
Abbott, Edith, 87

Addams, Jane, 63

Booz-Allen and Hamilton Survey,


Clague, 207-209

Lubin, 170-175

Meeker, 108-111

Moore, 217-218, 223, 256
Neill, 69-70, 73-76
Norwood, 220-221, 256
Recent period, 1965-85, 253-257
Reorganization, 1971, 223, 256
Ross, 216-217, 255
Shiskin, 219

Stewart, 120-121, 135-138
Wright, 11-14, 21-23

Administrative Procedures Act, 210, 241
Advisory Committee on Education
(1936), 167

Advisory Committee on Employment
Statistics (1930), 130–132, 180

Advisory Committee to the Secretary of
Labor (1933), 145, 149, 164, 165, 166,
174, 180

Advisory groups (BLS) (See also Business
Research Advisory Council and Labor
Research Advisory Council), 257
AFL-CIO, 188, 191

Agency for International Development,
205-206, 253

Agricultural Adjustment Act, 144
Agriculture, Dept. of, 90, 106, 146, 206

Bureau of Animal Industry, 48
Office of Home Economics, 95, 150
Aldrich, Nelson W., 3, 34
Aldrich Committee (Senate Committee
on Finance), 34-35

Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel,
and Tin Workers, 4, 44, 53

Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher
Workmen, 38, 50

American Association for Labor Legisla-
tion, 40, 59-61, 74, 136

American Association of Public Employ-
ment Offices, 91

American Economic Association, 90,
121, 136, 172, 176

American Engineering Standards Com-
mittee, 120-121, 133

American Federation of Labor, 44, 45,
51-52, 115, 144

American Federationist, 120, 156
BLS programs, 49, 53, 61, 131, 163,
168, 187, 203

Conventions, 2, 5, 19, 24, 69, 134
Cost of living, CPI, 102, 157, 195
"Labor's Bill of Grievances," 44
Role in BLS development, 3, 18, 76
Woman and child labor study, BLS,
62, 64, 65, 67

American Management Association
(Conference of Employment Manag-
ers), 98

American Smelting and Refining Com-
pany, 78

American Social Science Association, 41
American Sociological Association, 136
American Statistical Association, 121,
124, 129, 136

Advisory Committee to the Secre-
tary of Labor, 145
BLS presidents of, and speakers to,
41, 93, 179, 217

BLS press conferences, 222, 223
Committee on Government Statis-

tics and Information Services, 145
Employment statistics, 127-128
Mills Committee on cost-of-living
index, 154-156

Moore's resignation, 225

Recommendations for appointment,

142, 176

Technical advisory committee to
BLS on prices, 193, 199

Amiss, Herman L., 135

Andrews, John B., 59-60, 101

Anthracite coal strike (1902), 28–29, 46

Appropriations, 260

Clague, 178, 193, 207-208

Lubin, 170-172

Meeker, 81, 107, 108-109

Neill, 73-74

Recent period, 1965-85, 220, 234,
249, 253-254

Stewart, 115, 122, 125, 136–138
Wright, 22-23

Arbitration Act of 1888, 14, 26, 27, 28
Arthur, Chester A., 1, 4, 5

Association for the Promotion of Profit
Sharing, 41

Automobile Manufacturers' Association,

Babson Statistical Organization, 134–135
Baldor Electric Company, 210

Baldwin, Charles E., 135, 139

Baruch, Bernard, 101

Berridge, William A., 129, 131, 180
Bethlehem Steel Company, 53-54, 116
Beveridge, Albert J., 48, 63
Blacks, BLS projects:

Du Bois, W.E.B., 32-33, 76

Family expenditure survey (1934-36)
and revised cost-of-living index
(1940), 150

Lubin, 145-146

Office of Economic Research, 185
Wage studies, 160

Booz-Allen and Hamilton surveys, 185,
217, 254-255

Borah, William E., 68, 77

Bowen, J. Chester, 129, 135
Breckinridge, Sophonisba P., 63

Brennan, Peter J., 226

Brookings Institution, The, 11, 129, 141,

Budget, Bureau of the (See also Office of
Management and Budget), 136, 138,
203, 207

