
Court? Why is she to be kept in obscurity?

A free intercourse with her daughter follows of course; but, a Court is absolutely necessary to wipe away all remains of imputation; to do her complete justice in the eyes of the whole world.

In the meanwhile, however, the newspapers inform me, that the Citizens of London are about to meet in order to present to Her Royal Highness a loyal and affectionate Address upon this occasion. That this is a proper measure, and worthy of the example of the whole nation, you will, I am sure, readily allow. It is not only the duty, but it is the interest, of the people to step forward and cause themselves to be heard upon such occasions. To hold their tongues, in such cases, is tacitly to acknowledge that they are nothing, and, of course, that their opinions may safely be despised by their rulers.

Nevertheless, I have heard, and, indeed, not with much surprise, that there are certain persons in the City of London, attached to the faction called the Whigs, who are disposed to discourage these public demonstrations of the feeling of the people. It is easy to conceive, that they must dislike anything tending to throw a slur upon their party; they know, that it was their party, who, with the Princess's defence before them, hesitated four months before they advised the King to receive her at Court, and then only accompanied with an admonition, that admonition which every human being is now ready to pronounce judgment upon. An address to her Royal Highness would necessarily be a condemnation of the Whig ministry; and, therefore, it is that its partisans are endeavouring to prevent such a measure on the part of any portion of the people.

But was there ever so fit an occasion for an Address? When the King was thought to have been in danger from the pen-knife of a poor old mad-woman, addresses of loyalty, affection, and of congratulation at his escape poured in from every county, city, and town in his dominions; and, shall those who were filled with horror at the attempt of Peg Nicholson, be silent at the discovery of the attempt of Lady Douglas and her coadjutors? Shall those who were so loud in their cries of abhorrence on the former occasion, be now dumb as posts? The life of the King was then attempted; and has not the life of the Princess of Wales been now attempted? Aye, and by means, too, much more infamous than those which poor old crazy Peg is said to have employed. What was Peg's pen-knife when compared to the conspiracy against the Princess? To be sure, in this case, the carrying up of an Address will be attended with no creation of Knights. This is, really, the only difference in the two cases; except that in the present case the party to be addressed stands in need of the support of the people.

It would give me, on another account, singular satisfaction to see the Princess receive those marks of the approbation of the people. Those marks of approbation could not fail to make on her mind, as well as on the mind of her daughter, who has so strong an affection for her, an impression favourable to popular rights; to endear the people to them, and to show them, that, after all, the preservation of the people's liberties and privileges is the best guarantee, is far more efficacious than armies and sinecure placemen, in the support of the throne and the Royal Family. When the City of London shall have carried their Address to the Princess of Wales; when they shall have expressed their detestation of the conspiracy against her life and honour, Her Royal

Highness and her Daughter will have to compare the conduct of the people with that of those orders, whom the enemies of liberty have represented as the great props of the throne. What an useful lesson will this be to give to her, who, in the course of nature, is destined to be our Sovereign! It ought to make, and I have no doubt it will make, a strong and lasting impression upon her mind; that it will arm her before-hand against those parasites (never wanting to a Court), who would persuade her that every right possessed by the people is so much taken from her; that it will lead her to respect instead of despising, to conide in instead of suspecting, to love and cherish instead of hating and harassing, the people, whose good sense, whose love of justice, whose abhorrence of baseness and cruelty, have proved the best safeguards of the life and honour of her Mother.

I have now, my good friend, completed the task which I had imposed upon myself. I have done all that lay in my power to make the innocence and the injuries of the Princess of Wales known to the world; and, though, in the performance of this task, I have been animated with a consciousness that I was discharging a sacred duty to my country, I have derived additional satisfaction from the ever-recurring thought that I was addressing myself to you, and giving you, if that death which you fear not has not yet closed your eyes, a renewed proof of my unalterable gratitude and esteem.

Botley, 2nd April, 1813.



