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Did not Paul and Barnabas dispute with vehemence about a very little point of conveniency?

To DISPUTE. v. a.


1. To contend for, whether by words or action.

TO DISQUANTITY. v. a. [dis and quantity.] To lessen; to diminish. Not used.

Bê entreated

Of fifty to disquantity your train;

And the remainders, that shall still depend,
To be such men as may besought your age.

Things were disputed before they came to be DISQUIET. n. s. [dis and quiet.] Uneasi-
ness; restlessness; want of tranquillity;
vexation; disturbance; anxiety.

determined: men afterwards were not to dispute any longer, but to obey.

So dispute the prize,


As if you fought before Cydaria's eyes.

Dryden. One says the kingdom is his own: a Saxon drinks the quart, and swears he'll dispute that Tatler.

with him.

2. To question; to reason about. Now I am sent, and am not to dispute My prince's orders, but to execute.

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To discuss; to think on.
Dispute it like a man.

Not in use.

-I shall do so;

But I must also feel it as a man.

DISPUTE. n. s. [from the verb.] ConShaksp. test; controversy; argumental conten


The question being about a fact, it is begging
it, to bring as a proof an hypothesis which is the
very thing in dispute.
The earth is now placed so conveniently, that
plants thrive and flourish in it, and animals live:
this is matter of fact, and beyond all dispute.

DISPUTELESS. adj. [from dispute.] Un-
disputed; uncontrovertible.
DISPUTER. n. s. [from dispute.] A con-
trovertist; one given to argument and

Both were vehement disputers against the
heathen idolatry.
Those conclusions have generally obtained,
Stilling fleet.
and have been acknowledged even by disputers
themselves, till with labour they had stifled
their convictions.
DISQUALIFICATION. n. s. [from dis-
qualify.] That which disqualifies; that
which makes unfit.

It is recorded as a sufficient disqualification of a wife, that, speaking of her husband, she said, God forgive him. To DISQUALIFY. v. a. [dis and qualify.] Spectator. 1. To make unfit; to disable by some natural or legal impediment.

He that, upon a true principle, lives without any disquiet of thought, may be said to be happy. L'Estrange. If we give way to our passions, we do but gratify ourselves for the present, in order to our future disquiet. Tillotson. I had rather live in Ireland than under the frequent disquiets of hearing you are out of Swift. DISQUIET. adj. Unquiet; uneasy ; rest

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DISQUIETUDE. n. s. [from disquiet.] Uneasiness; anxiety; disturbance; want of tranquillity.

Little happiness attends a great character, and to a multitude of disquietudes the desire of it subjects an ambitious mind. Addison's Spect "Tis the best preservative from all those teme poral fears and disquietudes, which corrupt the enjoyment, and embitter the lives, of men. Rogers,

to except from any grant. Swift has DISQUISITION. n. s. [disquisitio, Latin.]


The church of England is the only body of christians which disqualifies those, who are employed to preach its doctrine, from sharing in the civil power, farther than as senators, Swift,

Examination; disputative inquiry.

God hath reserved tnany things to his own resolution, whose determinations we cannot hope from flesh: but with reverence must suspend unto that great day, whose justiçe shall either

condemn our curiosity, or resolve our disquisitions. Brozen.

'Tis indeed the proper place for this disquisition concerning the antediluvian earth. Woodward.

The royal society had a good effect, as it turned many of the greatest geniuses of that age to the disquisitions of natural knowledge.

Addison's Spectator.

The nature of animal diet may be discovered by taste and other sensible qualities, and some general rules, without particular disquisition upon every kind. Arbuthnot.

To DISRA'NK. v. a. [dis and rank.] To
degrade from his rank.
DISREGARD. n. s. [dis and regard.] Slight
notice; neglect; contempt.

To DISREGARD. v. a. [from the noun.]
To slight; to neglect; to contemn.

Since we are to do good to the poor, to strangers, to enemies, those whom nature is too apt to make us despise, disregard, or hate, then undoubtedly we are to do good to all. Spratt. Those fasts which Godhath disregarded hitherto, he may regard for the time to come.

Studious of good, man disregarded fame,
And useful knowledge was his eldest aim.


DISREGA RDFUL. adj. [disregard and full.] Negligent; contemptuous. DISREGARD FULLY. adv. [from disregardful.] Negligently; contemptuously.

DISRE'LISH. n. s. [dis and relish.] 1. Bad taste; nauseousness.

