
I-II, vi. 1-14, vi. 43-63, x. 1-18, xiii. 1-17. Then say the following :— Almighty and everlasting GOD, who, of Thy tender love toward mankind, hast sent Thy SON, our Saviour, JESUS CHRIST, to take upon Him our flesh, and to suffer death upon the cross, that all mankind should follow the example of His great humility; mercifully grant, that we may both follow the example of His patience, and also be made partakers of His resurrection, through the same JESUS CHRIST our Lord. Amen.

Grant, O LORD, that I may receive the sacrament of the Body and Blood of Thy SON JESUS CHRIST, our Lord, with a thankful remembrance of His death for my salvation. Hear me for JESUS CHRIST's sake. Amen.


When you come to Holy Communion you remind GOD of His promise to give whatever you ask for in His SON'S Name. You offer and present the sacrifice of the Body and Blood of CHRIST for the forgiveness of your own

sins, and those of the whole world. Your prayers will be especially heard at this time; for you will be pleading the death of CHRIST in obedience to His commandment. You should therefore try to remember what you want to pray for, either for yourself or for others.

Think-(1) What sins of your own, or of your friends, need forgiveness. (2) What grace or blessings you or they need for soul or body.

It is well each time you come to Holy Communion to recall one or two sins which you are in the habit of committing, and one or two blessings which you especially need, and to pray very earnestly to GOD for pardon and help. It is better to pray earnestly for a few things than coldly for many.

During the Day therefore, and if possible in the Evening, try to find time to say:

O Holy FATHER, who didst so love the world as to give Thine Only Begotten SON, that whosoever believeth

in Him should not perish, but have everlasting Life,

Have mercy upon me, a sinner. O Blessed JESU, who didst taste death for all men, and hast promised to accept all such as come to Thee; cast me not away from Thee, but

Have mercy upon me, a sinner.

O Blessed SPIRIT, whose sacred fires melt the hardest heart, who leadest sinners to repentance, and art the Comforter of the sad and wounded soul? do Thou guide me, keep me, comfort me, and

Have mercy upon me, a sinner.

O ever Blessed TRINITY, in whose image we are created, restore in me that heavenly likeness, and

Have mercy upon me, a sinner.

Prayer to Jesus for Pardon, and Grace to persevere in Holiness.

O LORD JESUS CHRIST, Saviour of the world, who mercifully invitest sinners to Thy Cross, that they may be cleansed from their sin; I come to Thee, whom my sins have pierced, humbly believing that Thou art able

and most willing to receive me, and wash away the guilt and stains of my past sinful life, and make me clean.

Look upon me, O LORD, as Thou didst on the penitent thief, and have mercy on me; and as Thou, out of very love, didst pray for Thy murderers, do Thou intercede for me, that Thy blessed Passion, and all-sufficient Sacrifice, may atone for my offences.

O my SAVIOUR, let me never more crucify Thee by my sins, but by virtue and merit of Thy Cross give me true sorrow for my past sin, strength to overcome temptation, and grace to persevere in all good works unto the end.

O Thou, who hast said, "If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto Me," draw me, LORD, to Thyself. Let nothing henceforth separate me from Thee.

Receive me, O Thou loving Shepherd of souls, receive me Thy poor wandering sheep. Crucify in me the flesh, with its lusts; root out all evil tempters, and renew a right spirit within me.

Kindle in me an earnest desire to devote myself wholly to Thee, whọ hast so loved me, and given Thyself for me." Amen.


To be said daily, as opportunity offers, during the Week of Preparation.

O LORD JESUS CHRIST, who hast promised that they who come to Thee shall never hunger, and they who come to Thee shall never thirst: feed me, I pray Thee, with the Bread of Life; give me to drink of the Water of Life.

Thou, Good Physician, be pleased to heal the diseases of my soul, strengthen and refresh me.

Visit, O LORD, and cleanse my conscience, and prepare my heart to receive Thee worthily in this Blessed Sacrament. Amen.

O most merciful FATHER, do THOU receive me, and grant that, though unworthy, I may of Thy Mercy and Grace receive the Bread that cometh down from Heaven, and the Blood that is drink indeed; for the sake of our

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