




Letter of Mr. Webster, Secretary of State, to same, dated October

[blocks in formation]

Letter of Mr. Crittenden, acting Secretary of State, to same, dated
September 30, 1851..

[blocks in formation]

Same to Mr. Barringer, American minister at Madrid, dated Octo-
ber 6, 1851..

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Memorandum of a conversation between Mr. Crittenden, acting Sec-
retary of State, and Mr. Crampton, chargé d'affaires of Great
Britain, in relation to Cuba..

[blocks in formation]

Letter of Mr. Crampton, British minister, to Mr. Webster, dated No-
vember 12, 1851, with a copy of a despatch from Lord Palmer-
ston, dated October 22, 1851.


Letter of Mr. Crittenden, acting Secretary of State, to Mr. Sartiges,
minister of France, dated October 22, 1851.

[blocks in formation]

Letter of French minister to acting Secretary of State, dated Octo-
ber 22, 1851.....

[blocks in formation]

Letter of Mr. Webster, Secretary of State, to French minister, dated
November 18, 1851.....

[blocks in formation]

Proclamation of the President of the United States, relative to the
insurrection in the Mexican State of Tamaulipas..

[blocks in formation]
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Letter of Sir H. L. Bulwer, minister of Great Britain, to Mr. Web-
ster, Secretary of State, dated March 1851
Letter of Mr. Derrick, chief clerk of the State Department, to the
British minister, dated March 29, 1852...

[blocks in formation]

Letter of the British minister to Mr. Webster, Secretary of State, da-
ted June 24, 1851.....





Letter of Mr. Crampton, minister of Great Britain, to Mr. Buchanan,
Secretary of State, dated January 13, 1848..

[blocks in formation]

Letter of Mr. Clayton, Secretary of State, to Mr. Crampton, minister
of Great Britain, dated October 25, 1849.

[blocks in formation]

Letter of instructions from Secretary of War to General Persifer F.
Smith, April 30, 1851..

[blocks in formation]

Report of Colonel Cooper, assistant Adjutant General and acting in-
spector, to Adjutant General Jones, dated June 14, 1851.....
Report of Colonel Hardee to Major Deas, assistant adjutant general
at San Antonio, dated August 29, 1851.....

[blocks in formation]

Instructions of Secretary of War to Colonel Sumner, dated April 1,

[blocks in formation]

Report of Colonel Monroe to Adjutant General Jones, dated March
30, 1851..

[blocks in formation]

Report of Governor Calhoun, of New Mexico, to the Secretary of
War, dated August 31, 1851........

[blocks in formation]



Report of General P. F. Smith to Adjutant General Jones, dated
March 1, 1851...

[blocks in formation]

Instructions of Secretary of War to General Hitchcock, dated May
3, 1851...

Reply of Secretary of War to Governor McDougal, dated April 30,

Letter of Governor McDougal, of California, to the President of the
United States, dated March 1, 1851.....

[blocks in formation]


Letter of Governor Gaines, of Oregon, to the President of the United
States, dated June 13, 1851.

[blocks in formation]

Letter of General Lane to Governor Gaines, of same date...
Letter of Governor Gaines to the Secretary of War, June 19, 1851.
Letter of Mr. Graham, Acting Secretary of War, to Governor Gaines,

[blocks in formation]

Report of Adjutant General Jones on Governor Gaines' letter, Sep-
tember 1, 1851..............

[blocks in formation]

Report of General Hitchcock to Secretary of War, October 25, 1851..
Report of Major Allen to Colonel Thomas, deputy quartermaster
general, October 30, 1851 .....

[blocks in formation]

Letter of Governor Gaines to Secretary of War, September 28, 1851





Letter of Governor Brown, of Florida, to Secretary of War, dated
February 13, 1851

[blocks in formation]

Copy of an act of the Florida legislature providing for the final re-
moval of the Indians, &c....

[blocks in formation]

Letter of Secretary of War to the Governor of Florida, March 21,

[blocks in formation]

Letter of Secretary of the Interior to Secretary of War, April 12,

1851, enclosing a letter from Commissioner of Indian Affairs,
dated April 11, 1851.....