Blue-collar surveys, 200

Cost-of-living index, 122
CPI, 193, 196

Interagency Price Committee, 199

Job vacancy statistics, 191
Release of employment/
unemployment figures, 188
Stigler Committee, 196

Survey of professional, administra-
tive, technical, and clerical pay
(PATC), 200

Unemployment statistics, 166, 181,

Budgets, standard, BLS. See Prices and
living conditions

Budgets, WPA, for "basic maintenance"
and "emergency" standards (1936), 158
Bulletin, 22, 40, 74

Burdetsky, Ben, 217, 218
Bureau of Labor Statistics:

Independence and integrity,

Clague, 179, 204, 209-210, 211
Dept. of Labor field organiza-
tion, 256-257

Hinrichs' nomination, 175-177
Homeownership cost measure-
ment, 230-233

Korean War controversy, 194
Monthly Labor Review,

Moore, 218, 224-225

Neill, 45, 64-65, 67-69, 70,

Reader's Digest charges,

Release of statistics, 188-190,


Shiskin, 218-219

Stewart, 117, 118, 126, 139

Urban poverty area studies, 244
World War II controversy,

Wright, 3, 11, 23-24, 37–38, 42,

Investigations and examinations of:

Advisory Committee on
Employment Statistics,

Advisory Committee to the
Secretary of Labor, 145
"Charges vs. Charles P. Neill,"
73, 75-77

Committee on Government

Statistics and Information
Services, 145

Gordon Committee, 189-190

House Subcommittee on Over-

staffing, 207-209

Joint Economic Committee,

Mills Committee, 154–156
Mitchell Committee, 156–158
National Commission on
Employment and Unemploy-
ment Statistics, 219, 237-238
President's Committee on the
Cost of Living, 155-157
Steed Committee, 194–195
Stigler Committee, 196-197


Organic Act, 1884, 1, 3-4
Independent department, 1888,
14-15, 34

Dept. of Commerce and Labor,
1903, 18-21

Dept. of Labor, 1913, 75

Role, 258-261

Booz-Allen and Hamilton

reports, 185, 254-255
Clague, 180-181

in Dept. of Commerce and
Labor, 20-21

in Dept. of Labor, 80, 87-89,

Hoover Commission, 181
in indexation, 232, 260
Meeker, 83, 100

Neill, 44

in New Deal years, 144-148
Norwood, 220, 258-259
Organic Act, debates, 3

Program and organization con-
sultants (1954), 182

Roosevelt, Theodore, 20-21,

Ross, 216

Shiskin, 219

Standard budgets, 233-234
Wirtz's view, 185-186

in World War I, 101-108

in World War II, 148-149
Wright, 21, 42

Burns, Arthur F., 190-191, 217, 221, 242
Business Research Advisory Council,
BLS, 179, 257

CPI, housing costs, 229-230, 233
CPI, interim revision (1950–51), 193
CPI, population coverage, 228
Job vacancy statistics, 191, 243
Petroleum prices, 236
Productivity indexes, 203
Wholesale price index revision
(1952), 199

Carnegie Institution of Washington, 33,

Carter, Jimmy, 219, 220, 231

Catholic University of America, 41, 45,


Census, Bureau of the, 32, 33, 38, 64,

100, 124, 131, 199

Bureau of Efficiency recommenda-
tions, 121

Cost-of-living reports, 121-122
CPI, 193, 227

Current Population Survey, 188,
190, 239

Establishment of, 15-17

Exchange with BLS (1959), 166, 188
Monthly Report on the Labor

Force, 166, 181, 187
Shiskin an official, 218

Unemployment statistics, 130, 181,

Urban poverty area studies, 243-244
Census of Manufactures, 36, 92, 123,
128, 131, 132, 135, 164, 206

Central Bureau of Planning and Statis-
tics, War Industries Board, 81, 102,

Central Statistical Board, 145, 150,

Chaney, Lucian W., 58, 101

Child labor, 29-31, 47, 62-69, 85-86, 90
Children's Bureau, 65, 67, 87, 116
Citizens' Industrial Association, 44
City Worker's Family Budget, 159,

Civil Service Commission (See also Office

of Personnel Management), 246, 250
Clague, Ewan, 131, 135, 145, 158, 177,
219, 221, 224

