The Heidenmauer; Or, The Benedictines: A Legend of the Rhine, Volumer 1-2Lea & Blanchard, 1841 |
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The Heidenmauer, Or the Benedictines: A Legend of the Rhine, Volumes 1-2 James Fenimore Cooper Ingen forhåndsvisning tilgjengelig - 2015 |
Vanlige uttrykk og setninger
Abbé Abbey Abbot of Limburg altar Anchorite answered art thou aught baron Benedictine better Bonifacius brother brotherhood burghers Burgomaster castle chapel character child choir church companion Count Emich Count of Hartenburg Count of Leiningen countenance cow-herd Deurckheim discourse Dost thou doubt duty Einsiedlen faith Father Arnolph Father Johan Father Siegfried favor feeling forester Gottlob hamlet hath heart Heaven Heidelberg Heidenmauer Heinrich Frey heresy hermit Herr Count Herr Emich holy Abbot honor Ilse Jaegerthal Knight of Rhodes less listened look Lord Count Lord Emich Lottchen manner Master Berchthold means ment Meta mind monk mother mountain nature never noble opinions Palatinate penitent pilgrims pious prayers prelate princely Prior reverence Rhine Ritterstein Saint Saint Gall scarce shrine soul speak thee thine Thou art thou hast Thou knowest thou wilt thought tion town truth Ulrike Venloo walls wife wish worship wouldst young Berchthold youth
Populære avsnitt
Side 80 - He who the sword of heaven will bear, Should be as holy as severe ; Pattern in himself to know, Grace to stand, and virtue go ; More nor less to others paying, Than by self-offences weighing.
Side 211 - Ah me! for aught that ever I could read. Could ever hear by tale or history, The course of true love never did run smooth: But, either it was different in blood; Her.
Side 138 - In a strange land Such things, however trivial, reach the heart. And through the heart the head, clearing away The narrow notions that grew up at home, And in their place grafting good will to all— ROGERS.