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For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office

Washington 25, D.C. - Price $2.50

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This volume of Decisions of the Department of the Interior covers the period from January 1, 1960, to December 31, 1960. It includes the most important administrative decisions and legal opinions that were rendered by officials of the Department during the period.

The Honorable Fred A. Seaton served as Secretary of the Interior during the period covered by this volume; Mr. Elmer F. Bennett served as Under Secretary; Messrs. Fred G. Aandahl, George W. Abbott, Roger C. Ernst, Royce A. Hardy, and Ross L. Leffler served as Assistant Secretaries of the Interior; Mr. D. Otis Beasley served as Administrative Assistant Secretary; Mr. George W. Abbott and Mr. Theodore F. Stevens* served successively as Solicitor of the Department of the Interior. Mr. Edmund T. Fritz served as Deputy Solicitor.

This volume will be cited within the Department of the Interior as "67 I.D."

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*Mr. Theodore F. Stevens was appointed Solicitor on September 20, 1960, and this volume is published under his direction.

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Page 18-Index-Digest, Second Entry, No. 13, page 295 should read page 296.

Page 21-First paragraph, lines 5-6, 56 I.D. 300, 344, June 5, 1938 should
read 56 I.D. 330, 334, June 15, 1938.

Page 33-Bottom of page, 67 I.P., No. 2, should read 67 I.D., No. 2.
Page 48-Last paragraph, last line, The stakes set in the fieldo, should
read The stakes set in the field 3.

Page 65-Line 5, 231 F. 2d 836 (1952) should read 271 F. 2d 836 (1959).
Page 71-Line 2, forcoing should read foregoing.

Page 147-Footnote 2, line 3, 199 F. 2d 923 (528 Cir.) should read 199 F.
2d 923 (5th Cir.).

Page 162-Line 26, Ickes v. Virginia-Colorado Development Corp., 295 U.C. 639 (1935) should read 295 U.S. 639 (1935).

Page 162-Citation, line 26, 295 U.C. 639 (1955) should read 295 U.S. 639 (1955).

Page 168-Second paragraph, line 1, is effectual to transfer title to a vester should read, is ineffectual to transfer title to a vested.

Page 168-Footnote 4, line 9, contiguous, should read continuous.

Page 168-Footnote 4, line 15, 35 Am. Decsions, should read 35 Am.

Page 170-Footnote 5, line 10, abandonment should read abandoned.
Page 211-Footnote 1, line 1, 43 CFA, should read 43 CFR.



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