
Har-di-ca-nute', King, 76.

Här-fleur', 220.

Har'greaves, James, 443.
Harley, Robert, 404.
Harold, King, 76, 81-87.
Harrington, Sir John, 292.
Haslerigg (ha'z'l-rig), 320.
Hasting, Danish pirate, 68.
Hastings, battle of, 86.
Hastings, John, 172.
Hastings, Lord, 238, 240.
Hastings, Warren, 437, 438.

Hav'elock, General, 506.

Hawkins, Sir John, 282.

[blocks in formation]


Hotspur, Harry, 218, 219.

House of Commons, composition of, 539, 540.
effects of Reform Bill in, 484, 485.

increased powers of, 225.

membership in, 395, 549.

under Edward II., 197.

House of Lords, composition of, 538, 339, 181.
dealings with Reform Bill, 454.

new peers created, 404.

Peerage Bill, 408, 409.

Howard, Lord Charles, 282.

Hudson Bay Country, 403.
Hu'gue-nots, 307.

Hull, 321, 327.
Hume, David, 450.

Hundred Days, 466.

Hundred Years' War, 189-194, 220-225.

Hundreds, 58, 59, 100.

Hurst Castle, 334.

Hus-carls, 75.

Hus'kisson, William, 482, 483.

Húss, 247.

Huxley, Thomas, 532.

Hyde, Edward, Lord of Clarendon, 357.

Incidents of sovereignty, 108.

Income tax, 492.

Independents, 325, 330, 331.

India, British in, 423-425, 475, 476, 500, 501.

government of, 437, 438, 515, 543.

mutiny in, 504–506.

Industrial revolution, 211, 212, 442-445.
Industries, colonial, 431, 487, 488.

in early history, 13, 23, 31, 74, 75.

in eighteenth century, 442, 443.

in fifteenth century, 241.

in Tudor period, 294.

railroads and steamboats stimulate, 489.

I'ne, 60.

Innocent III., Pope, 157-159.

Innocent IV., Pope, 164.

Instrument of Government, 345, 346.

International law, 213, 214.

Inventors, 202, 442, 443.

Investiture, 118, 119.

Holland, alliance against France, 359-396, Invincible Armada, 252-284.

alliance with England, 363, 364, 414, 417.

alliance with Spain, 457.

alliance with Sweden, 363, 364.

independence of, 279.

Louis XIV. invades, 363-365.

war with England, 343, 346, 359-361, 433.

Hölleş, Denzil, 30, 309, 320.

Holm'by House, 332.

Holy Alliance, 497.

Holyrood Palace, 312, 277.

Home Rule for Ireland, 519, 520, 523 525.
Hồng hồng",

Hooper, Bishop, 269.

Ï-o'na, 45, 48.

Ireland, aids Perkin Warbeck, 250.

Catholic Association, 483.

Christianity in, 44, 45.

conquest of, 128, 129.

Cromwell in, 339, 341.

famine in, 492-494.

Fenianism and disestablishment, 512, 513.
Henry VIII's policy in, 259.

Home Rule question, 519, 520, 524, 525.
Irish Land Acts, 513, 514, 524, 583,
James II. and, 375, 358.

local government in. 524.

rebellions in, 196, 276, 25, 319, 475.

[blocks in formation]

Jack Cade's rebellion, 281.

Jac'obite intrigues, 891-393, 407, 408, 418.
Jamaica, acquired, 347.

James I. (VI. of Scotland), 278, 300-306.
James II., King, 376-381; 386, 385-390, 396.
as Duke of York, 357, 359, 373, 375.
James III. (Pretender), 396, 405, 407, 408.
James IV., King of Scotland, 249, 253.
James V., King of Scotland, 259.
James VI., King of Scotland, 278, 800-306.
Ja'me-son, Captain, 527.

Jamestown, 313.

Japan, treaty with Great Britain, 531, 532.

Jeanne d'Arc (zhån), 223-225.

Jeffreys, Judge Francis, 877.

Je'na (ya'), 462.

Jenkins, Captain, 416.

Jennings, Sarah, 401, 404.

Jer'vis (jär'-), Admiral, 457.
Jerusalem, 186, 502.
Jesuits, 275.

Jews in England, 151, 177, 847.

eligible to Parliament, 511.
Jo-an' of Arc, 223-225.
Jo-hän'nes-burg (yo-), 527.
John, King, 156-162.

as prince, 129, 136, 137.
John of Gaunt, 194-196, 204.
Johnson, Dr. Samuel, 448, 449.
Jonson, Ben, 290, 201.

Joseph, King of Spain, 464.

Joyce, Cornet, 332.

Judges, 181, 395; see Courts.

Julius II., Pope, 254.

Jumièges (zhu-myāzh'), Archbishop, 81.

Jun'ius (-yus), 436.

Jury, 182, 176.

Justices of the peace, 210.

Jus-ti'ci-ar (-tish'i-er), 101, 164.
Jūtes, 12, 33, 36, 41.

Ka-byl', 500.

Kaffirs, 501, 502.

