
Massachusetts, proposal of James II.
to tax, 514; constitution of, super-
seded, 522.
Maynooth College, founded,
Peel's endowment of, 457; popular
opposition to, ib.


Mazzini, J., his letters opened by gov-
ernment, 281.

Meetings. See Public Meetings.
Melbourne, Viscount, his ministries,
76, 77; receives a deputation of
workingmen, 220; reception of
delegates from trades' unions, 233;
framed the Tithe Commutation Act
417; and the first Irish Corporations
Bill, 473.

Melville, Lord, impeachment of, a blow
to the Scotch Tories, 56.
Meredith, Sir W., his speech against
capital punishments, 555.
Middle classes, the, strength given to
Whigs by adhesion of, 61, 69, 202;
a combination of the working and
middle classes necessary to success-
ful agitation, 216, 236.
Middlesex, electors of, cause of, sup-
ported by public meetings, 126.
Military and Naval Officers' Oaths
Bill, the, 356.

Militia, the, Catholics in, 333.

Miller, tried for publication of a libel,

Mines, labor of children, &c. regulated'
in, 567.

Ministers of the Crown, increasing in-
fluence of public opinion over, 28,
61, 123, 201; the principles of coali-
tion between, 38, 86; responsibility
of ministers to their supporters, 66,
83; the premiership rarely held by
the head of a great family, 95; re-
vision of salaries of, 548.
Mohun, Lord, cudgelled Dyer for a
libel, 107.

Moravians. See Quakers.
Muir, T., trial of, at Edinburgh for
sedition, 145; comments thereon in
Parliament, 150.

Municipal Corporations. See Corpo-

Mutiny Act (Ireland), made perma-
nent, 490; repealed, 493.

NAPOLEON, First Consul of France,
demands the suppression of the
press, 176; the dismissal of refugees,
286; trial of Peltier for libel on, 177.
Naturalization Act, passing of, 286.

Navy, impressment for, 261; fcgging
in, abated, 563.

Negroes freed by landing in England,
272; in Scotland, 273; the slave-
trade and slavery abolished, 133,
232, 275.

New Brunswick, the constitution of,

Newfoundland, the constitution of,

Newport, the Chartist attack on, 236.
New South Wales, a legislature
granted to, 527; transportation to,
abolished, ib.; democratic constitu-
tion of, 535.

Newspapers, the first, 104, 106, 107;
stamp and advertisement duties
first imposed, 108; increased, 172;
removed, 214, 215; improvement in
newspapers, 123, 180; commence-
ment of "the Times" and other
papers, 123, n.; measures of repres-
sion, 174, 196.

New Zealand, constitution granted to,

Nonconformists. See Dissenters.
Norfolk, Duke of, his eldest son ab-
jured the Catholic faith, 1780, 322,
n.; his Catholic Officers' Relief Bill,
356; enabled by Act to serve as Earl
Marshal, 365.

"North Briton," the, proceedings
against, 111, 112. 246.

North, Lord, in office, 26, 28; driven
from office, 32; the Coalition, 34;
his measure to conciliate the Ameri-
can colonies, 523.

Nottingham Castle, burnt by mob,


Nova Scotia, responsible government
in, 533.

Nugent, Lord, his bill for Catholic
relief, 362; obtained relaxation to
Irish commerce, 488.



O'Connell, Mr., leads the Irish party,
73; heads the Catholic Association,
204; agitates for repeal of the Union,
223; trials of, 224, 227; released on
writ of error, 228; returned for
Clare, 371; his reëlection required,
380; his motions on Irish tithes and
Church, 448-453.

O'Connor, F., presents the Chartist
petition, 238.

Octennial Act, the, (Ireland,) 485.