[blocks in formation]

Letter of Secretary of War to Secretary of the Interior, dated April
15, 1851..

[blocks in formation]

Order of Secretary of War to Captain Casey, special agent at Tampa,

[blocks in formation]

Report of the colonel of engineers of the army in relation to fortifi-

cations, &c., for 1851.



Report of bureau of topographical engineers in relation to the survey
of the lakes, harbors, &c., with estimates...

[blocks in formation]

Report of the colonel of ordnance for 1851
Report of the Third Auditor of the Treasury department, with a state-
ment, showing the number of quarter-yearly accounts of dis-
bursing etticers and agents presented in each of the last three
years ending September 39, 1851, which remain unsettled and
which will not be included in the annual report to be made to
the comptroller under acts of 1809 and 1817.......





Accompanying documents, viz:

List of deaths, resignations and dismissions in the navy since last

Report of Lieutenant De Haven relating to the expedition to the
Arctic seas in search of the British commander Sir John
Franklin and his companions....

Report of a board of engineers of the army, being a survey and
examination of the Memphis navy-yard....

Letter of Engineer Isherwood, of the navy, relating to improvements
in the boilers of the steam frigate Mississippi.

Report of the board of examiners in relation to the condition, police,
&c., of the naval academy at Annapolis, Md.....
Letter of the superintendent of the naval observatory relating to the
advantages of his wind and current charts to vessels sailing
from the Atlantic to ports in the Pacific....

Report of commissioners appointed to examine condensers for sup-
plying the boilers of marine engines with fresh water.....
Report of Professor Page relating to his experiments on the applica-
tion of electro-magnetism as a motive power in mechanics.
Letter of Professor Espy relating to meteorological observations.
Detailed estimates of office of Secretary of the Navy and report of
Lieutenant Davis, superintendent of the nautical almanac....
Report and detailed estimates of chief of the bureau of Construction,
Equipment and Repair......

Report and detailed estimates of chief of the Bureau of Ordnance and
Hydrography, including hydrographic office, naval observatory
and naval academy....

Report and detailed estimates of chief of the Bureau of Navy Yards
and Docks....

Report and detailed estimates of the chief of the Bureau of Provisions
and Clothing...........

cine and Surgery.

Report, with detailed estimate, of the chief of the Bureau of Medi-

Report of the commandant of the marine corps, with detailed, esti-
mates from the pay and quartermasters of the corps..
Aggregate of estimates for navy proper, marine corps, special objects,
improvement and repairs of navy yards, hospitals and magazines
General estimates for the office of Secretary of the Navy and the
several bureaus of the Navy Department.

General estimate for the southwest executive building

General estimate for the support of the navy....
General estimate for the support of the marine corps.

General estimates for special objects under the control of the Navy

Statement of the expenditures under the head of contingent expenses,
as settled at the office of the Fourth Auditor of the Treasury
Department, for the year ending June 30, 1851...

Statement of the appropriations for the naval service, viz., balances
on hand July 1, 1850; appropriations for the fiscal year 1850–51;
amounts drawn from the Treasury during the fiscal year 1850–51;
and balances on hand June 30, 1851....

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No. Page.

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Accompanying documents, viz:

Table of mail service for the year ending June 30, 1851
Statement of the number of post offices and length of post roads in
the United States, the annual amount paid for mail transporta-
tion, and of receipts and expenditures of the Post Office De-
partment at periods of five years, from 1790 to 1835......
Statement of the number of post offices, length of mail routes, extent
of mail transportation in the United States, and receipts and
expenditures of the Post Office Department, under appropriate
heads, in each year from 1840 to 1851, inclusive...

Statement of receipts and expenditures of the Post Office Depart-
ment, under their several heads, for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 1851......

Statements of amount of funds paid directly into the Treasury and
into the several post office depositories.....
Statements of dead letters containing money and other articles and
the disposition of them....

Statement of the number of mail routes, contractors, route agents,
local agents, and mail messengers, at the close of the contract
year ending June 30, 1851..
Statement of mail service in the southern section, for the year ending
June 30, 1851..

