
(To Mr. Hardy.) Do you produce an examined Copy of those Enrolments?

W. Hardy, Esq.

I produce a correct Copy of all the Creations, except that of the Earldom of Wiltes J. Burtt, Esq. which has been produced before (producing the same).

The same was delivered in.

(To Mr. Burtt.) Do you now produce the Close Roll of the Second of Henry the Fourth?

I do (producing the same).

Do you find upon it the King's Command to deliver the Head of William le Scrope to his Widow?

I do; it is directed to the Sheriffs of London.

7th April 1865.

[blocks in formation]

D liband caput Willi Scrop. {a dilce not Isabelle que fuit ux Willi Lescrop caput

majorit vicecomitib; London salim. Mandamus vob No. 152.

Pdci viri sui sup pontem civitatis ñre pdce existens libari fac. T. & apud Westm
quarto die Novembr.
P bre de privato sigillo.

(To Mr. Hardy.) Do you produce a correct Copy of that Document ?
I do.

The same was delivered in.

(To Mr. Burtt.) Upon the same Roll do you find an Order for the Release of William Bagot from the Tower?

I do.

Will you read it?

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D deliband Willm Bagot.{

The same was read as follows:

constabular turris sue London t ejus locum tenenti No. 153. salim. Mandamus voħ qd Willm Bagot militem in Turri Pdca sub custodia vra de mandato ñro existentem ab eadem Turri delibetis t ipm ad largum quo sibi placuit ire pmittatis. Et hoc nullatenus omittatis. T. R apud Westm xij die Novembî.

P ipm regem.

(To Mr. Hardy.) Do you produce a correct Copy of that Document? I do (producing the same).

The same was delivered in.

Mr. Fleming stated, That the next Documents which he proposed to put in were produced for the Purpose of showing that for Forty Years after the Death of Richard Lord Scrope of Bolton, the Father of the Earl of Wiltes, no Person sat in the House as Lord Scrope of Bolton.

(To Mr. Burtt.) Do you now produce the Close Roll of the Fifth of Henry the Fourth?

I do (producing the same).

Do you find upon it the Enrolment of Writs of Summons to a Parliament summoned to meet at Coventry on the 3d December 1403?

[blocks in formation]

ñri p quibusdam arduis 't urgentib; negociis nos statum t defensionem regni ñri Angl ac ecclie Anglicane contingentib; quoddam parliamentum nrm apud Coventre Pcio die Decembr px futur teneri ordinavimt ibidem vobiscum ac cum cetis prelatis magnatib3 t plib3 dei regni ñri colloquium here t tractatum vob in fide t dileccoe quib3 nob tenemini firmi? injungendo mandamus qd consideratis dečo negocio arduitate t piculis

W. Hardy, Esq.

7th April 1865.

J. Burtt, Esq. iminentib3 cessante quacumq, excusacõe dĉis die t loco psonali? in?sitis nobiscū ac cum celis prelatis magnatib3 t pĉib3 Pdcis sup deis negociis tractatur vrmq consiliu impensur et hoc sicut nost honorem nrm ac salvacõem t defensionem regni 't eccţie Pdcoz expedicoemq, dcoz negocioz diligitis nullatenus omittatis premunientes priorem t capitulum ecclie vre Cantuar ac archidiaconos totumq, clerum vre dioc qd iidem prior t archidiaconi in ppriis psonis suis ac dem capitulum p unu idemq, clerus p duos pcuratores idoneos plena 't sufficiente potestate ab ipis capitulo t clero divisim hentes deis diet loco psonali? insint ad consenciend hiis que tunc ibide de cõi consilio ipius regni ñri divina favente clemencia contigit ordinari. T. R apud Westî xx die Octobr.

R carissimo fil suo Henr principi Wallt duci Cornub salim. Quia de avisamento consilii te ut supa usq, ibi tractatum et tunc sic vo₺ in fide t ligeancia quib noð tenemini te ut supa. T. ut supa.

