
Association than any state in the union, 52.9%, while Ohio has the lowest of any state, 9.6%. These tables also exhibit such facts as that the Vice-Presidents and Local Councils in at least two states for more than five consecutive years during the last tenyear period did not nominate a single lawyer from their states for membership in the A. B. A.; yet to nominate new members is the chief duty of the Vice-Presidents and Local Councils-indeed, it is their sole function as specified by our Constitution and By-laws. In another state, with a Bar of nearly 4000, during seven years of this ten-year period the Vice-President and Local Council, which, during that time remained substantially the same, nominated but seven new members. Similar instances could be multiplied.

While as an organization we have some grounds, even though but slight, for gratulations upon our record-breaking increase in membership during the present year, we should not overlook the fact that our Association, with its membership of about 8000, is very small in comparison with the national organization of a sister profession, the American Medical Association, which has a membership of more than 33,000 physicians, notwithstanding the fact that there are approximately the same number of lawyers as physicians in the United States. Over 22% of all physicians in the country are members of the American Medical Association, but even with this year's increase, we have less than 6% of the American Bar upon our roll.

There are only eleven states having 10% or over of their State Bars enrolled as members of the Association, to wit, and the exact percentage is noted as to each:

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Let us hope that during the coming year no Vice-President and Local Council in any state will regard their state as in good standing with respect to the manifold activities of the American Bar Association unless 10% of the lawyers of the state are members, and that they will determine to have at least that standard

speedily attained if it has not already been reached. The VicePresidents and Local Councils for these states should bear in mind in this connection that while their states are being brought to this standard, the states now in excess of 10% will probably be pushing their membership far beyond the present percentages.

But the total membership from a state is far from being a true test of the interest of the Bar of that state in the great work our Association is endeavoring to accomplish in so many directions. The percentage of the Bar enrolled is a far better measure. For example, while Pennsylvania with 689 members and New York with 1271 would seem to lead Massachusetts, with but 594, yet this is a superficial view, for the latter has nearly 15% of its entire Bar in our membership while Pennsylvania and New York each have less than 7%. Illinois is in the extraordinary position of having but 4.9% of its Bar upon the roll.

Missouri has but 4.7% in the Association, contrasting strangely with Florida's 99 members representing 11.7% of its entire Bar. Why should the State of Vermont have 14.8% of its Bar in the Association and the adjoining State of New Hampshire but 7.5%? Have their Vice-President and Local Councils been equally active? If so—which may be doubted-does the comparison indicate a deeper and more real interest in the profession, qua profession, upon the part of the Bar in the one state than in the other? In this connection it is interesting to note that while Vermont has nearly 53% of its Bar in its State Association, New Hampshire has 43%.

Again, why should Delaware have but 22 members in our Association and Rhode Island 83? Perhaps the explanation lies in the fact that during nine recent consecutive years the Delaware Vice-President and Local Council slumbered, and during that time nominated but one new member. How far is the situation affected by the fact that the Delaware State Bar Association is dead, whereas the Rhode Island Association contains over 41% of the State Bar?

At the close of 1912 New Jersey and California each had but 70 members in the American Bar Association. Why should California have had a 221% increase this year and New Jersey

but a 90% increase? On the other hand, why should California close the year with only 31% of its Bar in the Association, permitting 40 other states in the union to have higher percentages of their Bars upon our roll, when the adjoining state of Nevada now has over 25% of its Bar in the Association.

In the last analysis the increase of our membership in any given state depends almost altogether upon the energy, earnestness, zeal and efficiency of the Vice-President and Local Council for that state. During the present year these officials in several states have been exceedingly active, though only four states have increased their American Bar Association membership by more than 100 new members, to wit:

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The following eight states have, however, doubled their membership the percentage of increase is noted as to each:

Nevada ....1600% Idaho ...



... 276%


210% Texas


Oklahoma..... 189% North Dakota.. 103%

221% Pennsylvania .. 159%

Only three states have had less than a 10% gain in membership, viz.:

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To the American Bar Association:

In compliance with Section 7, Article XV, of your By-laws, as amended at the annual meeting of 1907, the Board of Managers of the Comparative Law Bureau presents the following annual report in detail as to the work and finances of the Bureau to June 1, 1913.

The Swiss Civil Code, translated into English and annotated by Mr. Robert P. Shick and the late Mr. Charles Wetherill, of the editorial staff, has not yet been issued, the proof being still in the hands of Professor Eugene Huber, the draftsman of the Code, at Berne, Switzerland, who is to return it with his corrections and commentaries, and an introduction to the American edition. The book will be issued so soon as this can be done.

The translation of the Argentine Civil Code by Mr. Frank L. Joannini, of Washington, D. C., is now in the hands of the Revision Committee and will shortly be sent to the printer. The Civil Code of Peru is being translated by the same gentleman and is nearly completed. It will then also go to the Revision Committee.

The translation of Las Siete Partidas by Mr. S. P. Scott, of the editorial staff, has been received and will be sent to the Revision Committee so soon as other work will permit the members to take it up. This is the result of some two years of practically uninterrupted labor of Mr. Scott and constitutes one of the most important undertakings of the Bureau.

The official publisher of the Bureau, the Boston Book Company, reports fair progress in the sale of the Visigothic Code, also translated by Mr. Scott and published in 1910.

The Annual Bulletin of 1913, consisting of an edition of nine thousand five hundred copies, has just been issued and sent to the several members of the American Bar Association and the members composing the State Bar Associations affiliated with the Bureau as members and also to the various law schools, law libraries and other institutions having membership in the Bureau. The financial statement is as follows:

[blocks in formation]

Printing and postage of 1912 Annual Bulletin..... $1503.62

Stationery, expressage, general postage, commis

sions and sundries during 1912.....

Paid for translation of Argentine Civil Code....

95.25 150.00



Balance in hands of Treasurer June 1, 1913...

Respectfully submitted,

WM. W. SMITHERS, Secretary,

EUGENE C. MASSIE, Treasurer.

July 1, 1913.

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