
superfluous by saying to his Lordship that nowhere in the English-speaking world would he find an audience where more respect is felt for the principles of that great system of law of which the Chancery Court of England constitutes so great a part, and nowhere would he find a warmer and more generous sympathy than goes out to him in this audience today.

My Lord, may I be permitted to introduce to you my brethren of the American Bar Association?

The Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain:

I ask you first of all to let me express my personal gratitude to my colleague (for he has invited me to call him such), the Chief Justice of the United States, not only for coming here to welcome me, but for the kindly words which he has spoken.

Then I wish to thank the members of the Association for the splendid reception they have given me and the care they have taken of me. Of the Association and its work, there is indeed

much that I should like to have said.

And finally, but not least, I wish to express my personal gratitude to my colleagues as Ministers of the Crown, the Prime Minister of Canada and the Minister of Justice, for the warmth of their welcome to all of us who belong to the other two nations here in Montreal today.

(The Lord Chancellor then proceeded to read his Address, for which see Appendix, page 393.)

Hampton L. Carson, of Pennsylvania:

I rise to present, in behalf of the American Bar Association, resolutions of appreciation and acknowledgment of the address just delivered by the Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain.

The dignity and authority of the Wool-sack and the glories of Westminster Hall are as dear to us as to the benchers of Lincoln's and Gray's Inns and the Inner and Middle Temple. The fame and the labors of Nottingham, Hardwicke, and Eldon are as much a part of our professional renown and professional treasures as those of Marshall, Story and Kent. Inspired by the same traditions, enjoying the same heritage, administering the

same principles, and drawing our knowledge from the same sources, we claim the common law as our birthright and are partakers of the destiny of the Anglo-Saxon to rule an ever expanding empire of civilization and humanity by the light of a liberal jurisprudence. We recognize the same fealty to duty; we are conscious of the same holy mission; we are upheld by the same pride of achievement; we kneel at the same altar and chant the same anthems of liberty. We place beside Magna Charta and the Bill of Rights the Constitution of the United States, and claim our share in building up the bulwarks of popular govern


We regard as significant this meeting upon historic soil of the representatives of four nations, and we respond sympathetically to the exalted sentiments which have been uttered. "Higher Nationality, based upon Law and Ethics," is a noble theme, calculated to broaden and uplift the vision of all of us, and to open up vistas of the most beneficent international relationships. We applaud the spirit of the address, that while each nation shall act like a gentleman, all Councils of the World should be controlled by the gentlemanlike nations. In this way, we can strike a newer, truer, deeper note of human brotherhood, which like Memnon's own statue, bursting into music with every rising sun, will proclaim a new era of peace, good will and of justice. scrupulously exact.

I have the honor to present the following resolutions:

"Resolved, That the American Bar Association, appreciating the gracious spirit of the message of the King, joins most cordially in the hope that this occasion will serve not only to illustrate the esteem and good will of the United States, of Canada, of the United Kingdom and of France for each other, but to strengthen the ties which bind us to a common duty in advancing the best interests of mankind.

Resolved, That the special thanks of the American Bar Association be tendered to the Rt. Honorable Richard Burdon Haldane, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, for his philosophic and inspiring address; and that we recognize with appreciation the distinguished service he has rendered in promoting an international comity of professional good fellowship."

The resolutions were generally seconded and adopted by a rising vote.

Lucien Hugh Alexander, of Pennsylvania :

On behalf of the Membership Committee, it is my privilege to announce that the Executive Committee, acting under and by virtue of the authority conferred upon it by the constitution and by-laws, has elected as an honorary member of the American Bar Association the Right Honorable Viscount Haldane of Cloan, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain.

We have, my Lord Chancellor-your nation and ours-a joint birthright, a common heritage of blood, law, traditions, history, extending back through time immemorial. May we have, sir, a common future, as I believe we shall, as I believe we must, through the triumphs, the struggles and stresses of the oncoming centuries! And so, it is with very real pleasure that, on behalf of my brethren of the American Bar, I express to you our hope that you will accept-will honor us by accepting the honor which it is our desire to confer.

The Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain:

I have this afternoon made you a very long speech and I promise not to say more than a few words now.

First of all, let me say that I accept with the greatest pleasure the offer which has just been announced and I shall be proud to reckon myself in the future a member of the American Bar Association. I think it is appropriate that it should be so; and this intimation, coming unexpectedly to me, makes me feel that there is a response coming at once to the appeal I have been making to all my fellow lawyers to consider ourselves as one body.

And let me thank the mover of the resolution for the eloquent words which he spoke, and express my own sincere hope that the gospel I came here to preach-this gospel which has something new in it as regards the sanctions of international law, something new based in the experience of recent events in Europe -may lead to a further development of the general conscience. which will bring about the result we all desire.

And now I thank you for this splendid welcome and as I go back over the Atlantic I shall carry with me the memory of this great meeting as long as I live.

The President:

Honorary degrees are now to be conferred at McGill University upon our distinguished guests and upon several of the members of our Association.

Adjourned to Tuesday, September 2, at 10 A. M., in the Royal Victoria College.

The President:


Tuesday, September 2, 1913, 10 A. M. MORNING SESSION.

The Chair will ask Frederick W. Lehmann, a former President of the Association, to preside at this session.

Chairman Lehmann (taking the Chair):
What is the pleasure of the Association?

Alton B. Parker, of New York:

I ask unanimous consent to introduce a resolution.

The Chairman:

Is unanimous consent accorded? The gentleman from New York may proceed.

Alton B. Parker, of New York, thereupon submitted a preamble and resolution concerning the celebration of the centenary of peace between the United States and Great Britain.

Simeon E. Baldwin, of Connecticut:

I move that the resolution be referred to the Executive Committee to inquire and report.

The Chairman:

That constitutes objection to the present consideration, and the Chair rules that the resolution must be referred to the Executive Committee. It is so referred.

John H. Wigmore, of Illinois:

I ask that the following resolution be referred to the appropriate committee.

Resolved, That a special committee of not more than 10 members be appointed by the President of the Association to consider and report at the next annual meeting, as to what amendment, if any, to the Constitution and By-laws of this Association would be desirable with a view to increasing the membership of the Association, improving its order of business and extending its influence in the profession and in the community at large.

I will not detain the Association by any lengthy remarks, except to say

The Chairman:

The Chair holds that the resolution is not debatable except by unanimous consent. Unanimous consent is not given and the resolution is referred to the Executive Committee.

W. A. Hayes, of Wisconsin:

I desire to offer a resolution respecting a case pending in the United States Supreme Court; also a resolution respecting the Mexican situation, and a third resolution respecting recommendations by this Association to State Bar Associations.

The Chairman:

The first two resolutions go, under the rule, to the Executive Committee, and the third resolution to the Committee on Legislative Drafting.

George Whitelock, of Maryland:

I ask unanimous consent to offer the reports of two committees.

The Chairman:

Is there objection? There being no objection, the gentleman may proceed.

George Whitelock, of Maryland:

The first is a report from the Committee on the Courts of Admiralty which has had under consideration a bill in Congress

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