Cons bria dif subscr mutat mutanđ sub eadē dať videft:

[blocks in formation]

(To Mr. Hardy.) Do you produce an examined Copy of that Enrolment ?

I do (producing the same).

The same was delivered in.

Mr. Fleming stated, That it appeared from the Inquisition printed at Page 62 of the Minutes that Roger Lord Scrope died on the Day on which the Parliament was directed

to meet.

(To Mr. Hardy.) Have you examined the Writs of Summons upon the Close Rolls between the Second and the Ninth of Henry the Fifth, and between the First and the Eighth of Henry the Sixth?

I have.

Do you find in those Enrolments any Entry of a Writ of Summons directed to the Lord Scrope of Bolton between those Two Dates?

His Name does not appear upon the Record of any Writ of Summons between those Dates.

(To Mr. Burtt.) Do you produce the Close Roll of the Twentieth of Henry the Sixth ?

I do (producing the same).


Do you find upon it an Entry of Writs of Summons to Parliament to meet in that J. Burtt, Esq. Year?

W. Hardy, Esq. 7th April 1865.

I do.

Will you read it?

The same was read as follows:


D sumonicõe parliamenti. { venabili in Xpo pri H. eadem gra archiepo Cantuar tocius No. 155. Ang primati salim. Quia p quibusdam arduis 't urgentibz negociis nos statum 't defensionem regni ñri Angt ac ecclie Anglicane conĉnentibz quoddam parliamentum nîm apud Westm in die Convsionis Sci Pauli px futur teneri ordinavim? t ibidem vobiscum ac cum celis Platis magnatib3 t pĉib3 dei regni ñri colloquiu here t tractatum vo₺ in fide 't dileccõe quib3 no tenemini firmi? injungendo mandam qd consideratis dcoz negocios arduitate t piculis imminentib3 cessante quacumq, excusacõe dĉis diet loco psonali? in?sitis nobiscum ac cum celis prelatis magnatib3 t pĉib3 Pdčis sup deis negociis tractatur vrmq, consilium impensur et hoc sicut nos t honorem nîm ac salvacóemt defensionem regni t ecclie Pdcoz expedicõemq, dcoz negocio diligitis nullatenus omittatis premunientes priorem t capitulum ecclie vre Cantuar ac archidiaconos totumq, clerum vre dioc qd iidem prior t archidiaconi in ppriis psonis suis ac dem capitulum p unu idemq, clerus p duos pcuratores idoneos plenam t sufficientem potestatem ab ipis capitulo t clero divisim ħentes pdĉis diet loco psonali? in sint ad consenciend hiis que tunc ibidem de cõi consilio dei regni ñri divina favente clemencia contig?int ordinari.

T. & apud manium suu de Shene fcio die Decembr.

P ipm regem.

carissimo avunculo suo Humfro duci Gloucestř saltm. Quia te ut supa usq, ibi tractatum et tunc sic vob in fide 't ligeancia quibz nob tenemini te ut sup. T. ut supa.

Cons bria dir subscr sub eadem dať videft:

Rico duci Eboş.

Johi duci Norff.

Joħi comiti Huntyngdoñ.

Henr comiti Northumbr.

Humfro comiti Stafford.
Thome comiti Devon.
Willo comiti Arundell.
Johi comiti Soms.
Edmundo comiti Dors.
Rado comiti Westmi.
Rico comiti Saz.
Johi comiti Oxon.

Willo comiti Suff.

Jacobo Berkeley chivaler.

Willo de Ferrariis de Groby chivaler.
Edmundo de Grey de Ruthyn chivaler.
Rico Straunge chivaler.

Johi Tiptoft chivaler.
Georgio Latymer chivaler.

Rado de Graystok chivaler.

Robto Ponynges chivaler.

Willo Botreaux chivaler.

Thome Dacre de Gillesland chivaler.

Jacobo de Audeley chivaler.

Rado Cromwell chivaler.

