LIST OF PRESIDENTS 1. 1878-79-JAMES O. BROADHEAD1..... St. Louis, Missouri. 2. 1879-80-BENJAMIN H. BRISTOW.....New York, New York. 3. 1880-81-*EDWARD J. PHELPS........Burlington, Vermont. 4. 1881-82-CLARKSON N. POTTER'...... New York, New York. 5. 1882-83-ALEXANDER R. LAWTON.....Savannah, Georgia. 6. 1883-84-*CORTLANDT PARKER .Newark, New Jersey. 7. 1884-85-JOHN W. STEVENSON.......Covington, Kentucky. 8. 1885-86-WILLIAM ALLEN BUTLER.... New York, New York. 9. 1886-87-THOMAS J. SEMMES........ New Orleans, Louisiana. 10. 1887-88-*GEORGE G. WRICHT.... Des Moines, Iowa. 11. 1888-89-DAVID DUDLEY FIELD... New York, New York. 12. 1889-90-HENRY HITCHCOCK ........ St. Louis, Missouri. 13. 1890-91-SIMEON E. BALDWIN........ New Haven, Connecticut. 14. 1891-92-JOHN F. DILLON............New York, New York. 15. 1892-93-*JOHN RANDOLPH TUCKER... Lexington, Virginia. 16. 1893-94-*THOMAS M. COOLEY....... Ann Arbor, Michigan. 17. 1894-95-*JAMES C. CARTER..... . New York, New York. 18. 1895-96-MOORFIELD STOREY ..........Boston, Massachusetts. 19. 1896-97-JAMES M. WOOLWORTH..... Omaha, Nebraska. 20. 1897-98-WILLIAM WIRT HOWE... ..New Orleans, Louisiana. 21. 1898-99-JOSEPH H. CHOATE... ... New York, New York. Little Rock, Arkansas. .Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. St. Louis, Missouri. 27. 1904-1905-HENRY ST. GEO. TUCKER.. Lexington, Virginia. 28. 1905-1906-GEORGE R. РЕСК..........Chicago, Illinois. 29. 1906-1907-ALTON B. PARKER........ New York, New York. 30. 1907-1908-J. M. DICKINSON.... Nashville, Tennessee. 31. 1908-1909-FREDERICK W. LEHMANN... St. Louis, Missouri. 32. 1909-1910-CHARLES F. LIBBY. . Portland, Maine. 33. 1910-1911-EDGAR H. FARRAR... New Orleans, Louisiana. 34. 1911-1912-STEPHEN S. GREGORY ..... Chicago, Illinois. 35. 1912-1913-FRANK B. KELLOGG........ St. Paul, Minnesota. 36. 1913-1914-WILLIAM H. TAFT........New Haven, Connecticut. • Deceased. At the Conference for organizing the Association in 1878, John H. В. Latrobe, of Maryland, was elected Temporary Chairman, and when the organization was completed, Benjamin H. Bristow, of Kentucky, was elected President of the Conference. In consequence of the death of Clarkson N. Potter, Francis Kernan, of New York, presided and prepared and delivered the President's Address in 1882. In consequence of the illness of Thomas M. Cooley, Samuel F. Hunt, of Ohio, presided and read the President's Address prepared by Judge Cooley In 1894. In consequence of the absence of Joseph H. Choate, as Ambassador to Great Britain, Charles F. Manderson, of Nebraska, presided and prepared and delivered the President's Address in 1899. LIST OF SECRETARIES 1. 1878-93-*EDWARD OTIS HINKLEY1.... Baltimore, Maryland. 2. 1893-1909-JOHN HINKLEY' ... 3. 1909- GEORGE WHITELOCK .. Baltimore, Maryland. Baltimore, Maryland. ..... LIST OF ASSISTANT SECRETARIES 1. Baltimore, Maryland. LIST OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 1909-1910-ALBERT C. RITCHIE. 2. 1910 3. 1913 W. THOMAS KEMP. Baltimore, Maryland. LIST OF TREASURERS 1. 1878-1902-FRANCIS RAWLE..... Philadelphia, Penna. FREDERICK E. WADHAMs... Albany, New York. 2. 1902 • Deceased. In 1878, Francis Rawle, of Pennsylvania, and Isaac Grant Thompson, of New York, acted as temporary Secretaries and as Secretaries of the Conference. In 1886, Edward Otis Hinkley being absent, Walter George Smith, of Pennsylvania, acted as Secretary pro tempore. In 1898, John Hinkley being absent, George P. Wanty, of Michigan, acted as Secretary pro tempore. In 1913, by virtue of amendment to Constitution, the Executive Committee elected two Assistant Secretaries. 