Oft they assay'd,

Hunger and thirst constraining; drugg'd as oft
With hatefullest disrelish, writh'd their jaws
With soot and cinders fill'd.

2. Dislike of the palate; squeamishness.
Bread or tobacco may be neglected, where

they are shewn not to be useful to health, because of an indifferency or disrelish to them.


To DISRE LISH. v. a. [from the noun.] 1. To make nauseous; to infect with an unpleasant tafte.

Fruits of taste to please

True appetite, and not disrelish thirst

Of nectarous draughts between, from milky



The same anxiety and solicitude that embittered the pursuit, disrelishes the fruition itself.

2. To want a tafte of; to dislike.


The world is become too busy for me: every body is so concerned for the publick, that all private enjoyments are lost, or disrelished. Pope. DISREPUTATION. n.s. [dis and reputation.]

1. Disgrace; dishonour.

I will tell you what was the course in the happy days of queen Elizabeth, whom it is no disreputation to follow. Bacon.

2. Loss of reputation; ignominy.

The king fearing lest that the bad success might discourage his people, and bring disrepu tation to himself, forbad any report to be made.

Gluttony is not of so great disreputation
amongst men as drunkenness.
Taylor's Holy Living.
DISREPU ́TE. n.s. [dis and repute.] Iйl

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How studiously did they cast a slur upon the king's person, and bring his governing principles under a disrepute. South. DISRESPECT. n. s. [dis and respect.] Incivility; want of reverence; irreverence; an act approaching to rudeness.

Any disrespect to acts of state, or to the persons of statesmen, was in no time more penal. Clarendon.

Aristotle writ a methodical discourse concerning these arts, chusing a certain benefit before the hazard that might accrue from the vain disre spects of ignorant persons. Wilkins.


What is more usual to warriours than impatience of bearing the least affront or disrespect? Pope. adj. [disrespect and full.] Irreverent ; uncivil. DISRESPECTFULLY. adv. [from disre spectful.] Irreverently; uncivilly.

We cannot believe our posterity will think so
disrespectfully of their great grandmothers, as
that they made themselves monstrous to appear
Addison's Spectator.
To DISRO BE. v. a. (dis and robe.] To
undress; to uncover; to strip.

Thus when they had the witch disrobed quite,
And all her filthy feature open shown,
They let her go at will, and wander ways un-

Kill the villain straight,
Disrobe him of the matchless monument,

Thy father's triumph o'er the savages. Sbaks.
These two great peers were disrobed of their
glory, the one by judgment, the other by vio-


Who will be prevailed with to disrobe himself at once of all his old opinions, and pretences to knowledge and learning, and turn himself out stark naked in quest afresh of new notions? Locke.

DISRUPTION. n. s. [disruptio, Latin.] 1. The act of breaking asunder.

This secures them from disruption which they would be in danger of, upon a sudden stretch or contortion. Ray.

2. Breach; rent; dilaceration.

The agent which effected this disruption, and dislocation of the strata, was seated within the earth.


If raging winds invade the atmosphere,
Their force its curious texture cannot tear,

Nor make disruption in the threads of air.

DISSATISFACTION. n.s. [dis and satis-
faction.] The state of being dissatis-
fied; discontent; want of something to
complete the wish.

He that changes his condition, out of impati ence and dissatisfaction, when he has tried a new one, wishes for his old again. L'Estrange The ambitious man has little happiness, but is subject to much uneasiness and dissatisfaction. Addison's Spectator. In vain we try to remedy the defects of our acquisition, by varying the object: the same dissatisfaction pursues us through the circle of created goods. DISSATISFACTORINESS. n. s. [from disRogers. satisfactory.] Inability to give content. DISSATISFACTORY. adj. [from dissatisfy.] Unable to give content.

To DISSATISFY. v. a. [dis and satisfy.]
1. To discontent; to displease.

The advantages of life will not hold out to
the length of desire; and, since they are not big
enough to satisfy, they should not be big enough
to dissatisfy.

2. To fail to please; to offend by the want of something requifite.

1 still retain some of my notions, after your
lordship's having appeared dissatisfied with them.

To DISSE CT. v. a. [disseco, Latin.]
1. To cut in pieces. It is used chiefly of
anatomical inquiries, made by separa-
tion of the parts of a imal bodies.
No mask, no trick, no favour, no reserve;
Dissect your mind, examine every nerve.



Following life in creatures we dissect, We lose it in the moment we detect. 2. To divide and examine minutely. This paragraph, that has not one ingenuous word throughout, I have dissected for a sample.