Johi Lescrop de Masham chivaler.
Witto Zouche de Haryngworth

Waldo Hungerford chivaler.

Henr Grey de Codnore.

Willo Fitz Hugh chivaler.

Henr Lescop de Bolton chivaler.
Willo de Nevyt chivaler.

Willo de Lovell chivaler.

Johi vicecomiti de Beaumond

Leoni de Welles chivaler.
Johi Cornewaill chivaler.
Robto Willughby chivaler.

Joħi Sutton de Duddeley chivaler.
Rado de Boteler chivaler.

de Clifford chivaler.

Robto Morley.

To Mr. Hardy.) Do you produce an examined Copy of that Enrolment ?
I do (producing the same).

The same was delivered in.

W. Hardy, Esq.

7th April 1865.

You have searched the Enrolments of the Writs of Summons upon the Close Roll from the Eighth of Henry the Fifth to the Twentieth of Henry the Sixth?

I have; and that is the first Summons to any Lord Scrope of Bolton.

(To Mr. Burtt.) Do you produce the Parliament Roll of the Twentieth of Henry the Sixth?

I do (producing the same).

Do you find upon it an Entry with respect to Lord Scrope of Bolton?

[blocks in formation]

No. 156. Rotulus parliamenti tenti apud Westî in die Convsionis Sancti Pauli anno regni regis Henrici sexti post conquestum vicesimo.

No. 157.

Pronunciacio parliamenti. {

[ocr errors]

Memorand qd in die Convsionis Sci Pauli anno regni regis Henrici sexti post conquestum vicesimo videlt primo die parliamenti venabilis pa? Johes epus Bathon t Wellen cancellarius Angt in Psencia Pfati ani regis sede regia in cama de juxta magnam camam parliamenti infra palacium suu Westm sedentis ac q'mpluriu đnoz spualium t temporalium necnon cõitatis regni Angt ad parliamentum pđ de mandatis regiis convocato ex ipius đni regis mandato causas sumonicois parliamenti inferius annotatas t insertas notabilit pnunciavit assumens p themate suo seriem hanc boş-Rex t thronus ejus sit innocens. Scdo Regum xiiij.

Et sount assignez triours des peticions Denglitre Irland Gales 't Escoce.
Le cardinal Dengliterre evesq, de Wincesti.

Le duke de Gloucestř.
Levesq, de Loundres.
Levesq, de Sarisbirs.

Le count de Huntyngdoñ.
Le count de Devenshire.
Le count de Northumbr.
Le count de Suff.
Labbe de Seint Albon.
Labbe de Gloucestř.
Les Gray de Ruthyñ.
Les Scrop de Bolton.

Le s de Hungerford.

Le s de Faunhope.

Le s de Dudley.

William Westbury t

William Paston.

Toutz ensemble ou sis de prelates t ss avanditz appellez a eux les chanceller tresorer t auxi les serjants du roy quant y bosoignat tiendront lour place en la chambre du chamblein ps le chambre de peinte.

(To Mr. Burtt.) Do you produce the Close Roll of the Eleventh of Edward the Fourth?

I do.

Do you
find upon it a Proclamation of the King directed to the Sheriffs of the several
Counties in England?
I do.

Will you read it?

D pclamacoib3 p rege.

The same was read as follows:

vič Kane saltm. Precipim tibi firmi? injungentes îd statim post recepcoem Psenciu in singulis locis infra com expedientib3 publicas 't solempnes pclamacões fieri fac in hec ba. Where we Edward the iiijth by the disposision of our Lord God and right of