Keats, John, 477.

Kelvin, Lord, 532.
Ken, Bishop, 879.
Kent, 47, 50, 87.
Khalifa, 526.

Knight's fee, 96.

Knights Hos'pi-tal-lers, 120.
Knights of St. John, 459.
Knights of the Garter, 208.
Knights Templars, 120, 208.
Knox, John, 277.

Krü'ger (-Ker), Paul, 517, 527, 528.

La Iōgue', 390.

Laborers, 106, 107, 209-212, 471, 472.
Ladysmith, siege of, 523.

Läef'feld, battle of, 417.

Lake poets, 476.

Lancaster, Earl of, 187, 188.

Lancaster, House of, 228, 217-235.

Land, tenure of, in England, 55, 56, 89, 103,

105, 122, 176, 177, 355.

in Ireland, 494, 513, 514, 533.

in Scotland, 523, 524.

Land Acts, Irish, 513, 514, 524, 534.
Lan'franc, Archbishop, 112.

Lang'land, William, 203.

Langside, battle of, 278.

Langton, Stephen, 158, 159, 162.
Language, English, 61, 205.
LaN-gue-doc', 193.

Lat'imer, Bishop, 268, 269.

Latin church, 45, 48-50; see Church.
Laud, Archbishop, 309-311, 315, 330.
Lau-der-dale', John, Duke of, 362.
Law, international, 213, 214.
Learning, the new, 259, 290.
Leices'ter, Earl of, 282.

Leicester, Edward of York at, 237.

Leigh'ton, Frederick, 532.

Lein'ster, 129.

Lent'hall, William, 321, 349.

Le-of ric, Earl, 80.

Leopold I., Emperor, 393, 396.

Lesseps, Ferdinand de, 518.

Levellers, 339.

Lew'es, battle of, 166.

Liberal-Unionist party, 523.

Liberals, 523, 534.

Life, Crusades influence city life, 148, 149.

during Napoleonic wars, 471, 472.

in Norman period, 96, 97, 103-107, 141-
143, 149-151, 205.

Life, in 1100-1850, 141-154.

in 1250-1400, 201-214.

social reforms, 487, 488.

Lovelace, Richard, 851.

Low Countries, see Netherlands.
Lowe'stoft, battle off, 359.

under House of Hanover, 442-447, 471, 472. Luck'now, 505, 506.
under Lancaster and York, 240, 241.

Luddites, 472.

under Plantagenets, 141-154, 206-208, 213. Ludlow Castle, 102.
under Romans, 31.

under Saxon rule, 72-75.

under Stuarts, 355, 356, 365, 866.

under Tudors, 293, 294.

Ligny (len-ye'), battle of, 466.
Lille, 212.

Lion of Justice, Henry I. called, 118.

Literature, after Revolution, 409, 410.
Augustan Age of, 409, 410.

dawn of English, 61, 62.

in eighteenth century, 448, 450, 476.

Lyl'ý, John, 289.

Mac-ad'am, John Loudon, 489.
Macaulay, Thomas B., 582.
Macdonald clan, 389.

MacDon'ough, Commander, 465.

Machinery, use of, 442, 443, 472.
Madras', 428.

Ma-fe-king', siege of, 528.

Mag'da-len College, 377.

Mag'na Char'ta, 160-162, 357, 117, xi.

in seventeenth century, 351, 852, 366, 367. Mag'num Con-cil'i-um, see Great Council.

new learning, 289, 290.

Renaissance, 247.

Mahdist revolt, 517.

Mah-rat'ta states, 423, 475.

Tudor period, 259-292.

Victorian, 532, 533.

Maine, province in France, 128, 157.

Ma-ju'ba Hill, 517.

Liverpool, Lord, 472, 482.

Livery and maintenance, 231.

Llewelyn (loo-el'lin), Prince of Wales, 171.

Local Government Act, 524.

Loire (lwär), 193.

Lollards, 203, 219.

Londin'i-um, 31.

London, commercial center, 19.
description of, about 1200, 145.
fire in, 360.

government of, 144, 145, x., 524.
in Civil War, 320, 326, 327, 333.
London Bridge, 249.
London Convention, 517.
Londonder'ry, siege of, 388.

Long-champ' (-shox'), William, 136.
Long Parliament, 313, 317-350.

Lords, House of, see House of Lords.
Lords Appellant, 195.

Lords of the Congregation, 277.

Lords Ordainers, 185.
Lost-with'iel, battle of, 329.

Louis (afterwards Louis VIII. of France), 162.
Louis VII., King of France, 128.

Louis IX., King of France, 165, 166.

Louis XI., King of France, 247.
Louis XIII., King of France, 306.
Louis XIV., King of France, 363.
Charles II.'s dependence on, 371.
enmity of William III. of Orange, 372.
Holland invaded, 363–365.
James II. aided by, 388.
Palatinate War, 350, 389-391.

Malcolm, King of Scotland, 88, 118.

Mal'o-ry, Sir Thomas, 242.

Mal-pla-quet' (-kä'), battle of, 404.

Malta, 458-460, 466.