Official salaries, revision of, since the
Reform Act, 548.
Oliver, the government spy, 276.
Opinion, liberty of, the last liberty to
be acquired, 102; the press, from
James I. till the accession of Geo.
III., 104; the "North Briton" pros-
ecutions, 110; the law of libel, 114;
political agitation by public meet-
ings, 124; by associations, 127;
democratic associations, 134; repres-
sive measures, 1792-99, 139; Napo-
leon and the English press, 176; the
press, before the Regency, 179; re-
pressive measures under the Regen-
cy, 182; the contest between au-
thority and public opinion reviewed,
200; the Catholic Association, 204;
the press under Geo. IV., 210; its
freedom established, 213; the Reform
agitation, 216; for repeal of the
Union, 223; Orange lodges, 229;
trades' unions, 232; the Chartists,
234; the Anti-Corn Law League,
239; political agitation reviewed,
242. See Press; Political Associa-
tions; Public Meetings.

Orange societies, suppressed by Act,
206; revived, 208; organization of,
229, 499; in the army, 230; dis-
solved, 231; peculiar working of
Orange societies, ib.

Orsini conspiracy, the, plotted in Eng-
land, 289.

Oxford University, state of feeling at,
on Catholic relief, 351; admission
of dissenters to degrees at, 400.

PAINE, T., tried for seditious writings,

Palmer, the Rev. T. F., trial of, for
sedition, 148; comments thereon in
Parliament, 150.

Palmerston, Viscount, adhered to Mr.
Canning, 64; in the Duke of Well-
ington's ministry, 65; in office, 85;
secession of the Peelites, 87; his
overthrow in 1857 and 1858, 88, 290;
his second ministry, 90.
Papal aggression, 1850, the, 422; -
Court, diplomatic relations with,
Bill, 425, n.
Paper-duty, the, abolished, 215.
Parish, the, local affairs of, adminis-

tered by vestries, 461.
Parliament, secessions of the Whigs
from, 30, 51, 168; repression of the
press by Parliament, 107; attempted

intimidation of, by the silk-weavers,
125; by the Protestant Associations,
129; relations of the Church and
Parliament, 421; supremacy of, over
the Irish Parliament, 483; Parlia-
ment since the Reform Act, 576;
vast amount of public business, ib.
Parliament (Ireland), state of before
the Union, 479; exclusion of Catho-
lics, ib. 482; expired only on demise
of the crown, 481; Poyning's Act,
482; supremacy of the English
Parliament, 483; agitation for in-
dependence, 490, 492; submits to
the permanent Mutiny Bill, 490; in-
dependence granted, 493; corrupt
influence of the government, ib.;
motions for Parliamentary Reform,
495; the Union carried, 503.
Parnell, Sir H., the originator of the
present financial policy, 574.
Party, influence of, in party govern-
ment, 17; origin of parties, 18; par-
ties under the Stuarts, and after the
Revolution, 19, 20; Whigs and To-
ries, 20; their distinctive principles,
22, 28, 90; parties on the accession
of George III., 24, 27; the Ameri-
can war a test of party principles,
29; secessions of the Whigs from
Parliament, 30, 51, 168; overtures
to the Whigs, 32; commencement
of a democratic party, ib.; crisis on
death of Lord Rockingham, 33; the
Coalition, 34-36; ruin of the Whigs,
37; principles of coalition, 38; the
Tories under Mr. Pitt, 38, 47; the
Whigs and the Prince of Wales, 40,
54, 58; effect of the French Revolu-
tion upon parties, 42, 45; position
of the Whigs, 43, 46, 49; the To-
ries in Scotland, 49; schism among
the Tories, 52; parties on Pitt's re-
tirement from office, ib.; the Whigs
in office, 1806, 53-55, 341; coalesce
with Lord Sidmouth's party, 53;
the Tories reinstated, 55; position
of the Whigs, 56; the strength they
derived from the adhesion of the
middle classes, 57, 202; the Tories
under Lord Liverpool, 58-63; un-
der Canning, 63; influence of na-
tional distress, and of proceedings
against Queen Caroline, upon par-
ties, 60, 61; increase of liberal feel-
ing, 61; effect of the Catholic ques-
tion upon parties, 63, 66, 344, 353,
376; party divisions after Mr. Can-