pdĉu magis necessariis t


enheritaunce be verey and rightwosse kyng of England and of Fraunce and lord of J. Burtt, Esy, Irland which our right and title afore this tyme in dyvs maners have be openly and 7th April 1885. solempnely declared and approved bothe by jugement yoven in dyvs parlementis and by auctorite of the same as also by victorie yoven unto us by our Lord Almyghty God in dyvs batailles ayenst our grete advsarie Herry and his adherentes and in especiall nowe late at the fest of Pasch last past in the feld bysyde Barnet in the counte of Mid♂ where bataill w . . moved and levied ayenst us for the partie of the seid Herry by Herry late duke of Excest" John marques Mountacu Richard erl. . Warrewyk John erle of Oxonford and many other in grete multitude our rebelles adherentes to the seid Herry our grete advsarie in which conflicte and bataill the seid marques Mountacu and Richard erle of Warrewyk with many other were slayn soo that not only by reason and auctorite but also by dyvs victories in batailles the treuth right and will of God appereth evydently to evy wise indifferent and weldisposed man for our partie considered namly that in such dyvision and cont°versie moved bytwixt prynces upon the high soveigne power roiall more evident pve or declaracion of trouth right and godd will may not be had than by the seid meanes that is to witte reason auctorite and victorie in batailles yet natheles no consideracion had to the Pmisses nother to thauctorite of that holy fader Richard Scrope somtyme archbisshop of Yorke which for the right and title of our auncestrie whos estate we nowe bere and have died and suffred deth and martyrdom neyther allso to the solempne publicacions and mons of affirmacion and declaryng of our seid right and title aswell at Powles Crosse in our cite of London as dyvs other places of our land by George nowe archbisshop of Yorke in such man and forme as is openly knowen which eftesones in the vigile of Pasche last paste in the Psence of us and many other lordes in lyke wise affermed and declared and eftesones made unto us othe of fidelite upon the holy Evangelies and receyved therapon the blissed sacrament of our Lorde body as to his kyng and soveigne liege lord Margaret calling her quiene which is a Frensshwoman born and doughter to hym that is extreme advsarie and mortall enemie to all this our land and people of the same and her son Edward assembled unto theym a grete nombre of Frensshmen bysides other traitours and rebelles adherent unto them nowe late have entred this our realm robbyng and spoylyng and have meoved and leveed werre and bataill ayenst us in their entent to the subvsion and destruccion of us and of the seid our realme and gode pollecie of the same which to the utmost of our power we wolle secour defende and maynteyne. Wherfor sith it is and muste be to the displeasure of God and also contrie to all gode pollecie infinitly to pcede in such quarelles with soe grete effusion of Cristen blode which by all weys possible unto us we entende to eschewe to thentent that noman shall mowe, pbably herafter Ptende ignorance in this partie by any man colour We notifie and declare the seid Margret Edward hir son Herry late duke of Excestr Edmund Beaufort callyng hym duke of Soms John erle of Oxonford John Courtenay callyng him erle of Devonshire William late viscount Beamont John Beauford knyght Hugh Courtenay knyght Thomas Fulford knyght John Fortescu knyght Thomas Seymour knyght Thomas Tresham knyght Gerveis Clyfton knyght John Delves squyer John Leukenore squyre Rauff Makerell clerk John Whelpdale clerk John Bedon clerk Freer John Gaseley and evich of theym which been adherentes to the seid Herry Margret and Edward to be our open and notarie traitours rebelles and enemyes. Willyng therfor and in the straitest wise chargeyng and comandyng all man psones withyn this our realme of England upon payn of deth and forfeietment of their goodes and lyvelode and of all thay may forfeiete unto us that thay nor noon of theym in any wise from hensforth help assiste favour or socour the seid Margret Edward her son Herry late duke of Excestr Edmund Beauford John erle of Oxonford John Courtenay William late viscount Beamont John Beauford Hugh Courtenay Thomas Fulford John Fortescu Thomas Seymour Thomas Tresham Gerveys Clyfton John Delves John Leukenore Rauff Makerell John Whelpdale John Beden Freer John Gaseley or eny of them or any of their adherentes with psones godde vitailles wordę writynge or any other wise whatsoev it be latyng theym witte that yf they do the contrarie and that any inconvenience or effusion of blode ensue therof we calle Allmyghty (B.) Gg 4

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