1. 1878-87-LUKE P. POLAND........... St. Johnsbury, Vermont. 2. 1878-88-SIMEON E. BALDWIN ....... New Haven, Connecticut. 3. 1878-80-*WILLIAM A. FISHER...... Baltimore, Maryland. 4. 1880-85-WILLIAM ALLEN BUTLER.... New York, New York. 5. 1885-90-*CHARLES C. BONNEY...... Chicago, Illinois. 6. 1887-96-GEORGE A. MERCER. • Savannah, Georgia. 7. 1888-90-JOHN RANDOLPH TUCKER... Lexington, Virginia. 8. 1890-91-*WILLIAM P. WELLS........ Detroit, Michigan. 9. 1890-99-ALFRED HEMENWAY ........ Boston, Massachusetts. 10. 1891-95-*BRADLEY G. SCHLEY........ Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 11. 1895-99-CHARLES CLAFLIN ALLEN.... St. Louis, Missouri. 12. 13. 1896-97-WILLIAM WIRT HOWE..... .... New Orleans, Louisiana. 1897-1900-CHARLES NOBLE GREGORY.. Madison, Wisconsin. 14. 1899-1900-Edmund WETMORE ....... New York, New York. 15. 1899-1901-*U. M. ROSE..... ....... Little Rock, Arkansas. 16. 1899-1902-WILLIAM A. KETCHAM..... Indianapolis, Indiana. 17. 1899-1902-HENRY ST. GEORGE TUCKER. Lexington, Virginia. 18. 1900-1903-RODNEY A. MERCUR...... Towanda, Pennsylvania. 19. 20. 21. 22. 1900-1903-CHARLES F. LIBBY.. ...... Portland, Maine. 1901-1903-*JAMES HAGERMAN. 1902-1905-P. W. MELDRIM... 1902-1905-PLATT ROGERS 23. 1903-1906-M. F. DICKINSON. 24. 1903-1906-THEODORE S. GARNETT... 25. 1903-1906-WILLIAM P. BREEN....... 26. 1905-1908-CHARLES MONROE ....... St. Louis, Missouri. • Savannah, Georgia. Denver, Colorado. Boston, Massachusetts. Fort Wayne, Indiana. Norfolk, Virginia. Los Angeles, California. 27. 1905-1908-*RALPH W. BRECKENRIDGE. Omaha, Nebraska. 28. 1906-1909-CHARLES F. LIBBY........ Portland, Maine. 29. 1906-1909-WALTER GEORGE SMITH.... Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 30. 1906-1909-ROME G. BROWN......... Minneapolis, Minnesota. 31. 1908-1911-WILLIAM O. HART ・・・・・ New Orleans, Louisiana. 32. 1908-1911-CHARLES HENRY BUTLER... New York, New York. 33. 1909-1912-JOHN HINKLEY 34. 1909-1912-*RALPH W. BRECKENRIDGE. Omaha, Nebraska. • Baltimore, Maryland. 35. 1909-1912-LYNN HELM • Los Angeles, California. 36. 1911 HOLLIS R. BAILEY. Boston, Massachusetts. 37. 1911 ALDIS B. BROWNE. ...... Washington, D. C. 38. 1912 WILLIAM H. BURGES El Paso, Texas. 39. 1912 JOHN H. VOORHEES Sioux Falls, South Dakota. 40. 1912 WILLIAM H. STAAKE... Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 41. 1913 ALBERT W. BIGGS. Memphis, Tennessee. 42. 1913 WILLIAM C. NIBLACK..... Chicago, Illinois. • Deceased. In 1888, at the first meeting of the Executive Committee after the adjournment of the Association, Simeon E. Baldwin resigned, and Charles C. Bonney was chosen to fill the vacancy under By-Law X. In 1913, by virtue of amendment to Constitution, the number of elective members of Executive Committee was increased from five to seven. LIST OF PLACES OF MEETING AND ATTENDANCE Meeting. Year. Date. Place. Attendance. 1......1878...Aug. 21, 22. Saratoga Springs, Ν. Υ...... 75 2......1879....Aug. 20, 21......... Saratoga Springs, N. Y... (no record) 3......1880....Aug. 18, 19, 20...... Saratoga Springs, N. Y...... 97 4......1881.... Aug. 17, 18, 19...... Saratoga Springs, N. Y...... 124 5......1882....Aug. 8, 9, 10, 11.... Saratoga Springs, N. Y...... 107 6......1883....Aug. 22, 23, 24...... Saratoga Springs, N. Y...... 120 7......1884....Aug. 20, 21, 22...... Saratoga Springs, N. Y...... 108 8......1885....Aug. 19, 20, 21...... Saratoga Springs, N. Y...... 124 9... 