Of Bursledon, in Lower Dublin Township, in Philadelphia County, in the State of Pennsylvania;



(Political Register, April, 1813.)



When I concluded my last letter to you, I did not suppose that I should find it necessary to address you again upon this subject; but, an event has occurred which induces me to do it. Towards the close of that letter, at page 250,1 told you that I had heard, that the Citizens of London were about to address Her Royal Highness, the Princess, upon the subject of the conspiracy against her, and I stated the reasons, which, in my opinion, rendered this a proper step. Indeed, I had in a former Letter, told you, that it was a matter for the people to take up without delay. You may judge, therefore, of my pleasure at hearing that it was actually

done by the City of London, which, when not misled by the base sycophants of the Court, has always given an example of good sense and public spirit.

Upon the present occasion, the Address (a copy of which you will find below) was proposed by Mr. WOOD, who is an Alderman of London, and, I have the pleasure to add, that, as SHERIFF at the time of my imprisonment for two years for writing about the flogging of English militia-men at the town of Ely, in England, who had been first subdued by German troops, he was very kind to me, and assisted in procuring me what, in all probability, was the cause of preserving my life. This Mr. Woon it was, who had the honour to propose the Address to the assembled citizens of London; and, this Address having been unanimously agreed to, it was, the day before yesterday, presented to Her Royal Highness, at her apartments at Kensington Palace. Not being in London at the time, I cannot give you an account of the procession from my own observation : I, therefore, give it you in the words of a very excellent daily newspaper, called the Statesman, and I take this opportunity of informing persons in America, who get newspapers from England, that the Statesman is the very best daily newspaper that we have.

"At a quarter past twelve o'clock yesterday, the Lord Mayor, attended by the "Sheriffs, and the usual retinue, proceeded in state from Guildhall to Kensington "Palace, to present to the Princess of Wales the Address voted by the Livery, "in Common Hall assembled, congratulating Her Royal Highness on her triumph "over the foul conspiracy formed against her honour and her life. There were upwards of a hundred carriages in the procession, which extended from Guild"hall to the west end of Cheapside, where a short pause took place, for the purpose of receiving instructions; when a card was handed to the City Mar"shal from the Lord Mayor's carriage, with orders to proceed by Newgate-street, "Skinner-street, Holborn, through St. Giles's, Oxford-street, entering the Park "at Cumberland-gate, Tyburn, then to Hyde Park-corner, along Rotten-row, "and out at Kensington-gate, on to the Palace; thus making a circuitous route "of more than a mile. The crowd in King-street and Cheapside was considera"ble, but not to be compared to the immense assemblage of persons of all de"scriptions who collected in St. Paul's Church-yard, along the Strand, Pall Mall, "and in the streets through which the procession was expected to pass, and who "felt, as might be imagined, greatly mortified at its taking a circuitous route. "Mr. Alderman Combe fell into the procession, next to the state-coach, just as "it turned down Newgate-street. The acclamations of joy with which the pro"cession was greeted, evinced the deep sense entertained by the public of the "honest and manly expression of the sentiments of the Livery of London. They "were loud, cordial, and reiterated. In the Park, however, which contained an "assemblage no less respectable than numerous, no disappointment occurred. "The carriages, horsemen, and spectators on foot, were numerous beyond all precedent, and the procession was greeted, as it passed, with enthusiastic "shouts and plaudits.

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"About eleven o'clock Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, attended by Lady Charlotte Lindsey and Charlotte Campbell, left Montague House, Black"heath, for Kensington Palace. Her Royal Highness travelled the most private way across the country and over Battersea Bridge, and arrived at Kensingtou "Palace at a quarter past twelve o'clock. The populace had began to assemble "round the Palace by eleven o'clock. Soon after one, Bacon, belonging to Bowstreet office, who was entrusted with the direction of the police upon this "occasion, cleared all those assembled near the entrance of the Princess's apart"ments, to the outside of the railing which encloses the grass-plat, to enforce "which he called in a number of the military to his assistance. The Lord Mayor's gentlemen in waiting arrived about one o'clock, to be in readiness to receive "his Lordship. At ten minutes past two, the grand cavalcade arrived; the "crowd that accompanied it, overpowered the police and the military, and burst open the gates, at which it entered. The Lord Mayor was received with "marks of disapprobation by the incalculable crowd that surrounded the Palace