Bureau programs, 186-205
Institutional environment, 178-186
Reconfirmation, 209-210
Retirement, 211-212
Clark, Lindley D., 61

Clark College (Worcester, Mass.), 41, 140
Cleveland, Grover, 14, 15, 27
Collection procedures, 12-13, 70-71
Collective bargaining, BLS studies. See
Wages and industrial relations

Colorado mining areas, 25, 95-96
Commerce, Dept. of:

Economic growth studies, 206-207
Employment and unemployment
statistics, 129, 130, 131
Hoover as Secretary, 114
Income estimates, 245

Price studies, 89,90

Productivity data, 135

Commerce and Labor, Dept. of, 34, 44,

Bureau of Labor in, 33, 62, 72-73
Census in, 16, 17

Establishment of, 18-21

Commission on Industrial Relations,
U.S. (1913), 55-56

Commission on Organization of the

Executive Branch of the Government.
See Hoover Commission

Committee on Government Operations,
House, 224

Committee on Government Statistics
and Information Services, 145
Committee on Post Office and Civil

Service, House, 224

Committee on the Integrity of Federal
Statistics, 222, 225

Commons, John R., 12, 26, 116, 180
Company unions, BLS study, 1935, 163
Comparability, Federal pay (See also
National Survey of Professional,
Administrative, Technical, and Clerical
Pay under Wages and industrial rela-
tions), 109-110, 200, 215, 246-247
Comprehensive Employment and Train-
ing Act (1973), 241-242

Confidentiality, voluntary reporting, BLS
policies, 12-13, 174, 193, 210-211,
227, 236, 246, 261

Congressional Budget Office, 215
Congress of Industrial Organizations,
144, 157, 194

Consumer expenditure studies and


Continuing expenditure survey,
193, 194, 230

Cost-of-production studies, 34
District of Columbia, surveys, 95,
106, 149

Federal employees, 106, 123, 149
for Ford Motor Company, 123, 138
National surveys for cost-of-living

studies, 36-37, 102, 104-106, 122,
124, 150, 195, 227
Shipbuilding centers, 103, 104
Survey of Family Spending and Sav-
ing in Wartime, 151

Survey of Urban and Rural Con-

sumers (1935-36), 150
Consumer price programs, 192-198,

Adjustment following World War II,

Carter administration criticism, 220
City coverage, 197–198
Cost-of-living index, 1919-45,

102-107, 117, 122, 124, 149-158
Consumer's Price Index for Moder-
ate Income Families in Large Cit-
ies (Consumer Price Index for
Urban Wage Earners and Clerical
Workers), 1945-78, 157, 158, 196,

Consumer Price Index for All

Urban Consumers and Consumer
Price Index for Urban Wage
Earners and Clerical Workers,
1978, 228-229, 232–233

General Motors, contract with

United Auto Workers, 179, 193
Homeownership cost measurement,
193, 194, 195, 196-197, 216,

Indexation uses, 149, 179, 214-215,


Interim or temporary revision
(1951), 193-194

Korean War controversy, 194–195
Major revisions: 1940, 1953, 1964,
1978, 1987, 150, 193, 195,
197-198, 221, 227-230, 233
"Old series" continuation (1953),

Population coverage, 194, 195, 196,

Quality change, 71, 155, 157, 158,
194, 196, 226-227
Ross "master plan”, 217, 226
Stigler Committee, 196-197
Wartime adjustments (WW II), 151
"Welfare index" proposals, 197
World War II controversy, 151-158,
Coordinated Federal Wage System, 246
Cortelyou, George B., 20, 59
Cost-of-living programs, BLS, 34-35,

36-38, 94-95, 102-107, 121-124
Cost-of-production studies, 34-35
Council of Economic Advisers:

Bureau programs, 187, 201, 207, 247
Economic reports, 214, 231
Establishment and influence of, 178,

Guideposts policy, 203

Release of data, 225

Council of National Defense (World War
I), 111

Council on Economic Policy, Subcom-
mittee on Economic Statistics, 228,

Couzens, James, 129, 141

Croxton, Fred C., 51, 70

Current Population Survey, household
survey, "Monthly Report of Unem-
ployment," "Monthly Report on the
Labor Force", 187, 238–239

Exchange with Census, 166, 188
Gordon Committee, 190, 238

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