


"PUFFED up with that little umbretile | sake I must and will mean to impeach her: knowledge.”—Brian Walton. and therein I may be her Unfriend, or worse."

"WHEN all the stuff in the letters are scanned, what fadoodles are brought to light."-BISHOP HACKET.

SPEAKING of Mary Queen of Scots, BURLEIGH says," if she shall intend any evil to the Queen's Majesty, my sovereign, for her

A PLAY upon words is called an Oxford clink by Leicester.- STRAFFORD's Letters, vol. 1, p. 224.

If he were ungone, for not gone.-SIR ED. STANHOPE. Ibid. vol. 2, p. 239.

Note referred to at p. 146.

Clarendon's words should by all means be attended to, Book xi.

"This unparalleled murder and parricide was committed upon the thirtieth of January, in the year, according to the account used in England, 1684, in the forty and ninth year of his age, and when he had such excellent health, and so great vigour of body, that when his murderers caused him to be opened, (which they did, and were some of them present at it with great curiosity,) they confessed and declared,' that no man had ever all his vital parts so perfect and unhurt; and that he seemed to be of so admirable a composition and constitution, that he would probably have lived as long as nature could subsist.'"-History of the Rebellion, vol. 6, p. 241. J. W. W.



Gongora. Brusselas, 1659. ATINISMS,-yard-and-halflong words. The pedantry of Pagan mythology-violent metaphors, and more violent hy

perboles. Sonnets, ix. p. 47; xiv. p. 52; lxv. p. 179.


"CLORIS was combing her hair in the with an ivory comb and with a fair hand. The comb was not seen in her hand, as the sun was obscured in her hair. She gathered together her tresses of gold, and they sent forth a second greater light, before which the sun is a star, and Spain is the sphere of its radiance."-Son. iii. p. 41.

"Mr nymph gathered flowers from the green plain, as many as her beautiful hand pluckt, so many her white foot made grow." -Son. xviii. p. 56.

DESCRIPTION of a lady. "Sacred temple of pure modesty, whose fair cement and elegant wall of white pearl-shell and hard alabaster was built by the divine hand. The little gate is of precious coral, and ye bright windows have forcefully usurped the pure green from the emerald. The golden covering of thy superb roof adorn the sun with light, and crown him with beauty." Son. xxii. p. 59.

[blocks in formation]

"YOUR Gongora," says D. FR. MANOEL, "foy tentado de se metter com Estacio Papinio, seu Matalote, que ganhon mais nome pelas sombras, que pelas luzes."

THE prose of Sir T. Browne and sometimes of Johnson bears an affinity to Gongora's language. Ronsard had something of it the French folly is ridiculed in Rabelais. A romance (Eliana, I think,) carried it to its utmost length. I found several words there utterly unknown to me. There is a great mistake in this affectation of naturalizing Latin words, more particularly in poetry, which is designed to be popular; but the more intelligible the more popular. This is Burger's merit-he uses the very phrases of the people. The excellence of the German language is its independence; its compound words being like the Greek, self-explained.

GONGORA is the frog of the fable, his limbs are large, but it is a dropsy that has swollen them. You read him, and after you have unravelled the maze of his meaning, feel like one who has tired his jaws in cracking an empty nut. The spider oars himself along the river, but woe to him if he be en

THE tomb of Queen Margarita he calls, tangled in its froth.




Jorge de Monte Mayor.

"I was lately," says DON FRANCISCO MANOEL, "in one of the principal places of the realm, and one of its most respectable inhabitants came to visit me. After the usual compliments, he shewed me a decree of his majesty, in which three persons, my visitor being one, were ordered to give their opinion of a book, which had been written in imitation of George of M. Mayor's Diana, and if they thought it superior, they were to give an affidavit to the Corregidor da Comarca, who should immediately put the author in possession of a Quinta worth two thousand cruzados, which some persons had publicly proposed as a reward to whoever should write a better book than the Diana."

1561. He perished in Piedmont by a violent death, which is not mentioned by

Barbose. There is a most miserable sonnet of puns upon his mountain connection and death, by M. Faney Sonsa.

In a MS. Dithyrambic, where the cup is filled to the literary heroes of Portugal, the renegado Monte-Mor is thus alluded


“Outro va igual

Ao Corte Real,
Que ao Monte Maior
Naô hei-de brindar.
Guarde la sua Diana
Para a gente Castelhana,
Se escrivera em Portuguez
O brindara desta vez.

Mes deichar o doce e puro

E brilliante
Idioma Lusitano

E porquem? pelo Hispano. Nao o sofro, nem aturo Nem Apollo aturaria, Porque bem que costumado A soltar sua harmonia

Na riquissima Argiva lingoagem
Que de todas as mais tem ventagem.
Na Latina e Italiana,
Quando falla a Lusitana
E no Pindo nella canta
Da Memoria as filhas encanta."

Were the Portugueze wise who wrote in Spanish? The difference of language can contribute but little to national dislike. It is but a different dialect, less different than the jargon of Catalonia, or the original Biscaian. It is not a corruption: they are sister streams from the same fountain.

Juan de Tarsis, Conde de Villa Mediana.

THIS poet, grafted in Italy, had a most unnatural swelling. He loved the pomp of words. He was like a tree all leaves and no fruit-you read and read and find nothing to remember. If the two counts (they said in Spain,) Sallinas and Villa M. could have their talents mingle, each would be a good poet; for Sallinas was all description and no ornament, Villa M. all ornament and no thought.

Fr. Manoel.

