
5. To set ostentatiously to view.

They are all couched in a pit, with obscured lights; which, at the very instant of our meeting, they will at once display to the night.

Shakspeare. DISPLAY. n. s. [from the verb.] * An exhibition of any thing to view.

Our ennobled understandings take the wings of the morning to visit the world above us, and have a glorious display of the highest form of created excellencies. Glanville. We can with the greatest coldness behold the stupendous displays of omnipotence, and be in transports at the puny essays of human skill. Spectator. DISPLEASANCE. n. s. [from displease.] Anger; discontent. Obsolete.

Cordell said, she lov'd him as behav'd; Whose simple answer, wanting colours fair To paint it forth, him to displeasance mov'd. Fairy Queen. DISPLEASANT. adj. [from displease.] Unpleasing; offensive; unpleasant.

What to one is a most grateful odour, to an other is noxious and displeasant; and it were a misery to some to lie stretched on a bed of Glanville's Seepsis. To DISPLEASE. v. a. [dis and please.] To offend; to make angry.


God was displeased with this thing. 1 Chron. To DISPLEASE. V. n. To disgust; to raise aversion.

Foul sights do rather displease, in that they excite the memory of foul things, than in the immediate objects; and therefore, in pictures, those foul sights do not much offend. Bacon.

Your extreme fondness was perhaps as dis pleasing to God before, as now your extreme afHiction. Temple.

Sweet and stinking commonly serve our turn for these ideas, which, in effect, is little more than to call them pleasing or displeasing; though the smell of a rose and violet, both sweet, are certainly very distinct ideas. Locke. DISPLE ASINGNESS. n. s. [from displeasing.] Offensiveness; quality of offending.

It is a mistake to think that men cannot change the displeasingness or indifferency, that is in actions, into pleasure and desire, if they will do but what is in their power. Locke. DISPLEASURE. n. s. [from displease.] 1. Uneasiness; pain received.


When good is proposed, its absence carries displeasure or pain with it. 2. Offence; pain given.

Now shall I be more blameless than the Philistines, though I do them a displeasure. Judges. 3. Anger; indignation.

True repentance may be wrought in the hearts of such as fear God, and yet incur his displeasure, the deserved effect whereof is eternal death. Hooker.

He should beware that he did not provoke Solyman's heavy displeasure against him. Knolles.

Undoubtedly he will relent, and turn
From his displeasure.


You've shewn how much you my content design;

Yet, ah! would heav'n's displeasure pass like mine!

Dryden Nothing is in itself so pernicious to communities of learned men, as the displeasure of their prince. Addison State of disgrace; state of being discountenanced; disfavour.

He went into Poland, being in displeasure with the pope for overmuch familiarity. Peacham. To DISPLEASURE. v. a. [from the noun.] To displease; not to gain favour; not to win affection. A word not elegant, nor now in use.

When the way of pleasuring or displeasuring lieth by the favourite, it is impossible any other should be over great. Bacon.

To DISPLO ́DĚ. v. a. [displodo, Latin.] To disperse with a loud noise; to vent with violence.

Stood rank'd of seraphim another row, In posture to displode their second tire

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Of thunder. DISPLOSION. n. s. [from displosus, Lat The act of disploding; a sudden burst DISPO'RT. n. s. [dis and sport.] Play; or dispersion with noise and violence. sport; pastime; diversion; amusement; merriment.


She list not hear, but her disports pursued; And ever bade him stay, till time the tide reSpenser His disports were ingenuous and manlike, whereby he always learned somewhat. Hayward. She busied, heard the sound Of rustling leaves; but minded not, as us'd To such disport before her through the field. Melton To_DISPORT. v. a. [from the noun.] To divert.

He often, but attended with weak guard, Comes hunting this way to disport himself. To DISPO ́RT. v. n. To play; to toy; Shakspeare

to wanton.

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The power of distribution; the righ of bestowing.

Are not the blessings both of this world and the next in his disposal? Atterbury

Milton. 3. Government; management; conduct We shall get more true and clear knowled by one rule, than by taking up principles, an thereby putting our minds into the disposals a

Though the reciprocalness of the injury ought to allay the displeasure at it, yet men so much more consider what they suffer than what they do. Decay of Piety. On me alone thy just displeasure lay;' But take thy judgments from this mourning




4. Establishment in a new state; sion into new hands.



I am called off from public dissertations by

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6. To make fit: with for.
This may dispose me, perhaps, for the recep-
tion of truth; but helps me not to it.

