. They could not lose their ardour under major Cumming. Captain Birdsall's riflemen were nearest to the enemy in pursuit. Major Armstrong, who was officer of the day, was active in concentrating and arranging the troops and pickets. Captain Towson, of the artillery, was wounded in the hand while voluntarily bearing colonel Scott's orders; and an officer of the rifle corps was slightly wounded."


Copies of Letters from Brigadier-General Boyd to the

Secretary of War.

Head-Quarters, Fort George, August 17, 1813. In the last letter which I had the honour to address to you, I had to communicate the information that commodore Chauncey had left this part of the lake; yesterday an express arrived from the Eighteen Mile Creek, stating that he was then off that place, in pursuit of the British fleet, which was likewise to be seen.

A body of volunteers, militia and Indians, under command of brigadier-general Porter of the New York militia, having arrived at this place, and very impatient to engage the enemy, a plan was this morning concerted to cut off one of his pickets. About 300 volunteers and Indians, under the command of major Chapin, was to effect this object, supported by 200 regulars under the command of major Cumming, of the 16th infantry.

A heavy rain, and other untoward circumstances, defeated the primary object, but in a skirmish that ensued, in which the enemy was completely routed, our Indians captured 12 of the British Indians, and four whites. Many of the enemy's dead were left on the field, among whom is supposed to be the famous chief, Norton. Our loss was only two Indians, and a few slightly wounded. Those who participated in this contest, particularly the Indians, conducted with great


bravery and activity. General Porter volunteered in the affair, and major Chapin evinced his accustomed zeal and The regulars under major Cumming, as far as they were engaged, conducted well. The principal chiefs who led the warriors this day, were Farmer's Brother, Red Jacket, Little Billey, Pollard, Black Snake, Johnson, Silver Heels, captain Halftown, major Henry O. Ball (Cornplanter's son), and captain Cold, chief of Onondago, who was wounded. In a council which was held with them yesterday, they covenanted not to scalp or murder; and I am happy to say, that they treated the prisoners with humanity, and committed no wanton cruelties upon the dead.

The Canadian volunteers, under major Wilcox, were active and brave as usual.

I have the honour to be, sir, with great respect, your most obedient servant,

Hon. John Armstrong.

JNO. P. BOYD, Brig.-Gen. com.

Head-Quarters, Fort George, Upper Canada,
August 18, 1813.

Hon. John Armstrong.

Sir, yesterday I had the honour to address to you a letter detailing the conduct of the Indians in a late skirmish. Their bravery and humanity were equally conspicuous. Already the quietness in which our pickets are suffered to remain, evinces the benefit arising from their assistance. Permit me to suggest the propriety of immediately depositing presents for them in the hands of Mr. Granger, of whose exertions, and those of Mr. Parish, I must express my entire approbation.

I have the honour to be, sir, your respectful obedient servant, JOHN P. BOYD, Brig.-Gen.

Copy of a Letter from Brigadier-General Boyd to the Secretary of War, dated


Head-Quarters, Fort George, August 24, 1813. I have the honour to report, that at day-break this morning, the enemy attacked us at all our pickets, which retired towards the camp, pursued by his advance guards. A skirmish ensued in the village, with little effect upon us; after which he retreated, having come within reach of our cannon, but never within musket shot of our entrenchments.

One captain of the 49th and a few privates have been brought in prisoners. We lost two men, and a few wounded;

the enemy left about 15 dead on the different grounds. He is supposed to have brought his whole force into the field; but finding our position so strong, desisted from a general attack. Sir George Prevost was in person at the attack. His force is withdrawn out of our reach into his strong holds. I have the honour to be, sir, your respectful, obedient servant,

JOHN P. BOYD, Brig.-Gen.

Hon. John Armstrong, Secretary at War.

Extract of a Letter from Brigadier-General McClure to his Excellency Governor Tompkins, dated

Fort George, half past 5 o'clock,

P. M., 6th October, 1813.

Since writing the above we have commenced offensive operations against the enemy. About 500 militia volunteers and about 150 Indians, commanded by colonel Chapin, attacked the picket guard of the enemy about a mile and a half from Fort George, and drove them into the main body, when the enemy opened a fire from several field-pieces. Our men retired in good order into the fort, with the loss of one man killed and two or three wounded. The enemy's loss was seven killed, many wounded, and four prisoners. In a short time the enemy appeared in considerable force within 500 yards of the fort, at the edge of the woods; Chapin again sallied out with about 300 men and some Indians, commenced a brisk fire on the whole of the enemy's line, and drove them half a mile-but perceiving by the movements of the enemy that they would outflank us, I ordered 200 to reinforce him, and in two detachments to attack the enemy's flank. We succeeded in driving the enemy into the woods, when night coming on put an end to the conflict. Our loss was trifling; I have not ascertained that of the enemy. Colonel Chapin is a brave man. Every officer and soldier did his duty.

Address to the Inhabitants of the Upper Province of Canada.

Brigadier-general M'Clure, commanding on the Niagara frontier, finds the upper province deserted by the British army, and abandoned by its government-In the peculiar situation of the inhabitants, it is essential to their security that some regulation should be established for their government, while the American army has the power of enforcing them. The general regrets to say, that illegal, unauthorized, and forbidden pillage has been committed by a few, who are lost to

all honour, and insensible of the obligations of a soldier To arrest such practices, to afford all the protection in his power, and to ensure safety to the property and persons of the inhabitants who are now under his controul, the general has issued this address.

The employment of the Indians has been a source of extreme regret to the general. But finding them called out by the government of the United States, and expecting to attack an army who had long employed them in scenes of atrocity and outrage, at which humanity shudders, he was driven to the only alternative left him of using the same weapon against our enemies which they had used against ourselves.-That the British army had abandoned their encampments and fled before the American force, does not weaken the necessity which he was under, of employing the Indians before he knew that the enemy had absconded. At the same time, it is due to them to say, that the Indians have conducted themselves far better than had been expected, if the example of the British officers and British savages be a criterion. Not a single individual has been scalped or tomahawked by them, no prisoner of war has been burnt, the dead have not been thrown into the public highways, women and children have not been massacred, nor has private property been destroyed, except in cases where the former conduct of the owners required exemplary retaliation. The property which they have plundered, was, in cases where it was possible, restored to the inhabitants at the expence of the United States, and when the necessity for their employment ceased to exist, the Indians were sent to the American side of the river, beyond the reach of temptation, to wait until circumstances justified another call upon them.-The relation of these facts is due to the honour of our government, to the reputation of the general, and to the merits of the Indians. From it also, the inhabitants of Canada may learn what they may expect from American forbearance and clemency.

To insure that forbearance, the inhabitants have an easy duty to perform. Let them be perfectly neutral, let them abstain from communications with the British army, and remain at home quietly pursuing their avocations. Those who conduct differently will incur the penalties of rigorous martial law. The character of our free republican government, and the nature of our institutions, will justify your expectation of security and protection. All civil magistrates will continue to exercise the functions of their offices merely as conservators of the peace; as far as they are able, they will

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