
Will Job Corpsmen get Home

During a year of service, there will be one
scheduled home leave, with round-trip trans-
portation paid by the Job Corps. Provision
also will be made for emergency leaves.

What Sports and Recreation
Will There be at the Centers?
Physical fitness, sports and recreation will
be a part of the training program. Corpsmen
will form teams to compete inside and out-
side the centers. The Corpsmen will be en-
couraged to plan and build sport and game

Will Corpsmen Have to Meet
Achievement Goals?

Training methods used by Job Corps per-
sonnel will be geared to the learning rate of
the individual. He will get individual assist-
ance with the basic skills he may lack and

his program will be reviewed and adjusted according to his progress.

How Will the Corpsman Know
if he is Doing Well or Poorly?
There will be regular counselling for Corps-
men throughout the training period. In
addition, he will be able to discuss his prog-
ress at any time with either the profession-
al counsellors, his instructors or VISTA
Volunteers working with him. The new
teaching methods used at the centers will
include frequent self-testing so the Corps-
man will know if he or she should be review-
ing material or moving ahead in the study

Who is Eligible for the Job

Legally, anyone 16 to 21, who is a citizen
or permanent resident of the United States
is eligible to join the Job Corps. To be sure
that the benefits of Job Corps training reach
those who need it most, additional criteria

will be considered in accepting applicants.
These criteria take into account the factors
of poverty-home situation, neighborhood
conditions, and the prospects for completing
education or in finding work.

What Other Qualifications Must
a Young Man or Woman Have
To Get Into the Job Corps?
The main qualification is that the applicant
can gain from the experience. Those with
the most to gain are those who have tried
and failed in school and who have few other
avenues of opportunity open to them. The
young men and women being sought by the
Job Corps are those who are most likely to
continue living in poverty if they are forced
to continue in their present environment.

What Promise of Success Should
be Evident?

The interest of the applicant is the chief
promise of success. The Job Corps is volun-

tary and the benefits a Corpsman will gain
will depend to a considerable extent on his
own motivation. Success will not be meas-
ured against the progress of others, but
against the enrollee's desire and ability to
move ahead.

May Applicants Select the Cen-
ter to Which They Want To Go?
Applicants may express a preference for
the kind of training they wish to undertake.
The assignment to a center will take such
preference into consideration. In determin-
ing the proper assignment for an applicant,
the enrollee, the counsellor and the Job
Corps will try to plan a program from which
the applicant has the greatest opportunity to

Will Job Corps Graduates be
Placed in Jobs?

The Corps cannot guarantee a job on
graduation but the training will greatly in-

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crease the Corpsman's chances of getting a
job. Not only will the Corpsman be trained
in skills needed by business and industry, but
he will also learn how to seek work and
will be counselled on the best opportunities.
The Corpsmen will be assisted in their job-
seeking through the Job Corps contacts with
public and private employers and employ-
ment services. Efforts will be made to in-
terest prospective employers in using the
skills and abilities of Job Corps graduates.

How Does a Young Man or
Woman Apply for the Job

Applicants can get their names placed on

regional lists of potential enrollees by send-
ing "Job Corps Opportunity Cards" (or
their name, address, sex, age and, if pos-
sible, phone number on a post card) to the
Job Corps in Washington. The applicant
will then be contacted by the nearest accept-
ance board and will be assisted in making
application to the Job Corps. The applicant
will then be screened for acceptance.
School counsellors, caseworkers, recreation
and youth leaders, county agents, and others
are being supplied "Job Corps Opportunity
Cards" and other recruiting materials to dis-
tribute to prospective Job Corps applicants.

The Job Corps address is:

Job Corps, Office of Economic Opportunity, Washington, D. C. 20506.


Organizations with Urban Coverage Primarily

1. National Federation of Settlements and Neighborhood Centers

2. National Urban League, Inc.

3. National Council of the Young Men's Christian Association

4. National Board of Young Women's Christian Association

5. Boy's Club of America

6. Big Brothers of America

7. National Education Association

8. National Council of Churches (Youth Work)


Organizations with Rural and Urban Coverage

10. Selective Service System

11. National Catholic Welfare Conference, Inc.

12. Women in Community Service, Inc. (WICS)

National Council of Catholic Women

United Church Women

National Council of Negro Women

National Council of Jewish Women

13. American Public Welfare Association, Inc.

14. Family Services Association of America, Inc.

15. United States Employment Service

16. Southern Regional Council

17. National Catholic Rural Life, Inc.


19. National Catholic Community Services, Inc.

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