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"and those in the trees. The Aldermen were received with three huzzas; Al"derman Wood experienced unbounded applause, his carriage being drawn from "Holborn to the door of the Palace by men. The Common Councilmen who attended on the occasion, did not appear in that character, but merely as Liverymen. Among them Mr. Waithman was discovered, and he was received "with loud huzzas. The Lord Mayor, Aldermen, &c. were shown into the "small dining-room, between the grand dining-room and the drawing-room. "The procession consisted of the two City Marshals, in their state uniforms, on "horseback; the state carriage, and six bays, in which was the Lord Mayor, the "Mace-bearer, the Sword of State, and his Lordship's Chaplain; Aldermen "Combe, Wood, Goodbehere, and Heygate; Sheriff Blades and the City Remem"brancer, Mr. Sheriff Hoy and his Chaplain; the Chamberlain, the Comptroller, "the Solicitor, the Town Clerk, and about 150 of the Livery, in their gowns. It occupied exactly half an hour the setting down from their carriages. It being "announced to the Princess that the whole were arrived, Her Royal Highness "entered from a back anti-room into the grand dining-room, and took her sta "tion at the upper end of the room, with her back to a large marble slab, "before a large looking-glass; Ladies Charlotte Lindsey, Charlotte Campbell, "and Lady Anne Hamilton, Her Royal Highness's ladies in waiting, stood to her "right hand; and Mr. St. Leger, her Vice- Chamberlain, and Mr. H. S. Fox, "on her left. The Town Clerk, in the absence of the Recorder, approached the "Princess, and read the following Address:

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“The humble Address of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Livery of the City of "London, in Common Hall assembled.

"May it please your Royal Highness,

"We. His Majesty's loyal subjects, the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Livery of "the City of London, in Common Hall assembled, bearing in mind those senti"ments of profound veneration and ardent affection with which we hailed the "arrival of your Royal Highness in this country, humbly beseech your Royal "Highness to receive our assurances, that in the hearts of the citizens of London, "those sentiments have never experienced diminution or change.

"Deeply interested in every event connected with the stability of the throne "of this Kingdom, under the sway of the House of Brunswick; tenderly alive to "every circumstance affecting the personal welfare of every branch of that "illustrious House, we have felt indignation and abhorrence inexpressible, upon "the disclosure of that foul and detestable conspiracy which, by perjured and "suborned traducers, has been carried on against your Royal Highness's honour " and life.

"The veneration for the laws, the moderation, the forbearance, the frankness, "the magnanimity, which your Royal Highness has so eminently displayed under "circumstances so trying, and during a persecution of so long a duration; these, "while they demand an expression of our unbounded applause, cannot fail to "excite in us a confident hope, that under the sway of your illustrious and be"loved daughter, our children will enjoy all the benefits of so bright an example; " and we humbly beg permission most unfeignedly to assure your Royal High"ness, that, as well for the sake of our country, as from a sense of justice and “ duty, we shall always feel, and be ready to give proof of the most anxious soli"citude for your Royal Highness's health, prosperity and happiness.

"The Address was then delivered to Her Royal Highness, who read the follow"ing answer.

"I thank you for your loyal and affectionate Address. It is to me the greatest "consolation to learn, that during so many years of unmerited persecution, not"withstanding the active and persevering dissemination of the most deliberate "calumnies against me, the kind and favourable sentiments with which they did "me the honour to approach me on my arrival in this country, have undergone "neither diminution nor change in the hearts of the citizens of London.