ning's death, 65; the Duke of Well-
ington's ministry, ib.; secession of
liberal members from his cabinet,
66; the Whigs restored to office,
68; supported by the democratic
party, 69; Whig ascendency after
the Reform Acts, 70; state of parties,
ib.; the Radicals, 71; the Irish par-
ty, 73; the Tories become "Con-
servatives," 75; increase in power,
ib.; break up of Earl Grey's min-
istry, ib.; dismissal of Lord Mel-
bourne's ministry, 76; Liberals re-
united against Sir R. Peel, ib.; his
liberal policy alarms the Tories, ib.;
parties under Lord Melbourne, 77;
a conservative reaction, 78; effect
of Peel's free-trade policy upon the
Conservatives, 80, 82; the obliga-
tions of a party leader, 83; the
Whigs in office, 84; Lord Derby's
first ministry, 85; coalition of Whigs
and Peelites under Lord Aberdeen,
86; fall of his ministry, 87; the
Peelites retire from Lord Palmer-
ston's first administration, ib.; his
overthrows, in 1857 and 1858, 88;
Lord Derby's second ministry, 89;
passed the Jewish Relief Act, 390;
Lord Palmerston's second admin-
istration, 90; fusion of parties, ib.;
essential difference between Con-
servatives and Liberals, ib.; party
sections, 91; changes in the char-
acter, &c., of parties, 92; politics
formerly a profession, 93; effects of
Parliamentary Reform on parties,
96; the conservatism of age, 97;
statesmen under old and new sys-
tems, ib.; patronage, an instrument
of party, 98; review of the merits
and evils of party, 100; the press
an instrument of party, 107, 123,
124; opposition of the Whigs to a
repressive policy, 141, 195; to the
Six Acts, 196; the Habeas Corpus
Suspension Bills, 160, 253-259; the
Treasonable Practices, &c., Bills,
165-169; the Irish Church appro-
priation question adopted by the
Whigs, 453; abandoned by them,


Patronage, an instrument of party,

98; the effect of competition, 100;
abuses of colonial patronage, 528;
surrendered to the colonies, 530.
Patronage Act (Scotland), 443. See
also Church of Scotland.

Peel, Mr. See Peel, Sir R.
Peel, Sir R., the first, his Factory
Children Act, 567.

Peel, Sir R., his commercial policy,
62, 573; seceded from Canning on
the Catholic question, 63; opposes
that measure, 354, 360; brings in
the Relief Act, 66, 376; his first
ministry, 76; his policy, and fall,
ib., 454; his relation to the Con-
servatives, 79, 82; his second min-
istry, 79; his free-trade policy, 80;
repeal of corn-laws, 81, 239, 572;
his obligations as a party leader,
83; obtains the bishops' consent to
the repeal of the Corporation and
Test Acts, 368; proposes to retire
from the Wellington ministry, 374;
loses his seat at Oxford, 375; the
Irish Franchise Act, 379; his Dis-
senters Marriage Bills, 394; plan
for commutation of Irish tithes,
452; resists the appropriation ques-
tion, 453; proposes endowment to
Maynooth and the Queen's Col-
leges, 456; his scheme for Irish
corporate reform, 475; the first min-
ister to revise the criminal code,

Peers, the Catholic, restored to the
privilege of advising the Crown,
328, 360; exempted from the oath
of supremacy, 359; the Catholic
Peers Bill, ib.; take seats in the
House of Lords, 380; creation of,
to carry the Union with Ireland,

Peltier, J., trial of, for libel, 177.
Perceval, Mr., in office, 55, 58, 345.
Peto, Sir M., his Dissenters Burial
Bills, 396.

Phillimore, Dr., his Catholic Marriages
Bill, 363.