7. To regulate; to adjust.


Wak'd by the cries, th' Athenian chief arose

For the remaining doubt,
What to resolve, and how dispose of me,
Be warn'd to cast that useless care aside.

Dryden. 14. To DISPOSE of. To put away by

any means.

They require more water than can be found, and more than can be disposed of, if it was found. Burnet

To DISPOSE. V. n. To bargain; to make
terms. Obsolete.

When she saw you did suspect
She had dispos'd with Cæsar, and that your rage
Would not be purg'd, she sent word she was


DISPOSE. n. s. [from the verb.]
1. Power; management; disposal: with

at or to.

All that is mine I leave at thy dispose;
My goods, my lands, my reputation.
It shall be my task


To render thee the Parthian at dispose. Milton. Of all your goodness leaves to our dispose, Our liberty's the only gift we chuse. Dryden. 2. Distribution; act of government; dispensation.


All is best, though oft we doubt
What th' unsearchable dispose


Of highest wisdom brings about,
And ever best found in the close.
Disposition; cast of behaviour. Ob-

He hath a person, and a smooth dispose,
To be suspected; fram'd to make women false.
4. Disposition; cast of mind; inclina-
tion. Obsolete.

He carries on the stream of his dispose
Without observance or respect of any,
In will peculiar.

The knightly forms of combat to dispose. Dryden. DISPOSER. n. s. [from dispose.]

8. To DISPOSE of. To apply to any pur pose; to transfer to any other person or


All men are naturally in a state of perfect freedom to order their actions, and dispose of their possessions and persons, as they think fit, within the bounds of the law of nature. Dispose of the meat with the butler, or any Locke. hands Swift.

other crony.

9. TO DISPOSE of. To put into the

of another.

As she is mine, I may dispose of her;
Which shall be either to this gentleman,,
Or to her death,

1. Distributer; giver; bestower,


The magistrate is both the beggar, and the disposer of what is got by begging. Graunt. 2. Governour; regulator; director.

I think myself obliged, whatever my private apprehensions may be of the success, to do my duty, and leave events to their disposer. Boyle.

All the reason of mankind cannot suggest any solid ground of satisfaction, but in making that God our friend, who is the absolute disposer of all things. South.

Would I had been disposer of thy stars,
Thou shouldst have had thy wish, and died in


3. One who takes from, and gives to, whom he pleases.

But brandish'd high, in an ill omen'd hour, To thee, proud Gaul, behold thy justest fear, The master sword, disposer of thy pow'r. Prior. DISPOSITION. n. s. [from dispositio, Lat.] 1. Order; method; distribution.

Touching musical harmony, whether by instrument or voice, it being of high and low, in due proportionable disposition, such notwithstanding is the force thereof, and so very pleasing effects it hath, in that very part of man which is most divine, that some have been thereby induced to think, that the soul itself by nature is, 'or hath in it, harmony. Hooker.

Under this head of invention is placed the disposition of the work, to put all things in a beautiful order and harmony, that the whole may be of a piece. Dryden's Dufresnoy.

I ask whether the connection of the extremes be not more clearly seen, in this simple and natural disposition, than in the perplexed repetitions and jumble of five or six syllogisms?"

2. Natural fitness; quality.


Refrangibility of the rays of light is their disposition to be refracted, or turned out of their way, in passing out of one transparent body or nedium into another. Newton.

3. Tendency to any act or state.

This argueth a great disposition to putrefaction in the soil and air. Bacon. Disposition is when the power and ability of doing any thing is forward, and ready upon every occasion to break into action. Locke. Bleeding is to be used or omitted according to the symptoms which affect the brain: it relieves in any inflammatory disposition of the coat of the nerve. Arbuthnot on Diet.

4. Temper of mind.

I have suffered more for their sakes, more than the villanous inconstancy of man's disposi tion is able to bear,

Lesser had been


The thwartings of your disposition, if You had not shew'd them how you were dispos'd,

Ere they lack'd power to cross you. Shaksp. 5. Affection of kindness or ill will.

