[blocks in formation]

1842, Aug. 23 (5 Stat. at L. 510, chap.

[blocks in formation]

1861, Aug. 5 (12 Stat. at L. 292, chap.
45). Direct tax act.218, 363, 619
1861, Aug. 6 (12 Stat. at L. 319, chap.
60). Confiscation act.1173
1862, May 20 (12 Stat. at L. 392, chap.
75). Sale of public lands
for homesteads
1862, June 7 (12 Stat. at L. 422, chap.
98). Direct taxation of

1862, July 1 (12 Stat. at L. 489, chap.
120). Railway land grant



412, 1115

183). Appropriation act...736 1862, July 14 (12 Stat. at L. 569, chap.

1842, Aug. 26 (5 Stat. at L. 525, chap. 202). Appropriation act.


1842, Aug. 30 (5 Stat. at L. 565, chap.


Tariff act... 509, 513-516

1843, March 3 (5 Stat. at L. 619, chap. 86). Pre-empted lands..

...1114, 1116

1843, Dec. 28 (7 Stat. at L. 320).

Treaty with Indians.........602

1845, Feb. 26 (5 Stat. at L. 727, chap. 22). Action to recover duties.

....781 1846, July 9 (9 Stat. at L. 35, chap. 35). Retrocession of Alex

167). Railroad bridges;
post roads, etc..


1862, July 17 (12 Stat. at L. 589, chap.
1863, Feb. 25 (12 Stat. at L. 665, chap.
58). Act providing for the
organization of national

195). Confiscation act... 1173


[blocks in formation]

1863, March 12 (12 Stat. at L. 820,
chap. 120). Abandoned and
captured property ...212,253

andria county to Virginia...884 1864, May 5 (13 Stat. at L. 66, chap.

1846, July 11 (9 Stat. at L. 37, chap. 36). Sale of mining land.. 1846, Aug. 8 (9 Stat. at L. 83, chap. 170). Land grant..


1847, Feb. 11 (9 Stat. at L. 123, chap.



80). Railway land grant.. 783 75 1864, June 3 (13 Stat. at L. 99, chap. 106). Power to tax shareholders of bank stock...... 1864, June 3 (13 Stat. at L. 115, chap. 106). National bank act.. 657 1864, June 30 (13 Stat. at L. 223, chap. 173). Reward to public officers

8). Soldiers' claims ..1128

1847, March 1 (9 Stat. at L. 146, chap.

32). Sale of mining lands...75 1847, March 3 (9 Stat. at L. 179, chap. 54). Sale of mining lands...75 1864, June 30 (13 Stat. at L. 314, chap. 1848, Feb. 2 (9 Stat. at L. 929). Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo...

[blocks in formation]






1864, July 2 (13 Stat. at L. 365, chap.
217). Railway land grant
.......160, 161, 1112, 1113, 1117

1865, Feb. 27 (13 Stat. at L. 440, § 9).
Actions and suits affecting
mining titles

1865, March 3 (13 Stat. at L. 469, chap.
78). Reward to public of-



[blocks in formation]

1872, May 10 (17 Stat. at L. 91, chap.
152). Mining claims. 77, 175, 178
1872, June 8 (17 Stat. at L. 308, chap.
335). Post roads.
1872, Dec. 17 (17 Stat. at L. 398, chap.
4). Bridges across Ohio

75 1873, March 3 (17 Stat. at L. 500,

chap. 226). Appropriation
for examination of rebel

1866, July 26 (14 Stat. at L. 251, chap.
262). Mining claims, ri-
parian rights, etc...
...75-77, 174, 175, 177, 178,1142 1874, March 24 (18 Stat. at L. 24, chap.

1866, July 27 (14 Stat. at L. 292, chap. 278). Railway land grant

...778, 1079, 1080

1867, Feb. 5 (14 Stat. at L. 385, chap.
28). Judiciary act...
1867, Feb. 22 (14 Stat. at L. 401, chap.
63). Jurisdiction of jus-
tices of the peace in the Dis-
trict of Columbia...

1867, Feb. 22 (14 Stat. at L. 403, chap.
64). Appeal from justice's


1867, March 2 (14 Stat. at L. 536, chap. 176). Bankrupt act.



64). Act designating time
for taking fur seals in
103, 105, 106

1874, April 7 (18 Stat. at L. 27, chap.
1874, June 20 (18 Stat. at L. 85, chap.
328). Salaries of govern-
ment officers.......733, 738,740

80). Judiciary act... 581,1079

888 1874, June 20 (18 Stat. at L. 116, chap.
337). Government of Dis-
trict of Columbia.

888 1874, June 22 (18 Stat. at L. 180,

651, 657, 1100

[blocks in formation]


chap. 390). Bankrupt act 1100

1874, June 22 (18 Stat. at L. 186, chap.
391). Anti-moiety act.