Pillory, punishment of, abolished, 559.
Pitt, Mr. W., Tory principles never

completely adopted by, 29, 34, n.,
39; entered Parliament as a Whig,
33, 36; the leader of the Tories, 39;
his first ministry a coalition, 37;
his policy contrasted with Mr.
Fox's, 34, n., 39; his feelings to-
wards the French Revolution, 42,
140; attempted coalition with Fox,
44, 53; joined by portion of the
Whigs, 45; the consolidation of his
power, 47, 140; dangerous to liber-
ty, 50; his liberal views on Catho-
lic question, 52, 834-340, 506; his

retirement from office, 52; his re-
turn, 53; the Tory party after his
death, 55; member of the Consti-
tutional Information Society, 128,
137; commences a repressive policy,
139; brings in the Seditious Meet-
ings Bill, 166; opposes relief to dis-
senters, 324-326, 330; his proposal
for commutation of Irish tithes,
445; his Irish commercial proposi-
tions, 496; carried the Union with
Ireland, 503; his India Bill, 544.
Pius IX., his brief appointing bishops
in England, 423; and against the
Queen's Colleges, 458.
Plunket, Mr., his advocacy of Catho-
lic relief, 358, 361
Police, modern system of, 561.
Political associations, commencement
of, 124, 126, 128; for Parliamentary
Reform, 127, 216; Protestant asso-
ciations, 129-132, 320; anti-slave-
trade, 133, 232; democratic, 134,
136, 163, 169, 172; proceeded
against, 145, 154; suppressed, 173,
185, 197; associations for suppress-
ing sedition, 143, 203; for Catholic
relief, 204; finally suppressed, 209;
for repeal of the Union with Ire-
land, 223; Orange lodges, 229;
trades' unions, 232; the Chartists,
234; the Anti-Corn Law League,


Ponsonby, Mr., chosen leader of the
Whigs, 57.

Poor-laws, the old and new systems,
563; in Scotland and Ireland, 565.
Population, great increase of, in the
manufacturing districts, 192; its
effect on the position of the
Church, 410.

Post-Office. See Letters, Opening at.
Poyning's Act, the, 482.

Pratt, Lord Chief Justice. See Cam-
den, Lord.

Presbyterians, in England, 296; in
Scotland, 298, 302; in Ireland, 299,
454. See Church of Scotland.
Press, the, under censorship, 103;
from the Stuarts to accession of
George III., 104-109; the attacks
on Lord Bute, 110; general war-
rants, 111; the prosecutions of,
1763-1770, 112; publishers liable
for acts of servants, 114; the rights
of juries in libel cases, 114-122;
the progress of free discussion,
123, 180, 201, 210, 215; caricatures,

123; laws for repression of the
press, 165, 172, 174, 188, 196; the
press and foreign powers, 176; the
press not purified by rigor, 203;
complete freedom of the
press, 213;
fiscal laws affecting, ib.; public
jealousies of, 215.
Prisons, debtors', 269; improved
state of, 559.

Protection, &c., against Republicans'
Society, the, 144.
Protestant associations, the, 129, 320;
the petition, and riots, 130, 320.
See also Orange Societies.
Protestant Dissenters Ministers Bills,

Protesting Catholic Dissenters, bill
for relief of, 327.

Public meetings, commencement of
political agitation by, 124, 126;
riotous meetings of the silk-weavers,
125; meetings to support the Mid
dlesex electors, 126; for Parliamen-
tary Reform, 1779, ib.; in 1795,
163; in 1831, 218; of the Protestant
Association, 130, 320; to oppose the
Sedition and Treason Acts, 170; in
the manufacturing districts, 1819,
190; for Catholic relief, 208; for re-
peal (Ireland), 224; of the trades'
unions, 233; the Chartists, 234, 237;
the Anti-Corn-Law League, 240;
laws to restrain public meetings,
166, 185, 196.

Public Opinion. See Opinion, Lib-
erty of; Press, the; Political Asso-
ciations; Public Meetings.
Publishers, criminally liable for acts
of servants, 114.

Puritans, the, under Queen Elizabeth,
under James I. and Charles II.,
300, 302; numbers imprisoned, 304.
See also Dissenters.

[blocks in formation]

Quoad Sacra ministers, the, in the Rockingham, Marquess, Whigs re-
Church of Scotland, 440.