I take myself to be as well informed as most men in the dispositions of each people towards

the other.

6. Predominant inclination.


As they pinch one another by the disposition, he cries out, no more.


The love we bear to our friends is generally caused by our finding the same disposition in them which we feel in ourselves. Pope. 7. Affortment; adjustment of external circumstances: not used.

I crave fit disposition for my wife, Due reference of place and exhibition, As levels with her breeding. Shaksp. Othello. DISPOSITIVE. adj. [from dispose.] That implies disposal of any property; de


The words of all judicial acts are written narratively, unless it be in sentences wherein dispositive and enacting terms are made use of.

Ayliffe's Parergon, DISPOSITIVELY. adv. [from dispositive.]

1. In a dispositive manner.

2. Respecting individuals; distributively. That axiom in philosophy, that the generation of one thing is the corruption of another, al

though it be substantially true, concerning the form and matter, is also dispositively verined in the efficient or producer. Brown's Vulg. Err. DISPOSITOR. n. s. [from dispose.] The lord of that sign in which the planet is, and by which therefore it is overruled.

To DISPOSSE ́SS. v. a. [dis and possess.] 1. To put out of possession; to deprive; to disseize.

The blow from saddle forced him to fly; Else might it needs down to his manly breast Have cleft his head in twain, and fife thence dispossest. Fairy Queen. Thou shalt hold the opinion of Pythagoras, ere I will allow of thy wits; and fear to kill a woodcock, lest thou dispossess the soul of thy grandame. Shakspeare's Twelfth Night. Let us sit upon the ground, and tell How some have been depos'd, some slain in war, Some haunted by the ghosts they dispossess'd. Shakspeare's Richard 11. I will chuse Mine heir from forth the beggars of the world, And dispossess her all. Shakspeare's Timon. In thee I hope; thy succours I invoke, To win the crown whence I am dispossess'd; For like renown awaiteth on the stroke, To cast the haughty down, or raise th' oppress'd. Fairfax

The children went to Gilead, and took it, and dispossessed the Amorite which was in it. Numbers. This inaccessible high strength, the seat Of Deity supreme, us dispossess'd, He trusted to have seiz'd.


Restless Amata lay Fir'd with disdain for Turnus dispossest, And the new nuptials of the Trojan guest. Dryden's Breid 2. It is generally used with of before the thing taken away.

Charles resolved, with a puissant army, to pass over, and to dispossess the pirate of Tunis. Knolles' History.

No pow'r shall dispossess
My thoughts of that expected happiness.

O fairest of all creatures, last and best
Of what heav'n made, how art thou dispossess'd
Of all thy native glories!
Nothing can create more trouble to a man
than to endeavour to dispossess him of this con-


3. Formerly with from.


They arrogate dominion undeserv'd Over their brethren, and quite dispossess Concord and law of nature from the earth.


It will be found a work of no small difficulty to dispossess and throw out a vice from that heart, where long possession begins to plead prescrip



DISPO'SURE. n. s. [from dispose.] Disposal; government; power; nia



In his disposure is the orb of earth, The throne of kings, and all of human birth.

Sandys, They quietly surrendered both it and them selves to his disposure.

Sandys' Journey

Whilst they murmur against the present disposure of things, they do tacitly desire in them a difformity from the primitive rule, and the idea of that mind that formed all things best. Brown's Vulgar Errourse

2. State; posture.

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Looks fright not men: the general has seen

With as bad faces; no dispraise to Bertran's.


If any writer shall do this paper so much honour as to inscribe the title of it to others, the whole praise or dispraise of such a performance will belong to some other author. My faults will not be hid, and it is no dispraise Addison. to me that they will not: the clearness of one's mind is never better proved than in discovering its own faults. T DISPRA ISE. v. a. [from the noun.] Pope. To blame; to censure; to condemn. In praising Antony, I've disprais'd Cæsar.

No abuse, Ned, in the world; honest Ned, Shakspeare. none: I dispraised him before the wicked, that the wicked might not fall in love with him; in which doing, I have done the part of a careful friend. The criticks, while they like my wares, may Shakspeare's Henry IV. dispraise my writing. DISPRAISER. . . [from dispraise.] A Spectator. censurer; one who blames.



