
-the same spirit of fearless courage, or palpitating timidity in his religious profession, that he has been accustomed to display in his civil avocations: but on some occasions it is just the reverse, and we see the avowed infidel when convinced of the truth of the gospel, halting as between two opinions-the active tradesman, who keeps the machinery of a large and complicated concern in a brisk and constant motion, a lukewarm Christian-and the man who could face the most appalling dangers, without suffering a muscle to be distorted, discovering an effeminate fearfulness of spirit, when his obligations to a life of practical devotedness to God, are pressed upon his attention. To account for such a moral phenomenon would be absolutely impossible, unless we advert to the superior influence which sensible objects are known to possess over the mind, during that period in the religious experience of a Christian, when his faith in the divine testimony, and powers of the world to come, is weak and defective ; but as that great moral principle increases in strength and animation, the natural dispositions recover their native tone and vigour the mind no more vacillates-but rising to a full and plenary conviction of the superior value of the things which are unseen, and eternal, gives to them its supreme attention and affection.

Mr. Holmes felt the transforming power of the truth soon after his marriage, which led him to the adoption of religious habits and customs; but he was too deeply involved in the cares and perplexities of business to become an eminent Christian. His moral character was unimpeachable, and he brought the general principles of religion to regulate his conduct in the ordinary transactions of life; but his heart was too much in the world; the fervour of his devotional spirit bore no just proportion to his diligence in business; and he was less anxious for the higher and more distinctive attainments of his faith, than the acquisition of wealth. He regularly attended the ministry of the Rev. Mr. Newton on the Sabbath-day; but that ministry was more frequently the word of reproof than consolation; and though the hope of a blissful immortality would sometimes dawn upon him, yet it shone with too feeble a ray to afford him entire satisfaction; as it is wisely or

dained that a full assurance of eternal life shall be imparted only to those who give diligence to make their calling and election sure.

Mrs. Holmes was certainly more devout than her husband, and devoted a larger proportion of her time to reading and meditation; but her associations were unfavourable to the growth of her piety, which, though sincere, was too much tinctured with superstition. She thought more of her duties than her privilegesof her defects than of Him who came to repair themplaced more dependence on prayer and watchfulness than the blood of sprinkling; and, while she did not doubt the truth of the promises, she uniformly gave a more implicit assent to the threatenings of the Sacred Volume. "She was rather a disciple of the mortified Baptist than of the merciful Redeemer. Her devotions were sincere, but discouraging. They consisted much in contrition, but little in praise-much in sorrow for sin, but little in hope of its pardon. She did not sufficiently cast her care and confidence on the great propitiation. She firmly believed all that her Saviour had done and suffered for sinners, but she could not claim for her own enjoyment the benefits resulting from his mission and death. While she was painfully working out her salvation with fear and trembling, she indulged the most unfounded apprehensions of the divine displeasure."

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No circumstance gave them so much uneasiness, on their removal to as the loss of that ministry under which they had been brought to feel the power of the truth; especially as the vicar of the parish was decidedly opposed to evangelical sentiments. However they thought it their duty to go to church; and probably they would have continued to go much longer, had it not been for an occurrence which was no less gratifying and important than it was unexpected. The junior branches of the family, though amiable and in telligent, made no profession of religion; and to them this exchange of a faithful ministry, which carried the sentence of condemnation against all, for one which flattered the pride of the human heart by extolling its virtues, was very acceptable. Hitherto they had re. verenced religion, and held in high estimation those

who possessed it; but now they began to speak of it in a style which indicated some essential change in the moral disposition of the heart, and occasionally made some efforts towards an approximation to the customs of the fashionable circles around them, which excited the fears of their pious parents. An intimate female friend, who had seen this change in the religious habits of the young people, took an opportunity, when on a visit at the Elms, to introduce the subject to Miss Holmes, who did not attempt to justify what her conscience condemned, but said that she was much obliged for this fresh proof of her friend's kind concern for her best interest. "Indeed," she remarked, "the world abounds with evil, but no one is so fascinating, nor so pernicious as irreligious society; and this is the only society which we now enjoy; which, I fear, will prove destructive of all those good impressions which we have at times received under the ministry of the venerable Newton. His appeals operated as a check and as a restraint on the evil tendencies of our nature; but now we are allured into the paths of temptation, by being told from the pulpit that we ought to see life, and have free access to all its scenes and sources of pleasure and amusement. Our excursion to Dawlish will take us away from the scene of danger; and I hope on our return we shall have resolution enough to withstand every enticement to evil which will prove at all injurious to our religious habits." On taking leave of Miss Holmes her friend presented her with a copy of Doddridge's "Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul;" which she said she had read, but promised to peruse it again, as a compliment to the kindness which had dictated the present.

Her two sisters, Emma and Jane, were several years younger than herself. They bore some resemblance to each other in the general outlines of their character, but materially differed in some of its more prominent features; and as they had just finished their education in a school, where all the accomplishments could be acquired, except the one most essential to human happiness, they felt themselves in their native element when moving in the circles of gaiety and folly. Emma was the finest figure, but Jane possessed the finest

mind. The former excelled in the gracefulness of her manners, the latter in the sweetness of her disposition; and while Emma was rather too fond of display, there was an unobtrusive modesty about Jane which inclined her to conceal the most attractive charms of her character. Emma was most admired by strangers, but Jane was most beloved by their friends. Emma excited most envy amongst her associates, Jane the most respect. Emma appeared to most advantage in a large party, where she moved, and spoke as though she were the presiding spirit of the scene; Jane in a select circle, where the interchange of thought could take place without being subjected to those interruptions and breaks, which a promiscuous throng invariably occasions. Emma was by far the most keen and satirical; but Jane surpassed most of her own age in that practical good sense which is far more valuable than all the artificial polish that can be given to the manners or the dispositions. But though they so materially differed in some of the more prominent features of their character, yet they were passionately fond of each other; and such was the degree of respect and attachment which they felt for their parents, and their brothers and sisters, that they were willing, either by sacrifice or exertion-by the suppression of opinion, or display of principle, to do all in their power towards the preservation and increase of domestic happiness.

As Mr. Holmes had applied himself to the toils of business with unremitting constancy for so many years, and had accumulated a large fortune, he resolved, now the evening of life had set in, to rest himself from his labours, and indulge himself and family with a few excursions into different parts of the kingdom; which might prove no less beneficial to their health, than gratifying to their feelings. After long consultations amongst themselves and a few friends, who had visited the different resorts of fashionable retreat, they fixed on a tour through the West of England, intending to spend the autumn at Dawlish in Devonshire, if they liked the place. Here it was that Miss Louisa Holmes was first introduced to Miss Roscoe, when an intimacy was formed which in future years grew to the most mature friendship, and proved a source of mutual pleasure and improvement.

Printed by MILNE and ALD, 76, Fleet street.


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"The back is made bare, and the offender is placed on the ground, the hands and feet being firmly held, and extended by other slaves, when the driver, with his long and heavy whip, inflicts, under the eye of the overseer, the number of lashes which he may order; each lash, when the skin is tender, and not rendered callous by repeated punishments, making an incision in the flesh, and thirty or forty such lashes will leave it in a dreadfully lacerated and bleeding state."

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