The British Theatre: Or, A Collection of Plays, which are Acted at the Theatres Royal, Drury Lane, Convent Gardin, Haymarket, and Lyceum, Volum 3Mrs. Inchbald Hurst, Robinson, 1824 |
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The British Theatre; Or, A Collection of Plays: Which are Acted at the ... Mrs. Inchbald Uten tilgangsbegrensning - 1808 |
The British Theatre; Or, A Collection of Plays,: Which are Acted at the ... Mrs. Inchbald Uten tilgangsbegrensning - 1808 |
The British Theatre: Or, A Collection of Plays which are Acted at ..., Volum 3 Mrs. Inchbald Uten tilgangsbegrensning - 1808 |
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Agnes Alex Alexander Anna Arcas arms art thou Augustus Applegath Bates behold Beverley blood brave breast CALIPPUS CASSANDER Char Charlotte Clyt Clytus curses dare death despair Dionysius dost thou Douglas dread Enter EUMENES Euphrasia ev'ry Evander Exeunt Exit eyes farewell fate father fear fortune GEORGE LILLO give Glen Glenalvon gods hand happy hear heart Heaven Heph Hephestion honour hope horror Jarvis king kneel Lady Laura Lewson live lord Lysimachus madam Melanthon night noble Norval o'er Osmond Parisatis passion Perdiccas Phil Philotas Phoc Phocion pity POLYPERCHON pow'r rage Rand Randolph Roxana ruin SCENE scorn shalt Sicily SIFFREDI Sigismunda slave sorrow soul speak Stat Statira Stuke sword SYSIGAMBIS Tancred tears tell THEATRES ROYAL thee THESSALUS thine thou art thought Timoleon Twas tyrant vengeance virtue Wilm Wilmot wretch youth
Populære avsnitt
Side 2 - My name is NORVAL: on the Grampian hills My father feeds his flocks; a frugal swain, Whose constant cares were to increase his store, And keep his only son, myself, at home.
Side 11 - At the dead hour of night was heard the cry Of one in jeopardy. I rose, and ran To where the circling eddy of a pool, Beneath the ford, us'd oft to bring within My reach whatever floating thing the stream Had caught.
Side 27 - Randolph's favour now exalts your youth Above his veterans of famous service. Let me, who know these soldiers, counsel you. Give them all honour : seem not to command ; Else they will scarcely brook your late sprung power, Which nor alliance props, nor birth adorns. Nor. Sir, I have been accustom'd all my days To hear and speak the plain and simple truth : And tho...
Side 19 - Water his drink, his food the shepherds' alms. I went to see him, and my heart was touch'd With reverence and pity. Mild he spake, And, entering on discourse, such stories told As made me oft revisit his sad cell. For he had been a soldier in his youth ; And fought in famous battles, when the peers Of Europe, by the bold Godfredo led, Against th' usurping infidel display'd The blessed cross, and won the Holy Land.
Side 48 - Thy grief wrests to its purposes my words. I never ask'd of thee that ardent love Which in the breasts of fancy's children burns. Decent affection and complacent kindness Were all I wish'd for ; but I wish'd in vain. Hence with the less regret my eyes behold The storm of war that gathers o'er this land: If I should perish by the Danish sword, Matilda would not shed one tear the more. Lady R.
Side 5 - Heav'n will bless so gen'rous a resolve. You must, my noble dame, exert your power . You must awake : devices will be fram'd, And arrows pointed at the breast of Norval. Lady R. Glenalvon's false and crafty head will work Against a rival in his kinsman's love, If I deter him not: I only can. Bold as he is, Glenalvon will beware How he pulls down the fabric that I raise. I'll be the artist of young Norval's fortune.
Side 29 - Glen. Norval, Let not our variance mar the social hour, Nor wrong the hospitality of Randolph. Nor frowning anger, nor yet wrinkled hate, Shall stain my countenance. Smooth thou thy brow : Nor let our strife disturb the gentle dame.
Side 11 - The needy man who has known better days, One whom distress has spited at the world, Is he whom tempting fiends would pitch upon To do such deeds, as make the prosperous men Lift up their hands, and wonder who could do them...
Side 26 - I shall e'er acquire a leader's name, My speech will be less ardent. Novelty Now prompts my tongue, and youthful admiration Vents itself freely ; since no part is mine Of praise pertaining to the great in arms. Glen. You wrong yourself, brave sir; your martial deeds Have rank'd you with the great.
Side 20 - Their valiant leader hails the noble Randolph. Lord R. Mine ancient guest ! Does he the warriors lead ? Has Denmark rous'd the brave old knight to arms?