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" ... mastication, Ground the teeth together. And from that imperfect dental exhibition, Stained with expressed juices of the weed Nicotian, Came these hollow accents, blent with softer murmurs Of expectoration ; "Which my name is Bowers, and my crust was... "
The North American Review - Side 335
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That heathen Chinee, and other poems mostly humorous, Utgave 187

Francis Bret Harte - 1871 - 186 sider
...expectoration ; " Which my name is Bowers, and my crust was busted Falling down a shaft in Calaveras County, But I'd take it kindly if you'd send the pieces Home to old Missouri !" THE f ALL AD OF THE EMEU. O SAY, have you seen at the Willows so green,So charming and rurally true,...
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The Poetical Works of Bret Harte

Bret Harte - 1872 - 408 sider
...expectoration ; "Which my name is Bowers, and my crust was busted Falling down a shaft in Calaveras County; But I'd take it kindly if you'd send the pieces Home to old Missouri ! " THE BALLAD OF THE EMEU. /^~\H, say, have you seen at the Willows so green, So charming and rurally...
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The poetical works of Bret Harte. Complete ed

Francis Bret Harte - 1880 - 288 sider
..." Which my name is Bowers, and my crust was busted Falling down a shaft in Calaveras County ; "Cut -I'd take it kindly if you'd send the pieces Home to old Missouri ! " THE BALLAD OF THE EMEU, OH, say, have you seen at the Willows so green,— So charming and rurally...
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The world of wit and humour, ed. by G.M. Fenn

George Manville Fenn - 1899 - 548 sider
...: " Which my naaio is Bowers, and mv crust was busted Falling down a shaft in Calaveras county, Bat I'd take it kindly if you'd send the pieces Home to old Missouri ! " CLIPPED. 289 MRS. CAUDLE'S CURTAIN LECTURES.* MR. CAUDLE HAS REMAINED DOWN-STAIRS TILL PAST ONE...
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Humorous poems by English and American writers

William Michael Rossetti - 1878 - 510 sider
...Which my name is Bowers, and my crust was busted Falling down a shaft in Calaveras County ; ButJ'd take it kindly if you'd send the pieces Home to old Missouri !" ROBERT H. NEWELL. [This popular writer is author of the Orphem C. Kerr (ie Office-seeker) Papers;...
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The Poetical Works: Including the Drama of "The Two Men of Sandy Bar" of ...

Bret Harte - 1882 - 468 sider
...expectoration : " Which my name is Bowers, and my crust was busted Falling down a shaft in Calaveras County, But I'd take it kindly if you'd send the pieces Home to old Missouri ! " VOL. I, R Cfce TBaflaD of Q9r. Coolie. (A LEGEND OF THE CLIFF HOUSE, SAN FRANCISCO.) WHERE the...
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Poetical Ingenuities and Eccentricities

William T. Dobson - 1882 - 326 sider
...expectoration : ' Which my name is Bowers, and my crust was busted Falling down a shaft in Calaveras County, But I'd take it kindly if you'd send the pieces Home to old Missouri !'" — Bret HarU. The following verses are from " Notes and Queries," and evidently refer to a case...
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The Medical World, Volum 27

1909 - 636 sider
...expectoration: "Which my name is Rowers, and my crust was busted Falling down a shaft in Calaveras County. But I'd take it kindly if you'd send the pieces Home to old Missouri." In " The Doctor's Window, " a book of poems for. by, and about the doctor, publish t by Charles Wells...
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The Complete Poetical Works of Bret Harte

Bret Harte - 1886 - 332 sider
...expectoration : " Which my name is Bowers, and my crust was busted Falling down a shaft in Calaveras County, But I'd take it kindly if you'd send the pieces Home to old Missouri I " VOL. I. R ( 253 ) €f)e 'BallaD of 9@r. Coofce. (A LEGEND OF THE CLIFF HOUSE, SAN FRANCISCO.)...
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Echoes of Life Or, Beautiful Gems of Poetry and Song: A Choice Collection of ...

Grace Townsend - 1891 - 570 sider
...expectation: " Which my name is Bowers, and my crust was busted Falling down a shaft, in Calaveras County, But I'd take it kindly if you'd send the pieces Home to old Missouri !" — Bret Harte. Sneering. WHAT a moment, what a doubt ! All my nose is inside out, — All my thrilling,...
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