Statement of mail service on railroads, as in operation Oct. 1, 1851...
Statement of mail service in steamboats as in operation Oct. 1, 1851.
Statement of United States mail service abroad, as in operation Oct.
1, 1851..

Statement of total annual transportation of mails, and annual cost of
transportation from 1842 to 1851, both inclusive, with the
amount of cost per mile..

Statement of the amount paid for mail transportation and the net
revenue arising from postages in each State and Territory for
the fiscal year ending June 30, 1851 ....


Accompanying documents, viz :

Tabular statement of expenses of the judiciary, showing the increase
thereof over the increase of population.

Tabular statement of salaries of the district judges of the United

Letter of acting Comptroller of the Treasury, in relation to the manner
of auditing the accounts of the officers of the federal courts...
Letter of Comptroller of the Treasury in relation to the statutes pre-
scribing fees, &c., in the Territories of New Mexico, Utah,
Oregon and Minnesota

Letter of the Comptroller of the Treasury, in relation to accounts of
officers of the federal courts of the United States....

Annual report of the Commissioner of the General Land Office...
Report of the Superintendent of the Census Board...

Annual report of the Commissioner of Pensions.

Annual report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs..

Communicating information in relation to the firing into and seizure
of the American steamship Prometheus

Communicating a despatch from Mr. Niles, late chargé d'affaires to
Sardinia, on the subject of a ship canal to unite the waters of
the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.....

[blocks in formation]


In relation to the free navigation of the St. Lawrence, St. John and
other large rivers; and the free enjoyment of the British North
American fisheries by citizens of the United States....
Communicating a resolution of the legislative council of Canada, ex-
pressive of its satisfaction for the donations of Congress and
the legislatures of Vermont and New York, in aid of the re-con-
struction of the library of the Canadian parliament......
Communicating a report from the Secretary of State, urging an early
appropriation to pay the instalment due to Mexico under the
treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo......
Communicating the correspondence between the Department of State
and the United States minister at Paris, respecting the late po-
litical occurrences in France....
Communicating the correspondence with the British government in
relation to the attack on the American steamer Prometheus by
the British brig-of-war Express......
Communicating the annual report of the Director of the Mint....
Communicating the report of the architect for the extension of the
Capitol, showing the condition and progress of the public works
under his charge.....

Communicating a report of the Secretary of the Interior respecting
the delay and difficulty in making the apportionment among
the States of the representatives of the thirty-third Congress...
In relation to the mission of Mr. Balestier, late United States consul
at Singapore, in Eastern Asia.....
Transmitting for the revision of Congress, a copy of rules and regula-
tions for masters, &c., of United States vessels at the free
ports of China

Communicating information in relation to the extension of the Capitol
Communicating certain official documents relative to the Empire of
Japan and serving to illustrate the existing relations between
the United States and Japan..

In relation to the state of affairs in Oregon, growing out of a conflict
of opinion among the authorities of that Territory in regard to
the location of the seat of government therein.....
Communicating papers in relation to the claim of Samuel A. Bel-
den & Co......

Communicating a report of the Secretary of State, accompanied by a
letter from the Spanish minister, claiming indemnity for Span-
ish subjects who sustained injury in the popular tumult at New
Orleans in August 1851.......

Communicating the correspondence of the American chargé d'affaires
at Vienna with the Department of State, on the subject of the
apprehension and imprisonment, by the Austrian authorities, of
the Rev. Charles L. Brace, an American citizen...
Communicating correspondence with Mr. Hulsemann, late chargé
d'affaires of the Emperor of Austria, on the occasion of his
withdrawal from his place as chargé d'affaires.....

Communicating correspondence between the governments of the United
States and Mexico respecting a right of way for a railroad and
canal across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec

In relation to the fisheries on the coast of the British possessions in
North America..

Communicating information in relation to the controversies between
the United States consul at Acapulco, in Mexico, and the Mexi-
can authorities.....

Communicating the correspondence between the governments of the
United States and Peru, regarding the Lobos islands, (parts
1 and 2)......
ommunicating the correspondence of R. M. Walsh, Esq., while
acting as a special agent of the United States in the Island of
St. Domingo...、

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