Atterbury. DISSECTION. H.S. [dissectio, Latin.] 1. The act of separating the parts of animal bodies; anatomy.

She cut her up; but, upon the dissection, found her just like other hens. L'Estrange.

I shall enter upon the dissection of a coquet's heart, and communicate that curious piece of anatomy. Addison.

2. Nice examination.

Such strict enquiries into nature, so true and
so perfect a dissection of human kind, is the
work of extraordinary diligence.
DISSE ISIN. n.s. [from disseisir, French.]
An unlawful dispossessing a man of his
land, tenement, or other immoveable
or incorporeal right,
To DISSE IZE. v. a. [disseiser, French.]
To dispossess; to deprive. It is com-
monly used of a legal act.

He so disseized of his griping gross,
The knight his thrilliant spear again assay'd
In his brass-plated body to emboss.

Fairy Q

If a prince should give a man, besides his ancient patrimony which his family had been disized of, an additional estate, never before in the possession of his ancestors, he could not be said to re-establish lineal succession. DISSE IZOR. n. s. [from disseize.] He Locke. that dispossesses another. To DISSE MBLE. v. a. [dissimulo, Lat. semblance, dissemblance, and probably dissembler, in old French.]

1. To hide under false appearance; to conceal; to pretend that not to be which really is.

She answered that her soul was God's; and touching her faith, as she could not change, so she would not dissemble it. Hayward,

2. To pretend that to be which is not.
This is not the true signification.
Your son Lucentio

Doth love my daughter, and she loveth him,
Or both dissemble deeply their affections. Shak.

In vain on the dissembled mother's tongue
Had cunning art and sly persuasion hung;
And real care in vain, and native love,
In the true parent's panting breast had strove.



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Thy function too will varnish o'er our arts,
And sanctify dissembling.


2. Shakspeare uses it for fraudulent; un-

I that am curtail'd of this fair proportion,
Cheated of feature by dissembling nature,
Deform'd, unfinish'd.

Richard III.
DISSE MBLER. n.s. [from dissemble.] A
hypocrite; a man who conceals his true

Thou dost wrong me, thou dissembler, thou
The French king, in the business of peace.
was the greater dissembler of the two. Bacon.
Such an one, whose virtue forbiddeth him to
be base and a dissembler, shall evermore hang
under the wheel.
'The queen, with rage inflam'd,
Thus greets him: Thou dissembler, would's
thou fly

Out of my arms by stealth?


Men will trust no farther than they judge a person for sincerity fit to be trusted: a discovered dissembler can achieve nothing great and considerable.


DISSE MBLINGLY. adv. [from dissem-
ble.] With dissimulation; hypocriti-

They might all have been either dissemblingly
spoken, or falsely reported of the equity of the
barbarous king.



v. a. [dissemino, Latin.] To scatter as seed; to sow; to spread every way.

Ill uses are made of it many times in stirring
up seditions, rebellions, in disseminating of he
resies, and infusing of prejudices. Hammond.
There is a nearly uniform and constant fire
or heat disseminated throughout the body of the
The Jews are indeed disseminated through all
the trading parts of the world.

By firmness of mind, and freedom of speech,
the gospel was disseminated at first, and must stil
be maintained.
12. 3. [disseminatio,
Lat.] The act of scattering like seed;
the act of sowing or spreading.

Though now at the greatest distance from the
beginning of errour, yet we are almoft lost in
its dissemination, whose ways are boundless, and
confess no circumscription.

n.s. [disseminator, Latin.] He that scatters; a scatterer; a sower; a spreader.

Men, vehemently thirsting after a name in the world, hope to acquire it by being the disseminators of novel doctrines. Decay of Piety. n. s. [dissensio, Latin.] Disagreement; strife; discord; contention; difference; quarrel; breach of



Friends now fast sworn,

Whose hours, whose bed, whose meal, whose


Are still together; who twine, as 'twere in love

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That, rubbing the poor itch of your opinion, Make yourselves scabs.


To DISSE'NT. 1. To disagree in opinion; to think in a contrary manner.

v. n. [dissentio, Latin.]

Let me not be any occasion to defraud the publick of what is best, by any morose or perverse dissentings. King Charles. What cruelty of heathens has not been matched by the inhumanity of dissenting christians? Decay of Piety. There are many opinions in which multitudes of men dissent from us, who are as good and wise as ourselves. Addison. 2. To differ; to be of a contrary nature. We see a general agreement in the secret opinion of men, that every man ought to embrace the religion which is true, and to shun, as hurtful, whatever dissenteth from it, but that most which doth farthest dissent. Hooker.


