Unworthy of the blessings of the brave, Is base in kind, and born to be a slave. But let eternal infamy pursue
The wretch to nought but his ambition true Who, for the sake of filling with one blast The post-horns of all Europe, lays her waste. Think yourself station'd on a tow'ring rock, To see a people scatter'd like a flock, Some royal mastiff panting at their heels, With all the savage thirst a tyger feels; Then view him self-proclaim'd in a gazette Chief monster that has plagu'd the nations yet: The globe and sceptre in such hands misplac'd, Those ensigns of dominion, how disgrac'd The glass that bids man mark the fleeting hour, And death's own scythe, would better speak his pow'r, Then grace the bony phantom in their stead With the king's shoulder-knot and gay cockade; Clothe the twin brethren in each other's dress, The same their occupation and success.
Man made for Kings !—rather they for him.
A. 'Tis your belief the world was made for man; King's do but reason on the self same plan: Maintaining your's, you cannot their's condemn, Who think, or seem to think, man made for them. B. Seldom, alas! the pow'r of logic reigns With much sufficiency in royal brains:
Such reas'ning falls like an inverted cone, Wanting its proper base to stand upon. Man made for kings! those optics are but dim That tell you so say, rather, they for him. That were indeed a king-ennobling thought, Could they, or would they, reason as they ought. The diadem, with mighty projects lin❜d, To catch renown by ruining mankind,
Is worth, with all its gold and glitt'ring store, Just what the toy will sell for, and no more. Oh! bright occasions of dispensing good, How seldom used, how little understood! To pour in virtue's lap her just reward. Keep vice restrain'd behind a double guard;
To give Religion her unbounded Scope.
To quell the faction that affronts the throne By silent magnanimity alone;
To nurse with tender care the thriving arts, Watch every beam philosophy imparts; To give religion her unbridl'd scope, Nor judge by statute a believer's hope; With close fidelity and love unfeign'd, To keep the matrimonial bond unstain'd; Covetous only of a virtuous praise; His life a lesson to the land he sways; To touch the sword with conscientious awe, Nor draw it but when duty bids him draw To sheathe it in the peace-restoring close With joy beyond what victory bestows; Blest country, where these kingly glories shine! Blest England, if this happiness be thine.
A. Guard what you say; the patriotic tribe Will sneer, and charge you with a bribe.-B. A bribe The worth of his three kingdoms I defy,
To lure me to the baseness of a lie.
Wit strikes indiscrimmately.
And, of all lies, (be that one poet's boast) The lie that flatters I abhor the most.
Those arts be their's who hate his gentle reign, But he that loves him has no need to feign.
A. Your smooth eulogium, to one crown address'd, Seems to imply a censure on the rest.
B. Quevedo, as he tells his sober tale, Ask'd, when in hell, to see the royal jail; Approv'd their method in all other things; But where, good sir, do you confine your kings? There said his guide-the group is full in view. Indeed!-replied the Don-there are but few. His black interpreter the charge disdain'dFew, fellow?-there are all that ever reign'd. Wit undistinguishing, is apt to strike The guilty and not guilty, both alike. I grant the sarcasm is too severe,
And we can readily refute it here;
While Alfred's name, the father of his age,
And the Sixth Edward's grace th' historic page,
A Monarch's Errors are forbidden Game.
A. Kings then at last have but the lot of all, By their own conduct they must stand or fall.
B. True. While they live, the courtly laureat pays His quit-rent ode, his pepper-corn of praise; And many a dunce, whose fingers itch to write, Adds, as he can, his tributary mite:
A subject's faults a subject may proclaim, A monarch's errors are forbidden game! Thus, free from censure, over-aw'd by fear, And prais'd for virtues that they scorn to wear, The fleeting forms of majesty engage Respect, while stalking o'er life's narrow stage; Then leave their crimes for history to scan, And ask with busy scorn, Was this the man? I pity kings whom worship waits upon, Obsequious from the cradle to the throne; Before whose infant eyes the flatt'rer bows, And binds a wreath about their baby brows? Whom education stiffens into state,
And death awakens from that dream too late.
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