DISPRA ISIBLE. adj. [from dispraise.]
Unworthy of commendation.

DISPRAISINGLY. adv. [from dispraise.]

With blame; with censure.

Michael Cassio!


I need not offer any thing farther in support of one, or in disproof of the other. To DISPROPERTY. v. a. [dis and property.] To dispossess of any property. Dict. DISPROPORTION. n. s. [dis and proportion.] Unsuitableness in form or quantity of one thing, or one part of the same thing, to another; want of symmetry; disparity.

That came a wooing with you; many a time,
When I have spoke of you dispraisingly,
Shakspeare's Othello.

Hath ta'en your part.
To DISPREAD. v. a. [dis and spread.]
To spread different ways.
word, and a few others, dis has the
In this
same force as in Latin composition,
and means different ways; in different
directions. This word is poetical.
As morning sun her beams dispreaden clear,
And in her face fair truth and mercy doth ap-


Over him, art, striving to compare
With nature, did an arbour green dispread,
Framed of wanton ivy, flowing fair,
Through which the fragrant eglantine did spread
His pricking arms, entail'd with roses red."

Above, below, around, with art dispread,
The sure inclosure folds the genial bed. Pope.
DISPRO FIT. n. s. [dis and profit.] Loss;
damage; detriment.


DISPRO OF. n. 5. [dis and proof.] Con

futation; conviction of errour or false


Not to affect many proposed matches
Of her own clime, complexion, and degree,
Whereto we see in all things nature tends:
Foh! one may smell, in such, a will most rank,
Foul disproportion; thoughts unnatural. Shaksp.
Reasoning, I oft admire
How nature, wise and frugal, could commit
Such disproportions; with superfluous hand
So many nobler bodies to create,

Greater, so many fold, to this one use. Milton.
Perhaps, from greatness, state and pride,
Thus surprised, she may fall:

Sleep does disproportion hide,
And, death resembling, equals all.
For their strength,


The disproportion is so great, we cannot but
Expect a fatal consequence.
Denbam's Sophy.
What did the liquid to th' assembly call,
To give their aid to form the pond'rous ball?
First tell us, why did any come? next, why
In such a disproportion to the dry? Blackmore.
That we are designed for a more exalted hap
piness than can be derived from the things of
this life, we may infer from their vast dispropor
tion to the desires and capacities of our soul.

Rogers. To DISPROPORTION. v. a. [from the noun.] To mismatch; to join things unsuitable in quantity or form; to join unfitly.

There sits deformity to mock my body,
To shape my legs of an unequal size,
To disproportion me in every part.


Distance and men's fears have so enlarged the truth, and so disproportioned every thing, that we have made the little troop of discontents a gallant army, and already measured by the evening shadow. Suckling. Musick craveth your acquaintance: many are of such disproportioned spirits, that they avoid Peacham.

her company.


We on earth, with undiscording voice, May rightly answer that melodious noise; DISPROPORTIONABLE. adj. [from disAs once we did, till disproportion'd sin Jarr'd against nature's chime. proportion.] Unsuitable in form or quantity; not duly regulated in regard to something else.

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Doubts and fears are the sharpest passions: through these false opticks all that you see is like the evening shadows, disproportionable to the truth, and strangely longer than the true subHad the obliquity been greater, the earth had Suckling. not been able to endure the disproportionable differences of season. Brown.


We are apt to set too great a value on temporal blessings, and have too low and disproportionable esteem of spiritual. Smalridge.

There is no wine of so strong a body as to bear such a disproportionable quantity of water as sixty parts.


His remark contains the grounds of his doc-DISPROPORTIONABLENESS. n. s. [from

trine, and offers at somewhat towards the dis

treef of mine.


[blocks in formation]

DISPROPORTIONABLY. adv. [from dis proportion.] Unsuitably; not symmetrically.

We have no reason to think much to sacrifice to God our dearest interests in this world if we consider how disproportionably great the reward of our sufferings shall be in another. Tillotson. DISPROPORTIONAL. adj. [from dispro portion.] Disproportionable; unsymmetrical; unsuitable in quantity or form to something else. DISPROPORTIONALLY. adv. [from disproportional.] Unsuitably with respect to quantity or value. DISPROPORTIONATE. adj. [from disproportion.] Unsymmetrical; unsuitable to something else in bulk, form, or value.