1886....Aug. 18, 19, 20...... Saratoga Springs, N. Y...... 137 10......1887....Aug. 17, 18, 19...... Saratoga Springs, N. Y...... 149 11......1888....Aug. 15, 16, 17...... Saratoga Springs, N. Y...... 121 12......1889....Aug. 28, 29, 30......Chicago, Ill. 158 13.. 1890....Aug. 20, 21, 22...... Saratoga Springs, N. Y...... 132 14......1891.... Aug. 26, 27, 28. Boston, Mass. 15......1892....Aug. 24, 25, 26...... Saratoga Springs, N. Y...... 143 16... 1893....Aug. 30, 31, Sept. 1. Milwaukee, Wis. 130 17......1894.... Aug. 22, 23, 24...... Saratoga Springs, N. Y...... 140 18......1895....Aug. 27, 28, 29, 30.. Detroit, Mich. 199 19......1896....Aug. 19, 20, 21...... Saratoga Springs, N. Y...... 276 20......1897.... Aug. 25, 26, 27...... Cleveland, Ohio 21......1898....Aug. 17, 18, 19...... Saratoga Springs, N. Y...... 227 22......1899....Aug. 28, 29, 30...... Buffalo, N. Y............. 227 23......1900....Aug. 29, 30, 31... Saratoga Springs, N. Y...... 230 24......1901....Aug. 21, 22, 23...... Denver, Colo. 305 250 25......1902....Aug. 27, 28, 29...... Saratoga Springs, N. Y...... 230 26......1903....Aug. 26, 27, 28... Hot Springs, Va....... 27......1904.... Sept. 26, 27, 28...... St. Louis, Mo............... 451 28......1905.... Aug. 23, 24, 25...... Narragansett Pier, R. I...... 277 29... 1906....Aug. 29, 30, 31...... St. Paul, Minn...... 30......1907....Aug. 26, 27, 28... Portland, Maine....... 402 31......1908.... Aug. 25, 26, 27, 28.. Seattle, Washington........ 312 32......1909....Aug. 24, 25, 26, 27.. Detroit, Michigan... 369 ..... 389 33......1910....Aug. 30, 31, Sept. 1. Chattanooga, Tennessee..... 324 34......1911....Aug. 29, 30, 31. Boston, Mass. 625 ..... 558 35......1912....Aug. 27, 28, 29. Milwaukee, Wis 36......1913.... Sept. 1, 2, 3 Montreal, Canada ..........1023 1 Amended September 1, 1913. CONSTITUTION NAME AND OBJECT. ARTICLE I. - This Association shall be known as "THE AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION." Its object shall be to advance the science of jurisprudence, promote the administration of justice and uniformity of legislation throughout the union, uphold the honor of the profession of the law and encourage cordial intercourse among the members of the American Bar. QUALIFICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP. ARTICLE II.-Any person shall be eligible to membership in this Association who shall be, and shall, for five years next preceding, have been a member in good standing of the Bar of any state, and who shall also be nominated as hereinafter provided. OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES. ARTICLE III.-The following officers shall be elected at each Annual Meeting for the year ensuing: A President (the same person shall not be elected President two years in succession); one Vice-President from each state; a Secretary; a Treasurer; a Council, consisting of one member from each state (the Council shall be a Standing Committee on Nominations for office); an Executive Committee, which shall consist of the President, the last ex-President, the Secretary and the Treasurer, all of whom shall be, ex-officio, members, together with seven1 other members, to be chosen by the Association, but no member shall be eligible to such choice more than three years in succession; and the President, and in his absence the ex-President, shall be the Chairman of the committee. There shall be one or more Assistant Secretaries, who shall be elected by the Executive Committee, and shall hold office at the pleasure of that committee. * Amended August 19, 1898, and August 30, 1899. 3 Amended September 1, 1913. Amended August 25, 1909, |