3. To differ from the established church. How will dissenting brethren relish? What will malignants say? DISSENT. n. s. [from the verb.] . Disagreement; difference of opinion; declaration of difference of opinion.

In propositions, where, though the proofs in view are of most moment, yet there are grounds to suspect that there is proof as considerable to be produced on the contrary side; their suspense or dissent are voluntary actions. Locke.

What could be the reason of this general dissent from the notion of the resurrection, seeing that almost all of them did believe the immortality of the soul? Bentley's Sermons. 2. Contrariety of nature; opposite quality. Not in use.

The dissents of the menstrual or strong waters may hinder the incorporation, as well as the dis sent of the metals. Therefore where the menstrua are the same, and yet the incorporation followeth not, the dissent is in the metals..


DISSE NTANEOUS. adj. [from dissent.] Disagreeable; inconsistent; contrary. DISSE NTER. n. s. [from dissent.] 1. One that disagrees, or declares his disagreement, from an opinion.

They will admit of matter of fact, and agree with dissenters in that; but differ only in assigning of reasons. Locke 2. One who, for whatever reasons, refuses the communion of the English church. DISSERTATION. 7. S. [dissertatio, Lat.] A discourse, a disquisition; a treatise. Plutarch, in his dissertation upon the Poets, quotes an instance of Homer's judgment inclosing a ludicrous scene with decency and inTo DISSERVE. Broome on the Odyssey. v. a. [dis and serve.] To do injury to; to mischief; to damage; to hurt; to harm.


Having never done the king the least service, he took the first opportunity to disserve him, and engaged against him from the beginning of the rebellion. Clarendon. Desires of things of this world, by their ten dency, promote or disserve our interest in another. Rogers. DISSERVICE. n. s. [dis and service.] Injury; mischief; ill turn.

We shall rather perform good offices unto truth, than any disservice unto relaters who have well deserved. Brown. Great sicknesses make a sensible alteration, but smaller indispositions do a proportionable disservice. Collier.

DISSE RVICEABLE. adj. [from disservice.]

Injurious; mischievous; hurtful, DISSE RVICEABLENESS. .s. [from disserviceable.] Injury; harm; hurt; mischief; damage.

All action being for some end, and not the end itself, its aptness to be commanded or forbidden, must be founded upon its serviceableness or disserviceableness to some end.


To DISSE TTLE. v. a. [dis and settle.] To unsettle; to unfix.

To DISSE VER. v. a. [dis and sever. In this word the particle dis makes no change in the signification, and therefore the word, though supported by great authorities, ought to be ejected from our language.] To part in two; to break; to divide; to sunder; to separate; to disunite.

Shortly had the storm so dissevered the company, which the day before had tarried together, that most of them never met again, but were swallowed up.

Sidney. The dissevering of fleets hath been the overthrow of many actions.



All downright rains dissever the violence of outrageous winds, and level the mountainous billows. Raleigh, Dissever yourunited strengths, And part your mingled colour once again. Shak, The meeting points the sacred hair dissever From the fair head, for ever and for ever. Pope, DISSIDENCE. n. s. [dissideo, Latin.] Discord; disagreement. DISSILIENCE. n. s. [dissilio, Latin.] The act of starting asunder. DISSILIENT. adj. [dissiliens, Lat.] StartDISSILITION. n. s. [dissilio, Lat.] The ing asunder; bursting in two. act of bursting in two; the act of starting different ways.

The air having much room to receive motion, the dissilition of that air was great,


DISSIMILAR. adj. [dis and similar.] Unlike; heterogeneous.

Simple oil is reduced into dissimilar parts, and yields a sweet oil, very differing from sallet oil. Boyle.

The light, whose rays are all alike refrangible, I call simple, homogeneal, and similar; and that, whose rays are some more refrangible than others, call compound, heterogeneal, and dissimilar. Newton.

If the fluid be supposed to consist of heteroge neous particles, we cannot conceive how those dissimilar parts can have a like situation.

Bentley. DISSIMILARITY. n. s. [from dissimilar.] Unlikeness; dissimilitude.