None of our members are crooked or distorted, or disproportionate to the rest, either in excess or defect.

Ray. It is plain that men have agreed to a disproportionate and unequal possession of the earth.

Locke. DISPROPORTIONATELY. adv. [from disproportionate.] Unsuitably; unsymmetrically.

disproportionate.] Unsuitableness in
bulk, form, or value.
To DISPROVE. v. a. [dis and prove.]
1. To confute an assertion; to convict of

errour or falsehood.

This exposition they plainly disprove, and shew by manifest reason, that of David the words of David could not possibly be meant.

This Westmoreland maintains,

And Warwick shall disprove


'The traitor's odious name



I first return, and then disprove thy claim. Dryden's Fables. It is easier to affirm than to disprove. Holder. That false supposition I advanced in order to disprove it, and by that means to prove the truth of my doctrine. Atterbury.

We see the same assertions produced again, without notice of what hath been said to disprove them. Swift.

2. To convict of a practice of errour. They behold those things disproved, disannulled, and rejected, which use had made in a manner natural.


If God did not forbid all indifferent ceremonies, then our conformity with the church of Rome in some such is not hitherto as yet disproved, although papists were unto us as heathens were unto Israel. Hooker.

3. To disapprove; to disallow.

Some things are good, yet in so mean a degree

of goodness, that men are only not disproved,


nor disallowed of God for them. DISPROVER. n. s. [from disprove.] 1. One that disproves or confutes. 2. One that blames; a censurer: if the following passage be not ill printed for disapprover.

The single example that our annals have yielded of two extremes, within so short time, by most of the same commenders and disprovers, would require no slight memorial. Wotton. DISPUNISHABLE. adj [dis and puniskable.] Without penal restraint."


No leases of any part of the said lands shall ever be made, other than leases for years not exceeding thirty-one, in possession, and not in reversion or remainder, and not dispunishable of Swift's Last Wil TO DISPU ́RSE. v. a. [dis and purse.] To pay to disburse. It is not certain that the following passage should not be written disburse.

Many a pound of my own proper store,
Because I would not tax the needy commons,
Have I dispursed to the garrisons,
And never ask'd for restitution.


DISPUTABLE. adj. [from dispute.]
1. Liable to contest; controvertible; that
for which something may be alleged on
opposite sides.

If they are not in themselves disputable, why are they so much disputed? South,

2. Lawful to be contested.

Until any point is determined to be a law, it DISPUTANT. n. 5. [from dispute; dispu remains disputable by every subject. Swift. tans, Latin.] A controvertist; an arguer; a reasoner.

Notwithstanding these learned disputants, it was to the unscholastick statesman that the world owed their peace, defence, and liberties. Locke.

Our disputants put me in mind of the skuttle fish, that, when he is unable to extricate himself, blackens all the water about him till he DISPUTANT. adj. Disputing; engaged becomes invisible. Spectator in controversy. Not in use.

Thou there wast found
Among the gravest rabbies, disputant
On points and questions fitting Moses' chair..
DISPUTATION. n. s. [from disputatio,

1. The skill of controversy; argumenta-

Consider what the learning of disputation is and how they are employed for the advantage of themselves or others, whose business is only the vain ostentation of sounds. Locke.

2. Controversy; argumental contest. Well do I find, by the wise knitting together of your answer, that any disputation I can use is as much too weak as I unworthy. Sidney

Till some admirable or unusual accident hap pens, as it hath in some, to work the beginning of a better alteration in the mind, disputation about the knowledge of God commonly prevaileth little. Hooker,

DISPUTATIOUS. adj. [from dispute.]
Inclined to dispute; cavilling.

A man must be of a very disputatious temper, that enters into state controversies with any of the fair sex. Addison,

DISPUTATIVE. adj. [from dispute.] Disposed to debate; argumentative.

Perhaps this practice might not so easily be perverted, as to raise a cavilling, disputative, and sceptical temper in the minds of youth. Watts To DISPUTE. v. n. [disputo, Latin.]

To contend by argument; to altercate; to debate; to argue; to cons


If attempts of the pen have often proved un fit, those of the sword are more so, and fighting is a worse expedient than disputing. Decay of Piety.

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