He was born in Lisbon, 1580, and at the age of forty-four, killed by a musket-ball, having but time to clap his hand upon his sword and say, "It is done!" The Conde de Salinas epitaphized him :—

"Fatigado peregrino;

Nido breve, urna funesta,
Es la que contemplar esta
Decretada del destino.
Yaze aqui un Cisne divino;
Llega y lastimoso advierte
En tan desertrada suerte,
Que con la violenta herida
Como cantò tanto en vida

No pudo centar en muerte."

In the D. de Lafoen's library, (which was that of the Cardinal de Sonsa,) is a MS. second volume of his volumes. His fame


is gone by, or rather he is become the proverbial example of ill taste.

He was sent over to congratulate James I. on his accession, and conducted himself so well as to lay the foundation of the peace between France and Spain. - MARIANA, p. 769.

D. Jorge Manrique. De la profession que
fizo en la orden del Amor.
"PORQUEL tiempo es ya passado,
y el año todo complido,
despues aca que ove entrado
en orden de namorado
y el abito recebido ;
Porque en esta religion
entiendo siempre durar,
quiero hazer profession,
jurando de coraçon

de nunca la quebrantar.
"Prometo de mantener
continuamente pobreza
dalegria y de plazer,
pero no de bien querer

ni de males ni tristeza;
Que la regla no lo manda,

ni la razon no lo quiere,
que quien en tal orden anda
1se alegre mientra biviere.
"Prometo mas obediencia

que nunca sera quebrada,
en presencia ni en ausencia,
por la muy O gran bienquerencia
que con vos tengo cobrada;
E quelquier ordenamiento

que regla damor mandare,
aunque trayga gran tormento,
me plaze que soy contento

de guardar mientra durare.
"En lugar de castidad

prometo de ser constanta,
prometo de voluntad
de guardar toda verdad

1 In this latter half of the copla there is a line wanting:-but thus it stands in the Cancionero of 1540.

que ha de guardar el amante: Prometo de ser sugeto

al amor y a su servicio, prometo de ser secreto, y esto todo que prometo guardallo sera mi oficio. "Fin sera de mi bivir

esta regla por mi dicha, y entiendo la assi sufrir que espero en ella morir,

sino lo estorva desdicha: Mas no lo podra estorvar

porque no terna poder, porque poder ni mandar no pueden tanto sobrar que yguale con mi querer. "Si en esta regla estuviere con justa y buena intencion, y en ella permaneciere, quiero saber si muriere

que sera mi galardon : Aunque a vos sola lo dexo

que fuistes causa quentrasse, en orden que assi me alexo de plazer, y no que me quexo porque dello nos pesasse. Cabo.

"Si mi servir de sus penas algun galardon espera, venga agora por estrenas pues mis cuytas son ya llenas antes que del todo muera : E vos recebi por ellas

buena o mala esta hystoria, porque viendo mis querellas, pues que soys la causa dellas me dedes alguna gloria." Cancionero General, ff. 71. Sevilla, 1540.


Coplas que hizo Suero de Ribera sobre la Gala.

"No teniendo que perder,

y pensando de la gala,
escrevi, si Dios me vala,

lo que se deve hazer


el Galan qual ha de ser
estremo, claro, distinto,
segun aqui vos lo pinto
a todo mi parecer.

"El Galan persona honesta
deve ser, y sin renzilla
no yr solo por
la villa
y ser de buena respuesta:
tener la malicia presta

por fengir de avisado, cavalgar luengo tirado como quien arma ballesta. "Ha de ser maginativo

el Galan, no dormidor, donoso motejador, en las poquedades bivo; con gran presuncion altivo, dissimulanda la risa,

y mostrarse en toda guisa a los grosseros esquivo.

"Hade ser lindo loçano

el Galan a la mesura, apretado en la cintura, vestido siempre liviano; muy bien calcado de mano, pero no traer peales. hazer los tiempos yguales en invierno y en verano. "El Galan flaco amarillo

deve ser, y muy cortes; razonar bien del arnes, y no curar de vestillo: cavalgar troton morzillo,

o haca rucia rodada, nunca en el freno barvada, el manto corto senzillo:

"Capelo galochas guantes

el Galan deve traer,

bien cantar y componer en coplas y consonantes : de cavalleros andantes leer hystorias y libros; la silla y los estribos a la gala concordantes. "El Galan en ningun dia deve comer de cozido,


salvo de fruta y rostido
que quita malenconia;
pero cenar toda via
esto poco no muy basto,
no tomar cuenta del gasto
ques modo de grosseria.
"Flautas, laud y vihuelas

al Galan son muy amigos,
cantares tristes antiguos

es lo mas que lo consuela:
no calçar mas de una espuela,
ni requerir el establo,
de aquestas cosas que hablo
deve se tener escuela.

"Damas y buenos olores

al Galan son gran holgura, y dançar so la frescura, todo herido de amores: al fiestas con amadores no dexar punto ni hora, y dezir que es su señora la mejor de las mejores.

"El Galan muy mesurado

deve ser en el bever, por causa de bien oler, de toda salsa quitado; por hazer mayor estado

deve ser gran jurador, que Dios al buen amador nunca demanda pecado. "Todos tiempos el Galan deve hablar poderoso, y fengir de grandioso mas que el Duque de Milan; caçador de gavilan,

que es manera de hidalgos; y no curar de los galgos, porque gastan mucho pan. "Tome prestados dineros

el Galan de buena mente, y pague por acidente a sastres y çapateros ; y tenga sus compañeros en poco donde posaren, y sino le comportaren los puede llamar grosseros.

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