..515, 517, 740

1875, Feb. 8 (18 Stat. at L. 307, chap.
36). Free return of empty
grain bags

396, 398

1875, March 3 (18 Stat. at L. 376, chap.
130). Examination of rebel


621 1875, March 3 (18 Stat. at L. 470, chap.
137). Circuit and district
court jurisdiction..664,687,688

23). Married woman's act 1150

1870, July 1 (16 Stat. at L. 180, chap. 189). Act to prevent extermination of Alaska furbearing animals

1875, March 3 (18 Stat. at L. 479, chap.
144). Punishment of lar-
ceny; receiving stolen
goods, etc....891, 892, 895,896

102, 103, 105, 106, 108 1875, March 3 (18 Stat. at L. 470,

[blocks in formation]

chap. 137). Judiciary.... 818
1875, March 3 (18 Stat. at L. 506, chap.
166). Improvement of Fox
and Wisconsin rivers.. 373,374

1870, July 14 (16 Stat. at L. 279, chap.
272). Pre-emption act.
1871, Jan. 21 (16 Stat. at L. 399, chap.
25). Relinquishment of ju-
risdiction over soldier's home 700 1876, June 30 (19 Stat. at L. 63, chap.

1114 1876, March 14 (19 Stat. at L. 211, §

1871, Feb. 21 (16 Stat. at L. 419, chap.
62). Government for Dis-
trict of Columbia.......125, 481

1871, March 3 (16 Stat. at L. 524, chap.
1871, March 3 (16 Stat. at L. 544,
chap. 120). Indian appro-
........1055, 1056
priation act

116). Confiscation claims. 1175

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

1878, June 11 (20 Stat. at L. 102, chap. 180). Government of District of Columbia.

1878, June 19 (20 Stat. at L. 195, chap. 329). Appropriation for examination of rebel archives

1879, March 3 (20 Stat. at L. 384, chap. 182). Examination of rebel


359). Jurisdiction of court

[blocks in formation]

125 1887, March 3 (24 Stat. at L. 552, chap.


373). Judiciary act 634, 664, 665

1888, Feb. 1 (25 Stat. at L. 4, chap.
4). Appropriation act.
1888, June 4 (25 Stat. at L. 1075, chap.
348). Claims against the

1175 1888, Aug. 1 (25 Stat. at L. 357, chap.
728). Method of procur-
ing real estate for public
building purposes.

1879, March 3 (20 Stat. at L. 481,
chap. 196). Boundary be-
tween Virginia and Mary-
land settled by arbitrators. 956 1888, Aug. 13 (25 Stat. at L. 433, chap.

1879, June 21 (21 Stat. at L. 23, chap. 34). Appropriation for ex

866). Judiciary act.

amination of rebel archives 1175 1889, Feb. 6 (25




432, 664, 686-688, 767,937

1889, March 2 (25 Stat. at L. 855, chap.
382). Act to regulate com-

Stat. at L. 655, chap.

1880, June 15 (21 Stat. at L. 226, chap. 225). Appropriation

113). Judiciary act



examination of rebel arch

[blocks in formation]

1889, March 1 (25 Stat. at L. 783, chap.
333). United States court
for Indian territory


[blocks in formation]



[blocks in formation]

1889, March 2 (25 Stat. at L. 980, chap.
412). Rights of veterans
of Civil War.

payment to purchaser of ex-
cess paid for land...781-783 1889, March 2 (25 Stat. at L. 1008,


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

1163 1890, July 2 (26 Stat. at L. 209, chap.

60). Animal industry act 717

1884, July 5 (23 Stat. at L. 103, chap. 214). Disposal of useless military reservations

1884, July 7 (23 Stat. at L. 185, chap. 331). Naval records of Civil War.

1885, Feb. 17 (23 Stat. at L. 307, chap. 126). Suits for damages.. 1885, March 3 (23 Stat. at L. 372, chap.




341. Indian claims. 621, 761, 1012

1886, July 10, (24 Sat. at L. 143,

chap. 764). Railroad lands 567

1886, July 30 (24 Stat. at L. 170, chap. 818). Act regulating terri

torial passage of laws...499, 798

647). Protection of trade
and commerce

1890, Aug. 8 (26 Stat. at L. 313, chap.
728). Importation of in-
toxicating liquors



1890, Aug. 18 (26 Stat. at L. 315, chap.
797). Fortification act. 733,736
1890, Aug. 30 (26 Stat. at L. 1247,
chap.). Claims for
additional compensation un-
der government contract... 464

1890, Sept. 19 (26 Stat. at L. 454, chap.
907). Navigation
1890, Oct. 1 (26 Stat. at L. 567, chap.
1244). Tariff act.


.....396, 470, 471, 507, 579,742

[blocks in formation]

1891, March 3 (26 Stat. at L. 826, chap. 517). Judiciary act. 256, 314, 315, 494, 777, 778, 785, 786, 820, 930, 1054, 1102, 1123 1891, March 3 (26 Stat. at L. 851, chap.



