
More Prominence --- More Profits

Attractive display, clean stock and courtesy
from behind the counter go far towards mak-
ing and holding trade: But the finishing
touch is the familiar sight of the advertised

Give Sanitol a conspicuous show case in your
store. Then, feature the different prepara-
tions by turns.
Begin with



It's a good time. The dentist has been busier since
the cool weather set in. He always insists on a
thoroughly reliable dentifrice for his patients.
Show Sanitol at your store. You know how the
display of a known quantity works out: It catches
the extra sales that need only a reminder, and it re-
assures strangers. They see they're not going to be
coaxed into "trying" this or that when they ask for
an old friend by name. They remember, and they
come back.

Call on us to lend a hand in making Sanitol an impor-
tant part of your business.

Sanitol Chemical Laboratory Company

Saint Louis, U. S. A.

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The Meyer Brothers Druggist Prizes


This pharmaceutical journal, "Published in the interest of the entire drug trade," purposes to inaugurate a competitive contest on the following subjects, open to all subscribers:

February-The Value of Window Displays

April-The Way to Make a Soda Fountain Profitable.

The object of this competition is to assemble for the benefit of the readers of the MEYER BROTHERS DRUGGIST experiences gained by members of the trade on these subjects which are of such vital importance to druggists.

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The prize articles will be published in the order indicated and must be in the hands of the editor, Dr. H. M. Whelpley, 415 Clark avenue, St. Louis, by the fifteenth of the month preceding the month of publication.

The following prizes are offered:

First Prize $25.00 Assortment of Red Diamond Specialties (retail value).

Second Prize- 15.00 Assortment of Certitfied Drugs (retail value).

Third Prize 10.00 Assortment of Imperial Crown Toilet Requisites (retail value).

Prizes will be forwarded on the day the article is published in the MEYER BROTHERS DRUGGIST.

Articles submitted may be illustrated and the photograph of the successful contestant, if furnished, will be published with the article.

It is understood that all papers placed in competition for prizes become the property of the MEYER BROTHERS DRUGGIST.




Money, Money, Everywhere

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The Brenard Sales System is the name of a Service for putting new life, force and profit into a stagnant retail business. Its purpose is to speed up sales, collect accounts, check competition and enlarge trade territory.

But more important still-The Brenard Sales System will enable the discouraged, overstocked storekeeper to Clean up: to clean out old stock, clean up old accounts. In a word, to start Anew with a clean fresh stock, balanced books and money in the bank!

The Brenard System is no ready-made cure-all. We have no fixed plans of stereotyped methods. Every campaign operated under the Brenard System is built on facts obtained

Self Analysis Sheet

To help determine whether or not a business is in a satisfactory condition and whether a Service such as we are capable of rendering is needed, we have prepared a Self Analysis Sheet.

With this sheet, any merchant can, in the privacy of his home or office, fill in the data required and make a reasonably accurate analysis of his business without expert help. These

But Not a Cent to Spend

Here is a composite picture of 10,000 retail storekeepers engaged in the depressing task of trying to juggle the figures on their last balance sheets so that they will show some semblance of a profit for their month's work.


The figures on these balance sheets represent a huge sum of money. But the greater part of it is either coming in or going out and only a pitiably small part of it seems to find its way into the individual pockets of the 10,000 men who work 10 hours a day and plan half the night to produce it.

These balance sheets tell a curious story of how busy men buy goods, some of which sell and some of which only clutter up the shelves; how people buy these goods and promise to pay, but don't; how the goods pile up and the debts pile up until these men are compelled to scrape, pinch and borrow in order to buy new, fresh goods which their trade demands.

Can you, by any chance, be one of these 10,000 men? Would you like to separate yourself from the hard-work-for-small-profit class-turn that old, shelf-worn stock into ready capital and those past due accounts into real cash? You can! Put your difficulties, as 2,600 other merchants have done, up to the men behind the



by a thorough analysis of the merchant's accounting, buying, selling and advertising methods and policies.

We are neither Auctioneers, Special Sale or Advertising Campaign Conductors. Our services are purely professional in character and we are retained on the same basis as a Lawyer, a Public Accountant or Efficiency Engineer.

2,600 merchants in practically every line of business, facing the crisis of putting their business on a sound paying basis or losing it, have seen fit to place their destinies in our hands. Hundreds of letters in our files bear witness to the efficiency of our methods. These letters are open to any merchant who wants the facts.


Brenard Service never "sold" in the sense of being urged upon the merchant regardless of his requirements. All Brenard Campaigns are preceded by a careful analysis and unless the condition of the merchant's business actually warrants our service, he cannot retain


sheets are for pri- Brenard Company

vate use and are not to be returned to

[blocks in formation]

Brenard's "Blue Book"

A text-book on the economics of Retailing. Gives a clear and comprehensive explanation of the principles of figuring profits and computing turn-overs; charts the cost of doing business in all lines; suggests methods for meeting competition; outlines the principles of scientific buying and contains such other vital information that every merchant should know. Sent Free to any merchant who writes for it on his letterhead. To others, 65c.

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Stocked in above assortment
Include a rack in your next order




The Old Reliable Chill and Malaria Remedy

"Known wherever they have Chills"


On the Market Dr. R. A. ARMISTEAD'S 50c and $1.00

Over Fifty Years AGUE


We are pleased to advise our Retail Friends that the price on "ARMISTEAD'S" is the same today as it has always been; no advances having been made, nor have the "FREE GOODS" been discontinued. MEYER BROS. DRUG COMPANY always have this famous tonic in stock and will gladly supply you.


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