
come," that our lives have been prolonged, and that we are allowed to appear in thy presence this morning.

From Thee we have received our being, and by Thee we are preserved every moment. When Thou "takest away our breath, we die and are turned again to our dust." O may we feel that thy gift should be used always in thy service; that Thou art our Creator, Preserver, and Master, and that we are altogether thine, and should be entirely devoted to Thee.

But, O God, our hearts are very evil; our wills opposed to thy holiness; our conduct is contrary to thy perfect law. Yet "enter not into judgment with us, for in thy sight shall no one living be justified." "Remember not our offences, nor the offences of our forefathers." O be merciful unto us, and hear our prayers for thy dear Son's sake.

We bless Thee, O Father, that Thou hast not left us alone in our sin, but hast thyself provided our salvation.

We bless Thee, O Lord Jesus, that Thou


hast undertaken in our own nature to bear the burden of our guilt, and hast created a righteousness which Thou dost bestow upon the unworthy.

We bless Thee, O Holy Spirit, that Thou consentest still to abide with us, renewing our hearts, and guiding us into thy truth, which is able to sanctify and save the soul.

O Holy, Blessed, and Glorious Trinity, into whose sacred name we have been baptized, we acknowledge that we are not our own, but solemnly dedicated to Thee. And therefore, when entering upon another day of our short lives, we humbly and earnestly entreat thy guidance and thy blessing. Without thy favour, O God, we cannot be truly happy; without thy direction, we must go astray: we know that without thy grace preventing and following, we cannot determine nor act aright. Vouchsafe therefore, now, so to incline our hearts, that we may sincerely desire the help we so greatly need.

And as Thou hast appointed to each of us the various duties to which we are daily

called, we pray that we may understand the full extent of our obligations, and may have grace cheerfully to perform all the work committed to us.


Grant, O Lord, that the heads of this family may ever seriously remember that they also have a Master in Heaven. may they always exercise the authority they have received from Thee, for the real welfare of those who have been intrusted to their care and guidance.

And be pleased, O Lord, to regard in mercy every member of this household; preserve them from their peculiar temptations; and grant that they may diligently perform their several duties. May they be humble, teachable, and obliging, kind, considerate, charitable, and forgiving towards each other. May they constantly watch over their tempers, and carefully abstain from rash and evil words. May they always speak and act in an open and truthful manner, remembering that whether alone or in company Thou art a witness;

ever-seeking to approve themselves as the faithful servants of Christ.

Gracious Lord, Thou hast taught us, "that the way of man is not in himself, that it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps;" we humbly, fervently pray, therefore, that thy blessed Spirit may never forsake us. O do Thou ever shield us from the assaults of Satan, and impart to us of thy strength. Teach us all our duty, and help us to perform it. May we delight to do thy will, and experience that peace which they have who love thy law.

And may our "faithfulness in the few things" allotted us on earth, be so approved by Thee, that in the day of the appearing of Christ, we may each be welcomed by that gracious word, "Well done, good and faithful servant ; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord."

Hear us, O God, our Heavenly Father; and vouchsafe to accept our praises for all thy manifold mercies and to pardon all our numberless sins, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our only mediator and advocate. Amen.


O Thou Father of mercies and God of all consolation, who dost wait to be gracious to those who seek thy face, mercifully incline our hearts to conclude this day with fervent prayer and praise.

We desire to approach Thee with unfeigned humility, with reverence, and godly fear; for Thou art glorious in holiness, of purer eyes than to look upon evil. As sinful and unprofitable creatures we may well tremble at the prospect of thy wrath. Day by day we add to the number of our sins. Since we last knelt before Thee, our transgressions have been again increased.

O God, Thou mightest justly cast us away from thy presence, and refuse to hear our prayer. But our hope is in thy word. In Christ Jesus Thou hast revealed thyself to us as a God ready to pardon,—as just, and yet the justifier of the guilty who believe in His name. Lord, we believe; help thou our unbelief. For thy dear Son's

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