Règles d'York et d'Anvers: règlement des avaries communes1890 - 21 sider |
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Règles d'York Et d'Anvers: Règlement Des Avaries Communes Antwerp Chambre De Commerce Ingen forhåndsvisning tilgjengelig - 2018 |
Règles D'York Et D'Anvers: Règlement Des Avaries Communes - Primary Source ... Antwerp Chambre De Commerce Ingen forhåndsvisning tilgjengelig - 2013 |
Règles d'York Et d'Anvers: Règlement Des Avaries Communes Antwerp Chambre De Commerce Ingen forhåndsvisning tilgjengelig - 2018 |
Vanlige uttrykk og setninger
admis en avarie admissibles en avarie admitted as general allouées en entier allowed in full allowed in general amount Anvers aussières avarie commune boilers bonifié en avarie cargaison carried away causé au navire Chain Cables circumstances common safety conjointement ou séparément d'York et d'Anvers damage caused deck cargo deducted discharging dommage causé encourus fire Forcement de voiles fortune de mer general average act good as general incurred Jettison of deck l'avarie L'échouement likewise Liverpool loss of cargo Loss of freight loss or damage made good mâts et espars ment navire sera entré neral One-sixth port de relâche port of refuge port or place port ou lieu press of sail proceed rêgle RÈGLE VII Règles d'York repairs réparations ront RULE VII RULE X sacrificed salut commun sera admis sera bonifié sera pas bonifié seront admis seront allouées shall be made ship and cargo ship's tiers sera déduit values vessel voyage years
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Side 19 - Contributory Values The contribution to a general average shall be made upon the actual net values of the property at the termination of the adventure...
Side 11 - When the ship is condemned or does not proceed on her original voyage, the...
Side 5 - Damage by Jettison and Sacrifice for the Common Safety. Damage done to a ship and cargo, or either of them, by or in consequence of a sacrifice made for the common safety, and by water which goes down a ship's hatches opened or other opening made for the purpose of making a jettison for the common safety, shall be made good as general average.
Side 15 - One-third to be deducted off repairs to and renewal of woodwork of hull, masts and spars, furniture, upholstery, crockery, metal and glassware, also sails, rigging, ropes, sheets and hawsers (other than wire and chain) awnings, covers, and painting. One-sixth to be deducted off wire rigging, wire ropes and wire hawsers, chain cables and chains, donkey engines, steam winches and connections, steam cranes and connections; other repairs in full.
Side 7 - RULE IV. CUTTING AWAY WRECK Loss or damage caused by cutting away the wreck or remains of spars, or of other things which have previously been carried away by sea-peril, shall not be made good as genera] average.
Side 17 - No cleaning and painting of bottom to be allowed, if the bottom has not been painted within six months previous to the date of the accident.
Side 19 - ... and have not been allowed as general average; deduction being also made from the value of the property of all charges incurred in respect thereof subsequently to the general average act, except such charges as are allowed in general average. Passengers' luggage and personal effects, not shipped under bill of lading, shall not contribute to general average.
Side 9 - Expenses Lightening a Ship When Ashore, and Consequent Damage When a ship is ashore and cargo and ship's fuel and stores or any of them are discharged as a General Average act, the extra cost of lightening, lighter hire and reshipping if incurred and the loss or damage sustained thereby, shall be admitted as General Average.
Side 17 - Metal sheathing for wooden or composite ships shall be dealt with by allowing in full the cost of a weight equal to the gross weight of metal sheathing stripped off, minus the proceeds of the old metal. Nails, felt and labour metalling are subject to a deduction of one-third.
Side 19 - new for old" shall be made from the cost of temporary repairs allowable as general average.