538). Claims arising from Indian depredations622, 761, 1012 1891, March 3 (26 Stat. at L. 854, chap. 539). Act creating court of private land claims......150, 1891, March 3 (26 Stat. at L. 897, chap. 540). Appropriation act.. 1891, March 3 (26 Stat. at L. 948, chap. 542). Appropriation act.. 1891, March 3 (26 Stat. at L. 1011, chap. -). Indian claims 1891, March 3 (26 Stat. at L. 1101, chap. 561). Timber culture..

1891, June 15 (27 Stat. at L. 980).


between Gt.

Britain and United States regarding fur seal fisheries

in Behring Sea...

1892, May 9 (27 Stat. at L. 947) Proclamation of right to take seals in Behring sea..




1892, May 13 (27 Stat. at L. 36, chap. 72). Confederate archives 1175 1892, July 13 (27 Stat. at L. 88, chap.

158). Navigable streams. 1143 1892, July 23 (27 Stat. at L. 257, chap. 233). Appropriation fortifications.

[blocks in formation]

.1052-1054, 1056 1897, Jan. 15 (29 Stat. at L. 487, chap. 29). Act to reduce cases in which penalty of death may be inflicted.

1897, June 7 (30 Stat. at L. 84, chap. 3). Indian tribes






| 1897, July 24 (30 Stat. at L. 151, chap. 11). Tariff act 1898, Feb. 9 (30 Stat. at L. 240, chap. 15). Judge for northern judicial district of Texas....765 1898, June 13 (30 Stat. at L. 448, chap. 448). Internal revenue act 1898, June 28 (30 Stat. at L. 495, chap. 517). Indian tribes.. 1898, July 1 (30 Stat. at L. 546, chap. 541). Bankrupt act..1099-1102 1899, July 1 (30 Stat. at L. 571, chap. 545). Indian appropriation and provision for appeals to Supreme Court

[blocks in formation]


Payment of claims





Duties of district attorney as

to public land titles......



Suits between government and

national banking



tions ..


[blocks in formation]

Jury trial

[merged small][ocr errors]

1892, July 28 (27 Stat. at L. 320, chap. 313). Private claims .


Jury trial






1893, Feb. 9 (27 Stat. at L. 434, chap.


Jury trial


74). Judiciary act. 561, 563, 874 1893, Feb. 13 (27 Stat. at L. 445, chap. 105). Shipowner's duties and liabilities. 131-133, 242, 243, 806-808

[blocks in formation]

1893, Dec. 21 (28 Stat. at L. 20, chap. 5). Judiciary act


Bankruptcy proceedings




Writs of scire facias..


1893, July 16 (28 Stat. at L. 107, chap. 138). Admission of Utah

720. Writ of injunction




....679, 1064

[blocks in formation]


Jury trial


1894, July 31 (28 Stat. at L. 162, chap. 174). Salaried offices.

[blocks in formation]

1894, Aug. 28 (28 Stat. at L. 509, chap. 349). Tariff act .

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

trict attorney and other court officers. .732, 735, 736, 738 833, 834. District attorney required to make semiannual return to Attorney General ...732-734

.313-315, 1052, 1054 § 835. Limit prescribed of fees and

[blocks in formation]

770. Salary of district attorney. 732, 735
771. Duties of district attorney
.732, 736, 738

§§ 823-827. Compensation of


emoluments of district at-
torney's office.

....733, 734 844. Surplus in district attorney's hands deposited in treasury

.733, 734

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

3243. Oleomargarine; taxation for

court for Indian territory.


3257. Attempt to defraud



of Indian territory.......



its manufacture, etc......56, 59 Vol. 2, pp. 392-398. Judicial division

3271. Distillery warehouse ......62,63
3281. Penalty for distilling without

giving bond
3287. Storage of distilled spirits..
3296. Punishment for concealing
distilled spirits.

3305. False entries in distillers'


3453. Seizure for fraud under reve-
nue laws
3456. Penalty for fraud under reve-
nue laws
3477. Transfer of claims against

63 1895, Feb. 9. Act prescribing rates



over toll bridge .... 539, 541-543


929 § 1715. Appeals from justices of the



government....... .........752-754

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

1163 1891, March 6. Attachments and

3964. Post roads.

4233. Navigation rule


4283. Limited liability of vessel



4622. Examination of witnesses.... 1072
4639. Prize captures







1891, March 18. Funding act.499, 500, 502
1895, March 8 (Laws 1895, p. 20)
Board of control of territor-
ial reformatory, prison, etc.

4652. Prize captures; salvage, etc. 1174
4825. National homes for disabled

[blocks in formation]

722, 724,725

1897, March 10. Territorial indebted-

[blocks in formation]


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