Reeves, Mr., his pamphlet condemned,

Reform in Parliament, carried by the
Whigs, as leaders of the people, 69;
influence of, on parties, 96; on offi-
cial emoluments, 548; on law re-
form, and amendment of the crim-
inal code, 549, 553; on the spirit and
temper of the judges, 552; on the
condition of the people, 562; on com-
mercial and financial policy, 571;
on Parliament, 576; the first reform
meetings, 126; and in Ireland, 494;
reform discouraged from the exam-
ple of the French Revolution, 138,
198, 201; repressed as seditious,
145-149, 162, 190; cause of, pro-
moted by political agitation and
unions, 216; review of reform agi-
tation, 223.

Reformation, the, effect of, upon Eng-
land, 292; doctrinal moderation of,
294; in Scotland, 298; in Ireland,

Reformatories, instituted, 561.
Refugees. See Aliens.

Regent, the Prince. See Wales, Prince

Registration of births, marriages, and
deaths, Act for, 395.

Religious liberty, from the Reforma-

tion to Geo. III., 291-308; com-
mencement of relaxation of the pe-
nal code, 313; Corporation and Test
Acts repealed, 367; Catholic eman-
cipation carried, 376; admission to
the Commons by affirmation, 382;
Jewish disabilities, 390; registra-
tion of births, marriages, and deaths,
the Dissenters' Marriage Bill,
ib.; admission of dissenters to the
universities, 397; dissenters' chap-
els, 400; church-rates, 402.


also Church of England; Church in
Ireland; Church of Scotland; Dis-
senters; Jews; Quakers; Roman

Revenue laws, restraints of, on per-
sonal liberty, 263;

thrown open to dissenters and Cath-
olics, 331, 367, 376.
Revolution, the effect on the press,
106; the Church policy after, 304.
Revolution Society, the, 136.

[blocks in formation]

stored to power under, 33, 95; his
death, 33; his administration con-
sent to the independence of Ireland,

Roman Catholics, the first Relief Act,
1778, 129, 319; the riots in Scotland
and London, 129, 320; the Scotch
Catholics withdraw their claims for
relief, 129, 321; the penal code of
Elizabeth, 293; Catholics under
James I., Chas. I., and Cromwell,
300-302; the passing of the Test
Act, 304; repressive measures, Wm.
III.-Geo. I., 306-308; the Catho-
lics, at accession of Geo. III., 308,
314, 318; their numbers, 309, n.;
later instances of the enforcement
of the penal laws, 319; bill to re-
strain education of Protestants by
Catholics, 321; the case of the Pro-
testing Catholic Dissenters, 327;
another measure of relief to English
Catholics, 1791, ib.; first measures
of relief to Catholics in Ireland and
Scotland, 330, 331, 497; the Catho-
lics and the militia, 333; effect of
union with Ireland on Catholic re-
lief, 51, 333; Catholic claims, 1801-
1810, 336-347; the Army and Navy
Service Bill, 342; the Regency not
favorable to Catholic claims, 348;
freedom of worship to Catholic sol-
diers, 349; the Catholic Question,
1811-1823, 350-361; treated as an
open question, 353, 361; Acts for re-
lief of Naval and Military Officers,
356; the Catholic Peers' Bill, 359;
the Catholic Question in 1823, 361;
efforts for relief of English Catholics,
ib.; the laws affecting Catholic mar-
riages, 362, 363; Office of Earl Mar-
shal Bill, 364; Sir F. Burdett's mo-
tion, 365; State provision for Cath-
olic clergy carried in the Commons,
366; the Duke of Wellington's min-
istry, 65, 366; repeal of the Corpora-
tion and Test Acts, 367; Catholic
relief in 1828, 370; the Act, 66-68,
376, 508; the Catholic peers take
their seats, 380; Catholic emancipa-
tion too long deferred, 381; number
of Catholic members in House of
Commons, ib.; Bills for relief in re-
spect of Catholic births, marriages,
and deaths, 392-396; final repeal of
penalties against Roman Catholics,
402; numbers, &c. of, in England,

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