If the principle of reunion has not its energy in this life, whenever the attractions of sense cease, the acquired principles of dissimilarity must repel these beings from their centre: so that the principle of reunion, being set free by death, must drive these beings towards God their centre; and the principle of dissimilarity, forcing him to repel them with infinite violence from him, must make them infinitely miserable. Cheyne. [dissimilitudo,

Lat.] Unlikeness; want of resemblance.
Thereupon grew marvellous dissimilitudes, and
by reason thereof jealousies, heartburnings, jars,

and discords.

We doubt, whether the Lord, in different circumstances, did frame his people unto any utter dissimilitude, either with Egyptians or any other Hooker.


The dissimilitude between the Divinity and images, shews that images are not a suitable means whereby to worship God. Stilling fleet. As human society is founded in the similitude of some things, so it is promoted by some certain dissimilitudes. Gren.

Women are curious observers of the likeness
of children to parents, that they may, upon find-
ing dissimilitude, have the pleasure of hinting un-
Pope's Odyssey, Notes.
DISSIMULATION. n. s. [dissimulatio,Lat.]
The act of dissembling; hypocrisy;
fallacious appearance; false pretensions.
Dissimulation is but a faint kind of policy; for
it asketh a strong wit, and a strong heart, to
know when to tell truth, and to do it.

He added not; and Satan, bowing low
His grey dissimulation, disappear'd
Into thin air diffus'd.


The circling mountains eddy in,
From the bare wild, the dissipated storm.

2. To scatter the attention.

Dissimulation may be taken for a bare concealment of one's mind; in which sense we commonly say, that it is prudence to dissemble injuries. South.

DISSIPABLE.adj. [from dissipate.] Easily scattered; liable to dispersion.


This slavery to his passions produced a life irregular and dissipated.

3. To spend a fortune.

The heat of those plants is very dissipable, which under the earth is contained and held in; but when it cometh to the air, it exhaleth. Bacon.

Savage's Life.

The wherry that contains
Of dissipated wealth the poor remains.


DISSIPATION. n. s. [dissipatio, Latin.] 1. The act of dispersion.

The effects of heat are most advanced when it worketh upon a body without loss or dissipation of the matter. Bacon.

Abraham was contemporary with Peleg, in whose time the famous dissipation of mankind, and distinction of languages, happened. 2. The state of being dispersed.

The parts of plants are very tender, as consist ing of corpuscles which are extremely small and light, and therefore the more easily dissipable. Woodward's Natural History. To DI'SSIPATE. v. a. [dissipatus, Lat.] 1. To scatter every way; to disperse.


Foul dissipation follow'd, and forc'd rout.


Milton. Where the earth contains nitre within it, if that heat which is continually streaming out of the earth be preserved, its dissipation prevented, and the cold kept off by some building, this alone is ordinarily sufficient to raise up the nitre. Woodward.

3. Scattered attention.

I have begun two or three letters to you by snatches, and been prevented from finishing them by a thousand avocations and dissipations. To DISSOCIATE. v. a. [dissocio, Latin.] Swift. To separate; to disunite; to part.

The heat at length grows so great, that it again dissipates and bears off those corpuscles which it brought. It is covered with skin and hair, to quench Woodrvard. and dissipate the force of any stroke, and retard, the edge of any weapon.


In the dissociating action, even of the gentlest fire, upon a concrete, there perhaps vanish some active and fugitive particles, whose presence was requisite to contain the concrete under such a determinate form.

DISSOLVABLE. adj. [from dissolve.] ĆaBoyle. pable of dissolution; liable to be melted.


Such things as are not dissolvable by the moisture of the tongue, act not upon the taste. DISSOLUBLE. adj. [dissolubilis, Latin.] Capable of separation; having one part separable from another by heat or moisture.

Nodules, reposed in cliffs amongst the earth, being hard and not so dissoluble, are left behind. Woodward's Natural History. DISSOLUBILITY. n. s. [from dissoluble.] Liableness to suffer a disunion of parts by heat or moisture; capacity of being dissolved.

Bodies seem to have an intrinsick principle of alteration, or corruption, from the dissolubility of their parts, and the coalition of several particles endued with contrary and destructive qualities each to other. To DISSOLVE. v. a. [dissolvo, Latin.] Hale's Origin of Mankind. 1. To destroy the form of any thing by disuniting the parts with heat or moisture; to melt; to liquefy.

I have heard of anchovies dissolved in sauce. Dryden. The whole terrestrial globe was taken all to pieces, and dissolved, at the deluge. Woodr. 2. To break; to disunite in any manner.

Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be?

2 Peter.

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