
this act. The president and vice-president shall be ex officio members of the board of directors, who shall hold their offices for one year, and thereafter until their successors qualify. The directors shall have power to appoint an executive board and other officers and agents, and confer such powers on the same as may be deemed best, or may authorize the president to do the same.

SEC. 5. That said company shall have the right to remove all timber within said stream, and on or within one hundred feet of the banks of the same, that may endanger the navigation of said stream; and may use any timber and stone within said limits as may be necessary to further the objects expressed herein. Whenever complaint is made by any citizen to said company of any overflow caused by any dam constructed by said company, or for damages for cutting said timber, the said company shall not be enjoined in the prosecution of their said work, but the damages, if any, shall be assessed by arbitration, under the laws of this State, and the parties to said arbitration shall be bound by the decision had thereby.

SEC. 6. That to aid in the construction of said work of internal improvements, said company shall be entitled to receive from the State ten sections of land, containing six hundred and forty acres each, for each and every mile of said bayou improved, as hereinafter described, from said point of beginning, the measurement to be made on the right bank of said stream. The conditions upon which said company shall be entitled to said lands shall be as follows, viz., that they shall, by the removal of the timber, stone, or other impediments to navigation, or by locks or dams, or by deepening the channel of said stream, make the same navigable for boats drawing not exceeding thirty inches of water, at such times as there may be good navigation in said bayou below the city of Jefferson; and whenever the Governor shall be informed that a section of five miles or more of said bayou has been improved as herein required, he shall at once require some competent person to inspect the same; and if the report of the inspector, which shall be made without delay, shall be favorable, the Governor shall immediately give notice of the same to the Commissioner of the General Land Office, whose duty it shall be immediately to issue and deliver to said company certificates for ten sections of land, containing six hundred and forty acres each, for each and

every mile completed or improved as aforesaid, and so on for each additional five miles thereof; which said certificates shall be located, surveyed and patented on the principle of alternate sections, as required by general law for the location of certificates granted to railroads; provided, that the lands hereby donated by the State, except such portions thereof as may be necessary for protecting the right of way, and for operating the canal and stream, shall be alienated as follows: one-fourth in eight years; one fourth in twelve years; one-fourth in sixteen years; and the remaining one-fourth in twenty years, after the issuance of the certificates, and any failure to so alienate shall work a forfeiture of the lands so alienated; provided, further, that each section shall be inspected as aforesaid, before any certificates shall be issued; pro vided, further, that in no case shall the State be in any way liable for deficiency of public domain; and prooided, further, that said company shall be entitled to have, own, use and enjoy any of the public domain contained within one hundred feet of the said bayou, on that part which they may improve; and that this act be in force from and after its passage.

Passed June 2d, 1873.

[NOTE. The foregoing act was presented to the Governor of Texas for his approval on the second day of June, A. D. 1873, and was not signed by him, or returned to the house in which it originated, with his objections thereto, within the time prescribed by the Constitution, and thereupon became a law without his signature.--JAMES P. NEWCOMB, Secretary of State.]


An Act authorizing the County Court of Cooke County to issue Bonds for the purpose of funding the County indebtedness.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas, That the County Court of Cooke County be and is hereby authorized to issue bonds of said county, in denominations of fifty dollars and one hundred dollars, to an amount sufficient to cover the present outstand

ing indebtedness of said county, due and to become due; said bonds to bear ten per cent. interest per annum, pay able semi-annually on the first of July and the first of January in each year, and shall run thirty years, pay. able at any time after the expiration of five years, at the discretion of the county court of said county.

SEC. 2. The county court of said county shall, as soon as possible after the passage of this act, ascertain and audit the amount of outstanding indebtedness of the county, under such provisions and regulations as they shall deem best, and shall thereafter issue from time to time the bonds of said county to a sufficient amount to cover such indebtedness, as provided in section one (1) of this act; and said county court is hereby authorized to levy and have collected, as other taxes are levied and collected, a special ad valorem tax on all the taxable property of said county, not to exceed one-half of one per cent., for the purpose of paying the interest on said bonds, and to provide a sinking fund for the payment of the principal.

SEC. 3. That this act be in force from its passage.
Passed June 2d, 1873.

[NOTE. The foregoing act was presented to the Gover nor of Texas for his approval on the second day of June, A. D. 1873, and was not signed by him, or returned to the house in which it originated, with his objections thereto, within the time prescribed by the Constitution, and thereupon became a law without his signature.-JAMES P. NEWCOMB, Secretary of State.]


An Act to authorize the County Court of Walker County to levy and collect a special Tax for the purpose of repairing the Court House and Jail in said County.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas, That the county court of Walker county be and they are hereby authorized to levy and collect a special ad valorem tax of one-eighth (3) of one per cent. on all the taxable property in said county, for the pur

pose of repairing the court house and jail at the county site thereof, in the town of Huntsville, to be levied and collected as other State and county taxes.

SEC. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

Passed June 2d, 1873.

[NOTE. The foregoing act was presented to the Governor of Texas for his approval on the second day of June, A. D. 1873, and was not signed by him, or returned to the house in which it originated, with his objections thereto, within the time prescribed by the Constitution, and thereupon became a law without his signature.JAMES P. NEWCOMB, Secretary of State.]


An Act to authorize the County Court of Kendall County to levy and collect a special Tax to pay the outstanding Debt of said County.

WHEREAS, The county of Kendall is in debt, and the tax authorized by law is insufficient to liquidate the same in addition to meeting the current expenses of said county; therefore,

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas, That the County Court of Kendall county be and is hereby authorized to levy and collect annually, for the term of six years, a special ad valorem tax, not to exceed forty cents on the one hundred dollars value of all taxable property, real, personal and mixed, in said county; said tax to be collected as are other taxes, and to be appropriated and used solely for the payment of the present outstanding indebtedness of said county.

SEC. 2. That this act take effect from and after its passage.

Passed June 2d, 1873.

[NOTE. The foregoing act was presented to the Governor of Texas for his approval on the second day of June, A. D. 1873, and was not signed by him, or returned to

the house in which it originated, with his objections. thereto, within the time prescribed by the Constitution, and thereupon became a law without his signature.JAMES P. NEWCOMB, Secretary of State.]


An Act to prevent the sale or gift of spirituous or intoxicating Liquor within two miles of "Concrete College."

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas, That it shall be unlawful to sell or give away any spirituous or intoxicating liquors, ale or malt liquors, bitters, brandy peaches or cherries, or any kind of brandy fruit, or fruit put up in alcohol or intoxicating spirits, within two miles of "Concrete College," an insti tution of learning, situated at Concrete, De Witt county, Texas, except for sacramental purposes.

SEC. 2. Any person who shall violate the provisions of the first section of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be fined in any sum not less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred dol lars.

SEC. 3. That this act take effect and be in force sixty days after its passage.

Passed June 2d, 1873.

[NOTE. The foregoing act was presented to the Gover nor of Texas for his approval on the second day of June, A. D. 1873, and was not signed by him, or returned to the house in which it originated, with his objections thereto, within the time prescribed by the Constitution, and there upon became a law without his signature.--JAMES P. NEWCOMB, Secretary of State.]

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