The sense of indignation and abhorrence you express against the foul and "detestable conspiracy which by perjured and suborned traducers has been "carried on against my life and honour, is worthy of you, and most gratifying "to me. It must be duly appreciated by every branch of that illustrious House

"with which I am so closely connected by blood and marriage; the personal "welfare of every one of whom must have been affected by the success of such "atrocious machinations.

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"The consciousness of my innocence has supported me through my long, severe, and unmerited trials; your approbation of my conduct under them is a "reward for all my sufferings.

"I shall not lose any opportunity I may be permitted to enjoy, of encouraging "the talents and virtues of my dear daughter, the Princess Charlotte; and I shall "impress upon her mind my full sense of the obligation conferred upon me by "this spontaneous act of your justice and generosity.

"She will therein clearly perceive the value of that free Constitution, which, "in the natural course of events, it will be her high destiny to preside over, and "her sacred duty to maintain, which allows no one to sink under oppression; "and she will ever be bound to the City of London in ties proportioned to the "strength of that filial attachment I have had the happiness uniformly to expe"rience from her.

"Be assured, that the cordial and convincing proof you have thus given of "your solicitude for my prosperity and happiness, will be cherished in grat "remembrance by me to the latest moment of my life, and the distinguished pro"ceeding adopted by the first city of this great empire, will be considered by posterity as a proud memorial of my vindicated honour.


"Her Royal Highness read the answer with great propriety, feeling, and dignity; and some particular passages, upon which any comment would be unnecessary, were marked with a peculiar sentiment and emphasis.

"Immediately after the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs had kissed her Royal High"ness's hand, and while the Livery were pressing forward to enjoy the same "honour, she seemed slightly agitated; but she almost instantaneously recovered "herself, and exclaimed, 'I beg, gentlemen, that you may not hurry: you will "have plenty of time.' Mr. Alderman Wood remained in conversation a con"siderable time with Her Royal Highness; noticing to the Princess the most "prominent characters as they had the honour of kissing her hand. The apartment in which Her Royal Highness received the deputation of the Livery was so very close to the Gardens, where thousands were assembled, that many persons near the windows could see her Royal Highness's person distinctly. "After the departure of the Livery, Her Royal Highness condescendingly went to both the doors, accompanied by her attendants, and curtsied to the “ assembled multitude. Her Royal Highness afterwards presented herself fron "the balcony on the first floor, where she was also received with great acclama"tions, and after remaining there a short time, she retired to her private "apartments, and had a select party to dine.


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The carriages of the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs were drawn round into the "Duke of Kent's yard, where his Lordship and his friends took their seats, "and returned to town in the same order they had come.

"Mr. Alderman Wood was, as before, drawn by the populace, and was "greeted by the exulting shouts of the spectators, who lined the roads and "filled the windows as he passed.

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Upon the arrival of the carriage of the Lord Mayor at Park-lane, he ordered it to turn up, in defiance of the cries' To Carlton House,' which burst from all "quarters-he was followed by the two Sheriffs; and in his retreat encountered "the strongest marks of indignation from the crowd, who groaned, hissed, and "pelted his carriage, and that of the Sheriffs, with mud, as long as they were "in view.


، The remaining part of the procession, at the head of which was Mr. Alder66 man Wood's carriage, proceeded down Piccadilly, cheered as they went, and "saluted by all who passed, with the most marked respect. The streets were “ lined with Gentlemen's carriages, from the windows of which the innates "waved their handkerchiefs, and gave other demonstrations of pleasure. As "Alderman Wood's carriage passed the house of Sir Francis Burdett, three "cheers were given in honour of the worthy Baronet, for the part he had taken "in the vindication of Her Royal Highness. The Procession then pursued the "line of St. James's-street into Pall Mall, where, on passing Carlton House, “ which they did with unusual speed, some groans and expressions of disappro"bation were uttered, but no act of violence or impropriety was committed. It "next proceeded to Charing-cross, through the Strand, Fleet-street, Ludgate

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