Manchester, riot at. 478.

Manchester, Earl of (Edward Montagu, Lord

Kimbolton), 320, 328–330.

Manchuria, 529-532.

Manor, 74, 105, 102-112.

Manorial system, 102-112.

Manufactures, 212, 241, 294, 442, 443, 489, 498.
Mar, Earl of, 408.

March, Earl of, 188.
Mar-chand', Major, 526.

Marches, 99.

Margaret, daughter of Henry VII., 249.
Margaret of Anjou, 225, 232-237.
Margaret of England, 88, 118.

Ma-ri'a The-re'sa, 417, 420.

Mariner's compass, 245.

Maritime enterprise encouraged, 249, 250.
Marlborough, Duke of (John Churchill), 379,
380, 393, 401-404.

Mar'lowe, Christopher, 290.
Marshal, King's, 101.

Marshall, William, Earl of Pembroke, 163.
Marston Moor, battle of, 329.

Mary, Queen of Scots, 265, 274, 276-281.
Mary (Tudor), Queen, 254, 258, 264, 267–270.
Mary, wife of William III., 372, 380, 386, 387,

Mary of Guise, 277.
Maryland, 361.

War of Spanish Succession, 394, 395, 401- Ma'serfield, battle of, 48.


Louis XVI., King of France, 456.

Louis XVIII., King of France, 465.
Louisburg, 418, 422.

Mash'am, Mrs., 404.

Massachusetts Bay Colony, 313.
Mas-sil'i-a, 22.

Mas'singer, Philip, 351.

Matilda, daughter of Henry I., 121-124.

Matilda, wife of Henry I., 118.

Mau-rit'i-us (-rish'-), 466.

Mä-za-rin' (-rǎN'), Jules, 347.

Med'ï-ci (-che), 248.

Mg-dï'nā (-the'-) Sï-dō'nï-ä, Duke of, 282.

Mel'bourne, Viscount, 485.

Mendicant friars, 152.

Na'mur, 390.

Nap'ier, Sir Charles, 500.
Naples, 401.

Na-pō'le-on, 457-467.

Nase by, battle of, 330, 331.
Nash, Thomas, 290.

Natal', 502, 528.

Na-vå-ri'no, Bay of, 498.

Merchant Adventurers, company of, 295, Navigation Acts, Colonies opposed to, 431.

[blocks in formation]

Mil'an, 401.

Milan Decree, 462, 463.

Militia, Ordinance of the, 821, 322.
Mil-lais', Sir John Everett, 532.
Milton, John, 291, 843, 352.
Minden, battle of, 422.
Mining, 23, 442.

Ministry, Cabinet, see Cabinet.

Minor'ca, 404, 405, 434, 485.
Miquelon (me-k'-lôx'), 425.
Mişe of Amiens, 166.

Model Parliament, 181.

Mogul', Great, 423, 424.

Mo'na, Holy Island of, 28, 27.

Monasteries, 61, 71, 110, 120, 121, 152.

suppressed, 257, 258.

Money, 296, 297, 392.

[blocks in formation]

Holland's opposition to, 343, 859, 361.

of Henry VII., 251.

repealed, 494.

Navy, English, 68, 69, 856, 403, 433, 434, 546.
Nec'tans-mere, battle of, 50.

Neer'win-den (-vín-), battle of, 390.
Nelson, Admiral 457-461.

Nen'ni-us, 62.

Ne-o-lith'ic age, 20, 21.

Netherlands, 279, 280, 294; see Holland.

Netherlands, Austrian, 456.

Netherlands, Spanish, 363, 395, 396, 401.

Nev'ille, Richard, Earl of Warwick, 235.
Nevilles Cross, battle of, 193.

New Amsterdam, 359, 861.

New Jersey, 361.

New learning, 289, 290.

New Model army, 830, 331, 334.

New Netherland, 361.

New Or'le-ans, 425, 465.

New York, 361.

New Zealand, 438, 499.

Newcastle, Thomas, Duke of, 422.

Newcastle, William, Duke of, 328, 329, 331.

Newcom'en, Thomas, 442.

New'foundland, 405.

Newmar'ket, 332, 333.

Newspapers, 448.

Ni-ag'ara, 420, 422.

Nicholas, Czar, 504.
Nicholson, General, 506.
Nile, battle of the, 458.
Nim'we-gen, treaty of, 371, 372.
Nobility, 113.

Non-conformists, 302, 313, 358, 378.

Norfolk, Duke of, 278.

Norman architecture, 148, 149.

Norman kings, 127.

Normandy, 77, 88, 121, 128, 157.

Normans, Britain invaded by, 12, 84-91.
conquests of, 80-91.

customs, 96, 97, 103-107, 141-142, 149-151,


influence on commerce and social life, 146,


language, 205.

laws, see Feudalism.

Norsemen (Danes), 65-77.

North, Lord, 429-434.

North Britain, 406.

North Wales, 42, 43.

[blocks in formation]

Oxford University, 153, 201, 202, 289, 377, 514. Penny-post system, 492.

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